Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #46

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Oh, and on that note I am willing to grant that LVD and CD are totally old school gods like in the past - people who think they are born as living vessels of eternal souls which people once saw as celebrity/memes/gods - are capricious, commit murder, rape and adultery, work hard to become leaders of mass human killing to assert dominance, and like killing children, say they do it all for Daddy. Then tell you how they are the bestest.

Don't you want to worship them? Create nice statues of their greatness, pose them as warriors and meek women doing as they are told, leaving a pile of bodies in their wake??? They really do have the basics of how that worked in the past down pat. We can talk about them in the future on how to be a good eternal wifey and a Great Man.

Sounds delightful.
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While not a popular opinion, I actually think AxC did die of natural causes. ( or stupidity, take care of your health, and if you are experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains, go to the doctors!) While I think eventually CD and LVD may have come to the conclusion that AxC needed to go, I think his death came at an ‘inconvenient’ time and just
drew more attention to them. And I think LVD liked having someone to do all her dirty work.

LOL exactly. He died mainly of a chronic lack of getting an annual physical exam, compounded by acute murder stress :)
Didn’t A(the Hawaii friend) state that when LVD came to Hawaii, during the time she was missing to CV, that she tried to convince the friend she was one of the 144,000 and needed to leave her family and come with LVD? Seems they found people who bought into their stuff, got them to divorce their non believing spouses and married them off to other believers. Or were at least working towards that, if we can’t find couples we’ll just create them...
Yes. It seems this concept of rearranging marriages is something they taught frequently:
"Contrary to LDS norms, Amber* said her husband began to take another married woman to a Latter-day Saint temple to receive revelation from God. Temples are places of worship for Latter-day Saints where members perform marriage ceremonies and do spiritual work.

“These people go to the temple and make promises to be together,” Amber said. “They pray about it and feel like they are getting answers.”
In interviews with other former members of these groups, some said things went beyond just temple trips. One east Idaho man, who asked not to be identified, told that during his time in a group, he was approached by someone who claimed to have received personal revelation that he was supposed to marry the man’s wife... There is a train of thought, that they think that they are living a higher law and are better than anyone else,” Amber said. “That they are living the way Jesus wants them to during the Millennium, and if you disagree with their beliefs, they just tell you you don’t understand the law or you’re not ready.”
A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News
And we know there are other people beyond Chad and Lori who are responsible for assembling the "gatherers".
IMO both MG and MP abandoned their families in this way, so I do believe they were/are believers in this cult system. Moo.
Great catch watergirl62!
This would be an additional phone from the one he texted TD about the raccoon (at least the phone number would indicate an additional line). Now I am wondering how many phones might have been purchased in HI as well as the ones that CV had (where I assume the reported 60 phones were from).[/QUOTE]
BBM--see, I don't think the 60+ phones were from CV at all.
I think they were part of CD and LVD little group (plus others)
Oh, and on that note I am willing to grant that LVD and CD are totally old school gods like in the past - people who think they are born as living vessels of as people once saw as celebrity/memes/gods - are capricious, commit murder, rape and adultery, work hard to become leaders of mass of human killing to assert dominance, and like killing children.

Don't you want to worship them? Create nice statues of their greatness, pose them as warriors and meek women doing as they are told, leaving a pile of bodies in their wake??? They really do have the basics of how that worked in the past down pat. We can talk about them in the future on how to be a good eternal wifey and a Great Man.

Sounds delightful.

Do you mean like in e.g. Roman and Greek mythology? Because they do seem to see themselves like the gods of mythology. I think that's possibly the fairest analogy yet. If Chad was slightly more imaginative, he might have beaten you to this.
Do you mean like in e.g. Roman and Greek mythology? Because they do seem to see themselves like the gods of mythology. I think that's possibly the fairest analogy yet. If Chad was slightly more imaginative, he might have beaten you to this.

This is vaguely what "gods" of the past actually were - just people who "stepped into" a cultural narrative linked to other people who did the same. It is why Barnabas and Paul were greeted as Zeus and Hermes - people just knew gods were people walking around and doing things that others heard about near and far.

So I'm totally willing to give it to him. I'll note though that Jesus wasn't a fan.
FY, I snipped your words for the sake of consision only. You filled in some of my blanks and I think you whacked the mole right on the head there: Chad was happy with the affair and his charts and fantasies, while Lori was willing to call his bluff and raise him, and go that extra mile, even tho her deck was (is) short a couple aces. They played off each other, that's for sure. (I just had a horrible thought. Someone somewhere is going to pitch this as a romance gone awry story.)

Anyway, Alex is the real wild card in all this. I mean, I love my sister, too, but there are limits. What are your thoughts on that guy?

I think Alex grew up being Lori's protector and avenger against the boys that did her wrong. Whatever he knew about Joe Ryan and CV obviously was a story made up by Lori to get Alex riled up. I think he was again protecting Lori by disposing of the evidence for murder.

I think he died the same way Tammy did, so I am especially concerned that no substance will be found for Tammy's cause of death, except maybe blood clots in the lungs. The question remains, how was a toxic substance administered to Tammy and Alex from someone outside the household?

AC might very well have committed suicide rather than testify against his sister, but if there was any way that Lori was able to pull off killing AC while in Hawaii, she would have.

I would be very curious as to LV's and CD's reaction upon "learning" of AC's death from Z or whoever they learned it from. It would be nice if LE has some of that communication. JMO and speculation.
This is vaguely what "gods" of the past actually were - just people who "stepped into" a cultural narrative linked to other people who did the same. It is why Barnabas and Paul were greeted as Zeus and Hermes - people just knew gods were people walking around and doing things that others heard about near and far.

So I'm totally willing to give it to him. I'll note though that Jesus wasn't a fan.

...give or take a little immortality, lightning bolt tossing, etc...
If I can (and have) proven that Rexburg was identified as a place for tent cities in 2010 (beware that document is seriously cray-cray. My kids started looking over my shoulder as I started laughing and my son's rendition of what he was seeing was hilarious) and earthquakes as part of the visions of the end-times then that would pretty much prove that it isn't CD who initiated these ideas. He has been brought in on something that was existent. Whether the mainstream doctrine is involved is not my call and if the people putting it out are active members isn't my issue.

The fact is that my feeds are full of this stuff from certain other protestant, catholic and eastern offshoot doctrines influencing churches already, so this is not just a Mormon problem. My interest in these ideas and how they impact human theologies is not specific to a particular group.

I agree, there seems to be a lot of seriously cray-cray out there. I have friends/relatives who are on the fringes of such movements. Tent cities, prepare to go into hiding at a moment's notice, underground compounds that will house several hundred people, special bunkers to keep the children safe (with entire classrooms including cafeterias and gyms), entire warehouses of food stashed underground to feed everyone for a year or more--and these are members of mainstream Protestant denominations. The ideas are out there and after reading one of Chad's early novels years ago, I'm not surprised he found himself at home there.

But as far as I know, none of them are guilty of murdering children. That seems to be Chad's individual contribution to the crazy.
While not a popular opinion, I actually think AxC did die of natural causes. ( or stupidity, take care of your health, and if you are experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains, go to the doctors!) While I think eventually CD and LVD may have come to the conclusion that AxC needed to go, I think his death came at an ‘inconvenient’ time and just drew more attention to them. And I think LVD liked having someone to do all her dirty work.
I agree, I have a hard time beieving the coroner could of missed it when looking for foul play
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