Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #47

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Why wouldn't criminal profilers and psychologists who are brought into the case have access to this information by means other than YouTube vloggers?
Because the Professionals (ie: Psychologists) only have what they are provided by the Attorney or client themselves usually. Now the prosecution can use this information to show a pattern of behavior of LVD defying court orders, using "weaknesses" (for lack of a better word) of the courts ie: moving jurisdictions within and outside of the State. LVD has a history of making outrageous claims and amping up the drama when the questions begin to focus on her incongruencies, her willingness to put her own children through invasive interviews and medical examinations so she would look "better" to the court than whoever she is fighting. There is also more info to be found by criminal profilers and LEO.

I will not assume that LEO has obtained all (or any) of this material previously, as the AZ LEO has proven to us that they didn't even care to arrest AC for felon in possession of a firearm when he shot and killed AC. Rexburg LEO had no idea what came to their town last August, and never would have known had it not been for Granparents of JJ.

I have a sense of assurance that more info that is known about this group of murderers the better. JMO
Because the Professionals (ie: Psychologists) only have what they are provided by the Attorney or client themselves usually. Now the prosecution can use this information to show a pattern of behavior of LVD defying court orders, using "weaknesses" (for lack of a better word) of the courts ie: moving jurisdictions within and outside of the State. LVD has a history of making outrageous claims and amping up the drama when the questions begin to focus on her incongruencies, her willingness to put her own children through invasive interviews and medical examinations so she would look "better" to the court than whoever she is fighting. There is also more info to be found by criminal profilers and LEO.

I will not assume that LEO has obtained all (or any) of this material previously, as the AZ LEO has proven to us that they didn't even care to arrest AC for felon in possession of a firearm when he shot and killed AC. Rexburg LEO had no idea what came to their town last August, and never would have known had it not been for Granparents of JJ.

I have a sense of assurance that more info that is known about this group of murderers the better. JMO

I wonder if the prosecution will try to use this information. The defense will object, of course. I wonder how a judge would rule? Jmo
It is my opinion that the circle of trust is and has always been larger than the seven individuals we focus on. Tylee was a young woman of childbearing age, a valuable commodity in certain circles. Given what we now know Chad and Lori are capable of, an attempt to (essentially) traffic Tylee cannot be ruled out.

I cannot think of another reason for the trip to Yellowstone. Lori hated places like that, especially on a chilly September day. The theory that they took poor Tylee there to kill her and dispose of her body in wilderness has been overtaken by events. Somebody else may come up with a plausible alternative but right now I can't. Suggestions welcome.

When you say "Lori hated places like that", what are you basing that on?

I don't think there was any ulterior motive in the Yellowstone trip. In fact, that's possibly the thing that scares me most about LVD's behavior. The sheer mundanity of this family outing, complete with photos, juxtaposed with the image of her coldly snuffing her daughter out later that evening. It's pure nightmare fuel to me.
Agreed. The FBI has reopened the death investigation of JR. All of these elements are crucial to understand. Given the custody battles, multiple assaults that occurred through out the custody battles, etc, one must ask how and why LVD still had Tylee in her care and how and why LVD and CW were allowed to adopt JJV. These children could have and should have been given safety long before the present day circumstances. MOO.

Who is CW? You used those initials twice and going by context of both statements, it appears to be used for different people and I don't recall anyone with those initials in this case at all... I may just be confused...
When you say "Lori hated places like that", what are you basing that on?

I don't think there was any ulterior motive in the Yellowstone trip. In fact, that's possibly the thing that scares me most about LVD's behavior. The sheer mundanity of this family outing, complete with photos, juxtaposed with the image of her coldly snuffing her daughter out later that evening. It's pure nightmare fuel to me.
People who know Lori, such as AR (friend in Hawaii) have stated as much. In this interview, AR states how out of character it would have been. (July 6 episode)
Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
I don't mean this as argumentative but people can think they'd know how they'd feel and/or act but the reality is very few understand what it's like to find out your dad had dead children buried in his backyard in an international news story. You can say you'd do this or that but I'd guess very few of us would know how we'd actually respond. You don't know what their lawyers are telling them. You don't know where LE stands with each individual.

So, unless you really know what each of these individuals are going through personally, what impact they're feeling from their family, what their legal counsel's recommendations are and a billion other factors to take into account. I just don't think it's fair to make some generalization based on what you think you might do. I would hope there would be a wide spectrum of responses because each individual's situation is probably different.

People tend to think they'd do handle it one way, but it rarely works out like that for numerous variables.

I truly feel bad for many family members and friends involved whom I'm sure have had their lives uprooted and then placed under a microscope by people who typically don't know even what they're talking about.
Amen !!!
I could write a book on our family dynamics and how each person handles things so very differently, each for their own reasons.
It gets crazy and there is no logical explanation except people handle life happenings so different and most of the time, it's split that some agree with one way and some disagree so it is what it is.
There did seem to be some unresolvable differences between Mr. Webb and Mr. Means. The looks they were giving each other at Lori's first court appearance were rather telling; the tension between them is palpably thick. They're not talking to each other, just silently staring each other down, jaws firmly set with a slight frown.


And later, in the hearing where Judge Eddins would recuse himself from the case, on the phone Mr. Webb sounded like he did not want to talk with Mr. Means at all and there again seemed to be some notable tension and differences between them to the point that Mr. Webb decided to announce then and there his firm's intention to withdraw from the case. Judge Eddins seemed so shocked he didn't quite know how to proceed and asked Mr. Wood what he thought. Mr Wood also seemed dumbfounded and noted the tension in his remarks saying that these "two attorneys of record who seem to be having differing opinions."

Judge removes himself from case as two of Lori Vallow Daybell's attorneys plan to do the same | East Idaho News

It sure would be interesting to find out the story behind all of that. All MOO.
YES !! And this was all before JJ and Tylee were dug up in new hubby's back yard.
Totally agree there was a lot of discord there.
There are a couple of glaring patterns between LVD & MP.
1) both accused ex's of sexual behaviors their family of origin would not approve.
2) both up and left their husbands (and child/ren) and ran after filing for divorce
3) both fought very hard in court to obtain (or keep from the paternal side of the child's family) the child in their care but didn't really want to raise the kids (as evidenced by MP not showing up for visitation and/or court for parenting plan) & LVD is self-explanatory
4) both run to their family members with outrageous stories of persecution and the unfair legal court system (I have no proof of MP doing this just assume that is her story to her family for being arrested for trespassing).
5) both portraying themselves as the perfect Mormon Mom/Sister but both are clearly not satisfied with the mainstream doctrine and went looking for "something more meaningful" spiritually.
6) both bought into the multiple probations and zombie estate levels that CD barked in his side show - devout believers in the snake oil cure

Why the focus and posts on Lori and Chad's appearances? They charmed plenty of people - that's a fact. Whether anyone on this forum finds them charming or pretty or charismatic is their opinion, but I'm not sure how that's relevant.

It's really no different than drawing conclusions and opinions from 17 year old custody documents. Irrelevant and probably inadmissible in court, but interesting to individuals trying to understand the psychology of murderers and what sort of people they attract into their orbit.
There are a couple of glaring patterns between LVD & MP.
1) both accused ex's of sexual behaviors their family of origin would not approve.
2) both up and left their husbands (and child/ren) and ran after filing for divorce
3) both fought very hard in court to obtain (or keep from the paternal side of the child's family) the child in their care but didn't really want to raise the kids (as evidenced by MP not showing up for visitation and/or court for parenting plan) & LVD is self-explanatory
4) both run to their family members with outrageous stories of persecution and the unfair legal court system (I have no proof of MP doing this just assume that is her story to her family for being arrested for trespassing).
5) both portraying themselves as the perfect Mormon Mom/Sister but both are clearly not satisfied with the mainstream doctrine and went looking for "something more meaningful" spiritually.
6) both bought into the multiple probations and zombie estate levels that CD barked in his side show - devout believers in the snake oil cure

Adding-- Both married men very quickly after divorces/deaths of previous spouses
Both allegedly had husbands shot at (one killed, one tased and threatened, one shot at ) by brother/Uncle AxC
Yet the intention of some is to focus and drill down on such in a separate sub.


There are two reasons here listed where support for sub thread...

#1 - folks don't want to discuss on main thread as they want to focus on what is most relevant in their opinion MOO for Tylee and JJ and court...

#2 - folks want to drill down and really focus on and discuss each and every subject. Especially with a HUGE doc dump which was done by a member at WS.

MOO this is usually the time for subforums on major cases.

My #3 - Just on a wild assumption CR follows here, salt to wound? Sub-thread may make it easier to stick to the current topic for him on just this thread. JMO
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I'm confused. The records we are being shown, show her name differently and her initials would be CCN or CN... confusing! Sorry. Moooooooooooo
CW is Charles Vallows ex wife, mom to his 2 sons
Adding-- Both married men very quickly after divorces/deaths of previous spouses
Both allegedly had husbands shot at (one killed, one tased and threatened, one shot at ) by brother/Uncle AxC
Isn't BB also significantly older than MP? I know CV was older than LVD.
I suspect both married for money (as a primary attractant).
Plus MP is supposed to be LVD's dead sister reincarnated.
Why the focus and posts on Lori and Chad's appearances? They charmed plenty of people - that's a fact. Whether anyone on this forum finds them charming or pretty or charismatic is their opinion, but I'm not sure how that's relevant.

maybe that’s why people find it interesting. IMO it is relevant because it’s part of their charade, which led to multiple people dying. Lori’s meticulously manicured physical facade is at least part of the reason why she was alluring to men. Chad wasn’t handsome IMO, but his appearance was that of an extremely typical, wholesome, white-male. His postering was perfect for leading mindless fools into his “prepper” lifestyle ( building “white camps”!!)
And now, without having those charmed individuals around to stoke their ego’s, and makeup/ hair styling products, their outward appearance matches their true character.
Isn't BB also significantly older than MP? I know CV was older than LVD.
I suspect both married for money (as a primary attractant).
Plus MP is supposed to be LVD's dead sister reincarnated.

How can that even be possible if MP was LVD’s dead sister’s daughter- obviously she was born before the sister died. These people are so crazy!
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