Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #51

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I actually believe that LVD's background should be considered. There may be more issues in her past than we know about. The issue I have with "McDonald's Triad" is that it focuses exclusively on male serial killers. The model needs to be reviewed to include women serial killers as well.

ITA, more research is needed
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Is it even possible to conceal the fire pit from onlookers with a pickup truck? And if you park it parallel to the fence (which presumably you'd have to do to create any kind of privacy), then you're pulling out a body in full view.
And you have a whole human body on top of the fire. In full view of the neighbors, if not the road...
Maybe they threw lots of wood, debris on op of her?
IMO they were pretty nonchalant about the whole thing before Lori showed up. Jmo
Yes I rewatched their body cam video today on Its a Crime. A very poor investigation. Alex said “here is what happened” and they said “oh okay. See you later then.”
Charles was shot four times! The cop was on the body cam saying: “he shot the F... out of him”.
Any human being deserves so much better.
You weren't posting to me but JMO, No, LE did not see past the cleavage. You've got a dead husband lying in the house and she is giggling and wiggling and her brother is so flippant and STILL no investigation done at all. Yes, she should have been questioned by a very seasoned female investigator. :confused:
Notably, even Tylee was trying to get LVD to cool it.
She threw a party that night.
You weren't posting to me but JMO, No, LE did not see past the cleavage. You've got a dead husband lying in the house and she is giggling and wiggling and her brother is so flippant and STILL no investigation done at all. Yes, she should have been questioned by a very seasoned female investigator. :confused:

It was mind blowing to see how nonchalant LE was and especially when LV showed up.

*A person was just shot dead in the home

*The shooter is sitting on the curb by himself and not handcuffed. At times LE was not even paying attention to him. He could have run off by foot and escaped any time he wanted to try it.

*The wife shows up and looks happy and jovial. Smiling, Giggling and having a grand ole time from what it appeared. She was not even looking toward the home most of the time I saw. Its like she was avoiding eye contact of the scene of the crime. Lets all have small talk over here and not look behind the curtain.

*At one point she is trying to get Tylee to cover something for her, and she calls Tylee over and Tylee says something like "What do you want me to say Mom?". It was like whatever LV wanted her to say, Tylee was forced to agree to it. Tylee probably had been through similar situations before where her Mom asked her to cover for something so Tylee knew the drill. She had to agree with her Mom or there would be wrath later. "Yeah, whatever she just said"

*The body cam footage from that incident needs to be used as a training tool for other investigators in what not to do at the scene of a killing.
Just my take on this, subject as always to change, but it appears to me that Lori has adopted the persona of an exalted being. When she goes into this mode she is very believable. We all heard that on MG's recording.

I might add that ability could be associated with disassociation, which in turn is a reaction to trauma, and a symptom of a personality disorder.

Could it be possible that when Tylee was killed, Chad thought that this would be a one time favor, and accepted whatever story he was told. Then it happens again, and he's already sucked in.

Then Tammy dies. How would he feel about this happening after telling several people that he saw in vision Tammy as dying at a young age? What kind of shock would he be in? Did he really believe himself to be a prophet? It's the way God works, after all.

And here's this Jezebelle withholding herself until marriage. She had him trapped like a rat in a box.

ETA: And THEN Alex dies!

I totally agree with your line of thinking. I feel Chad either fed into some weird deluded plot of Lori’s and she of his delusions about the end of the world. I think Lori made Chad feel like the god he thought he was and vice verse for Lori. They got all too full of themselves and detached from reality. Lori seduced him, no doubt, and he was under her “spell” for lack of a better word.

Lori & Alex had some weird history. *Thank you* to the poster who pointed me to the Daily Mail article about the argument between Lori & Alex in 1/19.
Alex attacked Joe Ryan as well several years ago, didn’t he? Who attacks two brother-in-laws - one mortally & the other escapes? Janice raised two wonderful children.

Chad began an affair with Lori while still married to Tammy per MG. During the Hawaii call you could hear Lori try to deny this to Melanie (MG speaks of them smooching while walking the track. If this is true (& I don’t doubt it) Chad was overtly cheating on his wife of 30 years. Lori used her feminine wiles to appeal to Chad’s ego. Lori & Chad’s meeting was the “Perfect Storm” of evil twisting the tenants of the LDS church to achieve what I’m not sure.

Why did the kids have to die?
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I know! Just horrible.

When MG asked LV (during the taped call between the three) why LV told LE in Rexburg that JJ was with Melanie, LV says because “that’s what the Lord told her to do” - lie. Lie to LE about where HER kids are. Diabolical.

Pure evil. Lori imo is the worst of them all. Any mother that can traipse around Hawaii avoiding a warrant to produce her children in a court of law as Lori did is seriously deluded.

Wow. Lust and greed and Satan prevailed.
She couldn't produce her children, they were already dead and buried in the ground. I suspected it all along when the case hit MSM. That was a far more likely reason than "keeping them safe" from someone.
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Is it even possible to conceal the fire pit from onlookers with a pickup truck? And if you park it parallel to the fence (which presumably you'd have to do to create any kind of privacy), then you're pulling out a body in full view.
And you have a whole human body on top of the fire. In full view of the neighbors, if not the road...
I't would make more sense to dig the hole, put the body in it and then burn it in the hole. More concealed that way. Except Prior asked the FBI guy if they found ash in the hole and he said no. MOO.
Edit by me
I't would make more sense to dig the hole, put the body in it and then burn it in the hole. More concealed that way. Except prior asked the FBI guy if they found ash in the hole and he said no. MOO.
The whole thing is grotesque. They transported, cut up burned, buried her body handling her over and over, whole and in pieces.
I'm having a hard time believing that JJ was killed and his body wrapped in duct tape while MG and DW were sleeping in the same appartment. If JJ was making any noise, they would have woken up. Duct taping would have been noisy, too. IMO it all happened in Alex's appartment. The amount of duct tape almost shows compulsion and that would more likely be Lori's trait.
Maybe Lori came up with the story about JJ acting out that night to explain away any strange bumping or struggling thumping noises MG and DW may have heard. She told them JJ was climbing atop the refrigerator and knocking off a picture of Christ, and then climbing atop the cabinets - between the cabinet tops and the ceiling - as DW testified.

Perhaps they were binding, gagging, and suffocating JJ in the garage or in some kind of enclosed storage or crawl space which opens to the back garage wall. I've seen photos of the inside of the townhouse, but none which revealed where the opening to any crawl space was. And I've seen just one photo of the garage and that photo was oriented looking toward the closed garage door. Where is the crawl space in these units? Is it under the stairs and does it open to the garage space? If so, maybe they were doing all this in there and feared DW and MG may have heard some loud bumping or thumping noises.
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Is it even possible to conceal the fire pit from onlookers with a pickup truck? And if you park it parallel to the fence (which presumably you'd have to do to create any kind of privacy), then you're pulling out a body in full view.
And you have a whole human body on top of the fire. In full view of the neighbors, if not the road...

There is a large shrub/small tree with leafy branches from ground up between the fire pit and the fence. Maybe they just backed up the pickup truck beside that to unload TR's body and to further block the view.

Once they unloaded the body onto the fire pit, they could have stacked limbs or wooden pallets atop it, so no one observing from a distance would even know a body was under them.
She couldn't produce her children, they were already dead and buried in the ground. I suspected it all along when the case hit MSM. That was a far more likely reason than "keeping them safe" from someone.

"Lori says she wants to keep JJ protected and everybody else protected."

She is not good at it is she. Everyone around her was coming up dead.

Detectives, BYU-I dean, Melanie Gibb testify during first day of Chad Daybell's preliminary hearing | East Idaho News
I see you have experience in burning dead trees and brush like I do and I just now thought of something that may explain the partially burnt remains.

Most of us know by now it is very difficult to burn a body and get it reduced to all ash without an extremely hot fire which burns for a very long time. If CD, LV, or Alex had tried it, they would have quickly realized how difficult it is to get things reduced all the way to ash.

But one thing that I just realized is the
"partially melted bucket".

There is a cardinal rule when you do open burning and are near other homes. You dont burn plastics!

The terrible smelling toxic black smoke that comes from burning plastics makes you never do it again. Not just so you dont annoy the neighbors but you cant hardly stand the toxic smoke yourself when burning. I am very careful to make sure there is no plastic or foreign material when I burn a brush pile.

So if the geniuses did not know about how thick black toxic smoke comes up from a plastic bucket, they would quickly find out and begin to get paranoid that others in the neighborhood could come by to complain about it. So they may have put the fire out with a hose and just bury the rest.

JMO and some thoughts about the burned plastic bucket that may have contributed to why the remains were not fully burned more.

Or maybe it was on purpose because they wanted to cover the smell of a burning body? MOO
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So if the geniuses did not know about how thick black toxic smoke comes up from a plastic bucket, they would quickly find out and begin to get paranoid that others in the neighborhood could come by to complain about it. So they may have put the fire out with a hose and just bury the rest.

JMO and some thoughts about the burned plastic bucket that may have contributed to why the remains were not fully burned more.

Fellow brush-burner here and you’re absolutely right about this. I accidentally got a coroplast political sign in a giant brush pile once and it was awful! I think your scenario bears further consideration.
Just my take on this, subject as always to change, but it appears to me that Lori has adopted the persona of an exalted being. When she goes into this mode she is very believable. We all heard that on MG's recording.

I might add that ability could be associated with disassociation, which in turn is a reaction to trauma, and a symptom of a personality disorder.

Could it be possible that when Tylee was killed, Chad thought that this would be a one time favor, and accepted whatever story he was told. Then it happens again, and he's already sucked in.

Then Tammy dies. How would he feel about this happening after telling several people that he saw in vision Tammy as dying at a young age? What kind of shock would he be in? Did he really believe himself to be a prophet? It's the way God works, after all.

And here's this Jezebelle withholding herself until marriage. She had him trapped like a rat in a box.

ETA: And THEN Alex dies!
I must have missed something. How do we know that she "withheld herself until marriage?"
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