ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #1

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Who is the family friend that was with the family at the campsite and where he/she was when the Deorr went missing?
I've followed this case quietly since it first broke, I've pretty much just been lurking and waiting for an end result. So far there isn't one. The only thing I can add is in regards to the grandfather and his version of events.

He said something along the lines of not paying attention for a few seconds and when he turned around, the boy was gone. thing I do know is that older folks like their naps. I can't help but wonder if grandpa was stretched out in his favorite chaise lounger and actually drifted off to sleep for awhile. When he woke up, granted it may have only seemed like a couple of seconds, but it may have actually been a few minutes up to a dozen or so.

5 to 10 minutes is plenty of time for a little kid to get a pretty good distance away, especially if he was running after something or towards something in the distance. If grandpa dozed off, the typical calling and warnings that grown-ups do would not have been happening. Normally, if he had gotten too far away, someone would have called him to come back......but not this time. He just got further and further away until he got hidden in the brush and got turned around himself. Realizing he was lost, fear and panic would have set in, and he may have started running even the wrong direction. There is absolutely no telling which direction he may have headed off in, since everything he saw was unfamiliar to him. This same type thing happens to inexperienced campers and hikers all the time, and they are adults.

I think he is still out there in that forest somewhere. They need to focus on any areas that they DON'T think he would have gone, like up steep cliffs or down rocky crevices. The search radius should be expanded to cover no less than 4 to 5 miles. He could have gotten a mile away in the first 20 minutes of this thing, especially if panicked.
The above post re the jacket reminded me that I meant to thank everyone for a couple ideas posted a while back.

1. Always dress kids in bright colors when in these surroundings - never camo

2. Always have kids carry a whistle

Very, very good ideas, guys!


I sure hope Deorr is found soon but as sad as it is to say, I'm afraid it's been too long to expect a good outcome unfortunately. Poor adorable little guy. I hate these cases and swear each time that I will never follow one again......but then I can't stay away.

It has taken me days to catch up. Like you I normally stay away from missing childrens cases but then read to catch up. You guys have really covered every angle so I don't have anything to add except thanks! Great thoughts, timelines, maps etc. Hoping for a miracle.
I've followed this case quietly since it first broke, I've pretty much just been lurking and waiting for an end result. So far there isn't one. The only thing I can add is in regards to the grandfather and his version of events.

He said something along the lines of not paying attention for a few seconds and when he turned around, the boy was gone. thing I do know is that older folks like their naps. I can't help but wonder if grandpa was stretched out in his favorite chaise lounger and actually drifted off to sleep for awhile. When he woke up, granted it may have only seemed like a couple of seconds, but it may have actually been a few minutes up to a dozen or so.

5 to 10 minutes is plenty of time for a little kid to get a pretty good distance away, especially if he was running after something or towards something in the distance. If grandpa dozed off, the typical calling and warnings that grown-ups do would not have been happening. Normally, if he had gotten too far away, someone would have called him to come back......but not this time. He just got further and further away until he got hidden in the brush and got turned around himself. Realizing he was lost, fear and panic would have set in, and he may have started running even the wrong direction. There is absolutely no telling which direction he may have headed off in, since everything he saw was unfamiliar to him. This same type thing happens to inexperienced campers and hikers all the time, and they are adults.

I think he is still out there in that forest somewhere. They need to focus on any areas that they DON'T think he would have gone, like up steep cliffs or down rocky crevices. The search radius should be expanded to cover no less than 4 to 5 miles. He could have gotten a mile away in the first 20 minutes of this thing, especially if panicked.

BBM. When and where did the grandfather say this? I've yet to see anything that has the grandfather acknowledging he was supposed to watch Deorr.

The family says Deorr's parent's believed his grandfather was watching him at the campsite at Timber Creek Campground while his grandfather believed the tot was down by the creek with his parents.
Which article? In the beginning, yes, they had tracking dogs. Iirc later they were said to bring cadaver dogs in. I might be wrong. I will try and find the article mentioning cadaver dogs.

There were some articles that specifically said cadaver dogs. Like this one:

Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman told Dateline divers were searched the Stone Reservoir Wednesday after cadaver dogs indicated there may be more there to find.

Though other sources are more careful with their words and are just saying search dogs.
BBM. When and where did the grandfather say this? I've yet to see anything that has the grandfather acknowledging he was supposed to watch Deorr.

The family says Deorr's parent's believed his grandfather was watching him at the campsite at Timber Creek Campground while his grandfather believed the tot was down by the creek with his parents.
According to a Salmon Search and Rescue news release, the 911 Dispatch Center received a call from family members at 2:35 p.m. on July 10 that their 2-year-old son had gone missing from their camp. The family told authorities he had been gone for an hour.

“My dad was standing their watching him and he turned his head and then (Deorr) was gone,” Clegg said. “It appears like he just vanished.”

The child was described as having blond shaggy hair and wearing a camo jacket, wearing blue pajama style pants and cowboy boots.

Good enough ?
I think he is still out there in that forest somewhere. They need to focus on any areas that they DON'T think he would have gone, like up steep cliffs or down rocky crevices. The search radius should be expanded to cover no less than 4 to 5 miles. He could have gotten a mile away in the first 20 minutes of this thing, especially if panicked.

I totally agree with you - at this point they should be looking in out of the way places, expanding their search everywhere.

Grandmother is TBC. She states, "My dad was standing their [sic] watching him and he turned his head and then (Deorr) was gone."

Obituary for TBC's mother (2009) states that she (TBC's mother) was preceded in death by her husband, who would be TBC's dad (and Deorr's great grandfather). If TBC's dad is deceased, the quote above makes no sense and he cannot have been camping with them. I am so confused.

Hi Steelman. Not being nit-picky but that statement is hearsay. That is Jessica's mother talking to a reporter. She was not there at the campsite when DeOrr went missing. We don't really know if the grandfather was aware that he was supposed to be watching DeOrr.

My thought on it is that Mom and/or Dad said something like "hey Grandpa, we are going for a walk, will you keep an eye on DeOrr?" and Grandpa didn't hear what they said, or he heard but it didn't really register. Both my husband and my father are like that, they might nod when you speak to them, but what you say doesn't really sink in.

When my children were young and I was doing something important like leaving my father in charge of a 2 year old, I would tap him on the shoulder and look directly in his face and say. "I'm leaving now, please watch the baby." And make sure he says "yes, got it, I'm watching the baby." After that I would feel confident that the child is safe in his care.
Pertaining to the People article I linked above, I find it odd that DeOrr's blanket was in the truck. I recall his father stating DeOrr was about to take a nap just before they went exploring.
Okay God forgive me...I just finished watching this:


Pertaining to the People article I linked above, I find it odd that DeOrr's blanket was in the truck. I recall his father stating DeOrr was about to take a nap just before they went exploring.

The article also says that they were setting up camp when he went missing. It sounds like they interviewed DeOrr's father for that article and he wasn't there that day, so it is second hand information. JMO

steelman, I know you follow and comment on other cases I'm following, and you seem to keep really good track of the who/what/when/where/why information about a case. I've read only bits and pieces here, and so I'll ask you: Has it been established that Deorr was with the family at the camp site?

I know the photo at the beginning of the thread would suggest he was, but I've not read where LE has stated that they did prove Deorr was actually at the camp site before he went missing.

And yes, I agree, if he left camp to go exploring, or trying to find his parents where they were fishing, he could be so much farther away than anyone imagines.
According to a Salmon Search and Rescue news release, the 911 Dispatch Center received a call from family members at 2:35 p.m. on July 10 that their 2-year-old son had gone missing from their camp. The family told authorities he had been gone for an hour.

Deorr was camping with his parents, great-grandfather and a friend of the grandfather. His parents said they left the child with his great-grandfather and when they returned 10 to 15 minutes later, Deorr was gone. The great-grandfather assumed the child was with his parents.

"There's a four-minute window where no one had an eye on him," says Kunz, 70.,,20938555,00.html
Okay God forgive me...I just finished watching this:


I don't see anything wrong with her body language or wondering eyes. It looks to me that she is really uncomfortable being on camera and is avoiding looking directly at it.
They are "scent tracking" dogs, not cadavers. Cadavers only track the scent of decomp.

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According these news sources they are cadaver dogs:

Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman told Dateline divers were searched the Stone Reservoir Wednesday after cadaver dogs indicated there may be more there to find.

Divers checked a nearby Stone Reservoir when cadaver dogs indicated there might be evidence there, but to no avail.
Wandering. Not wondering.

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