ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 33

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It entered my mind when I saw that there were five females living in that rental property.
My thought of ‘bugged’ was cameras inside that are unknown to the renters, observed by a creepy contractor or owner of the property.
There could also be audio footage
Creepy stuff of nightmares, one sick perv, but not fiction

This is one such case in Florida where a landlord was allegedly filming female tenants.

Yes, I think a TV network who deals in quality sound would be able to enhance the audio and determine what was said.
There are three voices
The male speaks a sentence before the female voices begin.
What the TV Network does with that information- who knows.
Based on the interview with SG it sounds like the families have had this video for some time, so it is just new news to us.
It be enhanced and on someone’s channel today I expect.


An audio production tool like Izotope RX10 could not only reduce the noise but also extract text from an audio file, providing it wasn't too degraded. The original source recording, not something processed through TV or YouTube would of course be best. TV station might have it, as would anyone doing music production.

Here's an example of what I'm thinking of:

Moo, of course.
Good post. Agree it was an older killer. I think it was planned, not spur-of-the-moment. No cell. Gloves. Has disposed of evidence, including weapon. Not even sure of a motive - just an opportunity and a distorted mind. Reference Richard Speck who stabbed 8 nurses mass killing Chicago 1966. He did not know any of them, did not stalk them. These people are out there, living among us.
Speck did stalk the nurses previously (day before)from the water fountain in the park behind the apartment complex.
Let’s say they did find some footprints of some kind across the floor and coming out of the house. How would those be collected and protected from the door of the house on the porch and into the yard and across the yard?
Swabs of trace?
Photograph images?
Evidently whatever was collected has been done, and no more collection is expected as the path of travel is not marked off in any way. It has basically gone back to nature.

As I’ve not seen anything resembling a focus in the yard, I’m thinking there must not have been anything obvious?? No markers with numbers as is typical
Maybe I missed it? I agree with you that it would seem likely, but I just didn’t see anyone report that such evidence was or had been collected.

footprints into the yard and across the yard?

muddy or bloody partial prints on dry leaves ( it hadn't snowed overnight, didn't snow for a few days longer after the crimes)
footprints in mud or earth ( cast in situ with wax and then with that dental rock material, can also be taken from snow prints)

They did have a look at the yard, within the taped-off area and went into the undergrowth under the trees but it wasn't a search search. A few LEO walked what they thought might have been a route out back. I recall seeing it on US TV later.

19th they sent the woman with the K9 through. ( I assume blood only)

Also if you have a creeper, voyeur type killer - somebody you suspect might have watched the housemates over a period of time from the dark wooded yard at the back - you'd want to look for any evidence left from him being at a favourite peeping spot. ( maybe they already did this)
About the criticism of seasoned professionals offering their insight into the psychopathic murderer, I don’t agree that they are starting rumors or innuendo.
I would argue instead that the absence of some kind of Profile would be warranted at this stage.
What could possibly cause more fear? Folks young and old are looking over their shoulders, wondering if that guy or that guy or that woman could be the Offender or accomplice.

This was the rational for not releasing a Profile 2 weeks after the murders, interview with Snell 11/27:
"Obviously, you've got somebody that's on the loose right now. There's a lot of fear with the public based on what you guys have been able to collect. And you have profilers on the team, BAU unit is here, why not go ahead and release that profile?" Jones asked.

The Idaho police communications director answered: "It will potentially put more fear, more suspicion on a wide variety of people versus if we use that to really refine where we're at in our investigation. I think that will be more pertinent."

He added: "And so if we just provide information to the public, I just don't think that that's going to be a wise choice."

I don’t think the seasoned professionals are intending to be the source of rumors, nor am I judging, still anyone watching the case can see that rumors and speculations are coming out of what these professionals say. That is how we come to watch these ex professionals- MSM is asking them to share their speculations based on their experience- none of them are involved in the investigation of this case.
That Is the nature of the beast- media, and LE holding the facts, experts out there with insight, and the curious nature of the public.

And then PD asks for tips from the public who does not know what is meant by a credible tip!
Tip means sharing first hand info, I saw this, I know this person, I have a video of this, I know this person drives this

Social media thinks a Tip is…
I saw so and so on MSM and they said… and I’ve been thinking…so I have this ‘theory’ and want to help PD out.
Funny, not funny
Let’s say they did find some footprints of some kind across the floor and coming out of the house. How would those be collected and protected from the door of the house on the porch and into the yard and across the yard?
Swabs of trace?
Photograph images?
Evidently whatever was collected has been done, and no more collection is expected as the path of travel is not marked off in any way. It has basically gone back to nature.

As I’ve not seen anything resembling a focus in the yard, I’m thinking there must not have been anything obvious?? No markers with numbers as is typical
Maybe I missed it? I agree with you that it would seem likely, but I just didn’t see anyone report that such evidence was or had been collected.

I noticed the lack of evidence markers in the yard too (left or right side, and the driveway too).
I'm thinking it may be because he didn't exit that way. JMO

-or come that way. JMO
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When will LE bite the bullet and release the DNA profile? I can see ego drawing this out for decades.
Pretty sure they are working on it themselves.
They are the investigators after all.

They're the only people who need that information right now.
It's none of our business unless they choose to make it so.

I can respect that.

Realistically what can anybody do with the DNA profile of a mass murderer?

We do not have power to arrest or take vengeance.

Nor are we entitled to that.
footprints into the yard and across the yard?

muddy or bloody partial prints on dry leaves ( it hadn't snowed overnight, didn't snow for a few days longer after the crimes)
footprints in mud or earth ( cast in situ with wax and then with that dental rock material, can also be taken from snow prints)

They did have a look at the yard, within the taped-off area and went into the undergrowth under the trees but it wasn't a search search. A few LEO walked what they thought might have been a route out back. I recall seeing it on US TV later.

19th they sent the woman with the K9 through. ( I assume blood only)

Also if you have a creeper, voyeur type killer - somebody you suspect might have watched the housemates over a period of time from the dark wooded yard at the back - you'd want to look for any evidence left from him being at a favourite peeping spot. ( maybe they already did this)
Yes I saw pictures of them walking around pointing, and the dog, but not evidence markers showing where a physical item was dropped, like blood or prints, or cigarette butt.

A voyeur/ stalker waiting for their opportunity and would not know when everyone was going to come home. It seems they waited for things to settle and everyone to go to sleep.
Where did they wait? If they were outside they were there for a while, they may snack or carry a drink, smoke, have to pee in the woods, have a sitting spot the like and a path to it and back to their car or home.
If they didn’t wait outside then they sat in a car- or live close by, or have a camera somewhere that gives them info on the comings and goings.

Maybe they collected evidence of such happenings and I missed it, or maybe they looked for them and didn‘t find any to collect? I don’t know

that would mean she got 40K new followers on IG? that doesn't make sense but maybe.

editing to add that Maddie's IG was at around 6k last time I checked. for kg's to increase 40k while Maddie's didn't, that's what doesn't make sense to me. also, tik Tok was double almost from iG. so I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that doesn't make sense to me, and I'd need to see the numbers to make sense of it.
Same thing happened to Gabby Petito after the case broke. It was talked about on WS. I think there was so much initial speculation that KG was the target, folks began to follow her in support (there was talk here of getting GP's SM the following it didn't get when she was alive) and also as a bookmark to see who else was commenting/following.
Pretty sure they are working on it themselves.
They are the investigators after all.

They're the only people who need that information right now.
It's none of our business unless they choose to make it so.

I can respect that.

Realistically what can anybody do with the DNA profile of a mass murderer?

We do not have power to arrest or take vengeance.

Nor are we entitled to that.

Maybe by DNA profile they are thinking of a sketch of physical traits based on the DNA profile?
I’ve seen a few cases where a description was released

Yes, I think a TV network who deals in quality sound would be able to enhance the audio and determine what was said.
There are three voices
The male speaks a sentence before the female voices begin.
What the TV Network does with that information- who knows.
Based on the interview with SG it sounds like the families have had this video for some time, so it is just new news to us.
It be enhanced and on someone’s channel today I expect.

Imvho, the male voices in the beginning were off camera from a different group of individuals. As for the voice that has been alternately attributed to a low pitched female or high pitched male, I defer to SG. He knows MM's voice and believes it to be hers. That's good enough for me. I originally thought it was male but after looping it many times, it sounds more female to me.
that would mean she got 40K new followers on IG? that doesn't make sense but maybe.

editing to add that Maddie's IG was at around 6k last time I checked. for kg's to increase 40k while Maddie's didn't, that's what doesn't make sense to me. also, tik Tok was double almost from iG. so I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that doesn't make sense to me, and I'd need to see the numbers to make sense of it.
I think the bigger issue than the number of followers is that the account is public.. anyone can see her posts without being a follower. If a person never 'liked' or commented on any posts, K would have never known who they were and that they were watching. I am not as familiar with the other SM sites, but that is how I understand Instagram to work.

A stalker could watch public SM posts, learn much about the person's routine, location, etc and develop an 'obsession' and they wouldn't even know. I think this is an important lesson for people to learn. I'm NOT blaming the victims because this seems to be very common among SM users.

I'm not sure any of this played a role here, but it could definitely be the case that one or more victims had an unknown stalker on SM.
I don’t think any of the housemates were there, doesn’t someone have to ring Maddie to get the house under control, you wouldn’t ring someone who is already at the house to tell them to quiet the house down. LE asks to speak to a resident of the home & the person answered that there were no residents currently at the home. I find this really odd, I personally haven’t been to a party whilst the people who resided there weren’t home. MOO
Yes I’m pretty sure the girl who answered the door on the Sept 1 disturbing the peace call to 911 was one of the survivors.
We don’t know where Maddie was, she could have been upstairs or at the neighbor’s house or at her bf home, or out of town.
What is interesting is they deferred to her, because of her age most likely. If K had moved out, Madee was the oldest and the only one of the roommates that was legal to drink.

Thank you! I'll go see if I can find it.
Here's a link from the NYP where you can see the Jack in the Box bag with Xana's name on it (scroll down). No date or time or receipt is visible. I attached a screen grab here as well.
Realistically what can anybody do with the DNA profile of a mass murderer?
Crowd sourced genetic genealogy. Look, it doesn't need to be crowd sourced. There are ample forensic genealogists that can do the work, within LE and volunteer organizations. However, there are quite a few of us on the sidelines with the necessary experience that are itching to get the case. And it could probably be solved within a week. That is, if they have DNA that they are sure, and can prove in court, belongs to the perp.
Exactly. And if I were a roommate in the house and awoke to silence - especially after calling out their names or trying to open a door…and came upon a scene which looked frightening and alarming…I’d think the person responsible may still be INSIDE OF THE HOME. Apparently none of them “cleared” the home before calling support (friends) to come over and try to wake the sleeping or unconscious roomates? Did they see any blood? Did they actually find them much EARLIER in the morning - but wait to call the police out of fear? Did they think drugs or fentanyl was involved? Did they suspect an intruder? The whole thing seems so shady and sketchy. JMOHO
I had not thought about the timing of when they could have seen them and when they called.
If they saw someone laying on the floor they may have assumed asleep, passed out And left them to sleep.
Later when they came back up they may have called their name and noticed no response.

We do know the two survivors stayed downstairs. We don’t know if they were alone Or had friends stay over.
We do know, at least IME that when a female roommate has a guy stay the night, you leave them alone. Guy roommates are not as respectful- they may walk in on a couple.
Female roommates leave couples alone if they are in a bedroom.
This could be one reason they didn’t bother E and X, they were being respectful

What I’m not sure of- how often did E stay over? How long had X and B and D been living together to establish routines and ’rules’?

I don’t think any of the housemates were there, doesn’t someone have to ring Maddie to get the house under control, you wouldn’t ring someone who is already at the house to tell them to quiet the house down. LE asks to speak to a resident of the home & the person answered that there were no residents currently at the home. I find this really odd, I personally haven’t been to a party whilst the people who resided there weren’t home. MOO

the write-up by LE was included at the link. Describes whereabouts of five girls as witnessed by LE
We have been discussing two groups of potential killers, jealous exes (crime of passion) and incels who are hating all women. But there is a third group, not too popular, repressed guys with whom popular girls could have very brief flings. It happens; either the girls want to evoke jealousy in their exes, or just was in the cards. And then the guy is all ready for a relationship, but the girl soon gets back together with her BF.

IMHO, this could cause so much hatred, especially if a guy feels that he was used. And the truth is, this is the group that could totally fly under the radar. Either no one noticed because it was too short, or the one who could remember is dead, too.

I think it could happen with any girl, and maybe not disgruntled exes but potentially, these very brief relationships should be in the focus. Of course exes can commit crimes of passion, but likewise, they have something to hope for. Of incels, I think the biggest loners could stand out, not everyone. But “in love, then hopeless” guys can be very dangerous, JMO.
I think there is a strong possibility that LE is looking into the backgrounds of the surviving roommates and their relationships with the deceased. Happens in may murder investigations.
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