ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 35

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I'd really like to know the answer to this. Or if any other storage/recording devices were missing.
Is it not known to the public, or is it just you are as scant on the details as I am? :)
A hell of a battle confined to a small bedroom? But, died in their sleep? Defensive wounds? Dad says Kaylee and Maddie were killed in their bed. Coroner says "some" victims were killed in their beds. So, which ones weren't killed in their beds. The killer had a hell of a battle with the second floor victims, and THEN went up to the third floor?

"Although the coroner told Goncalves that the victims died quickly and did not suffer, he said he's not convinced.

Kernodle, who had defensive wounds, and Chapin were found on the second floor of 1122 King Road. "It was a hell of a battle going on down there from what the coroner told us," Goncalves said. "

"It was a hell of a battle going on down there from what the coroner told us," Goncalves said. "


Regarding the presumed odor of blood, as a Coroner, I worked scenes that had multiple victims, and unless it’s at the height of summer, it is not the case that copious amounts of blood produce a detectable odor throughout a residence. Decomposition is variable and dependent on many factors, including temperature and humidity. I’ve investigated extremely graphic scenes that were absent the odor of blood.
Oh wow thank you.
I'm leaning this way (personal/unplanned) as well. Long-simmering tension, perhaps something happened earlier that night that meant something might come to a head soon. Fight at a frat? Drugs? Someone got caught cheating on a bf? Some beer/drug-fueled rage over a situation, not necessarily one person, that they acted on. Students who knew the house. Maybe someone tipped them off as to when everyone was home and the house was relatively quiet.

It makes the most sense.
I can't imagine someone planning this. Its actually quite a densely populated area for a suburb of a small town. There's lots of apartments and houses just meters away.
Also a house with 5 occupants, a dog and potentially bfs also.

We can see from the bodycam footage that there was plenty of people milling about although I suspect the murders happened closer to 4 am than 3am.
3am isn't that late for a Saturday night considering bars close at 2am.

Most serial killers pick easy targets like hitchhikers, sex workers, children, people living alone, walking alone. If you don't want to be caught, you pick these type of targets. Not a high risk target like this. One loud scream from whoever was the first victim and it's game over.

I think it's rage induced, vengeful, personal, unplanned. Rage impairs judgement. Alcohol also.

This is a good thing from the perspective of LE as it's a narrower list of suspects.

People say it was meticulously planned because no hard evidence left behind. But how hard is it to out on gloves and a mask.

I think it's probable the perp has experience with knives. A hunter who's accustomed to dressing animals.

MPD Press Log 12/20/2022​

22-M10972 Civil Calls
Incident Address : W 3RD ST; The Storage Spot
Disposition : CLO
Time Reported: 14:33
Cad Comments:
Officer responded. No report.

22-M10973 VIN Number Inspection
Incident Address : N VAN BUREN ST; City Shop
Disposition : CLO
Time Reported: 15:00
Cad Comments:
Officer requested case. No report.
Also from that log:

22-M10966 Harassment
Incident Address : MOSCOW
Disposition : CLO
Time Reported: 13:05
Cad Comments:
RP's information has been posted online in reference to the homicides case
because RP used to live there. Officer contacted. No report.

And a harassment call about a male threatening neighbors and security on the 1100 block of kings rd…

Outside of SG relaying that information has there been any other mention of a "hell of a battle?"
X’s father has stated the same. LE said “some had defensive wounds” which doesn’t necessarily equate to “hell of a battle” but does corroborate their accounts IMO

Is it not known to the public, or is it just you are as scant on the details as I am? :)
This information has not been released yet
Indeed. And to completely amplify this, it’s having to defend themselves from the most unlikely of detractors – the very people who they are trying to help. LE represents the voices of the deceased for whom they are trying to obtain justice. Do you know how many hours all of these people have put in trying to get this case, not just solved, but to get a conviction? And to have their every move denigrated, publicly scorned every day on TV by one of the families of the victims which in turn then feeds the beast of the cable channels that feed off of anti-LE sentiment, over and over every day.

And the ones who I feel even more for are the family members of other victims who are having to sit and watch the circus every day and realizing that the people that they are relying upon to help get them justice are being ridiculed and antagonized them every day. LE Is in a position to have to put out statements to defend themselves from accusations. How awful for the other victims’ families having to want to put distance between themselves and all those criticisms.
LE are not the victims and family members of the slain are not the bad guys.
Good article with lots of info about the house, occupants and neighborhood.

At 1122 King Road in Moscow sits a gray six-bedroom, three-bathroom house that continues to be the source of significant national attention. Known as a student rental, the home’s most recent tenants were a group of six University of Idaho undergraduates who signed a 12-month lease that began on June 5, according to the property management firm that oversees the home.
David Janssen, 32, a former U of I graduate student who said he’s a five-year tenant of an apartment complex adjacent to the rental home, confirmed that fraternity and sorority members appear to dominate the tightly packed neighborhood.

The surrounding Greek life environment contributed to what those familiar with the neighborhood, including Janssen, described in interviews with the Statesman as a loud party culture in the conjoined dead-end streets of King and Queen roads. “This has always been a party place since I’ve lived here — always,” said Sean Hundley, 34, a nearly lifelong Moscow resident, and maintenance person for the adjacent apartment complex. The tenants of the King Road house had received three noise complaints for loud music since August, according to a Statesman review of Moscow police reports. Two came on the same night in early September from separate neighbors in two single-family homes, each about a quarter-mile away, on the street located above the valley where the King Road house sits.
Its obvious the perp didn't want to be caught unlike spree killers who often commit suicide.

So if you don't want to be caught, why choose a target with a high probability of being caught?
So it must've been personal and also unplanned.
That's my logic.

It is clear this killer did not want to get caught
The hunt and thrill of the kill, weapon, dead of night
Planning extensive, not random or spur of the moment driven by a hot head

It seems there are levels of planning, and also distance from the crime
Semi Planned and Close to the Crime
C Watts thought he had planned but was arrested two days after he killed his wife and two daughters. He was messy and obvious, but thought he had a chance not to get caught.
The situation was already in C Watts life, he dealt with what he had.

Planned well and Distant to the Crime?
These murders seem sought out, target hunted and found, and planned
Not part of the persons immediate daily life it seems As All the usual suspects have been looked at and found to be out of the picture
Well planned, sought out a type, a location, vulnerability, yet high risk
Personal in that the type of victims hold meaning, choice of knife vs other weapon

The risk could have been higher- strangling is even more personal, and takes longer, more of a chance for other victims to fight back
Gun would have been high risk due to noise, a silencer was not an option- tough to get? Knife has meaning, slower and messier, higher risk of evidence?
Gun leaves bullets, knife leaves marks on bodies? More about meaning?

Only when this perp is in custody will we truly know the extent of the planning, we are nearing 5 weeks out, how well was the plan for escape?

I don’t know, maddening to think through
Praying for relief for the families, friends, community
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I knew this was coming.
IMO In poor taste
Ugh. Head over to the merch booth to buy your Ka-Bar knife and white hoodie. Get your photo taken by the dripping wall. All sponsored by Hyundai. (Sarcasm of course)

This is just gut wrenching for the families, friends, LE and those with personal ties to these victims and the community in Moscow. If you are one of those who have been affected, nothing but sincere love and empathy now and always. May the good people of the world surround you and serve to protect you as you grieve your beloved loss.
Thank you for saying that.
I agree with this is a possible motive. Scenario: One pair witnessed something that night and because they came home and interacted with the other pair before retiring, there was a possibility that they shared what they witnessed. All four had to be eliminated before they could tell anyone else. Someone who knew them and knew the layout of the house. MOO
IMO, or something was already revealed and this was a revenge killing.
"Defensive wounds" could and portably is, someone weakly raising their arm or trying to grab a knife halfway in them and getting and or forearm cut on knifes blade. It in no way definitively means a fight or even any meaningful struggle. The most likely scenario in my opinion is all four were asleep. The coronors statement looks to me to mean they were all stabbed in their bed. that doesn't exclude someone rolling to floor in death throw. The father is reading in inconsistences where there are none.
we have no evidence that this was any kind of slashing knife fight and that is highly improbable. It is more likely first thrust into each created immense and mortal trauma in and in fact including an exit wound. If the kicker delivered a second wound this doesn't mean a struggle either.
IMHO I feel for the families during this time. I also feel for the many LE individuals who are from multiple areas of enforcement activities and are working tirelessly on this horrible sad case. Not a whole lot has worked easily on this case. Some of these investigators may go home for Christmas but MO is they will be thinking of the families missing their children. As much as I want deep details (because of course I have my on idea and opinion of what went down) I support and accept the need to keep information in order to better understand what they are dealing with and (please) solving this tragic chain of events. Hundreds of possibilities that can't be resolved easily.

There is one item I would love to know. How many salvage yards are in a 100 mile radius and how many have been checked?
I agree with this as a possible motive. Scenario: One pair witnessed something that night and because they came home and interacted with the other pair before retiring, there was a possibility that they shared what they witnessed. All four had to be eliminated before they could tell anyone else. Someone who knew them and knew the layout of the house. MOO

edited grammar
This is a very interesting theory and one that had not crossed my mind.
It is quite possible. Other reality might have interfered. Some people have post-COVID syndrome with poor olfactory functioning; others, severe photic reflex with blocked sinuses in the morning. People should be somewhat aware of the smell, but I would not rely on it. In general, if one woke up, the house is unusually quiet and their roommates don’t answer, one could think, maybe, they are sick, but murder won’t automatically come to one’s mind. All that said it is too sad that random people were called into the house before the police. This is surprisingly immature to say the least.
Agreed. And to clarify, I’m not implying that the roommates would/should necessarily have been aware that murders had taken place due to the smell. I’m saying if there was an associated smell permeating the house after 4 murders by knife, the blood would, IMO, be the least of it
Yes, this is the type of stuff I've been thinking about. This person or persons has to eat, has to sleep. Are they working a job to provide for this? If so, is it the same job as prior to the murders or is it somewhere new? Are they standing over a garbage can fire on a skid row somewhere or watching the NASDAQ index from the penthouse of a swanky high-rise? Have they hung themselves from the rafters of an abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere or are dropping off their kids at school in the mornings? Is it someone in LE or clergy or a multiple felon? A group of teens or a mentally ill transient?

Another thing that I swirl around is what evidence LE have that this was a targeted attack (of some sort)? The splash this crime has had from the beginning and how quickly FBI were called into the investigation leads me to believe IMO there are some weird details from the initial crime scene that public hasn't been privy to yet.
Honestly, I think they're home with their parents for winter break.
We can see from the bodycam footage that there was plenty of people milling about although I suspect the murders happened closer to 4 am than 3am.
3am isn't that late for a Saturday night considering bars close at 2am.

The police bodycam footage is from September 1st, two and a half months before the murders, when police responded to a noise complaint.

There doesn’t seem to have been a party at the house the night of the murder, as all the six had been out in different pairs, and returned at various times in the middle of the night.
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