Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #50

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Idaho Judicial Cases of Interest

When you look at the dates and court schedule for LVD and CD, it is obvious that the State of Idaho is very prepared. And we have probably just seen a few appetizers for the upcoming buffet of information at the trial. It was evident from what was presented today, that Chad is implicated in this conspiracy.

The level of depravity to kill children is beyond belief, because LVD could have easily dumped JJ on the Woodcocks in a heartbeat. She wanted Kay to suffer, because she got the insurance money LVD expected to receive. LVD wanted the couple of thousand a month, the Social Security death benefits.

I believe that the honeymoon is over, and CD may want a deal to flip on LVD for the murder charge. My own opinion.
I was thinking what you were referencing was when the FBI guy was asked about who was the lead on site the day of the search by Prior. I’m pretty sure he also says something like, “I don’t think I can answer that”.
That's an interesting comment that I haven't seen talked about in any case as so new.

Good insight, would assume an app would log such.. if they had the phone.

I did note that it was an LG (therefore android?) that was sent back to FBI. I wish I could remember the question the FBI guy was asked and his response was "I can't answer that".

I cannot recall either. I watched it on this station

It had to do with the pings. He had delegated that task to someone who was a specialist, and thus 'couldn't' answer it simply because he didn't complete the investigation.
Something weird that bothered me about the call LV made when they were searching CDs property, she seems to have some sort of need to protect CD. Why? What does that do? What could she do from jail for him? How entangled is Means and Prior? All jmo
Your giving Lori wayyyyy to much credit, she want worried about Chad. Lori was worried about Lori. Without bodies the case was circumstanial, but the search of the propety probably freaked her out because she realized it mean real jail time
The FBI agent identified 3 areas of interest. 1) Burial site #1, on the berm of the pond by the tree. 2) Burial site #2, which he also labeled as the "pet cemetery," an approximately 10x10 foot area somewhat close to the fire ring. These are interchangeable and the same location. 3) The fire pit.

Snipped for focus.

Didn't they do a test pit in another area in a corner along the fence that came up empty? The agent didn't mention this one today. Was it maybe in a charging document?
I don’t agree. They cannot keep ANY evidence from the defense.

They can pick and choose what is presented in a preliminary hearing.
It only needs to be enough to be sufficient to sway the Judge to the belief that enough evidence exists to proceed to trial.

They cannot keep anything from the defense when it comes to the trial -- all of the evidence is disclosed during discovery, but a preliminary hearing is very different from a trial in its design, intent and execution.
Your giving Lori wayyyyy to much credit, she want worried about Chad. Lori was worried about Lori. Without bodies the case was circumstanial, but the search of the propety probably freaked her out because she realized it mean real jail time
I think she might still think she can bullsh!t her way out of this. It's been her MO. She's NEVER faced any consequences so far in her life. May that be about to end. MOO.
I don’t agree. They cannot keep ANY evidence from the defense.

But the state can, and does bury the defense with reams, and boxes of information. The job of the defense is to determine what is the "smoking gun" in the paper dump. It is not like the prosecution circles the important parts in red.

It looks to me like the FBI has been coordinating a lot of work behind the scenes. I have no doubt that there is tons of irrelevant stuff in the information given to the defense.
I just watched Scott Reisch on YouTube. I think he is allowed here. He is an attorney. Scott said a murder charge would require another preliminary hearing. But he also said he does not believe a murder charge will be filed because if the DA had enough evidence, he would have combined murder with the charges he had.

I am bummed about that. I hate thinking had or Lori could walk after five years.
Scott is a smart guy and I enjoy listening to him. Even though he is an attorney he doesn’t know any more about this case than we do. He doesn’t know what evidence has been gathered or what the autopsy results for Tylee, JJ and Tammy will reveal. As others have mentioned, this is not a TV trial, it will not be wrapped up neatly in a short amount of time. He doesn’t have special insight into what the DA is thinking. The FBI and all the other LE did not hang out in Rexburg for 6 months, so Chad and Lori could each be sentenced to 5 years and then walk. They may not be charged for months or years. What’s the hurry?
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I guess he can dream
Are there any examples of cases being moved out of state anywhere in the US? The expense alone would be mind boggling. I can’t imagine Madison or Fremont county have the funds to do that. I have of trials being moved a county or two, but never states.

It won't happen. And really, does CD really "want" the trial moved to Utah? No way. Montana? Doubt it. It is not like he gets to pick and choose. He is stuck.
Is it a margin of error, or an uncertainty radius?
The distance noted for most was 4 metres, or approximately 13 feet.
I suspect that's a radius, as that's how most cell phone triangulation pins work.
If so, a 13 foot radius is significant, but likely still places him on the property.
I haven't seen a fulsome map -- I wonder how far the burial sites are from the house.

Snipped for focus.

This... I had thought the questions about how far from the garage Chad and his car were are lining up a point for later, i.e. Chad's phone might have pinged at the gravesite, but he could have been in the house and not seen anything.
I think she might still think she can bullsh!t her way out of this. It's been her MO. She's NEVER faced any consequences so far in her life. May that be about to end. MOO.
I am over here PRAYING that her inflated ego leads her to simply INSIST she testify in her own defense, only to be completely decimated on the stand by the prosecution.

And why wouldn't she testify? There's a decades-long list of people she's been able to fool into believing whatever she wanted them to believe. If it was so easy for her to fool the police wrt Charles' death, surely she could convince 12 regular people that she's just a simple, God-fearing woman who has faced nothing but adversity in her life, and could never harm a hair on her darling children's heads.
Something weird that bothered me about the call LV made when they were searching CDs property, she seems to have some sort of need to protect CD. Why? What does that do? What could she do from jail for him? How entangled is Means and Prior? All jmo
I imagine they believe they have spiritual roles in relation to eachother and get up to all sorts, astral travelling and the like.. the human material world would play such a small role in their lives. It's a mere inconvenience. I believe this pair can convince each other of absolutely anything at all. I did get a very slight sense that he was near having enough of her in the course of that phonecall, but most likely that was a whim of mine. A type of a symbiosis has informed their relationship and they adapt alternating roles while moving together in the one 'snake' body.. This is my sense of it. It's neither impossible nor terribly difficult, can easily be attained by mere mortals in tantric practices and some meditation techniques. The child was in his red pyjamas. Coincidence or did they believe they were conducting an exorcism of his very life? If the pressure is tightened, it's possible they will submit to psychiatric evaluations?? wishful thinking..
I think he was genuinely emotional

But he had the ruling nailed. He didn't need to do any big summary

CD was screwed when the bodies were found at his place - I mean let's not joke around here. Dead bodies buried on separate days? And then you lie to police about kids who are obviously missing?

That is probable cause all day long.

If the defence wanted to get off the hook, they needed to produce their own evidence

Yes, like call a witness?
But the state can, and does bury the defense with reams, and boxes of information. The job of the defense is to determine what is the "smoking gun" in the paper dump. It is not like the prosecution circles the important parts in red.

It looks to me like the FBI has been coordinating a lot of work behind the scenes. I have no doubt that there is tons of irrelevant stuff in the information given to the defense.
Very true, but alot of law enforcement agencies have moved to sending digital discovery documents which is still equally as ominous as a paper file, just slightly more organized by labeled files. I cant speak to Idahos procedures thought and in general every sector of the criminal justice system is like a decade behind in technology. Which is why the still send discovery on cds... instead of a flash drive...Im pretty sure the legal system alone support the blank cd industry lol
Please could someone do a transcript? I can't listen right now.

Here's all the transcripts that have been submitted thus far in this thread:

Transcript of the short phone call -

CHAD: They’re searching the property
LORI: The house right now?
CHAD: Yes. Mark Means will be talking to you. They’re out on the property.
LORI: Are they seizing stuff?
CHAD: They’re searching & have a search warrant. We’ll see what transpires.
LORI: What can I do for you?
CHAD: I‘m feeling pretty calm, I would call Mark though and talk with him. I spoke with Mark. I love you so much
LORI: Should I try and call you later?
CHAD: I don’t know. I love you and we’ll talk soon.
LORI: I love you baby
[phone call ends]

Prison phone call, LV to CD, June 9th. I’ll indicate where it wasn’t discernible. Given the quality of the audio, I’ll note this is what I believe was said, not what was definitely said. Ellipses indicates delay, not missing words. Italics indicate I’m not sure if i heard it correctly.

LV: Hi babe
CD: Hello
L: are you OK?
C: they’re searching the... property
L: The house? Right now?
C: Yeah. Yeah. My house
So...Mark Means will be talking to you.
L: ok. Well, are they in the house?
C: No, they’re at the property.
L: are they seizing stuff? Again?
C: they’re searching...
L: Mmhmm
C: [not discernible... sounds like it ends with “I don’t think I can handle this, with the kids]
L: ok
C: I tried to [not discernible] I’m glad you called.
L: yeah.
C: so.. they see the tombstones
L: great. Do you want me to pray?
C: [talked at the same time as L, can’t make out what he said, mostly mumbling] what?
L: what do you want me to do? Pray?
C yeah, pray
L: ok. What can I do for you?
C: You do [not discernible, and sounds possibly coded to me] I’ll [again, not discernible, possible coded]. Just talk with me
L: Have you talked to [Marty?? Harding? No clue. Didn’t sound like Mark Means to me. Still seems coded]
C: I did call him, yes.
L: ok, that is what you are doing. [see what I mean by coded?]
C: yes. It’s like it’s hard from somebody else, sometimes, you know. I love you so much.
L: ok, I love you. Should I try to call you later?
C: hmm. I don’t know. I don’t know. You can try, yeah. I’ll answer if I can.
L: ok
C: I love you and talk soon
L: ok [Pet name or something?]. We love you.
C: ok. Love you.
L: bye.

MOO: C sounded devastated and terrified, L sounded completely unaffected after the initial shock.

I hope you don't mind me adding to the transcript as it was hard to hear and understand and I think there was a bit more said. I'm not even sure everything is right as Chad had a tendency of mumbling at times. Please note the following transcript is my understanding of what was spoken, based on the audio recording, and may not accurately reflect what was actually said by Lori and Chad.

[Begin call]
Lori: "Hi babe!"
Chad: *short pause* "Hello."
Lori: "Are you okay?"
Chad: *long pause* "So they’re searching... the... property."
Lori: "The house right now?
Chad: "Yes. Yes. No [For?] evidence." *long pause* "So... Mark Means will be talking to you."
Lori: "Okay." *short pause* "What, are they in the house?"
Chad: *short pause* "No, they’re out on the property."
Lori: *short pause* "Are they seizing stuff?" *short pause* "Again?"
Chad: "They’re searching." *long pause* "They had a search warrant, and so... [unintelligible]."
Lori: *long pause* "Okay."
Chad: *long pause* "Yeah. I tried to set up a call. I'm glad you called."
Lori: "Yeah."
Chad: *long pause* "So we'll see what comes by this."
Lori: *short pause* "Okay."
Chad: *long pause* "Definitely a good thing I don't really..."
Lori: *interrupting* What do you want me to do? Pray?
Chad: *interrupted* "Huh?"
Lori: "What do you want me..."
Chad: *interrupting* "Yeah, I'm praying!"
Lori: *laughs*
Chad: "Well,..." *long pause*
Lori: "Good." *short pause* "Okay. What can I do for you?"
Chad: *long pause* "Umm. I‘m feeling pretty calm. I would call Mark though, and he..." *long pause* "...and you can talk with him."
Lori: "Have you talked to him already?"
Chad: "Oh, they've called me, yes."
Lori: "So he knows what they're doing?"
Chad: "Yes." *short pause* "He said they've..." *short pause* "...called from somebody else and need some time to uh - I love you so much!"
Lori: "Okay. I love you. Should I try to call you later?"
Chad: *short pause* "Umm... I don’t know. I... I don't know. Uh... You can try, yeah. I wanna check back in."
Lori: "Okay."
Chad: "I love you and we’ll talk soon."
Lori: "Okay baby. I love you."
Chad: "Okay, love you. Okay, bye."
[End call]

Transcript of Lori Daybell's call to Chad Daybell on day of children's discovery

New article with jail call transcript attempt.

“A call from [unintelligible].”

Lori Daybell

“An inmate at the Madison County Jail. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. If you do not wish to talk, hang up now. Thank you for using Telmate.”

Lori Daybell
“Hi, babe.”

Chad Daybell

Lori Daybell
“Are you okay?”

Chad Daybell
“No, they’re searching the property.”

Lori Daybell
“The house right now?”

Chad Daybell
“Yeah, yeah. [Unintelligible, possibly ‘not the house.’] So Mark Means [Lori Daybell’s attorney] will be talking to you.”

Lori Daybell
“Okay. What, are they in the house?”

Chad Daybell
“No, they’re out in the property.”

Lori Daybell
“Are they seizing stuff again?”

Chad Daybell
“They’re searching. There’s a search warrant and so [unintelligible] with the kids.”

Lori Daybell

Chad Daybell
“So yeah, saw you’d tried to pull up a, a call. I’m glad you called.”

Lori Daybell

Chad Daybell
“So, we’ll see what transpires.”

Lori Daybell

Chad Daybell

Lori Daybell
“What do you want me to do? Pray?”

Chad Daybell

Lori Daybell
“What do you want me to–”

Chad Daybell
“No, [talking over Lori] I’m sorry. ”

Lori Daybell

Chad Daybell
“Well, [unintelligible]”

Lori Daybell
“Mmmkay. What can I do for you?”

Chad Daybell
“I’m [unintelligible] pretty calm. I would call Mark, though. We need, can you just talk with him?”

Lori Daybell
“Have you talked to him already?”

Chad Daybell
“[Unintelligible, possibly ‘I’ve tried to call him since.’]”

Lori Daybell
“So he knows what they’re doing?”

Chad Daybell
“Yeah. Looks like I’ve, a call from somebody else who I need to talk to, honey. I love you so much.”

Lori Daybell
“Okay. I love you. Should I try to call you later?”

Chad Daybell
“Umm, I don’t know. I, I don’t know. Uh, you can try, yeah. I’ll answer if I can.”

Lori Daybell

Chad Daybell
“I love you and we’ll talk soon.”

Lori Daybell
“Okay, baby, I love you.”

Chad Daybell
“Okay. Love you. Goodbye.”
Note: I edited @Monger post to include the transcript from the link they provided in the body of their text so that the reader can quickly read it and compare/contrast with the other transcripts without having to open a different tab or page.

It's rather interesting (though not terribly surprising given the poor audio quality of the phone call) to see everyone's different transcript of what they heard. It's also noteworthy what isn't said, but rather the tones and nuances of how each party communicated with each other, especially in light of the events transpiring at the time of the phone call. MOO.
I don’t agree. They cannot keep ANY evidence from the defense.
The defense gets all the evidence in discovery but the prosecution is under no obligation to tell the defense how they are planning on presenting it in court. This preliminary gives the defense an indication of what direction the prosecution is going. Theres no need to tip your hand before the trial begins.
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Snipped for focus.

Didn't they do a test pit in another area in a corner along the fence that came up empty? The agent didn't mention this one today. Was it maybe in a charging document?
As Special Agent Daniels mentioned they scanned multiple areas with the FARO scanner. They also checked all the areas around the property where the dogs indicated. They also checked multiple (I agree with Warwick, multiple = more than 1, but also in this case, I agree with Prior, multiple = more than 3 or 4), sites around the yard with steel poles to prod the ground.

MOO: they only excavated the areas that were most likely where the remains were hidden. They also only excavated after the FARO scanner info on the points.

Also, as indicated by Daniels, they dug around with the backhoe in greater detail in other areas next to the Burial sites as well as with hand tools in other sites, one in particular was near the North fence, the backhoe went to it but never dug.

Long answer to your question, yes, there were other areas checked. The agent didn't mention them because with the two identified positive sites, there was no need to continue to see if there was a raccoon buried anywhere (or two to prove Chad's story either way). As the agent implied it would be ridiculous to dig up the whole 4 acres.
Marginally off topic: a sign in rural Vermont. Today.

Ha! I needed that.
Scott is a smart guy and I enjoy listening to him. Even though he is an attorney he doesn’t know any more about this case than we do. He doesn’t know what evidence has been gathered or what the autopsy results for Tylee, JJ and Tammy will reveal. As others have mentioned, this is not a TV trial, it will not be wrapped up neatly in a short amount of time. He doesn’t have special insight into what the DA is thinking. The FBI and all the other LE did not hang out in Rexburg for 6 months, so Chad and Lori could each be sentenced to 5 years and then walk. They may not be charged for months or years. What’s the hurry?
I agree. Ive never worked in Idaho courts so I cant speak to their procedures, but IME working with criminal cases prosecutors perfer to wait to charge until they can reasonable prove the charge. I would bet they still have recived all of the forensic reports back from the evidence submitted to the label. On a normal day certain tests can take months and I'm sure COVID has added additional time to the process. They had enough to prove probably cause for conspiracy so they arent hurt by waiting on the murder charges. Its better to wait until all the evidence is in to charge than to overcharge a defendant and then have to go back and amend the complaint with lower charges. (It makes the lawyer look bad). I think their just trying to take their time and make sure they do everything right and theirs no immediate rush to charge. Plus theres always the chance on of them will break and try to make a deal, so it gives the prosecutor a little more room to do so if they want. JMO
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