ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #13

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The only things that makes me doubt the mountain lion hypothesis are the fact that there is no evidence for it, and the fact that it is extremely rare for a mountain lion to kill a child.

There is no evidence that mountain lions hunt at Timber Creek campsite, no evidence that any were there on that day, no reports of anyone seeing mountain lions - or tracks, or scat - in the area and no reports of mountain lions ever stalking or attacking anyone in that area.

The sheriff did say recently that they had been looking for mountain lion scat in the area, but didn't say if they'd found any. I have read online about bears being troublesome in the area because of trash left out, and about wolves hunting in the areas, but haven't found much about mountain lions at all.

I have looked at videos on YouTube of mountain lions stalking or attacking humans and other animals, and they aren't as invisible and the kills aren't as fast and efficient as I expected from what I read on this thread. I think it's extremely unlikely that in a matter of a few minutes a mountain lion would silently kill DeOrr and then carry him away without leaving a trace, and then devour him entirely without any searcher disturbing it. Yes it's possible, but not likely. Given all of the millions of people who camp and hike in cougar territories, I have only been able to find a handful of cases where it might have happened before.

ETA having said all that, I still think it's the most convincing theory at this time, if the timeline we have been given is correct.

Raymonde, what has been posted here, in most cases, is from years of research by people who have spent years studying these animals. What has been presented regarding the nature and behavior of mountain lions is factual, not opinion. Early on in these threads, a number of cases of lion attacks were discussed that involved both children and adults, the majority of those in North America, and they are more than a handful. Although an attack by a mountain lion should not necessarily be expected in areas where they habitate, the possibility surely exists and previous cases indicate that. I read about a husband and wife team of wildlife photographers who wanted to photograph the eight large cats of the world in a period of one year. They stated their greatest challenge was capturing the mountain lion on film. They give a step by step account of their challenges. It's a very informative read. Sorry, but I didn't keep the link but I think it will be easy enough to find. Wildlife cameras have allowed us to see mountain lions in their natural habitat and first hand accounts of witnesses to mountain lion attacks give us a birds-eye-view as well.
AFAIK, the parents believe Deorr was abducted by a stranger. Hence the sketch and the family endorsed billboards. Have they ever mentioned a mountain lion? Or is that what the documentary is about? So confusing. TIA

I cannot get on board with stranger abduction for lots of reasons. But a known abductor? TBH, that makes far more sense, especially when adding in their early statements about "who would hate us?" etc. But I'm not sure how that would tie in with the documentary. It could just be that they're as lost and confused as we are and grasping at straws -- anything that offers hope.
Surely you can follow what I'm saying. If they came back to camp and their stuff was hastily left everywhere, then I would believe they were fishing. Or even if their fishing gear was left by the creek. If there was no fishing gear left out because they came back and put it all away first, I find it hard to imagine they suddenly went on a panicked search for their baby.

The difficulty I have following what you're saying is because we don't even KNOW if they were fishing or merely scouting for good fishing locations. Yet, if just scouting, they probably didn't take their gear with them so you WOULD, perhaps, find it (still) neatly put away. So I guess to you that would mean that DK didn't go on a panicked search for DeOrr? When we camp and fish, putting the fishing gear "away" means standing the poles against a tree with the tackle box on the ground. If they do the same I don't know what that would indicate (to you).
IMO, There is NOTHING, not one sign, that points to a mountain lion attack. No scat found, no blood, no screams, no scent into the wilderness where the baby might have been carried, no sightings of a mt lion on infrared drones or whatever they used, no lost boot, no one who even said there are mt lions in that particular area.

To say it was a mountain lion flies in the face of all of the above. JMO
LOL we might not be talking about the same thing, but I'll take a stab at it. Do you mean the map that was posted? And the straight line that said 40 some meters that equated to 150 feet? My interpretation was that straight line indicated the distance down the bank, across the creek and to the other side; not just from the campsite to the bank of the creek. Now I'm really confused!

Sorry about this. I'll clear up why I posted those two images.

The green circle image represents a 75' radius but isn't marked. So I added the second image to show that it fairly accurately represents 150'.

I then placed the green circle image such that the campfire (where Deorr and GGP were said to be) is right on the edge of the circle at the three o' clock position. All present according to what we've been told would be within the green area.
IMO, There is NOTHING, not one sign, that points to a mountain lion attack. No scat found, no blood, no screams, no scent into the wilderness where the baby might have been carried, no sightings of a mt lion on infrared drones or whatever they used, no lost boot, no one who even said there are mt lions in that particular area.

To say it was a mountain lion flies in the face of all of the above. JMO
The sheriff him self said there are ml in that area.
Sorry about this. I'll clear up why I posted those two images.

The green circle image represents a 75' radius but isn't marked. So I added the second image to show that it fairly accurately represents 150'.

I then placed the green circle image such that the campfire (where Deorr and GGP were said to be) is right on the edge of the circle at the three o' clock position. All present according to what we've been told would be within the green area.

Well, thanks for trying. So, pretty much everything I said in my previous post (where I edited) still goes (I think, LOL).
IMO, There is NOTHING, not one sign, that points to a mountain lion attack. No scat found, no blood, no screams, no scent into the wilderness where the baby might have been carried, no sightings of a mt lion on infrared drones or whatever they used, no lost boot, no one who even said there are mt lions in that particular area.

To say it was a mountain lion flies in the face of all of the above. JMO

You either haven't read the information posted from people who have spent years researching and studying mountain lines as well as the first-hand accounts from friends and families who have witnessed the brutal attacks of their loved ones, or you HAVE read it and choose to disregard it, which is okay. But what you're expecting to find or have happened should not BE expected in many cases. Because of DeOrr's small size (did you see the life-size museum mountain lion next to the small child??) an instantaneous break of his neck would pretty much be it. No scream, or a scream unheard in the forest over the loud rushing creek. There would be no blood - they drink the blood. A broken neck won't leave blood and a puncture wound would leave little, if any. We don't know what animals the drones found, do we? Like Onebest has said, not all dogs will be able to track a scent because of a variety of reasons, downwind, for example. Wildlife, when in fear of being tracked, will often stand downwind so their scent won't be detected. SB said there are mountain lions in the area. It's a no-brainer that mountain lions are in the area. The area has all the types of shelter and plants, trees, brush required for successful hunting as well as prey to sustain the mountain lion, and water to boot!
We know that DeOrr either wandered off or was taken (if he was indeed at the campground.) DeOrr could have wandered a considerable distance before being taken by human predator or animal. If DeOrr wandered further than was thought it would explain why no evidence was found (they were not searching far enough away.)
The sheriff him self said there are ml in that area.
But then again nothing the sheriff has said has been good enough for anyone and has been picked apart far to much.
Its funny really how people only hear what they want to.

Yes and this is the horrible and frustrating thing when there is no evidence for anything.

The Sheriff has said:

He doesn't believe abduction (but can't rule it out)
He doesn't believe animal attack (but can't rule it out)
He doesn't believe any adults present involved (but can't rule it out)
He doesn't believe Deorr is in the area searched (but can't rule it out)

Then we have the creep in the Jeep sketch by the parents and I assume the other family. LE have only shown this to locals in Leadore with a negative response. LE sitting on this makes me think they don't have much confidence in it. Similar with any sighting of Deorr in Leadore. Possibly seen in the truck.

The FBI seem as baffled as local LE.
The sheriff said it wasn't a mountain lion and he said he was good with the four poi's.

If you accept one you must accept both.

Around the net folks are laughing about the Mountain lion theory going on and on.

Its called a red herring!
The sheriff never said it wasn't a ml. If so I missed it so could you please link that...
The sheriff did say tho that they didn't find any evidence of a ml attack but that he hasn't ruled it out.

Please quote him saying it was deffently not a ml and link it.
The sheriff said it wasn't a mountain lion and he said he was good with the four poi's.

If you accept one you must accept both.

Around the net folks are laughing about the Mountain lion theory going on and on.

Its called a red herring!

Well you know what, that's OKAY! I'm not "around" the net and even if I was (God forbid) I wouldn't care what was said. This isn't a joking matter - there's nothing funny about it! And I have no idea what you even mean by "red herring"! So all is good as the mountain lion theory lives on, based on factual information!
We know that DeOrr either wandered off or was taken (if he was indeed at the campground.) DeOrr could have wandered a considerable distance before being taken by human predator or animal. If DeOrr wandered further than was thought it would explain why no evidence was found (they were not searching far enough away.)

Yes -- which is why I've asked several times if they're expanding the search zone, but there doesn't seem to be an answer. If someone is still asking SB questions, I'd really very much appreciate if they'd ask that one. They are estimating how far he could have gotten on his own, but perhaps he got pretty far on his own and was then "helped" further on out by a human or animal predator. I know they cannot search willy-nilly, but surely they could expand beyond that small radius particularly since they seem to think they've searched it as much as possible.
Well you know what, that's OKAY! I'm not "around" the net and even if I was (God forbid) I wouldn't care what was said. This isn't a joking matter - there's nothing funny about it! And I have no idea what you even mean by "red herring"! So all is good as the mountain lion theory lives on, based on factual information!

"Red herring" means a theory thrown out there to distract people from the truth.
Doesn't make much sense.
And the only people I've even seen on the net are a bunch of overly angrey people on know the sm site where everyone has an opinion yet can't even read a whole artiical. Where people can make fake profiles and lie....the whole reason its not even allowed here.
The sheriff said it wasn't a mountain lion and he said he was good with the four poi's.

If you accept one you must accept both.

Around the net folks are laughing about the Mountain lion theory going on and on.

Its called a red herring!
I don't really accept anything at this point except possibly that the stream and the reservoir have been thoroughly searched. I'm trying to keep my mind open to the possibilities.
But there has been no evidence whatsoever that deorr was killed by a wild animal.

As far as I can tell, there has been no evidence that DeOrr was taken or killed by a wild animal, nor any evidence that he was abducted, nor any evidence that he was killed by his parents or by any of the other people who were there, nor any evidence that he fell in the river and was carried away, nor any evidence that he simply wandered off and got lost.

As far as I can tell, there's really no evidence whatsoever that anything happened to DeOrr. Except he's gone, so obviously something happened to him.
"Red herring" means a theory thrown out there to distract people from the truth.
Doesn't make much sense.
And the only people I've even seen on the net are a bunch of overly angrey people on know the sm site where everyone has an opinion yet can't even read a whole artiical. Where people can make fake profiles and lie....the whole reason its not even allowed here.

Oh, so no matter how much factual information about the probability of a mountain lion having taken little is offered, those who espouse that "theory" must do so for the sole purpose of covering up of some imagined truth. Hmmm, what COULD that "truth" be then? Well, if people are trying to cover it up as what was apparently meant in that post, that MUST mean, IMO, that they "believe" something nefarious happened to little DeOrr <modsnip>
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