Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #46

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Oh hell, Chad is neither innocent nor victim (IMO) and I hope my novel doesn't come across as such. I'm just sayin, when it comes to the kids, someone had to pull that initial (metaphorical) trigger, or swing that (metaphorical) bat, or drug that ... drink, and I believe it was Lori. Killing adults is one thing, but killing a 7 year old, and your own freakin daughter? That's an entirely different species of monster. I M O. Chad probably suggested it, he could have insisted on it, he could have invented a whole set of rules and regualtions around it, but Lori did it (IMO). Once Lori stepped over that line, I think she took the reigns and she probably suggested, nay insisted that Chad kill his wife (IMO), and I don't believe it took much cajoling on her part. He did it willingly, whole-heartedly, and came out of it a little too enthusiastically. Still, those short clips of the two of them in Hawaii - looks like she's in control. Just my O, ya know?
Yeah, she moved to Rexburg to PUSH him over the edge to kill Tammy. She was dangling .... (wink) and basically said - "I did Charles - now you finish Tammy." I truly believe her showing was the catalyst for the next phase...
I have indeed noticed that :) The truth is that we all feel a lot of justified anger and outrage at these people, and it is very unlikely that they could do much that we wouldn't criticize them for... manners or no manners, smirk or no smirk, street clothes or prison garb, etc, etc. The only thing that might not draw more criticism is if they gave immediate, full, and remorseful confessions. And then killed themselves. Or spent life in prison. Or were executed.

....Nah, just kidding, we'd still find fault in each of those outcomes too. Because nothing brings those poor children back. And we're human.
Just have to say I REALLY like this quote. Thanks gumchew.:)
YIKES! In this new Nate Eaton interview with 97.1 ZHT, he says that Chad and Lori were talking daily after her arrest and he was telling her that:
1) the public supported her
2) she didn't have anything to worry about
3) everything would be over soon.

Nate says Lori's lawyer might use these convos to show she was being misled and maybe as a way to say she's not fit for trial.

Oh boy...

He also says police want to talk to Zulema.

@Sorelle19 This is awesome! Thanks for posting. It's great to hear his insight on this.
I dont believe they knew each other only 10 days either. With everything going with MP she decides, maybe I will go on a dating app and meet my soulmate. Plus Chad handing the reigns over after 10 days of dating, wait what? Not buying it. Hopefully there is digital evidence that will suggest otherwise.
I am curious to see when she gives birth and count backwards;)

Hahahaha I am glad I wasn't the only one planning to do that math. Aside from the religious sect/cult-y backdrop, I wouldn't be shocked to find that Tinder was somehow a part of CD/MP/IP 's worlds before everything went to s*** here.
Oh hell, Chad is neither innocent nor victim (IMO) and I hope my novel doesn't come across as such. I'm just sayin, when it comes to the kids, someone had to pull that initial (metaphorical) trigger, or swing that (metaphorical) bat, or drug that ... drink, and I believe it was Lori. Killing adults is one thing, but killing a 7 year old, and your own freakin daughter? That's an entirely different species of monster. I M O. Chad probably suggested it, he could have insisted on it, he could have invented a whole set of rules and regualtions around it, but Lori did it (IMO). Once Lori stepped over that line, I think she took the reigns and she probably suggested, nay insisted that Chad kill his wife (IMO), and I don't believe it took much cajoling on her part. He did it willingly, whole-heartedly, and came out of it a little too enthusiastically. Still, those short clips of the two of them in Hawaii - looks like she's in control. Just my O, ya know?

My imagined scenario has Chad just wanting an affair. Lori has been used to men who will marry her for sex and she wants the prestige of being Mrs. Chad Daybell on the bookselling circuit. She doesn't want to be relegated to number 2.

Chad tells her that there is Tammy and Lori's young children to think of, so marriage is out of the question as he will not divorce Tammy. Lori thinks, OK, then I'll take care of those "obstacles".

BTW, last night on my YouTube Feed the first podcast by JM with MG and Lori came up. That's what Lori talked about - overcoming obstacles. JM said something about every believer being put to an Abrahamic test.

I think another symptom/characteristic for Lori is "easily suggestible". As if she is in a trance state most of the time. A subliminal suggestion is thrown out there, something someone says inadvertently, and her brain latches on to it. Speculation and JMO!
Detective Ball was talked about on Court TV tonight , so I looked it up.
Just unbelievable horror for all who helped & ultimately found them. MOO

Lori Daybell lied and conspired to conceal the deaths of her children, documents allege | East Idaho News
Ball wrote that JJ’s remains were found wrapped in plastic, and he recognized the child when his body was uncovered.
“The body was well preserved. While I had never met JJ during his life, I was familiar with his face due to seeing many pictures and videos of him,” Ball said. “I was further familiar with his haircut in the pictures I had seen of him in Yellowstone. … JJ was further identified by Brandon Boudreaux (the ex-husband of Lori’s niece, Melani Pawlowski), who was shown an autopsy photograph of the body and face.”
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Bless BB -- he has had to deal with so much due to this crazy family he married in to. He has been protecting his kids, and I think by talking with NP, it has helped her to protect her kids.
Then to have to ID little JJ, I just cant imagine.
I hope he has a lot of support to help him through this.
I see that the light/dark rating rubric that I posted earlier has been deleted. It was a link to an image from Justin Lum's Twitter. He was the first to publish the ratings.
I will notice you PinkPrincess since I think you asked this previously and apparently no one responded. I am not sure but previously we had a link to (was it Maricopa County?) family court records that had all of the dates and motions in those court cases. I am not sure which court but IIRC it was in AZ.
If I were either MP or IP I would be getting myself set up with supervised and therapeutic visits with my own children as fast as I could schedule them. I would follow each and every court recommendation to the letter and do the "extra credit work" in an effort to prove I deserved to have a relationship with my kids - and they with me.
The lack of follow through speaks volumes to me that for whatever reason - they are unable to put their children's needs above their own

If they really think all their children are zombies, I guess they just don't care anymore...
16197915 said:
Yeah, she moved to Rexburg to PUSH him over the edge to kill Tammy. She was dangling .... (wink) and basically said - "I did Charles - now you finish Tammy." I truly believe her showing was the catalyst for the next phase...

I believe that LVD moved to Idaho because the money tree with CV was dead. LVD didn't get her million dollar payout she expected, and as a former hairdresser, she probably wasn't interested in going back to work.

CD was her only choice. And yes, push him to "do the deed" on TD.
This is the investigation into Alex Cox's death. I haven't heard or seen anything from a credible source that they're waiting for anything of that nature. To the contrary, other medical examiners who have looked at the result seem to support that PTE is the most medically probable cause of death based on the autopsy findings and tox screen. As I joked in an earlier parody post tonight, I think many of us want to wish this into a neat CSI episode where we suddenly discover the perfect poisoning crime, call Maricopa County ME Lesley Wallis's report all wrong, and roll credits, but the probability of that seems super low.
One can hope, though IMO LOL

This is the first I’ve heard of LE retirements. Can you share which LE agencies and whether their retirements happened in the last few months? I’m particularly hoping for fresh eyes in AZ.
Same here-- I would LOVE to know about the "Retirements from the LE dept. I haven't heard a peep about it or when it happened, if truly after CV murder and the shot at BB.
Please let us know which LE abruptly "retired" since then.
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Working in a church setting for a long time (not LDS) you see a lot of ugly stuff. Human sin just is. But the best thing I got out of it was the issues that people faced based on their family of origin. I'm not really even talking major crazy Cox family deep (JMO) but just things like relationships men have with their fathers, how families teach conflict resolution, etc. So glad I could give my daughter many warning signs on what to look for in a future husband. When a person has no support from family, yes, their family might suck. But oftentimes that person has burned all their bridges and have people who finally put up boundaries. Patterns of disfunction are generational until someone says, "no more."
My imagined scenario has Chad just wanting an affair. <snip>

Chad tells her that there is Tammy and Lori's young children to think of, so marriage is out of the question as he will not divorce Tammy. Lori thinks, OK, then I'll take care of those "obstacles".


Speculation and JMO!

FY, I snipped your words for the sake of consision only. You filled in some of my blanks and I think you whacked the mole right on the head there: Chad was happy with the affair and his charts and fantasies, while Lori was willing to call his bluff and raise him, and go that extra mile, even tho her deck was (is) short a couple aces. They played off each other, that's for sure. (I just had a horrible thought. Someone somewhere is going to pitch this as a romance gone awry story.)

Anyway, Alex is the real wild card in all this. I mean, I love my sister, too, but there are limits. What are your thoughts on that guy?
FY, I snipped your words for the sake of consision only. You filled in some of my blanks and I think you whacked the mole right on the head there: Chad was happy with the affair and his charts and fantasies, while Lori was willing to call his bluff and raise him, and go that extra mile, even tho her deck was (is) short a couple aces. They played off each other, that's for sure. (I just had a horrible thought. Someone somewhere is going to pitch this as a romance gone awry story.)

Anyway, Alex is the real wild card in all this. I mean, I love my sister, too, but there are limits. What are your thoughts on that guy?
So for me, one problem with simplifying the scenario down to a guy who just wants an affair and an unhinged manipulator who just pushed him too far, is that it doesn't explain the MBP/BB portion of the saga. Why did Melani and Alex act together in so many instances (the attempted murder of BB, the trespassing in Utah, the "marriage advice phone calls" :rolleyes:). Why did they move to Rexburg anyway? How did IP enter the picture (no one believes it was a few days before they were married)? And, as stated above, why was Alex so willing to participate? I have been back and forth all these months on whether they really believe in this "religion" they have created, and strangely I am back on the side that they, along with many others, did/do. The only thing I can't reconcile with this is how sleazy and/or worldly they looked and acted in Hawaii. I mean, is this the picture of translated innocence to you? Moo.. 20200624_191439.jpg
While not a popular opinion, I actually think AxC did die of natural causes. ( or stupidity, take care of your health, and if you are experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains, go to the doctors!) While I think eventually CD and LVD may have come to the conclusion that AxC needed to go, I think his death came at an ‘inconvenient’ time and just drew more attention to them. And I think LVD liked having someone to do all her dirty work.
So for me, one problem with simplifying the scenario down to a guy who just wants an affair and an unhinged manipulator who just pushed him too far, is that it doesn't explain the MBP/BB portion of the saga. Why did Melani and Alex act together in so many instances (the attempted murder of BB, the trespassing in Utah, the "marriage advice phone calls" :rolleyes:). Why did they move to Rexburg anyway? How did IP enter the picture (no one believes it was a few days before they were married)? And, as stated above, why was Alex so willing to participate? I have been back and forth all these months on whether they really believe in this "religion" they have created, and strangely I am back on the side that they, along with many others, did/do. The only thing I can't reconcile with this is how sleazy and/or worldly they looked and acted in Hawaii. I mean, is this the picture of translated innocence to you? Moo.. View attachment 254039
Didn’t A(the Hawaii friend) state that when LVD came to Hawaii, during the time she was missing to CV, that she tried to convince the friend she was one of the 144,000 and needed to leave her family and come with LVD? Seems they found people who bought into their stuff, got them to divorce their non believing spouses and married them off to other believers. Or were at least working towards that, if we can’t find couples we’ll just create them...
While not a popular opinion, I actually think AxC did die of natural causes. ( or stupidity, take care of your health, and if you are experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains, go to the doctors!) While I think eventually CD and LVD may have come to the conclusion that AxC needed to go, I think his death came at an ‘inconvenient’ time and just drew more attention to them. And I think LVD liked having someone to do all her dirty work.

Natural causes is what the experts said so I am willing to just take it at face value. Instead I think God just removed Alex before he could take all the blame, and let CD and LVD and all those around them continue to bake under the glare of being pulled out from under their rocks and stared at by millions of people.

Sometimes you get what you want.
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