ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 5

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They were more than ten times more likely to have been sexually assaulted and murdered than simply murdered.
I’m honestly shocked that there was no attempt with these three beautiful women and a middle of the night intruder.
It makes this crime much more strange/odd to me- horrific as it is.
We know there are rapists and sexual deviants who eventually murder- loads of cases on here. Men who are rapists who are known to murder a victim.
I’m sure the loved ones of these lovely young people are relieved there was no sexual assault and I am relieved they didn’t endure that horrid violation as well.
In any case, I can’t wrap my brain around the motive for the murders.
It is a dangerous psychopath who is loose, not a rapist who murdered.
all IMHO of course
That is why I think the girls were not the target.
Maybe the killer ditched his phone around 3am Sunday morn. Maybe the killer showed up just before noon Sunday, found Ethan's body, had to borrow a phone to call 911...
But then he would have to go into the roommates room... That he had not murdered earlier in the day... And use their phone? That just doesn't track IMO, but of course crazier things have happened. I don't know anything lol! So my 2 cents are worth even less than that haha.

It would just be strange to go to the bottom floor to use a phone when the killer had entered the sliding glass door, which is on the second level and directly in front of a wooded area they could easily disappear into and stealthily creep out of. Because then wouldn't the killer be there at the time the cops arrived? Would the girls just have woken up to the cops there and not have realized someone used their phone?

I just can't make sense of it. I truly think it was the girls who made the call... They reported their friend unconscious because they knew they were all out drinking that night, and probably worried more about them being afflicted with alcohol poisoning than murder. But even that raises questions. Perhaps the presser is providing more information about the call today -- that would make sense, so they could put some speculation to rest. And also help deflect any attention from particular "J" people who have been under intense scrutiny the past 2 days.
I was originally thinking that but in my mind “party” is sustained noise multiple people talking, etc…. And the murders happened while people were sleeping so it was quiet(er). So I think the “party” might have been all 4 coming home at the same time (maybe with others no yet named)-does that make senseor
This is a great find @andalso. I can’t believe that there has not been more discussion about this incident.

Who pulls a knife on a group of sorority sisters? Am I correct in thinking this happened at 7:47 pm on the same day as the murders?

Wonder if LE knows who this man was, and if not, is there a composite, cctv, etc,?

All jmo
it was not the same day. it was in september.
No sexual assault could indicate a female killer. Just another wrinkle maybe.

Can you imagine the DNA collected from that house?

Various roommates coming and going, friends visiting, parties etc. The forensic logistics are probably a nightmare.

I made a map of the relevant locations, including the area LE is requesting surveillance footage from and the store LE visited to inquire about recent sales of Ka-Bar style knives.

I will update it as new information is released.
This article references two items of interest that are new (to me, anyway) !

The first is that (paraphrasing here) the phone call was made from a survivor and not a person who didn't live there, as I understood it from the beginning of this case ?

The second was that LE have formally ruled out (aka CLEARED) : The food truck man, the roommates, and the ex-boyfriend.
This means that LE have solid evidence and proof that it was not any of these people.

Which may mean they have a lead on the perp who could indeed be a random stranger walking by that night ?

So I'm back to thinking this was a terrible crime of opportunity by a dangerous killer who is still out there !

They could be laying low for a while, but could strike again if this is not resolved very soon.

ETA : Trusting that LE are being as thorough as possible.
They want to nail the perp as much as anyone, and given the fact that some of them had to see the crime scene, this will scar them. :(
Real life is far different from any movie because you know it's actually happened to someone who was loved and cherished.
It'd be enough to make a person not trust anyone.

I've read a few threads back that this type of crime is unusual for this town ?

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Not sure it's common but I have cameras inside my house (downstairs and upstairs). My brother does, as well. So some people definitely do!
My daughter and son-in-law have one in their entry hall at the main entrance of their townhome and keep it on at all times. My neighbor keeps one going in her entry hall and at her kitchen door at all times. You're right - it's not that uncommon. I just thought that since this was a quasi-dorm situation, there may have been a security camera in the common area (not bedrooms) or at least at the front and side doors on the exterior.
If I remember right, its been reported all were stabbed multiple times. JMO

A very confusing little statement came out last night on MSNBC. It is probably a misstatement, maybe clickbait, or maybe they have info. Who knows.
Don't bother watching the video. They make no mention whatsoever of a physical struggle.
I own a pet care business and am in customers homes. Many people have camera's inside the home so they can watch their dogs when they are away from the house. Some have security camera's in the house for 'security' reasons. Not uncommon.
I can also see it in a setup like this house, with multiple separate apartments.
I wonder if E was the target. X was just there. That the killer didn’t know anyone else was upstairs. Maybe one of the girls from upstairs, either k or m, come downstairs bc of noise or to get a drink, and walks in on the killer. She runs back upstairs to her friend. And killer follows knowing that he/she can be identified.

As Kaylee's parents said she was "a websleuth", we don't know if they meant she was an actual WSer or if it was used in a more generic sense.

If any member or guest reading here knows that Kaylee was in fact a Websleuths member, and her user ID, please send me a private message to advise. Tricia has asked me to find out as she would like to send flowers or make a donation to something in Kaylee's name.

Thank you.
Oh, that is so interesting. It's definitely hard to tell if people are talking about the "real" WS here... Because in the past 5 years or so "true crime" as a genre has blown up so much...

I like to think we are some of the OGs here, and the idea of "true crime" makes me feel sick to my tummy and exploitative. Some of the armchair detectives on Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook are an absolute joke. I'm so glad that WS still has principles about what we discuss and how we discuss it. Whether or not Kaylee was a member here... I just hope we are doing her memory honorably.
I don’t see what else it could be…doesn’t look like paint at all but I suppose there’s a possibility it could be. I’ve never ever seen rust look like that or some other type of residue from a pipe or something
MOO it could be red algae. Again, MOO but it would not surprise me if DM altered or enhanced that portion of the photo.

EDIT: These photos are obviously not of the victim's house but I wanted to add for increased clarity that these pictures are NOT of the victims house.


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But then he would have to go into the roommates room... That he had not murdered earlier in the day... And use their phone? That just doesn't track IMO, but of course crazier things have happened. I don't know anything lol! So my 2 cents are worth even less than that haha.

It would just be strange to go to the bottom floor to use a phone when the killer had entered the sliding glass door, which is on the second level and directly in front of a wooded area they could easily disappear into and stealthily creep out of. Because then wouldn't the killer be there at the time the cops arrived? Would the girls just have woken up to the cops there and not have realized someone used their phone?

I just can't make sense of it. I truly think it was the girls who made the call... They reported their friend unconscious because they knew they were all out drinking that night, and probably worried more about them being afflicted with alcohol poisoning than murder. But even that raises questions. Perhaps the presser is providing more information about the call today -- that would make sense, so they could put some speculation to rest. And also help deflect any attention from particular "J" people who have been under intense scrutiny the past 2 days.
Also possible that the survivors had overnight guests, one of whom made the call? moo
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