ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow - Tylee Ryan - Tammy Daybell - Charles Vallow - *Arrests* #70

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Q 1 - The "why" on this stuff has not been made public, and will not be made public. But the tip of the iceberg looks like Lori was either acting/speaking loony tunes, or out-of-her-mind depression, or schizo-based loss of reality, and she couldn't interact with defense counsel to prep for trial. It took them about 10 months to bring her back to "normal."

Then, 6 months later, it happened again. Why? We don't and won't be told. But by appearances we should probably call it a relapse. The DP issue may have played a role, but who knows.

My personal opinion is that anyone who is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that they see themself as a goddess is going to have a hard time when facing a trial that says they are wrong. Because, they CAN'T be wrong. Yet here they are. Now what do they do?

Q2 - In contrast, the removal of the DP was logical, and transparent. It happened because the Prosecution team kept working as if they had forever to provide disclosure to the defense and have a trial. But they didn't, because LVD did not (and would not) waive her right to a speedy trial. Eventually Boyce set a trial date for Apr 3 - period - and a drop dead date for ALL disclosure by _______ (I don't recall exact date, but maybe Feb 26?). Which, stupidly, the Prosecution went past. Some of it wasn't a real big deal, but some may have been. Anyhow, in essence they did a big evidence drop on AND after the deadline.

Boyce ultimately ruled that (a) he couldn't delay the trial, to give the defense the time needed to prep for the new evidence, because in doing so he would then have to dismiss the case due to speedy trial violation, and such a dismissal is unfair to justice for the victims, so (b) he removed the DP possibility, which then would save the defense from having to prep all the new evidence for the DP issue too, which would have taken place in a 2nd or mini- trial after, if she was found guilty. In that way, he was giving them extra time for prep, so to speak.

TL/DR version - The DP was dropped because the Prosecution team was sloppy and wouldn't meet the necessary deadlines.
Every time this trial came close to happening for Lori, she was deemed by the defense to be incapable of defending herself
and needed mental health support. Happened twice. Finally, the judge agreed to drop the death penalty if the trial
could occur in a timely manner.
I’ve been catching up on listening to some of the actual testimony. I wish it was video because there seem to be a lot of “pauses” in several people’s answers - lots of uhms or just delays in answering like they are really having to think about the answers. Not sure if attorneys are confusing them or they’re just trying to be careful about answering only what is asked or what but sometimes seems attorneys appear to be trying to pry the answers out of them. It may be just because I cannot see them and the interaction between attorney and witness or facial expressions or something but it is really making listening to the testimony difficult. I think I’d rather just try to read a transcript.
Any investigation due to red flags and then Charles‘ death took just enough time for murders, and other murder attempts to talk place.
We either have to either believe
1) LVD, CD, and AC were criminal masterminds,
2) or LE was quite slow to see and respond to red flags.

It appears to me that much of it was a lack of communication between LE in different cities.

Jan 2019- Charles locked out of house- Gilbert, AZ heartbreaking body footage, death threat
July 11, 2019- Charles killed, Chandler, AZ shot by AC
Sept 2019- Tylee killed Rexburg, ID and buried on Daybell Property
Sept 22/23, 2019- JJ killed Rexburg, ID and buried on Daybell Property
Oct 2019- Tammy killed, Rexburg, ID at Daybell Property
Nov 2019- Well Fair call from KW to police re JJ
Dec 2019- AC died/ killed?

If anyone has watched the documentaries or specials over the past 3 years on this case, they would know that it was the Arizona police force that dropped the ball when it came to Charle's death. While he is lying dead on the floor of his
home, Lori arrives back at the house with Tylee (after receiving a call from Alex - Alex sitting on the curb). Lori and Tylee had been shopping (alibies). Lori proceeds to charm the pants off the responding officers and they call it a day. After subsequent murders came to light, the case was re-opened in Arizona and they had a lot of explaining to do - the preverbal *advertiser censored* hit the fan, so to speak. Their PR personnel went into high gear to respond as to why the murder was not invested in a professional manner. They eventually put out a statement that their policies and procedures would be revised. There was speculation that had this been handled differently, maybe what was to come would have been different.
Every time this trial came close to happening for Lori, she was deemed by the defense to be incapable of defending herself
and needed mental health support. Happened twice. Finally, the judge agreed to drop the death penalty if the trial
could occur in a timely manner.
Hi welcome. The death penalty was dropped because of the voluminous evidence the prosecution submitted late to the defense.
If anyone has watched the documentaries or specials over the past 3 years on this case, they would know that it was the Arizona police force that dropped the ball when it came to Charle's death. While he is lying dead on the floor of his
home, Lori arrives back at the house with Tylee (after receiving a call from Alex - Alex sitting on the curb). Lori and Tylee had been shopping (alibies). Lori proceeds to charm the pants off the responding officers and they call it a day. After subsequent murders came to light, the case was re-opened in Arizona and they had a lot of explaining to do - the preverbal *advertiser censored* hit the fan, so to speak. Their PR personnel went into high gear to respond as to why the murder was not invested in a professional manner. They eventually put out a statement that their policies and procedures would be revised. There was speculation that had this been handled differently, maybe what was to come would have been different.
I also think if they’d done a bit more when CV contacted them in January about LV threatening him and being worried for the kids’ safety that CV, TD, JJ, & TR would all still be alive today. But hindsight is 20/20 & I also think they’d all still be alive if CV had not allowed LV back in their lives after taking JJ to TX in March I think it was - when LV disappeared from their lives for almost 2 months.
Agree, Annie C has become the voice for Tylee’s justice. Her pain is palpable.
Annie is a force of nature, I expect she is present in the courtroom if she can be.
It seems she has waited for this for so long, I would love to hear her take on it, but know it is very near and dear to her heart. To her this isn’t some case, it was her brother and her niece.

I pray she sees justice in action for Tylee, and something can be done to bring justice for JR.

So who is Annie? Charles's sister?
I also think if they’d done a bit more when CV contacted them in January about LV threatening him and being worried for the kids’ safety that CV, TD, JJ, & TR would all still be alive today. But hindsight is 20/20 & I also think they’d all still be alive if CV had not allowed LV back in their lives after taking JJ to TX in March I think it was - when LV disappeared from their lives for almost 2 months.
I agree. Altho CV saw through Lori in early 2019, she seduced him to drop the divorce and get back together. And altho it was quickly going south again, so that he moved into a hotel, and altho he had a premonition that it was bad that AC was in the house that morning, he still went in and got caught in the trap they'd laid for him.

Also, I don't know how far Arizona prosecutors had gotten in terms of being willing to charge Alex and Lori, considering they'd have to prove they were all lying about it being self-defense - including Tylee who said she felt terrified of CV, he was in a crazy rage and threatened her, etc. Often, charges like that don't come down for months or years.

I know people wish they could go back in time and somehow rewrite the movie to have a different ending, but I think the more important question is, would you want to live in a world where you have to assume everyone you meet is involved in an extended conspiracy to kill their close family members? Life would be intolerable IMO.

Agree, Annie C has become the voice for Tylee’s justice. Her pain is palpable.
Annie is a force of nature, I expect she is present in the courtroom if she can be.
It seems she has waited for this for so long, I would love to hear her take on it, but know it is very near and dear to her heart. To her this isn’t some case, it was her brother and her niece.

I pray she sees justice in action for Tylee, and something can be done to bring justice for JR.

this entire thing just breaks my heart but seeing Tylee on video at the chandler pd just really breaks my heart I just want to rescue her . It is so hard for me to think her complete trust and love for her mother was so.... abused. JMHO
Every time this trial came close to happening for Lori, she was deemed by the defense to be incapable of defending herself
and needed mental health support. Happened twice. Finally, the judge agreed to drop the death penalty if the trial
could occur in a timely manner.

That is not correct. The defense doesn't make those determinations. There are protocols and then professionals will evaluate her and determine her competency and work towards restorative treatment should it be needed. She is currently deemed competent to proceed to trial.

In addition, the death penalty was dropped because the prosecutors failed to do their job correctly, not so it could be conducted in a "timely manner". JB has already found good cause to go to trial past the speedy trial deadline. (we'll see how that shakes out)
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Seems like pretty crazy timing. I was guessing most "insiders" that hadn't already spoken were probably waiting till after the trial. To do it mid trial surprises me personally.

From a WS standpoint, there are a few verified insiders here whom have stepped away but I get the feeling we'll see them again after the trial (probably CD trial). Just my opinion
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