ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #23

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SB has said all along that IR was cooperative and truthful.

I recall that... That's what makes me wonder how direct (and I know we can't expect them to tell us this at this point) his knowledge could be that would require this length of time to process as being key (referring to the length of time it took LE to name the parents as suspects).
I recall that... That's what makes me wonder how direct (and I know we can't expect them to tell us this at this point) his knowledge could be that would require this length of time to process as being key (referring to the length of time it took LE to name the parents as suspects).

It's only Klein that has said IR has direct knowledge that he has possibly been withholding... I think Klein has no way of knowing what IR has told LE in the past. I don't think they would share any kind of sensitive information with Klein.

I think all Klein 's bluster about IR being a POI with direct knowledge, and how disappointed he was that IR was not cooperating, blah blah, was just his way of trying to bully IR into talking to him. Apparently it's worked, so now IR gets a pat on the head.
I'm glad that he has come forward to tell what happened, but am I wrong to still be a little disgusted that his initial silence played a part in that baby being left on a mountain for months? I guess I'm just sick of adults who continually put themselves before defenseless children.

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I have mixed feelings. If he knowingly withheld evidence solely to save his own skin, I'd be pretty disgusted too. But I'm not sure that's what happened. We do know that he returned to the campsite with SB, that he was quite cooperative and that he was truthful. Because of that, I'm inclined to assume that he told what he knew. But he may also have learned more or figured more out as time went on. How many times have we been in the middle of something and had the penny drop, realizing the significance of a comment or a look or a situation days or months later? (Maybe that's just me, lol). I think that could have happened with IR. Or he could have been bullied or cajoled into silence due to his past legal issues or his own personal stuff.
IR did suggest in his Nate interview that he was surprised the parents were named as suspects and had assumed DeOrr got lost or taken by an animal. This makes me think (if he was being truthful to Nate) that any information he has pertaining to foul play is incidental / circumstantial, rather than glaringly obvious.

We also heard he wasn't clock watching that day and so could not reliably confirm timings. Perhaps his "help" is limited to discussing the parents' behaviour, whether they searched much, whether he could hear them calling DeOrr's name. It should have been absolutely frantic: people running about, shouting, screaming, yelling, crying, trying to make calls, running, turning the campsite and vehicles upside down, desperately questioning Grandpa, searching the creek, down to the reservoir, back up again, chaos everywhere.

If it wasn't pretty much exactly like that then those parents are being, ahem, WAY less than truthful.
This isn't Klein's first investigation. It's a high profile case and while that may have influenced his decision to take the case, I'm guessing he'd like his "fame" to be for finding the child and having the investigation end with convictions, not for messing up the case and getting in the way (plus, wouldn't that be a crime?). It's my opinion that he is working closely with LE. I would guess that LE knew what Klein's press release was going to say. As a PI, Klein has a lot more leeway than LE with what he can say and do. LE can use Klein as a tool to chip away at the suspects in a way LE can't. I don't know how much access he has to evidence, but LE can certainly give him a lot of direction without revealing the specifics. I am confident that they are on the same page and I think Klein has been instrumental in moving this case along. He may have faults and agendas (who doesn't?), but without his involvement, I think this case would still be at a stand-still. He doesn't seem to be "stealing" any credit either. He is always very clear that he is working with LE and he has not said anything unflattering about LE or their investigation. MOO.
On their TV news brief? I watch Fox News at Nine (KNIN station) and they didn't mention anything.

KTVB mentioned Klein's latest on the 10 o'clock news. An article is also on their Facebook page. BTW Hi Neighbor!
I apologize if I missed something like this, but has LE said not to take what Klein says at face value? I have to think that unless they have said that Klein does not have the authority to make factual statements about the case and to disregard what he says, that LE is on board with his statements. Or at least don't contradict his statements, even if they can't outwardly support them.

For here, I understand the difference between Klein and LE making statements and what is considered official and what is not. I'm just speaking about in general.

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IR did suggest in his Nate interview that he was surprised the parents were named as suspects and had assumed DeOrr got lost or taken by an animal. This makes me think (if he was being truthful to Nate) that any information he has pertaining to foul play is incidental / circumstantial, rather than glaringly obvious.

Makes me wonder if IRs account contradicts GGP now. Also, did IR offer something that lends to the idea of searching near the lower campground or has that been a working theory within all parties?
I wonder if forensics were done on the shovel that was spotted with the hair stuck to it. The one that "blew away in the wind".

My take on Mr Kleins statement last night is he's feeling closer than ever to solving this case and he's calling out the suspects and calling on their family members. It's like he's saying to them "you still have time to steer the course of this thing, but your time is short".
Just skim read the last few pages to try and catch up and one thing that stuck out (if I didn't imagine it!) was Klein has said he will present evidence of some kind today (next few hours?).

What is that all about!?
Just skim read the last few pages to try and catch up and one thing that stuck out (if I didn't imagine it!) was Klein has said he will present evidence of some kind today (next few hours?).

What is that all about!?

He made a comment on the thread below in response to a poster who said Klein didn't have any evidence. He said he would be giving an interview tomorrow (which is today) and would provide "evidence." To my knowledge, there haven't been any more details as to where and when he would give said interview. I have been following his FB page all morning for an update as they are usually good at letting people know such things.
I'm having so many troubling thoughts on this case this morning. I'm finding the fact that the parents, and possibly even GGPA and IR, have known all along what happened to DeOrr and haven't said anything, to be so disturbing and depressing. How could anyone sit back and say nothing all this time? They seriously must have all thought this thing would eventually just die down and go away and no one would be the wiser. Whatever happened up there was not a simple accident or someone would have done the proper thing by now, IMO.

It also sickens me that the family refuses to accept any possibility that the parents are involved. I mean if one of my kid's teachers told me that he or she had done something wrong at school, I would get to the bottom of it! I wouldn't tell the teacher she was wrong and that my child did nothing wrong and then just go along as if nothing happened, all the while proclaiming my child's innocence and saying the teacher had no evidence. I would gather the evidence myself if I needed to! ugh. I just don't get how this family can ignore these accusations and keep protecting (and supporting) the parents. Doesn't anyone actually want to know what happened to that precious little boy? I guess ignorance is bliss.
<modsnip>I personally doubt she is someone capable of feelings or normal emotion, so I won't waste my time waiting for her to feel guilty enough to confess. Out of everyone in the family, my feelings are that VDK mom is most likely to get to VDK to prompt a confession. JM is cold as the ground her baby is in & GGP is a fall guy.

Interesting thoughts. I believe VDK is the master mind in this mess and JM his puppet.
Maybe if someone close to her would stop coddling her and explain the ramifications of being charged in this matter then she would finally confess what she knows.
I think Mr. Klein says that the families are in denial because he's alluding to the idea that one of the suspects should talk before any more searching takes place.
Hopefully the families will process his statements and make something happen.
I apologize if I missed something like this, but has LE said not to take what Klein says at face value? I have to think that unless they have said that Klein does not have the authority to make factual statements about the case and to disregard what he says, that LE is on board with his statements. Or at least don't contradict his statements, even if they can't outwardly support them.

For here, I understand the difference between Klein and LE making statements and what is considered official and what is not. I'm just speaking about in general.

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They never issued a statement telling people to disregard what Vilt said either, but that doesn't mean they were using Vilt as their spokesperson or even agreed with what he said.
So, I finally got the chance to listen to Klein's phone interview that he gave yesterday ( He mentions multiple times how impressed he is with how well all of the agencies have worked together (county, private, federal, state) and that is why the case is moving so quickly at this point. No matter where you stand in this case, I don't think ANYONE can rightfully ignore Klein's statement that all the agencies involved have reached the same conclusion. "This should be a model case for missing persons, especially missing children, around the United States." Amen, brother. Amen. Let's bring this little boy home.
I'm having so many troubling thoughts on this case this morning. I'm finding the fact that the parents, and possibly even GGPA and IR, have known all along what happened to DeOrr and haven't said anything, to be so disturbing and depressing. How could anyone sit back and say nothing all this time? They seriously must have all thought this thing would eventually just die down and go away and no one would be the wiser. Whatever happened up there was not a simple accident or someone would have done the proper thing by now, IMO.

It also sickens me that the family refuses to accept any possibility that the parents are involved. I mean if one of my kid's teachers told me that he or she had done something wrong at school, I would get to the bottom of it! I wouldn't tell the teacher she was wrong and that my child did nothing wrong and then just go along as if nothing happened, all the while proclaiming my child's innocence and saying the teacher had no evidence. I would gather the evidence myself if I needed to! ugh. I just don't get how this family can ignore these accusations and keep protecting (and supporting) the parents. Doesn't anyone actually want to know what happened to that precious little boy? I guess ignorance is bliss.

My hopes are that Klein's statement will "stir the pot", if you will, within the family, thus causing them to put pressure on Jessica and VDK. You know, if the separate family members start pulling the wool away from their eyes and, perhaps, start pointing fingers, it could cause a big rift between the families and maybe, just maybe, that could cause Jessica and VDK to crack. As I've believed all along, and as Klein pointed out, these two are being coddled/protected by their families who cannot see the forest for the trees. They are just too close to the situation. These families need a little bit of in-fighting to get this case moving in the right direction. I don't think VDK and/or Jessica could stand any scrutiny from family members - they would be crushed.
If I killed my child and got rid of the body and was fortunate enough to not be arrested eight months later, I would completely drop out of the media and social media. No interviews, no appearances, make all accounts private. If you don't give people anything to talk about, people will move on. In this case, if the parents just have to speak out, then just say that a wild animal got your kid. If you say a stranger abducted him, you are going to be under a lot more pressure. I think it shows immaturity when you see parents arguing with strangers online.
He made a comment on the thread below in response to a poster who said Klein didn't have any evidence. He said he would be giving an interview tomorrow (which is today) and would provide "evidence." To my knowledge, there haven't been any more details as to where and when he would give said interview. I have been following his FB page all morning for an update as they are usually good at letting people know such things.

Thanks. I can't see the comment (or any from KIC) so I guess its been removed? Will wait and see what articles pop up tonight in the media.
They never issued a statement telling people to disregard what Vilt said either, but that doesn't mean they were using Vilt as their spokesperson or even agreed with what he said.

True, but LE was pretty adamant that DeOrr wasn't abducted (which was Vilt's theory). Plus, Vilt didn't ever imply that he was working very closely with LE and that they were on the same page... I think LE kind of just let Vilt do his own thing because they knew his theory wasn't going to pan out.
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