ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #22

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Boy, a quick google search of that case left me with some really awful feelings re: this case. :cry:

Lots of similarities. Colton was two, almost three years old. The mother's story kept changing. At one point, she claimed her son had been kidnapped. The FBI was involved. The boyfriend's stories didn't match up. Polygraphs were taken. Eventually, the boyfriend led LE to the shallow grave... He is the one taking a plea deal this Friday.
DeOrr's case reminds me a bit of Colton Turner's, mostly because of the discussion about pictures. In Colton's case, his mother had posted photos of him, bruises and all, on her FB:

"An Austin Police warrant affidavit released Monday requesting a search of Work’s Facebook page contends CPS ‘was advised’ of photos showing bruises and injuries on Colton’s back and face."

Photos of his abused body, taken by someone else while he was still alive, had also been passed around on Facebook. This is what got relatives and friends wondering about his welfare. No one had seen him in months by the time he was officially reported missing...

Oh, wow :( Thanks for this, I hadn't heard of Colton's case.

Why did no-one act earlier? Shocking images of injuries endured by toddler were taken by his family and shared online TWO months before his body was found in woods



This is my first WS case.....Is it "normal" (maybe there is no such thing) for a case to go on so long for a supposed (OK, SUPPOSED) roughly 17ish hour "event"??

Unfortunately, yes. :therethere:

That first picture was a selfie Colton's mother posted to her own FB before he died... in case anyone has any doubt about what child abuse looks like ... there you have it. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Oh, wow :( Thanks for this, I hadn't heard of Colton's case.




How absolutely horrifying. That poor, poor child. :(
I agree with a lot here. It would be unfair to start at the point she gave up her kids and say, "She probably isn't a great mom and shouldn't ever have any more kids." But I'm starting from the point where she was named a suspect in her child's disappearance and going backwards to where she gave up her kids and saying, "maybe there were signs that she isn't a great, dedicated mom."

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Exactly. And that's what happened for me with the bruises - actually, when Bowerman gave his evasive and (to me) telling response to the question about past abuse or neglect, I was shocked. Just from the pictures of DeOrr, I have never suspected he might have been abused. I thought, but all those pictures of him and he never has any bruises or anything... And I went back and looked at his pictures, and discovered that actually there are quite few with faded bruises that you don't even notice at first (but a complete absense of any pictures of him with fresh, obvious bruises...).

If I see a bruise on a kid I normally think nothing of it and assume it's innocent, but working backwards from Bowerman's (to me) telling statement and the fact that DeOrr has gone missing mysteriously, in a way that imo matches the way that so many other kids have gone missing and have turned out to have been hit too hard by their parents... Well, then when I see a mark that looks like a hand-shaped bruise on the kid's head, I'm less likely to assume it's innocent and more likely to say *maybe* they hit him.

It's all about context. And it's funny, but even after all the terrible things we've discussed on this thread - maybe they burned him, maybe they ran him down, maybe they passed out drunk and he drowned, maybe they shut him in a hot car as a punishment, maybe he got into some illegal drugs, maybe they killed him before they even left home, maybe they had life insurance for him - I feel like it's really taboo to say, well maybe they hit him.
This timeline article is from July 19, 10 days after Deorr disappeared. EIN still reports the family as arriving at the campground on Friday. I'd really like to know if it was a media error, or an intentional non-truth from the parents. I mean, it's a timeline article. Don't you think the reporters would have checked their facts? :thinking:

July 19th, 2015

"It’s been ten days since Idaho Falls toddler Deorr Kunz, Jr. was reported missing.

Investigators continue to search for the two-year-old in Leadore but so far no sign of the boy has been found. has created a timeline to detail the events of the past ten days.

Friday July 10

Deorr Kunz Jr, his father, mother, great-grandfather, and a family friend travel 120 miles from Idaho Falls to Timber Creek Campground in Leadore.

The campsite is remote and takes around two and a half hours to drive to from Idaho Falls.

At 2:28 p.m., Deorr’s mother, Jessica Mitchell, calls 911 and reports her son missing.

Search crews arrive and begin to look for the toddler."
Here's a link to Colton's current thread, if anyone's interested. Looks like his case hasn't had much interest compared to DeOrr's :(

Silver lining: Colton's Law (in Texas)... a new law to bolster coordination between police and Child Protective Services (CPS) in a bid to save more lives... The bill would require law enforcement involvement in CPS cases where children can't be found.
I hope they are able to find him. Even if he is gone, I hope he is found & brought home so his family can grieve the way they need to. Then I hope for a prosecution that will go down in the books as being such a thorough and iron clad presentation of absolute proof as to what happened, who did it & why. I hope anyone trying to cover things up gets the full wallop of the American justice system.
Klein's response to that question was... less than clear.

Really? I felt it was more inconclusive.

Sorry I needed a small joke after looking at those pictures of little Colton. The mom and step dad are obviously lizard people and deserve life in prison, but what about the rest of the family/friends? Society as a whole failed that poor kid, with such obvious signs of being abused it is a crying shame he wasn't put in foster care. I don't want to get political but I'd be willing to scale back the war on drugs to start a war on child abuse and neglect.
Really? I felt it was more inconclusive.

Sorry I needed a small joke after looking at those pictures of little Colton. The mom and step dad are obviously lizard people and deserve life in prison, but what about the rest of the family/friends? Society as a whole failed that poor kid, with such obvious signs of being abused it is a crying shame he wasn't put in foster care. I don't want to get political but I'd be willing to scale back the war on drugs to start a war on child abuse and neglect.

People don't like to interfere... People don't like to make assumptions or judge... people think it's rude to ask questions... People like to always give parents the benefit of the doubt and make excuses for them... And frankly, people don't want to believe that it's happening.
People don't like to interfere... People don't like to make assumptions or judge... people think it's rude to ask questions... People like to always give parents the benefit of the doubt and make excuses for them... And frankly, people don't want to believe that it's happening.

I agree with this and it saddens me. I've actually had to call the police once or twice on people not supervising their young children. I manage an apartment complex and have had young one's running around outside with no adult and I was not able to find the parents or reach them by phone.

On a more personal note, my mother called cps on my step sister, not because she was abusing her kids, but she had an alcohol dependence, driving under the influence, her boyfriend was what we think a psychopath. This man had no empathy for anyone, a drug abusing narcissist, he stole, lied and eventually went to prison. Our family was in a constant state of worry for her and the kids. He threatened to kill them all and himself, it was madness. She has since cleaned up her act and moved her and her kids away to stay straight.

I do think people are complacent and should instead just be aware and go with their gut. Speak up!
Off topic but... isn't it "chasing the moonlight?" It's as if a poetic beat is missing if you just chase the moonlight...

As you can probably tell I'm a bit of a strange fellow and enjoy song lyrics. I know the original Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young (great song also) is written the way you have it, I am quoting the remake version by Type O Negative. If you're unfamiliar with their version you might enjoy it and it's not crazy heavy.

Thanks for noticing the signature, you are one of the best minds on this site and I enjoy your too infrequent posts!
As you can probably tell I'm a bit of a strange fellow and enjoy song lyrics. I know the original Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young (great song also) is written the way you have it, I am quoting the remake version by Type O Negative. If you're unfamiliar with their version you might enjoy it and it's not crazy heavy.

Thanks for noticing the signature, you are one of the best minds on this site and I enjoy your too infrequent posts!

I wonder why they changed it from "chasing" to "chase" though?

I don't post much, but I do read everything... I've enjoyed your posts too and am glad you are here - with us together sharing the insight.
People don't like to interfere... People don't like to make assumptions or judge... people think it's rude to ask questions... People like to always give parents the benefit of the doubt and make excuses for them... And frankly, people don't want to believe that it's happening.

Sadly much of that is too true. I'd like to think most people would call the authorities if they saw a child with lash marks all over their body like little Colton's. I hope websites like this one can raise awareness and perhaps embolden some people to do the right thing if ever in the position.

My sister in law is a teacher here in the States and she says all the school staff is trained to look for signs of abuse/neglect and she personally has had to call DYFS a handful of times in her 20 years on the job. It's not a call she likes to make but of course it is anonymous.
Sadly much of that is too true. I'd like to think most people would call the authorities if they saw a child with lash marks all over their body like little Colton's. I hope websites like this one can raise awareness and perhaps embolden some people to do the right thing if ever in the position.

My sister in law is a teacher here in the States and she says all the school staff is trained to look for signs of abuse/neglect and she personally has had to call DYFS a handful of times in her 20 years on the job. It's not a call she likes to make but of course it is anonymous.

Teachers and school personnel in all fifty states are mandated by law to report suspected abuse or neglect. Now if only everyone were mandated by law to report even suspected abuse or neglect...
On the topic of reporting child abuse and neglect:

When I worked at the shelter I mentioned last night, we took over the child abuse "hotline" two days a week, for DHS. There were numerous times that we were surprised by how much abuse and the duration of the abuse, callers had witnessed before finally picking up the phone! It's truly amazing how much people just don't want to be involved, as Rayemonde mentioned. It's really sad and frustrating! I don't know what we can do in our communities to get people to realize that these kids need help! In my opinion, it's our duty as fellow humans to advocate for children and speak up! We should ALL consider ourselves mandatory reporters.
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