ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #5

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The EMT bag. Could the first letter be a letter that just sounds like an E, like B or V?
Until this thread, I don't think I was even aware that there was such a thing as an "EMT bag". I would probably just call it a medical bag, supply bag or first aid kit. Do other people call a large camera-bag-looking-thing that contains medical supplies an "EMT bag"?

As somebody said upfront. People I know that are in emergency response call them "jump bags" or "go bags".
This is starting to feel like little Noah's case (but I hope not)... Lots of searching, then it feels quiet for a bit and they stop asking for searchers... Kind of like they are waiting for somebody to fess up or trip up.
Until this thread, I don't think I was even aware that there was such a thing as an "EMT bag". I would probably just call it a medical bag, supply bag or first aid kit. Do other people call a large camera-bag-looking-thing that contains medical supplies an "EMT bag"?

As somebody said upfront. People I know that are in emergency response call them "jump bags" or "go bags".

It appears they are sold at lots of places including Amazon and eBay and camping seems to be a major use. They have an EMT on the top. Some are sold empty and others are sold filled. The filled ones carry a wide variety of things - not all contain the same things.
Until this thread, I don't think I was even aware that there was such a thing as an "EMT bag". I would probably just call it a medical bag, supply bag or first aid kit. Do other people call a large camera-bag-looking-thing that contains medical supplies an "EMT bag"?

As somebody said upfront. People I know that are in emergency response call them "jump bags" or "go bags".

I would agree that what some might call an "EMT" bag would be more synonymous with a jump bag or go bag used by a first responder versus a first aid kid that anyone would have.

Some have theorized that as a CNA in LTC, JM might have the training/skills to use what would be found in an EMT bag. In my experience, her job would in no way prepare her for what one might find in a bag with more advanced medical equipment, such as airway management tools. Quite frankly, unless they work in an area where they're exposed to it, such as the ER, many RNs would be at a loss with what to do with the equipment found in a typical jump or go bag.

If I had to venture a guess, if they are really saying "EMT bag," it would have been something most likely brought in by SAR or another first responder. Why it would be missing or what it means to the case, I have no idea.
Right. The creek looks to be not much more than runoff of very shallow water with close banks. No body is going to go unnoticed in that water. I was looking for the photo they showed of it earlier, but can't find it again.

Here is a video of the area and includes the creek:

I don't necessarily think he fell in the creek, but I live in a creek-y area, and creeks can be pretty dangerous. If rain is heavy, they can become quite swollen and fast-moving. They can also have serious mud -- my husband and I were ATVing and drove through a creek once, and I ended up stuck in the mud up to mid-thigh (and I'm not short). I lost both my shoes and honestly thought that we were going to have to call professionals to get me out of that mud. The mud is sticky and sucky and scary. I would not be terribly comfortable with a small kid playing unattended/unwatched around a creek.
The EMT bag. Could the first letter be a letter that just sounds like an E, like B or V?

I'm thinking EMT bag would be said E. M. T. bag (like the letters in the alphabet) but the word "empty" would sound completely different. I have not listened to the video (sorry!) so don't know how it sounded on there. Otherwise it would be M.T. bag and then initials would/could come into play.
Woke up from a sound sleep last night, thinking about the sweet child and something that's been "niggling" at me. In the interview with Mom and Dad, Dad described his trip down the round to get better cell service as "hauling a$$" or some such phrase. My son was a climber, and let's say DeOrr managed up into the bed of truck with all the camping goodies, fell asleep maybe or played hide and seek, whatever. Dad takes off at a high rate of speed and somewhere much further down, little DeOrr winds up out of back of truck, off side of road maybe on creek side? Would have been head start on where searchers were looking maybe? Like most all here, I'm grasping at straws for any rhyme or reason for such a tragic event to what should have been a peaceful family getaway.

I thought the same thing, but according to DK he only drove 1/2 mile to get better reception. So that would have been included in the 2 1/2 mile diameter that was thoroughly searched.
yeah, I have never thought it was an EMT bag...My ex-husband is a paramedic and he always called it a "jump kit"...but who knows...I think empty bag sounds more reasonable, but I don't have any idea why this whatever kind of bag it is even matters since they never did address it in the interview. They did say " We will get to THAT" but never did.
I just had a thought!!(which is rare, lol).
Suppose it is "EMPTY BAG", and suppose that " EMPTY BAG" is little DeOrrs bag where his clothes and diapers were? THAT would be a huge thing to find EMPTY. Maybe it is supposed to be kept quiet. I dunno. It was just a thought.

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In looking at the map of the location, I am curious where Dad went when he said he went hauling down the road to see if he could get better reception.

Just to illustrate, I believe it is a half a mile from the upper campground to the lower campground. I believe they we're camped at the lower campground (sitting just beneath the reservoir as we have heard Dad say). So to me 'down the road' has always meant further away from the reservoir, as in back down the same road they came in on? I would like to know where a half mile down the road. Wouldn't going 'up' give you better reception? The campsite was in a clearing. It seems if he went a half mile down there would have been more trees.

Do you think he really went down the road toward Leadore or did he go up the road passed the reservoir toward the upper campground?

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Since he said he went 1/2 a mile down the road where he knew he could get service, and he also said he'd never been to that campground before, I am assuming he went back down the road the way they came in. If he went up toward the reservoir, how would he know he could get better service up there? (Even though it seems like it would make sense service would be better higher up, he wouldn't know that if he hadn't been up there yet.)
Another thought about the EMT bag. (Which, by the way, I am totally aware of what they are and where they are sold. I just don't generally call them by that title.)

Anyway, Here's my new thought. We have talked and speculated a lot about what the EMT bag could mean in terms of it being something to do with the campground and the actual day he went missing. What I don't think we have speculated on is what was the rumor that was circulating about the bag. I've looked and I couldn't find any rumors from before the day of the interview. What if the rumor that the person off-camera was so insistent needed to be addressed was something along the lines of: So-and-So's EMT bag was missing from the house or from great-grandpa's house? This goes with the "DeOrr was never at the campground" line of thought. People might have been speculating that there was a connection between DeOrr missing and somebody they know missing their EMT bag.

Does that make sense?
I just had a thought!!(which is rare, lol).
Suppose it is "EMPTY BAG", and suppose that " EMPTY BAG" is little DeOrrs bag where his clothes and diapers were? THAT would be a huge thing to find EMPTY. Maybe it is supposed to be kept quiet. I dunno. It was just a thought.

Even though I had my sound at full blast I wasn't able to accurately hear what was said.

If it was an EMT bag filled with things for emergency use, maybe it was just a few things tossed in to aid GGP with his health.

I don't know. In any event, I think if it was something mysterious that it would have been brought to light by LE. Maybe not. Arrrrrrgh!
Since things have slowed down in this thread a bit, I've been perusing other threads as well as their associated MSM and SM activity. It's so heartening in those other cases to see the outpouring of community support. Supplies, time, special skills and all other types of resources are being donated. In Austin and Perry's case, people have organized air and ground searches from the Bahamas to the Carolinas. In Lonzie's, sunscreen for searchers and treats for the dogs are being donated. In both situations, there are frequent briefings.

I have time. I have a special skill set. I have resources. There are many, many more people who are local to this case who have some combination of skills, resources, and an ability to contribute to meaningful search efforts. Our desire to see this sweet boy returned to his family is second only to the desire of his family to have him back in their arms. It's not possible for me to overstate the level of frustration then that I, and many others, feel about the complete shut-out by everyone close to this case.

There is some reason, that we are not privy to, that neither LE nor the family has requested that type of help. The sheriff has stated that he does not believe DeOrr was kidnapped, but understands the family wants to believe that because it would mean he's still alive.
It seems LE has ruled out drowning whether accurate or not. I personally think searching the water more seems wise, but they have searched and apparentally feel that is done. Likewise, they seem confident that surrounding wilderness has been thoroughly searched to rule it out as well.

One would then assume abduction would be the next likely theory but LE has not given an indication that they believe that to be probable. There has been no communication with the public to that end. What does that leave us? Strange case indeed.
Investigation question.

If someone goes missing from some place far from home, is that person's house searched? Would witnesses' homes be searched? Would relatives' homes be searched? I would think so but not sure.
Since he said he went 1/2 an hour down the road where he knew he could get service, and he also said he'd never been to that campground before, I am assuming he went back down the road the way they came in. If he went up toward the reservoir, how would he know he could get better service up there? (Even though it seems like it would make sense service would be better higher up, he wouldn't know that if he hadn't been up there yet.)

I believe he said that he went 1/2 a mile down the road. I posted a map about this last night, showing that about 1/2 a mile down the road he would be out of the "bowl" that the campground sits in.
The local NBC affiliate, KTVB, in Boise, just had an interesting advertisement. It starts with Mark Johnson, a longtime reporter for the station, in the newsroom

Mark: "Very stories that we do capture the attention of the entire state. This one has."

*A missing poster of DeOrr comes on screen and various shots of the search are shown, including the picture of JM on the ATV, searchers on horseback, dog handlers, etc.

Mark continues: "Anytime a child goes missing, it's on all of our minds. We hear so many asking, 'How can I help?'"

He goes on to plug the station a bit, saying they're the only local station that sent reporters to the area.

Mark: "We did that so we could ask and answer the questions you have. And we will continue to watch closely as the search continues and we know you will, too."
How could tea bags possibly be an important clue in little Deorr's disappearance? That does not make sense to me, sorry!

I think it's even more unlikely that the presence of a tea bag could get "twisted" into something ugly. None of this makes sense. When something doesn't make sense, there's a reason. We just don't know the reason, but I think LE does.
I just had a thought!!(which is rare, lol).
Suppose it is "EMPTY BAG", and suppose that " EMPTY BAG" is little DeOrrs bag where his clothes and diapers were? THAT would be a huge thing to find EMPTY. Maybe it is supposed to be kept quiet. I dunno. It was just a thought.

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Good thinking---I think you may be right---empty bag!
I missed this from an earlier report, the retired investigator's opinion that Deorr may have never been at the campsite at all, and that the wild animal theory should be discounted. He also mentions there are cameras on the highway. For some reason I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Grieving parents they are, but that they are apparently still being named POI can't be ignored either. :(

Latham said some theories investigators may be considering include Deorr walking away on his own, the possibility of him being abducted, the idea that he was never at the campsite in the first place or that a wild animal was involved in his disappearance.
“Lemhi County has done close to 300 searches. If it had been a wild animal attack they would have at least found a boot,” Latham said. “I think, by now, the theory should be discounted.”

Even though few new details are being released, Latham said that doesn’t mean the case isn’t moving forward. “There are some cameras on the highway on both directions of 93,” Latham said. “I’m sure [they] have been looked … and I’m sure they’re looking more or less under every rock, so to speak, for leads on this case.”
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