ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #18

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Several people saying they saw a human hair on a shovel? That is very, very strange... Makes me wonder if someone was desperately trying to imply that someone did something with that shovel.

If you saw a hair on the shovel and thought it was important, wouldn't you be very careful to make sure that it didn't blow away? And if you thought your kid had wandered off or been abducted, why on earth would you see a hair on a shovel and think it was important?

I did a double take when he said that, it was as if he was being sarcastic, poking. Then he avoided the ax and the coveralls part of the question entirely.

ETA: I'm not saying I blame him, I know he must be exhausted.
I didn't get the chance to hear the interview with Sheriff Bowerman until this morning and appreciate the professional job done by Tricia, Bessie, and Sheriff Bowerman. I also appreciate Tricia and Bessie's thoughts about how important it is that we post responsibly.

I'll be the first to say that I have no idea what happened at that campsite. There is just one more question I would have liked to be asked and that is whether or not Sheriff Bowerman feels there is a chance little DeOrr could still be alive. My initial question on the thread to submit questions was what was purchased at the store that day.

*I have no idea what happened, but I have not let go of the possibility of little DeOrr being handed off to someone.

I've been thinking about little DeOrr lately... Is it possible that his parents sold him to someone? I mean this desolate area has a lot of places that are perfect exchange locations. Low risk of being seen by anyone in these woods, then after the exchange nothing easier than calling the cops and telling them DeOrr wandered away. And pinning the blame on good ole' great grandpa, a perfect scapegoat with his mental impairment and poor health.
What do you think, folks?
I'd love to see some video of GGP. As far as I can see through searching there isn't any out there. I'm constantly wondering just how feeble (for lack of a better word) this man is. I've gotten many different mental images of this. First wondering why they'd leave him in charge of the little one, but then reading he drove the truck and camping rig up there, which changes my impression of how capable he is. The portrayal of him has been pretty bouncy in my opinion.
I know! This is what's bugging me.

1:10pm Jessica says they returned from the store. IR says DeOrr was alive and well at this time (as stated by Sheriff)
2:30pm Three calls made around this time to report DeOrr missing. JM reports he's been gone about an hour.
3:45pm DK says he was with SAR at this time. Who was SAR? Local volunteers from the VPD perhaps?
4:30pm ish, LE arrives, it took 3 hours from the 911 call.

Ya know, I used to wonder what DK meant when he said they were with SARS until 4:00. Recently, I either heard or read it was a reference to the AM of the 11th that he's referring to, which of course makes sense. Wish I could remember where I saw/heard that.
18:58 "they had food. They tried to buy other food, and then they went to the store the next morning."

I wonder where they "tried to buy other food" and why they were unable to? Were the stores closed when they arrived Thursday night and they couldn't get food? I'm a bit perplexed by that statement. It doesn't sound to me like this trip was very well thought out.
I've been thinking about little DeOrr lately... Is it possible that his parents sold him to someone? I mean this desolate area has a lot of places that are perfect exchange locations. Low risk of being seen by anyone in these woods, then after the exchange nothing easier than calling the cops and telling them DeOrr wandered away. And pinning the blame on good ole' great grandpa, a perfect scapegoat with his mental impairment and poor health.
What do you think, folks?

I think a lot of people want this to be true because how can you not hold out hope for a sweet little boy? But I personally think this is not the case. Sheriff B is not as blunt as Klein. I believe they are both smart and truthful. Listen to Klein's 2-part KID radio interview. He explains clearly why the "sold him" theory is ruled out. Klein says he has enough to know how DeOrr died. He speaks of an incident.

I am glad that Vilt finally went public with his experience, but I think his adoption theory that he has been trying to chase down for months has given people a false hope. IMO
If they arrived around 9:30 pm on Thursday, it is possible that the store was closed when they drove through Leadore.

Grandfather of Missing Idaho Boy Claims Parents are Innocent As Sheriff Calls Them 'Less Than Truthful'

"The browbeating that they've been going through with the law enforcement is too much."

Really? Sheriff Bowerman seems like about the most mild-mannered soft spoken law enforcement guy I've ever seen... hard to imagine him browbeating anyone... it's hard to take that statement seriously... MOO
If they arrived around 9:30 pm on Thursday, it is possible that the store was closed when they drove through Leadore.

I agree, but what a poorly planned trip (with a child, no less). It sounds like it was either planned at the last minute, or else they really weren't planning on staying very long. To have to buy other food when they had just arrived implies, to me at least, that they did not have a sufficient amount of food for even one day.
Unless I missed a chunk of the interview, not once did IR say that he refused to answer on the request or instruction of law enforcement. Klein made that insinuation.

Agreed, I watched that interview the minute it was released, I refreshed that page 100 times waiting to hear it, and IR never said LE's told him not to answer questions.
I don't think IR is certain or either the sheriff may not be certain of IR's recollection. IR may have been the most consistent, but we don't really know if any part of his inconsistency had to do with that particular time. The fact that Sheriff Bowerman ended the statement with "but I still feel he was at the campsite. I'm just not sure of the timeline now" stands out to me.

I think this pretty much says it all regarding how much credence he gives IR as a witness as far as what happened and when. And that the whole 1:00 time frame is not solid. jmo

Grandfather of Missing Idaho Boy Claims Parents are Innocent As Sheriff Calls Them 'Less Than Truthful'

This case is irritating me. Why is it that they can run to the media (People Magazine, a national media outlet, no less) for this type of attention but it's like pulling teeth to get them to do any media interviews that might actually HELP FIND DeOrr? I'm exasperated.
This case is irritating me. Why is it that they can run to the media (People Magazine, a national media outlet, no less) for this type of attention but it's like pulling teeth to get them to do any media interviews that might actually HELP FIND DeOrr? I'm exasperated.
Could they be getting paid?
I'd have thought it was IR's attorney that told him that as his legal representative, not LE.

However, JM & DK said LE told them NOT to offer an award, and this was firmly debunked by Sheriff Bowerman last night. An outright big fat lie.

The big question is WHY would the parents of a missing child NOT want publicity and a reward being offered? I've yet to hear anyone anywhere offer a sensible reason for this....

Maybe I missed it with so much information all at once, but as far as the statement from Vilt that the parents told him that LE advised against a reward, have we ever heard from the parents regarding if that's what they actually TOLD Vilt?
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