ID - DeOrr Kunz, Jr., 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #30

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Maybe I am being too hopeful but I feel there will be a break in this case soon.

People slip up in conversations with others. Too many people have suspicions in this case.

I am hoping that someone's conscience becomes too heavy a burden and they speak up because his or her heart
insists on it. This very well could happen and I trust it will - eventually.

Prayers of love to little DeOrr.


Good post.
The bolded bit is (imo) what will break this case.
Little DeOrr deserves that much respect.
Still more questions, as in was Deorr there at all? If he was, it sounds like he didn't know he was supposed to be watching him? So did the neglectful JM and VDK just sneak off and leave him at the campsite? Or did little Deorr go with them and something happened? Sounds like GGPs telling the truth, and was telling the truth when he said " I thought he ran up to you". Also, when was it he saw Deorr playing in the dirt with his boots? I assume before he went in for a nap, and he assumed Deorr then followed after the parents. Now I'm so confused I forgot where I was going with this. :gaah:
Saw all the posts and thought something broke in the case.... darn... :waiting:

Hey neesaki! :wave:
I'm semi-newly local. I have not seen one missing poster for him that I can recall. The few local rumors I've heard have been suspicions about mom. People say dad is "odd," "simple," and "weird," but not necessarily "dangerous," while others say mom is odd in a bad way and that her mother is...unusual. Most people I've spoken with lean towards mom doing something and dad helping cover out of fear. I'm still a mountain lion or nature-take believer... Idaho is vast and wild and there's a lot of different animals out there. Wolves, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, etc. The mountain lions have been spotted in town in different areas in East Idaho. I think he wandered away and a mountain lion grabbed him and there wasn't blood because the lion didn't release its hold until further away. *ducking from tomatoes*

If not that, then I lean towards mom.

I really wish I had a vehicle and could go out to the campsite (if the snow ever melts) and check it out as I've never been out there as an adult.
Saw all the posts and thought something broke in the case.... darn... :waiting:Hey neesaki! :wave:
Me too, thought sheriff had announced his update, but no, still waiting. :waiting: Hey back atcha Niner! :wave:
I'm semi-newly local. I have not seen one missing poster for him that I can recall. The few local rumors I've heard have been suspicions about mom. People say dad is "odd," "simple," and "weird," but not necessarily "dangerous," while others say mom is odd in a bad way and that her mother is...unusual. Most people I've spoken with lean towards mom doing something and dad helping cover out of fear. I'm still a mountain lion or nature-take believer... Idaho is vast and wild and there's a lot of different animals out there. Wolves, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, etc. The mountain lions have been spotted in town in different areas in East Idaho. I think he wandered away and a mountain lion grabbed him and there wasn't blood because the lion didn't release its hold until further away. *ducking from tomatoes*

If not that, then I lean towards mom.

I really wish I had a vehicle and could go out to the campsite (if the snow ever melts) and check it out as I've never been out there as an adult.

So maybe Mom was too stoned to watch her baby, and thus anything could have happened? Maybe she was so unaware she really doesn't know? Which could make mountain lion or other a possibility, but only if there was negligence and they weren't watching their baby, which I believe it was at least that. Still, so many lies, seems like something more nefarious was going on, IMO.
Klein has posted yet another video regarding little Deorr...this is one of GGP that has not been shown before.
@CMC-- Sorry for the delayed response! I have to agree with @Flourish on a few things here. I really don't see many missing posters or anything anymore. And truth be told, I didn't see many even when his disappearance was fresh. That is honestly one of the main reasons that I believe JM and VDK know what happened to their son. Nothing is done on their end to keep this little boy's face on the front pages. Pretty fishy since their first claim was that they believed he had been abducted. I also agree with @Flourish on what is said about the key players in this thing. VDK is pretty simple, JM as well as her mother TBC are both pretty nutty acting.
I think JM and VDK sightings are getting pretty rare, it is my understanding that both of them kind of float to and from this area since Little DeOrr went missing. VDK and his father would frequent a local bar and I think their visits there have become less frequent. VDK's behavior at the bar in the first few months was quite odd, he'd be crying one minute and laughing and enjoying himself the next. This isn't something I witnessed personally, but my source is a former employee of this place.
And like Flourish, I had considered the possibility of a mountain lion, but it just isn't logical. I don't believe than an animal could silently get this child out of the search area without leaving a shred of evidence, be it clothing or DNA. A frightened toddler would be screaming and flailing, which in turn would cause the animal to need to adjust his grip at some point, which would allow blood to flow. And on the off-chance that the initial contact was fatal, I don't think the animal would drag a non-resisting dinner clear out of the search area. Animals don't worry about leaving no evidence behind. Murderous or negligent parents do, which is why there is no trace of that little boy anywhere in the area. IMO, the lack of evidence in itself is very telling.
I'm semi-newly local. I have not seen one missing poster for him that I can recall. The few local rumors I've heard have been suspicions about mom. People say dad is "odd," "simple," and "weird," but not necessarily "dangerous," while others say mom is odd in a bad way and that her mother is...unusual. Most people I've spoken with lean towards mom doing something and dad helping cover out of fear. I'm still a mountain lion or nature-take believer... Idaho is vast and wild and there's a lot of different animals out there. Wolves, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, etc. The mountain lions have been spotted in town in different areas in East Idaho. I think he wandered away and a mountain lion grabbed him and there wasn't blood because the lion didn't release its hold until further away. *ducking from tomatoes*

If not that, then I lean towards mom.

I really wish I had a vehicle and could go out to the campsite (if the snow ever melts) and check it out as I've never been out there as an adult.

No disrespect to any poster, not in the slightest.

Thanks, Flourish, for this information. We've been on other threads together and I really value your input here! Ideas such as "wilderness" or "remote" vary from place to place. You've relayed the local "scene" here & I appreciate that.

DeOrr, may you be safe & warm wherever you are!
OMG.... GGP never saw Deorr in the dirt playing with his boots, that just came from JM? He never saw IR return to the campsite, while IR claimed he saw GGP pacing and then went up to help search ? So many different stories, but GGP seems believable to me.

ETA: Does seem like GGP has memory issues, but that's not uncommon for someone with COPD and low blood levels of oxygen going to the brain. He seems to do good just to breath while sitting down with his O2.
OMG.... GGP never saw Deorr in the dirt playing with his boots, that just came from JM? He never saw IR return to the campsite, while IR claimed he saw GGP pacing and then went up to help search ? So many different stories, but GGP seems believable to me.

ETA: Does seem like GGP has memory issues, but that's not uncommon for someone with COPD and low blood levels of oxygen going to the brain. He seems to do good just to breath while sitting down with his O2.

I agree. I think he is telling the truth as best he can remember what happened. I feel the others would love to throw him under the bus.
I agree. I think he is telling the truth as best he can remember what happened. I feel the others would love to throw him under the bus.

I think so too, throwing him under the bus, let him be the scapegoat. Cowards, and how cruel to do something like that to a grandpa with serious health problems. It's elder abuse, IMO. But JM appears to have no conscience, so what's it to her? :mad:
I wish the parents could be charged with obstruction of justice because of the lies they told law enforcement. Their stories changed and changed and changed and changed.

How can life just merrily go on without little DeOrr?

I just don't get it. The memory of his little life cannot just end like this.

Hoping and praying still that one of the family members finds the burden of knowing something too heavy to bear - please speak up!
This case has hit us hard. It has to be torture for at least one of the people who loved little DeOrr.

I believe it's a matter of time before someone tells the truth. I just have to believe that because I believe in hope.
Hope and justice for little DeOrr!

God Bless you little guy !
I wish the parents could be charged with obstruction of justice because of the lies they told law enforcement. Their stories changed and changed and changed and changed.

How can life just merrily go on without little DeOrr?

I just don't get it. The memory of his little life cannot just end like this.

Hoping and praying still that one of the family members finds the burden of knowing something too heavy to bear - please speak up!

I couldn't agree more, zencompass. I'll never stop wondering where he is and hoping for justice.

Seriously, that's it?!

Ok, I'm looking at this from a slightly different perspective after hearing and watching GGPs last interviews on Klein and Co. And even after reading and weighing VDKs statement.

IR gave a different story than GGP, But if he is lying, and GGP is telling the truth that IR didn't come up and help search, and he doesn't remember seeing him at all during that time, then I have a couple of new theories.

Well not exactly new but.... IR had something set up and handed off that baby to someone. Or did something to him during the time IR was off the radar. Remember TBC saying that IR was gone for a while and they didn't see him or know where he was? This would fit with GGPs statements. Maybe all this is the key to what happened to that baby. Idk if JM was involved with it or not, but if she was I wouldn't be surprised. She clearly wanted to be free of the responsibilities of motherhood. JMO

Also today we are willing to announce that in our interviews with the grandfather, he did admit to investigators that he believes there was an accident. He will not go all the way and tell the complete truth at this time.

Eaton: When Jessica says she knows where the body is, has she given you any suggestions or tips?

Klein: She has broken down in an interview with us, and I understand she’s broken down in an interview with law enforcement, that she does know in fact where the body is.
I believe some of it is paranoia that has set into her at this point because she knows the walls are closing in around her but I will announce today that Jessica has told our investigators that she knows where the body is, but she won’t go all the way and say more.
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