ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow - Tylee Ryan - Tammy Daybell - Charles Vallow - *Arrests* #70

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I just started listening to this series too and had the same question

I didn't know about the stupid "gay meter" either. Which I learned about in another of Annie's videos.

These women spent more time doing their castings, attempting to harm/kill others, and doing their "work" in the temple than they did anything else. I'm surprised they didn't write some special incantation book, they could have called it "Stultus Sermo Vomitum".
MG's private life is off limits here. She testified in court that Tylee was "disrespectful". If a teenager doesn't like you, you leave them alone. I can see Tylee not approving of her mother's ultra religious friends (that probably included Chad). When Tylee was younger she got along well with her friend's mother.

Tylee seemed to be denigrated and/or separated from others, too. Classic in abusive relationships. Chad did it to Tammy. Lori did it to Ty.

Recently I heard another anecdote to support the isolate tactic. Kay testified that for some reason she was always with her maternal grandparents when she came to visit. It's strange that they were apparently deliberately separated, and I suspect it was to keep Lori as the main relationship for each of them- rather than having Tylee get to know the Woodcocks too well.

She was such a creative and bright girl, maybe the smartest in the family. And she exuded love for JJ. I don't know how she had the energy being that Lori used her to meet all of her needs. And I dont recall a single example of Lori saying anything nice about her, except to police officers. Reporting her purse stolen, she said Tylee was bright and thinking of going into LE. Probably totally untrue and a love bomb to the police. After Charles' murder, she made it seem like Charles was awful to Ty and Lori was pretending to be so loving towards her.

I don't know how Tylee felt about Charles- but he did refer to her as his daughter many times when speaking of her. He bought her a vehicle at 16. He provided the most stable period of her life.

No court tomorrow? Reconvene on Tuesday. I believe Colby will be testifying for the prosecution. Not sure who else we will be hearing from. Maybe IP? MP? We haven't heard from KW yet. That is going to be very emotional. I bet LVD would like to be "excused" next week. Thank you for making her face court, every day.

On trial for conspiracy to murder her children, who were found buried in her husband's yard, completely defiled. Not even wrapped nicely in blankets and buried tenderly. The inhumanity of their burial, is grotesque.

And LVD sits there, smiling, chatting, flirting with her legal team.

I am interested in the defense. Poor lil' LVD was "psychologically abused" by CD? Not buying it.
I still think about Chad fussing about Tammy playing that game (Oregon Trail, was it?) while his Goddess lover spent her time dancing for his pleasure in her mirrored studio living room. I guess no one experienced visions about dancing being a dark force spirit thing that needed to be stopped. Where did these spirit names (Garrett, Ned, Viola) originate? Maybe Charles P G Scott's book The Devil and His Imps?
Thank you to those who have given me info and/or pointed me in the right direction regarding who’s who and the timeline. I’ve done a lot of reading and watching interviews this weekend and think I am much more caught up now. I do a couple of questions remaining…

1 In June of 2021, LVD was deemed unfit for trial but in April of 2022 she was found competent.

But 6 months later in October of 2022, the judge suspended the trial until her competency could be determined. About a month later, in November of 2022, the judge ruled she was competent for trial.

Can anyone explain why they needed to do that again?

2 And the Judge ruled last month that the state could not seek the death penalty. I saw that the defense had requested this ruling based on publicity LVD’s mental status, and discovery. It seems the Judge only cited the discovery issue in his decision, but what was the discovery issue?

Q 1 - The "why" on this stuff has not been made public, and will not be made public. But the tip of the iceberg looks like Lori was either acting/speaking loony tunes, or out-of-her-mind depression, or schizo-based loss of reality, and she couldn't interact with defense counsel to prep for trial. It took them about 10 months to bring her back to "normal."

Then, 6 months later, it happened again. Why? We don't and won't be told. But by appearances we should probably call it a relapse. The DP issue may have played a role, but who knows.

My personal opinion is that anyone who is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that they see themself as a goddess is going to have a hard time when facing a trial that says they are wrong. Because, they CAN'T be wrong. Yet here they are. Now what do they do?

Q2 - In contrast, the removal of the DP was logical, and transparent. It happened because the Prosecution team kept working as if they had forever to provide disclosure to the defense and have a trial. But they didn't, because LVD did not (and would not) waive her right to a speedy trial. Eventually Boyce set a trial date for Apr 3 - period - and a drop dead date for ALL disclosure by _______ (I don't recall exact date, but maybe Feb 26?). Which, stupidly, the Prosecution went past. Some of it wasn't a real big deal, but some may have been. Anyhow, in essence they did a big evidence drop on AND after the deadline.

Boyce ultimately ruled that (a) he couldn't delay the trial, to give the defense the time needed to prep for the new evidence, because in doing so he would then have to dismiss the case due to speedy trial violation, and such a dismissal is unfair to justice for the victims, so (b) he removed the DP possibility, which then would save the defense from having to prep all the new evidence for the DP issue too, which would have taken place in a 2nd or mini- trial after, if she was found guilty. In that way, he was giving them extra time for prep, so to speak.

TL/DR version - The DP was dropped because the Prosecution team was sloppy and wouldn't meet the necessary deadlines.
When all this happened some years back I always assumed Chad and Lori were basically psychopathic grifters who did it for the money/lifestyle - Alex some strange 3rd wheel

But there does seem to be a genuine cult aspect to all this
Thank you to those who have given me info and/or pointed me in the right direction regarding who’s who and the timeline. I’ve done a lot of reading and watching interviews this weekend and think I am much more caught up now. I do a couple of questions remaining…

In June of 2021, LVD was deemed unfit for trial but in April of 2022 she was found competent. Now I’m guessing that would be because she had been under the care of psychiatrists or psychologists who must have said she had improved in those 10 months and was now able to assist in her own defense.

But 6 months later in October of 2022, the judge suspended the trial until her competency could be determined. About a month later, in November of 2022, the judge ruled she was competent for trial.

Can anyone explain why they needed to do that again? Was it in any way connected to prosecution saying in May of 2022 that they would be seeking the death penalty? That is did that necessitate another review of her competency? Or did she give reason for her competency again to be questioned?

And the Judge ruled last month that the state could not seek the death penalty. I saw that the defense had requested this ruling based on publicity LVD’s mental status, and discovery. It seems the Judge only cited the discovery issue in his decision, but what was the discovery issue?

Again, thank you to all who have been following closer than I’ve been able that help me with questions like this that were likely already discussed but I’ve missed them.
So, some interesting documents which may help to answer your questions - (this is not an exhaustive list and I have only highlighted some of the information in the documents to illustrate a thread of some of the issues)

Jan 26th 2023 - Defense filed a motion to dismiss the case because her speedy trial rights had been violated. In this document they state at paragraph 8:

"Lori Vallow Daybell's defense team questioned her competence to stand trial and the Court tolled the case from October 6th 2022 to November 15th 2022. A 40-day delay caused by the competency review..." Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Speedy Trial.pdf

Mar 5th 2023 - Defense Motion in Limine to exclude all evidence disclosed by the State on Feb 27th, including State's mental health expert Dr Michael Welner's report. Motion in Limine to Exclude Late-Disclosed Evidence.pdf

Mar 5th 2023 - Defense motion to dismiss the death penalty. One of the reasons cited was the State had admitted that there were statements of a co-defendant (my note - Chad's jail recordings) yet to be provided to the defense. They also said the Government wanting to kill a mentally ill person is a troubling thought and even if she's just evil "we don't kill witches any more in America". Motion to Dismiss Death Penalty.pdf

Mar 6th 2023 - (according to the defense motion Mar 7th) the State provided the defense two audio files containing an hour of audio recordings of Chad's jail conversations (calls) with witnesses in the case. This was past the February deadline for disclosure.

Mar 7th 2023 - Defense filed a motion to compel the Government to disclose other statements of a co-defendent (Chad) and estimated that there could be 100-hours of audio based on the length of time he has been in jail, and asked the Court to dismiss the case based on these discovery violations. Motion to Compel.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's response to defendant's motion to compel - stating that Chad's jail recordings had not been provided due to an oversight within the office but that the defense had always been put on notice of their potential existence and it is an ongoing obligation to disclose (my note - his calls won't cease just because there was a February discovery deadline) and will continue to be supplemented. States Response to Defendants Motion to Compel.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's objection to the defense Motion in Limine (see Mar 5th) because they understood Feb 27th was the deadline, not before Feb 27th, and other sanctions are available. The document notes that the date for the filing of expert reports was not until Mar 13th. This filing reveals that the State consulted Dr Welner during Lori's second commitment and the defense were aware of this, and the defense had alleged a conflict of interest with Dr Welner and the State had filed a motion for a determinacy of conflict, putting the defense on notice that they intended to call him as a witness if the defense raised a mental health defense. The State says defense has represented that they do not intend to rely on a mental health defense, and assuming the defense does not open the door to mental health during trial, State will only call him in the penalty phase. My words - State says the defense asserting she is mentally ill conflicts with defense not putting forward a mental health defense, and Dr Welner's report is mischaracterized and he does not use the expressions of evil the defense cited, or propose to testify on it. The word evil doesn't even appear in his declaration. Defense claim that Dr Welner did not request to examine Lori is false, but because she was declared competent the State would not be allowed to have him examine her, unless that changes. The filing goes on to explain that the defense already had most of what they are claiming is new well before February. Most of it is just notes to accompany FBI audio interviews etc already disclosed, only one of the FBI interviews was not formerly disclosed, erroneously. Lots of false info stated by the defense about witness Audrey Barratario. Includes Dr Welner's 30-page affidavit and Curriculum Vitae, which states among other things he will testify about "the available evidence demonstrates LVD's contrived use of religion to control and direct others [...] LVD's involvement in multiple homicides reflects the influence of criminal deviance and personality, such as callus behavior and attitudes, rather than religious directive [...] LVD's involvement in multiple homicides reflects the influence of criminal deviance and personality rather than the influence of major psychiatric illness [...] The evidence demonstrates that the dynamic of Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow was one in which both manipulated each other [...]" Objection to Motion in Limine.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's objection to defendant's motion to dismiss the death penalty (see Mar 5th) - "the defense is attempting to assert publicly the defendant suffers from some form of mental illness which has some bearing as to her culpability in the charged offenses. It is interesting the defense in the same motion claims to have concerns about pretrial publicity, in this matter creating potential issues regarding the defendant's right to a fair trial, and yet, in the same filing includes an inflammatory reference that "we don't kill witches anymore in America". The State has never - at any time - referred to the defendant in this case as a witch. In addition the State has serious concerns about the blatant misrepresentations made by the defense in this motion... the defense's complete mischaracterization of any such expert opinion is clearly an attempt by the defense to try this case through the media [...] the appropriate venue is in a courtroom." States Objection and Response to Defendants Motion to Dismiss Death Penalty.pdf

Mar 21st 2023 - Court minutes of hearing - Court strikes the death penalty because the defense won't have time to review the discovery, Chad's jail calls, before trial. Court Minutes - Criminal.pdf

all documents available at Idaho Judicial Cases of Interest
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So, some interesting documents which may help to answer your questions - (this is not an exhaustive list and I have only highlighted some of the information in the documents to illustrate a thread of some of the issues)

Jan 26th 2023 - Defense filed a motion to dismiss the case because her speedy trial rights had been violated. In this document they state at paragraph 8:

"Lori Vallow Daybell's defense team questioned her competence to stand trial and the Court tolled the case from October 6th 2022 to November 15th 2022. A 40-day delay caused by the competency review..." Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Speedy Trial.pdf

Mar 5th 2023 - Defense Motion in Limine to exclude all evidence disclosed by the State on Feb 27th, including State's mental health expert Dr Michael Welner's report. Motion in Limine to Exclude Late-Disclosed Evidence.pdf

Mar 5th 2023 - Defense motion to dismiss the death penalty. One of the reasons cited was the State had admitted that there were statements of a co-defendant (my note - Chad's jail recordings) yet to be provided to the defense. They also said the Government wanting to kill a mentally ill person is a troubling thought and even if she's just evil "we don't kill witches any more in America". Motion to Dismiss Death Penalty.pdf

Mar 6th 2023 - (according to the defense motion Mar 7th) the State provided the defense two audio files containing an hour of audio recordings of Chad's jail conversations (calls) with witnesses in the case. This was past the February deadline for disclosure.

Mar 7th 2023 - Defense filed a motion to compel the Government to disclose other statements of a co-defendent (Chad) and estimated that there could be 100-hours of audio based on the length of time he has been in jail, and asked the Court to dismiss the case based on these discovery violations. Motion to Compel.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's response to defendant's motion to compel - stating that Chad's jail recordings had not been provided due to an oversight within the office but that the defense had always been put on notice of their potential existence and it is an ongoing obligation to disclose (my note - his calls won't cease just because there was a February discovery deadline) and will continue to be supplemented. States Response to Defendants Motion to Compel.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's objection to the defense Motion in Limine (see Mar 5th) because they understood Feb 27th was the deadline, not before Feb 27th, and other sanctions are available. The document notes that the date for the filing of expert reports was not until Mar 13th. This filing reveals that the State consulted Dr Welner during Lori's second commitment and the defense were aware of this, and the defense had alleged a conflict of interest with Dr Welner and the State had filed a motion for a determinacy of conflict, putting the defense on notice that they intended to call him as a witness if the defense raised a mental health defense. The State says defense has represented that they do not intend to rely on a mental health defense, and assuming the defense does not open the door to mental health during trial, State will only call him in the penalty phase. My words - State says the defense asserting she is mentally ill conflicts with defense not putting forward a mental health defense, and Dr Welner's report is mischaracterized and he does not use the expressions of evil the defense cited, or propose to testify on it. The word evil doesn't even appear in his declaration. Defense claim that Dr Welner did not request to examine Lori is false, but because she was declared competent the State would not be allowed to have him examine her, unless that changes. The filing goes on to explain that the defense already had most of what they are claiming is new well before February. Most of it is just notes to accompany FBI audio interviews etc already disclosed, only one of the FBI interviews was not formerly disclosed, erroneously. Lots of false info stated by the defense about witness Audrey Barratario. Includes Dr Welner's 30-page affidavit and Curriculum Vitae, which states among other things he will testify about "the available evidence demonstrates LVD's contrived use of religion to control and direct others [...] LVD's involvement in multiple homicides reflects the influence of criminal deviance and personality, such as callus behavior and attitudes, rather than religious directive [...] LVD's involvement in multiple homicides reflects the influence of criminal deviance and personality rather than the influence of major psychiatric illness [...] The evidence demonstrates that the dynamic of Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow was one in which both manipulated each other [...]" Objection to Motion in Limine.pdf

Mar 13th 2023 - State's objection to defendant's motion to dismiss the death penalty (see Mar 5th) - "the defense is attempting to assert publicly the defendant suffers from some form of mental illness which has some bearing as to her culpability in the charged offenses. It is interesting the defense in the same motion claims to have concerns about pretrial publicity, in this matter creating potential issues regarding the defendant's right to a fair trial, and yet, in the same filing includes an inflammatory reference that "we don't kill witches anymore in America". The State has never - at any time - referred to the defendant in this case as a witch. In addition the State has serious concerns about the blatant misrepresentations made by the defense in this motion... the defense's complete mischaracterization of any such expert opinion is clearly an attempt by the defense to try this case through the media [...] the appropriate venue is in a courtroom." States Objection and Response to Defendants Motion to Dismiss Death Penalty.pdf

Mar 21st 2023 - Court minutes of hearing - Court strikes the death penalty because the defense won't have time to review the discovery, Chad's jail calls, before trial. Court Minutes - Criminal.pdf

all documents available at Idaho Judicial Cases of Interest

Tortoise, thanks so much for this...
At that point in time (mid to late September) nobody considered Chad, Lori and Alex a bunch of killers. Charles was the only person that was known to have died. Lori, Alex and Tylee stuck to the self-defense narrative and others didn't know that LE discovered several clues pointing to Charles' murder. An autistic child having a tantrum probably wasn't too unusual. The babysitter witnessed JJ having one as well. In another incident he scratched Chad's neck. But why would anyone suspect that Lori was capable of killing her own child? Or that it was a conspiracy involving Chad?

Any investigation due to red flags and then Charles‘ death took just enough time for murders, and other murder attempts to talk place.
We either have to either believe
1) LVD, CD, and AC were criminal masterminds,
2) or LE was quite slow to see and respond to red flags.

It appears to me that much of it was a lack of communication between LE in different cities.

Jan 2019- Charles locked out of house- Gilbert, AZ heartbreaking body footage, death threat
July 11, 2019- Charles killed, Chandler, AZ shot by AC
Sept 2019- Tylee killed Rexburg, ID and buried on Daybell Property
Sept 22/23, 2019- JJ killed Rexburg, ID and buried on Daybell Property
Oct 2019- Tammy killed, Rexburg, ID at Daybell Property
Nov 2019- Well Fair call from KW to police re JJ
Dec 2019- AC died/ killed?

Tylee seemed to be denigrated and/or separated from others, too. Classic in abusive relationships. Chad did it to Tammy. Lori did it to Ty.

Recently I heard another anecdote to support the isolate tactic. Kay testified that for some reason she was always with her maternal grandparents when she came to visit. It's strange that they were apparently deliberately separated, and I suspect it was to keep Lori as the main relationship for each of them- rather than having Tylee get to know the Woodcocks too well.

She was such a creative and bright girl, maybe the smartest in the family. And she exuded love for JJ. I don't know how she had the energy being that Lori used her to meet all of her needs. And I dont recall a single example of Lori saying anything nice about her, except to police officers. Reporting her purse stolen, she said Tylee was bright and thinking of going into LE. Probably totally untrue and a love bomb to the police. After Charles' murder, she made it seem like Charles was awful to Ty and Lori was pretending to be so loving towards her.

I don't know how Tylee felt about Charles- but he did refer to her as his daughter many times when speaking of her. He bought her a vehicle at 16. He provided the most stable period of her life.


I’ve not heard of a meeting between Tylee and Chad? anyone?
There was some party given at the home where Charles was shot, I believe that same evening. Who all attended that party? Was Colby there?
If Tylee had any suspicions, she had no one to go to after Charles was killed. Everyone else in her immediate circle was in the inner circle.
July to Sept may have been the time where Tylee began figuring it out, trying to seek help?
What event lead to Tylee’s death? Did she try to reach out to someone and tell? Or was it always part of the plan Due to the $ that could come to LVD?

It is impossible for me to imagine any state of mind that would allow a mom to give the OK or participate in the murder of her own children.
Maybe the disbelief comes from LVD looking like people we know, pretty, focused on her appearance, flirty, shallow, stay at home mom, maybe gold digger…
but we don’t toss in that pile brainwashed murderer!

I’ve not heard of a meeting between Tylee and Chad? anyone?
There was some party given at the home where Charles was shot, I believe that same evening. Who all attended that party? Was Colby there?
If Tylee had any suspicions, she had no one to go to after Charles was killed. Everyone else in her immediate circle was in the inner circle.
July to Sept may have been the time where Tylee began figuring it out, trying to seek help?
What event lead to Tylee’s death? Did she try to reach out to someone and tell? Or was it always part of the plan Due to the $ that could come to LVD?

It is impossible for me to imagine any state of mind that would allow a mom to give the OK or participate in the murder of her own children.
Maybe the disbelief comes from LVD looking like people we know, pretty, focused on her appearance, flirty, shallow, stay at home mom, maybe gold digger…
but we don’t toss in that pile brainwashed murderer!

State's opening speech says Lori switched Tylee's money (Social Security benefits she received because of her father's death) from going into Tylee's account to going into Lori's account on August 16th 2019.

also from the timeline

First week August 2019 – David Warwick testified that he met Lori for the first time at her Gilbert AZ home and that Chad and Alex were there too. He said he didn’t ever meet Tylee, and he first met JJ in Sept in Idaho. Source: CD’s Preliminary Hearing Aug 2020
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No court tomorrow? Reconvene on Tuesday. I believe Colby will be testifying for the prosecution. Not sure who else we will be hearing from. Maybe IP? MP? We haven't heard from KW yet. That is going to be very emotional. I bet LVD would like to be "excused" next week. Thank you for making her face court, every day.

On trial for conspiracy to murder her children, who were found buried in her husband's yard, completely defiled. Not even wrapped nicely in blankets and buried tenderly. The inhumanity of their burial, is grotesque.

And LVD sits there, smiling, chatting, flirting with her legal team.

I am interested in the defense. Poor lil' LVD was "psychologically abused" by CD? Not buying it.

Oh, I totally buy the abuse by Chad. I even feel sympathy.

But IMO, Lori does not recognize the abuse she suffered or the abuse she dealt. Instead, for whatever reason, she recognizes her imagined victimhood. Like a welfare check on JJ was something being done to her rather than for JJ.

IMO Lori can't recognize and appreciate the gifts she received in life, especially Colby, Tylee and JJ. Instead she used them to show off, as soldiers, as companions, as proxy victims for imagined/invented wrongs, proxy victims of mysterious illness, and even as lying witnesses to murder. Until she pushed them aside, using the "luckiest" to help her pretend that one of her murder victims was alive.

IMO, there is no reason to pretend that Lori hasn't been wronged, probably her whole life.

She knew the laws, (allegedly) took illegal actions, lied and schemed and covered it up, knowing the whole time that in every state of the USA, murder is illegal. The crimes she is charged with she (allegedly) committed fully aware of the consequences in this LE environment. I believe she may think she's good with God. But Idaho and Arizona charged her because she is not good with those states. And she appears to have known that very well in 2019.
Thank you to those who have given me info and/or pointed me in the right direction regarding who’s who and the timeline. I’ve done a lot of reading and watching interviews this weekend and think I am much more caught up now. I do a couple of questions remaining…

In June of 2021, LVD was deemed unfit for trial but in April of 2022 she was found competent. Now I’m guessing that would be because she had been under the care of psychiatrists or psychologists who must have said she had improved in those 10 months and was now able to assist in her own defense.

But 6 months later in October of 2022, the judge suspended the trial until her competency could be determined. About a month later, in November of 2022, the judge ruled she was competent for trial.

Can anyone explain why they needed to do that again? Was it in any way connected to prosecution saying in May of 2022 that they would be seeking the death penalty? That is did that necessitate another review of her competency? Or did she give reason for her competency again to be questioned?

And the Judge ruled last month that the state could not seek the death penalty. I saw that the defense had requested this ruling based on publicity LVD’s mental status, and discovery. It seems the Judge only cited the discovery issue in his decision, but what was the discovery issue?

Again, thank you to all who have been following closer than I’ve been able that help me with questions like this that were likely already discussed but I’ve missed them.
Personally I think she threw a 'Lori' hissy fit similar to last week when she wanted to not attend for the afternnon which showed graphic details of her childrens bodies. IMO, Lori does not want to deal with the reality of anything but would rather remain in 'Lori World'.
No court tomorrow? Reconvene on Tuesday. I believe Colby will be testifying for the prosecution. Not sure who else we will be hearing from. Maybe IP? MP? We haven't heard from KW yet. That is going to be very emotional. I bet LVD would like to be "excused" next week. Thank you for making her face court, every day.

On trial for conspiracy to murder her children, who were found buried in her husband's yard, completely defiled. Not even wrapped nicely in blankets and buried tenderly. The inhumanity of their burial, is grotesque.

And LVD sits there, smiling, chatting, flirting with her legal team.

I am interested in the defense. Poor lil' LVD was "psychologically abused" by CD? Not buying it.
IIRC KW was the first witness for the prosecution
I still think about Chad fussing about Tammy playing that game (Oregon Trail, was it?) while his Goddess lover spent her time dancing for his pleasure in her mirrored studio living room. I guess no one experienced visions about dancing being a dark force spirit thing that needed to be stopped. Where did these spirit names (Garrett, Ned, Viola) originate? Maybe Charles P G Scott's book The Devil and His Imps?
Farmville I think, lol.

Not Oregon Trail, though it has had a comeback lately.
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