ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 8

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I lived here for close to a decade and worked at UI.

The town is a mix of college students, religious cults/groups (google "Christ Church"), and faculty/staff tied to either the University of Idaho or Washington State University 6 miles next door.

There are tensions between Christ Church and the community, which have unfortunately been publicized in national and international media.

There is no real animosity against the college students and locals. People understand college students contribute greatly to the local economy. The students are usually not super disruptive. Parties tend not to seep into the local community.

Area is not affluent, though housing prices have skyrocketed in recent years, making Moscow and Pullman nearly unaffordable for many folks. EMSI and Schweitzer Engineering are the other two big employers in town, or were when I lived there.

Crimes of this magnitude are pretty unusual, though there were several mass shootings and a murder suicide involving a UI professor/student in recent times.

In terms of demographics and unusual history, the county (Latah) is the only democratic voting county in Idaho (thanks to the university community). The state is very gun happy; you can open carry around town, and conceal carry all around campus (in classrooms, for instance). Lots of people have guns/weapons. There are hate and white supremacy groups not far out of town. Coeur d'Alene (CDA), which isn't very far from Moscow, has historically been home to the Aryan Nations. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there were a series of murders committed by an assumed serial killer. There have been a few documentaries and podcasts about these killings. They are usually referred to as the Lewis Clark Valley murders. They remain unsolved.

I never got the sense that drugs were rampant on campus. Washington State U. tends to have more affluent students from Seattle, and there have been drug busts over there. If there were drug busts at UI, I haven't heard of them. I think the drinking is heavy, but probably not anything worse than other college campuses.
Same credentials although I’ve been here much longer.

It’s a college town; “drug dealers” are plentiful, even if the “dealer” is just a friend legally picking up weed literally right across the state line

There is ~rightly~ tension between the community & the extremist local religious extremists (Doug Wilson & Christ Church) that has been for decades trying to make my home into a theocracy. One of their deacons is currently awaiting sentencing for child *advertiser censored*. He’s not the first twisted congregant, unfortunately.

Also worth mentioning - or not - the same group has a private “Christian” college right downtown & they have often complained about drunk students downtown.

They don’t have dorms & their students often board with congregation families & have been known to rent houses together.

Edited to add link to advertiser censored word news story:
Perhaps this has been said on the other threads (I've read them, but I don't recall every detail), but another thing that has stood out to me as a former resident of Idaho/Moscow is that lots of Idahoans have guns and weapons in their homes. People are allowed to conceal carry in the classroom and all-around campus, and open carry is not unusual to see in the stores/restaurants around town.

Whoever entered the home either knew there were not weapons inside of it or was so angry/enraged that they did not care if there were weapons there.
Or just plain likes to kill with a knife, had a plan to do so and was determined to carry it off.
At the same time, we only know the cause of death. We don’t know if he bludgeoned or slugged them, as well. IMO MOO
I think this is a very dangerous individual.
First time poster here...

I've been following this case since the beginning and the scenario that makes the most sense to me, right now, is that of a scorned ex. Of the 6 people that we know where in the house that night, the 4 that were murdered had something obvious in common. Long-standing, close relationships with one-another. I believe the suspect knew where his intended targets would be sleeping. He waited for them to retreat to their rooms, in order to avoid detection by the a 1st floor (basement) roommates. If you look at the pictures posted earlier, of the floor-plan, you'll see that the stairwell to the 1st floor (basement) is directly off of the living room.

We know that the calls from K to J were in regards to their shared pup... Did J have the dog that night? Was he supposed to drop the dog off but never did and that's reason for the late night calls from K and M? Why would K call J about their dog at that hour unless something was up. Did he refuse to bring the dog back? DId he take the dog while they were out?

We also know from K's parents that she was in town to show M her new car. How did J take this? If what K's parent's have said is true, that K and J had plans to get back together, don't you think it would make sense that K would also be excited to show J, as well?

I've dated a few "nice guys" that turned into complete psychopaths once their insecurities were triggered, or they felt as though they were losing me. Their anger/blame extended to anyone close to me, as they were perceived as a threat.

Obviously, this is all MOO, but I think whoever did was angry at all of the 4 victims, with K being the common denominator.
Couldn’t have put it together better than this
Did we ever hear more details about the Range Rover Kaylee recently bought? Might have missed it but it sounds like she didn't have a job... A car is a huge purchase for a college student, especially if she didn't have a steady job. Curious where that money came from
She had a job. The range Rover was used. She was graduating in December with a job lined up. Car was a graduation gift or new job sign on bonus? Moo. Many parents give their kids their used car when they buy themselves a new one. Again, moo.
Interested in knowing how long Ethan and Xana have been dating. He’s a freshman. Just a few months? If that’s the case, who was she dating before that and/or had she rejected someone who had pursued her? I feel like this was done by someone living in the area who is a bit older (mid to late 20s even older) non-college graduate, who the group “knew” from the bar scene. If not Xana, which of the other two female victims had more recently rejected “that older bar fly guy who made a point of hanging around the college kids and was the opposite of the stereotypical frat guy?” Thinking the perp may have recently lost his job and/or made plans to move out of town. Possibly lives close by or even could have worked at the college or one of the bars as security, bouncer,etc. Lastly, are the toxicology reports back? And had there been any recent work done in the house that required a contractor or handyman, electrician, etc to be in the home?
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IMO, The more that comes out, the more it becomes apparent that the killer was in the house already when the 4 arrived home.

Upstairs was bloodier.
Xana had defense wounds.

Those two reports tell me he was really brutal to K and M, and had to take our X and E quickly.

It’s not easy to break into a house with 4 people there, even if they’re drunk. It’s much easier, particularly knowing via social media that they would not be there, to sneak in, hide in a bedroom and wait. Killing people in their sleep is the act of a coward… not someone that would brazenly break into a house with people home.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if his original intent WAS SA, or maybe to just watch them, and then he lost it while watching K and M talk in bed talking about other guys, destroying his potential fantasy in his head.

Is there a closet in Ks bedroom?
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Or just plain likes to kill with a knife, had a plan to do so and was determined to carry it off.
At the same time, we only know the cause of death. We don’t know if he bludgeoned or slugged them, as well. IMO MOO
I think this is a very dangerous individual.
I agree. I think this person could do something like this again. I hope they are captured soon.
You can see it originates from under the siding and runs down the foundation. Whatever it is appears to come from within the house. It's definitely not rust. And if it's paint it came from within. if paint can run off the floor and down the foundation, so could blood. Imo.
I also don't believe it to be blood. It could be from a sealant applied to the sill gasket. I can't believe the blood would seep through the wall, past the sill, past the sill gasket and still be in a drip stage. I am familiar with how homes are constructed. There would have to be a serious defect it liquid freely runs from the inside to the outside along the foundation. JMO
With all the relentless online speculation, the Moscow Police Department now has a 'rumor control' section in their press releases. Personally I find the speculation exhausting, I can't even begin to imagine how the families/friends of the victims and LE feel.

In any case, the skinned dog is not related to these murders. Below is the PR published tonight on their Facebook:

Rumor Control: Detectives are aware of a Latah County Sheriff’s Office incident of the report of a skinned dog and have determined it is unrelated to this incident. Contact Latah County Sheriff’s Office for further details.

Detectives are also aware of a Moscow Police incident of the report of deceased animals left on a resident’s property. This was determined to be wildlife activity and unrelated to the incident.
The house was a rental and was listed frequently over at least the last 5 years. That’s A LOT of past tenants and guests who know the property well! (I feel bad for the owners of the house.).
The timeline cited:
AUG 16
MM posts a "meet the roommates" image on IG [12]
I've skimmed posts and may have missed if this had been speculated but in regards to the unconscious person - what if surviving roommate woke up, made plans with a friend, and went upstairs. She then faints at sight of slaughtered roommate(s). Blood does that to some people.
When her friend(s) arrive they find her unconscious and use her phone to call 911.

I believe it was 11/20 press conference that confirmed surviving roommates phone was used, but not necessarily by her.

Theory/speculation. MOO.
Unconscious = dead in this case, I imagine the dispatch would relay the details but also they could easily categorize the call itself as “unconscious individual”. If they were locked in the bedroom but couldn’t see the scene, why describe as unconscious? There’s no way for them to know at that point. And why not try to rouse the other roommates?
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