Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #57

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And I’m sure Lori got a lot of satisfaction thinking about the pain JJ’s death would cause K. I suspect she still savors the thought.
Snipped for focus.

This image still haunts and pains me. It is from Lori's March 6, 2020 hearing, months before the kids were found. As she is being escorted out of the room she passes right in front of Larry and Kay Woodcock, where this photo captures her smiling and gloating. This image tells me that Lori knew back then what had happened to the children and that the grandparents would would not see JJ or Tylee alive - and she was relishing every sickening moment of perverse satisfaction that knowledge gave her.

Makes me sick. JMO.

Edit: photo seems broken when attached. Here's the link to the news article where it appears:

‘The twists keep coming’: FBI investigates Lori Vallow Daybell’s podcasts
Agreed. It's a coin flip matter for me too.

I just wonder if it took both of them jointly to dream up this pair of stupefying misconceptions regarding how to get away with the perfect crime? Or was it Lori's idea alone that her kids wouldn't matter to anyone in the world except maybe Kay and Larry – and meanwhile Chad, self-styled famous fiction writer and publishing expert, had never heard of the old "bodies in the back yard" plot device before?

Neither of them has a particularly strong interface with reality.

Or, maybe, they felt those realities were for mere mortals, and that by no means would anyone suspect them. After all, they could charm and talk theirway out of anything, right? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Mark Means is one of two attorneys soon on courtTV according to Charley's tweet and until 11am ET apparently

Link to her post about it --

SORRY....he's on just to comment about Chauvin trial verdict it seems. Maybe they'll discuss more later....but they're on now as 9:38am EST
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I will always remain suspicious as well....
The court documents from her husband, and her father........ sickening.
There is enough circumstantial information that makes me reference this as "a beginning"...
jmo jmo jmo.

I keep hearing of the documents from her husband and her father but haven't actually seen them myself. Do you by any chance have a link to those please?
I keep hearing of the documents from her husband and her father but haven't actually seen them myself. Do you by any chance have a link to those please?

I can’t locate that link either. If you have it it would be awesome if you could share it
That would probably be considered sleuthing of non-POIs, so likely not allowed here.
ok, I understand
I weep for Tammy. She apparently knew about Lori, and she must have known/suspected that Chad was at the very least involved in the "paintball" shooting incident. She must have been so unhappy and confused. Trying to keep being a good wife, wondering what she should do, if she should confide in anyone, or ask advice, if she should "have it out" with Chad perhaps. Maybe even wondering if she could have been a better wife. She probably never imagined that he might kill her. For what he did to her in her last weeks on earth, I find him doubly guilty.
I will always remain suspicious as well....
The court documents from her husband, and her father........ sickening.
There is enough circumstantial information that makes me reference this as "a beginning"...
jmo jmo jmo.

What? Lorie's sister is dead too? When did that happen? How many siblings did she have?
I keep hearing of the documents from her husband and her father but haven't actually seen them myself. Do you by any chance have a link to those please?

geez... not sure. I know I found them elsewhere.... but then they did get posted here, so thought they were 'available"....
I will check. Sometimes I actually save files on this case...and should have saved those court docs....
maybe somebody else will get there first!!!
ok... I DID save some. I am 95% sure they were posted don't think they will be removed.... from 1995

The Honorable Judge/Commissioner
Superior Court
King County State of Washington
August 14, 1995
My name is Barry L. Cox. I make this declaration in support of Stacey Cope’s motion for primary residential car of her daughter, Melanie. My first born child is my daughter, Stacey L. Cope.
I am a practicing Financial Planner with a B S. & M. S. degree from Brigham Young University and a Juris Doctorate from Citrus Belt Law School.
I am 54 years of age. My daughter, Stacey Cope, married Stephen Cope about 8 years ago and they have one daughter, Melanie Cope, now age 6 years.
During the period of their marriage, I have taken Steve, Stacey and Melanie on vacations to Texas and Las Vegas and have gone with them on vacations to Hawaii. I have often bought their airplane tickets, rooms, food and always whatever incidental expenses they have had. We have taken them with us to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, the zoo, miniature golf, movies, waterskiing and out to horse farms. I always believed that we had a close and loving relationship until after Steve left Stacey.
I did notice over the years that Steve spent an excessive amount of time working. I am also a hard worker, but have taken time for my family. I would call in the evenings some time to talk to Steve and he was never there. It was common for him to leave before breakfast and not return until Stacy and Melanie were in bed for the night. I loved Steve and wanted to help him. Accordingly, I warned Steve at one point that his absence and estranged attitude for his wife and child would lead to problems. I told him that a wife was like a delicate flower and needed to have tender love and care… that a husband was like a gardner who needed to provide nurturing care to see the flower flourish and bear fruit. He was indifferent to my suggestions. I could tell from his response that he did not want to be reminded of his spousal or parental responsibilities for Stacey or Melanie.
Over the last few months Steve’s interest was ambivalent and inconsistent. Steve is basically a construction worker “type” with a limited mentality for things of delicacy or of a sensitive emotional nature. He is very good with buildings, lumber and construction oriented things… but his ability to understand medicine, disease or deal with family or financial matters is limited and/or below the average. For example, my daughter graduated from BYU with highest honors in her chosen field… Steve, a major in Construction Management never did graduate because he could not pass the required basic math classes.
On the weekend of July 8, 1996, Steve came to California to visit my daughter and Melanie after a long absence. He said he was lonely and wanted his family to return to Washington so he could take care of them. This was great news to me and I was anxious for Steve to be more involved with his family. This seemed like a good new beginning, especially as Stacey was getting more in control of her diabetes every day and seemed to have a new lease on life.
So, Stacey and Melanie returned to Federal Way to their home. Things went OK for a few days, and then things began to decline and on July 28, 1995, Steve abducted Melanie in the middle of the night and left Stacey alone in the house. Steve also took Stacey’s car, her wallet, money and personal day journal and left her to die. Soon, Steve ordered all utilities turned off and closed their bank accounts. He left Stacey in a desperate state without resources without every disclosing to her his intentions. He ran away like a thief in the night.
In my view Steve’s actions were unconscionable and criminal. I had to rush to Washington to help my daughter. It was obvious that Steve wanted to prevent Stacey from having any resources for the return of her daughter or her own legal help. Steve’s legal action filed against Stacey was to have her thrown out of her own home by Sunday August 6, 1995. He demonstrated in his complaint that his intentions were not that of a gentleman and lacked common decency.
Moreover, the allegations about Stacey’s medical condition, her mental state of mind and her ability as a mother are fictitious and designed to accommodate his evil agenda.
Stacey is an intelligent well educated person. She had devoted her last six years to being an excellent mother to Melanie and offered to be a loving wife to Steve. She desires to continue to provide the love and parental care for Melanie. Melanie loves her mother very much and has had an awkward relationship with her father Steve because of his lack of interest in her for the past 6 years and his demanding work schedule.
Steve’s recent decision to suddenly take a sincere interest in Melanie and her well being appears to have had an ulterior motive. I am very concerned for the well being of Melanie and wanted her to be returned to her mother’s care. Steve had kept Melanie hidden out of sight and in the care of his friends and family since July 28, 1995 and offered no communication to Stacey or me. All of the allegations about Stacey being a “mental case” is absurd.
The allegations made by Steve Cope regarding me and my wife are false. I was shocked by these malicious statements. It is my hope that the Court will examine the facts of this case and in light of the truth find in favor of ordering Steve to return my granddaughter to her mother and to require him to take responsibility for her basic financial needs until the divorce is final and to restore her personal property.
Please take into consideration that Melanie does not want to have her primary care taker to be a hired baby-sitter or her father who is hardly ever around or his relatives who live in various parts of the country. Melanie wants her mother to be her primary caretaker… this I know above all else this is true in this case. I know it would be in Melanie’s best interest.
Thank you for any consideration you give this letter and my efforts to offer an objective personal testimony of the facts. Feel free to telehone me collect for any discussion of these issues.
Under penalty of perjury, I declare the above information is true and correct.
Barry L. Cox
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ok... I DID save some. I am 95% sure they were posted don't think they will be removed.... from 1995

The Honorable Judge/Commissioner
Superior Court
King County State of Washington
August 14, 1995
My name is Barry L. Cox. I make this declaration in support of Stacey Cope’s motion for primary residential car of her daughter, Melanie. My first born child is my daughter, Stacey L. Cope.
I am a practicing Financial Planner with a B S. & M. S. degree from Brigham Young University and a Juris Doctorate from Citrus Belt Law School.
I am 54 years of age. My daughter, Stacey Cope, married Stephen Cope about 8 years ago and they have one daughter, Melanie Cope, now age 6 years.
During the period of their marriage, I have taken Steve, Stacey and Melanie on

He did not spell his granddaughter's name correctly which is odd.
Can I bring up an old subject?

Does anybody know the layout where Tami was shot at?

1) I feel like Tami had to know or think she knew much more about what had happened to her---enough to decide not to "over" react publicly. Such as, she believed that it was an unloaded paintball gun and strongly suspected that her husband was behind the "prank," and did not think it was a serious attempt on her life. She could have decided that she would also suffer if she caused her husband legal trouble - but she wanted to make it clear that she was not going to shrink in fear. If she didn't know- or think she knew- that this was not a serious attempt on her life, I don't think she reacted in proportion to the circumstances.

2) Is the layout such that any bullets, if the shots were from a real, silenced gun, could have landed someplace quiet? Like in a distant tree, field, or wood structure? I don't know much about guns, but I imagine if she were between the shooter and her house, for instance, a missed shot that hit the house would be noticed. (She was bringing in groceries, right? I imagine she parked as near the door as she could.) On the other hand, a missed shot that flew into the distance --- could be unnoticed by her? I guess someone who knows more about firearms will have to comment.

I apologize if this has already been discussed. But I am finding myself wondering if there are not bullets somewhere in Rexburg- that missed Tami high and to the right.

Edited to continue: There may be more information about where the shooter stood- where Tami stood, etc. But I saw a picture of the "front driveway" and it does seem plausible to me that the gunman appeared from the left of the house, facing it. This would put him "behind" the car from Tami's perspective, no matter how she parked. (But the pic I saw had a car backed into the driveway.) He would have to get a shot while her head was high enough to miss the car. If he were really behind the car as in next the doors on the side further away from the home's front door, and he took the shot when she was physically closer to the house than she, he would hit the house. But if he shot parallel to the is plausible that the bullet sailed away silently.

Well thought out!
IMO Tylee had to die because she knew the truth about CV’s murder and couldn’t be trusted to keep quiet. JJ had to die because he would keep questioning where Tylee was.

The relatively meager insurance $ for Tylee was definitely a plus though. And I’m sure Lori got a lot of satisfaction thinking about the pain JJ’s death would cause K. I suspect she still savors the thought.
The other reason JJ had to die: Lori did very little parenting for him and Tylee was the one who could handle him. Without her to manage JJ , he was too much work for Lorie.
I weep for Tammy. She apparently knew about Lori, and she must have known/suspected that Chad was at the very least involved in the "paintball" shooting incident. She must have been so unhappy and confused. Trying to keep being a good wife, wondering what she should do, if she should confide in anyone, or ask advice, if she should "have it out" with Chad perhaps. Maybe even wondering if she could have been a better wife. She probably never imagined that he might kill her. For what he did to her in her last weeks on earth, I find him doubly guilty.

The other reason JJ had to die: Lori did very little parenting for him and Tylee was the one who could handle him. Without her to manage JJ , he was too much work for Lorie.

Money. She was spending JJ & Tylee’s Social Security survivor benefits, and was custodian over the life insurance payout to Tylee. Going through the children’s money as they lay in the ground in CDs backyard. I think I read LVD was caught in HAwaii using Tylee’s debit card.

Revenge.Killing JJ was the ultimate revenge toward Kay for being the beneficiary of CV’s Life Insurance.

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