Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #46

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Unlike Hector Sosa, the owner of Another Voice of Warning (Christopher Parrett) has changed his tune.

Parrett was an even more outspoken supporter of Chad Daybell until recently.

Now he says he is cooperating with law enforcement.

CLICK to read full statement posted on AVOW.

Well, that's a handsome admission... finally... I like the touch of the tribute picture at the end.
LVD, CD, and AC are all in some kind of hell I hope. Just reposting this because it’s still where I’m at. This case distracts me from my daily stuff. I just want justice for these babies. My mama always called me her rose who still had some thorns. Tylee deserves that kinda mama.
Thank you for this amazing site. Please be safe.
Nite Sleuthers. My mama passed away on the 4th of July. So this is a tough weekend. I can’t help but think of this song when I was a teenager full of angst. And she would sing it to me behind my locked bedroom door. I’m thinking of Tylee right now. Who never got to experience teenage angst. Her door was locked for a reason.
I am grieving for Tylee. Of course. JJ too. But my heart tonight is grieving that teenage baby.
Please delete if not ok. Full of emotion. This is a challenging first case. If no one told you today...just saying it. I love you.
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I don’t have children, but I rue the day if I did someone would refer to their desecrated bodies as “new evidence”.


Also. Please...I mean, no matter who did what, knowing even the little bit we now know, what scenario is there that leaves Chad not being a terrible person? What narrative is Hector kicking around over there?

<new charges and probable cause info being announced in background>
HS: "Hmm, wow. Strange coincidence, you guys. Maybe they were just re-enacting the Battle of Verdun in Chad's back yard and got carried away with the trench tools? <shrug>"
CP: "Um... Hector...?"

HS: "I mean, if I've told my kids once I have told them 100 times: don't wrap each other up with plastic tarps and duct tape! That stuff is expensive"
CP: "Hector. Close the laptop, Hector."
HS: "They, like, had duct tape in World War I, right? Or was that WWII?"
CP: "..."
HS: "Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Wanna go to Del Taco?"
LVD, CD, and AC are all in some kind of hell I hope. Just reposting this because it’s still where I’m at. This case distracts me from my daily stuff. I just want justice for these babies.
Thank you for this amazing site. Please be safe.
Nite Sleuthers. My mama passed away on the 4th of July. So this is a tough weekend. I can’t help but think of this song when I was a teenager full of angst. And she would sing it to me behind my locked bedroom door. I’m thinking of Tylee right now. Who never got to experience teenage angst. Her door was locked for a reason.
I am grieving for Tylee. Of course. JJ too. But my heart tonight is grieving that teenage baby.
Please delete if not ok. Full of emotion. This is a challenging first case. If no one told you today...just saying it. I love you.

Also. Please...I mean, no matter who did what, knowing even the little bit we now know, what scenario is there that leaves Chad not being a terrible person? What narrative is Hector kicking around over there?

<new charges and probable cause info being announced in background>
HS: "Hmm, wow. Strange coincidence, you guys. Maybe they were just re-enacting the Battle of Verdun in Chad's back yard and got carried away with the trench tools? <shrug>"
CP: "Um... Hector...?"
HS: "I mean, if I've told my kids once I have told them 100 times: don't wrap each other up with plastic tarps and duct tape! That stuff is expensive"
CP: "Hector. Close the laptop, Hector."
HS: "They, like, had duct tape in World War I, right? Or was that WWII?"
CP: "..."
HS: "Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Wanna go to Del Taco?"
Right?! Jesus
I'm curious about public sympathy. I've watched Bull too much. Do you think there was a reason she was in blue? Jmo
For a 12 minute hearing, I don’t think they put a lot of thought into the clothes. An admin may have run to TJ Max and grabbed a couple tops. I do think they wanted to get her out orange stripes and start her transition to a tiny woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Also. Please...I mean, no matter who did what, knowing even the little bit we now know, what scenario is there that leaves Chad not being a terrible person? What narrative is Hector kicking around over there?

<new charges and probable cause info being announced in background>
HS: "Hmm, wow. Strange coincidence, you guys. Maybe they were just re-enacting the Battle of Verdun in Chad's back yard and got carried away with the trench tools? <shrug>"
CP: "Um... Hector...?"
HS: "I mean, if I've told my kids once I have told them 100 times: don't wrap each other up with plastic tarps and duct tape! That stuff is expensive"
CP: "Hector. Close the laptop, Hector."
HS: "They, like, had duct tape in World War I, right? Or was that WWII?"
CP: "..."
HS: "Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Wanna go to Del Taco?"
I know this is my first case. And I’m a bit naive to things I guess because I watch a crap ton of crime shows, but this feels like I’m involved. Invested. I literally have to pull myself away from here.
It’s all just so devastating. Who, the insert f word here, are these people?! These children did not have to die. So many people could have saved them.
But now they’re “evidence”.
Evidence. That’s all for me tonight. It’s just a lot to take in. And don’t even let me get into the ethics of the people involved.
Yes, and Chad was the visionary, not Lori.
IMO I remember MG in her interviews several times mentioned that LV also had visions and her own answers to her prayers, but she was not "as good as CD". I noted it was LV who had visions about CV dying in car accident, and she was furious when it didn't work the way she predicted. LV also got her own answer to move to Rexburg, according to MG.

Not that it changes the fact that CD was the "leading visionary" who came up with the "zombies need to die" killing list.
NE's interview in HI is very telling IMO. LV looks at CD all the time, unconsciously seeking approval.

So IMO she was striving to become like CD in her extraordinary goddess powers, it's just that CD was her master :D

However, CD's white dress shirt, a tie, and "Yes Your Honor" behavior make me think that he has already decided on his defense strategy, and if to put everything on AC will not be an option, it will be "I just helped my wife and her brother cover what they did completely on their own, I am just a small gravedigger and good husband".
He will try to throw LV under the bus MOO
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IMO I remember MG in her interviews several times mentioned that LV also had visions and her own answers to her prayers, but she was not "as good as CD". I noted it was LV who had visions about CV dying in car accident, and she was furious when it didn't work the way she predicted. LV also got her own answer to move to Rexburg, according to MG.

Not that it changes the fact that CD was the "leading visionary" who came up with the "zombies need to die" killing list.
NE's interview in HI is very telling IMO. LV looks at CD all the time, unconsciously seeking approval.

So IMO she was striving to become like CD in her extraordinary goddess powers, it's just that CD was her master :D

However, CD's white dress shirt, a tie, and "Yes Your Honor" behavior make me think that he has already decided on his defense strategy, and if to put everything on AC will not be an option, it will be "I just helped my wife and her brother cover what they did completely on their own, I am just a small gravedigger and good husband".
He will try to throw LV under the bus MOO
Have you heard CD say "Your Honor?"
I see him conspicuously not saying it in the clips I have seen.
Im not a legal expert but imo...
None of the religious stuff is admissable unless its linked to the motive. If they claim that the children were killed because they became zombies and they had to be killed so the souls could move on. I would think that would open the door to entering their religious beliefs into evidence.

Admissibility would be more to do with how the prosecution could place it in evidence.

So a witness can in fact report on the zombie conversation as proof of what was said but not evidence as to the truth of the statement
A reasonable person might come to that conclusion, but it could also be true that crazy AC killed them, LVD panicked because her gravy train would end and conspired to hide them for the purpose of continuing to get their monthly checks.

Legally, they are not charged with murder, yet. They are charged with hiding the evidence of the children's demise/murder. What conclusions we draw is not evidence. Right now, the only evidence presented for CVD and CD is the concealment.

It is a cat and mouse game for sure.
Your original point was that conspiracy to conceal evidence is not close to murder.

A close reading of Lori's charges shows the evidence for conspiracy to conceal the childrens' remains is consciousness of guilt.

- Chad hiding their relationship, lying to Tammy about the fire/burial, and encouraging MG's non-cooperation with police.
- Lori lying about the childrens' whereabouts, not producing her children upon court orders, and encouraging MG's non-cooperation with/lying to police.

It's a reasonable conclusion and it's evidence, after the fact. A conclusion that may be drawn by a jury. Nothing there about her phone data, prior communications or communications with Chad after the deaths, or her physical location.

Consciousness of guilt after the fact, concealment, particularly pertaining to two children on two separate dates, and the speed with which concealment was effected, is only a hop and a skip away from participation in and/or commission of the murders.

I expect murder charges against Lori whether or not they find her cellphone active next to Alex's, or her fingerprints/hair on the duct tape.

But I do realise that they need to develop all the evidence ready to proceed to trial - the autopsy results and the forensics and the phone data - before they write the arrest forms.

Lori's acts leading up to the murders are just as incriminating as her acts afterwards and we may draw the most obvious conclusions from them. Not that she was shocked and locked her brother out of the house after Tylee's murder, to protect JJ. Allegedly she asked Alex to take him so she could make her podcast and then said she asked him to come back and take him again when JJ was climbing the cupboards.

- Her children were in her house on the relevant dates. We know that because Alex was in there too, in the wee hours, when he didn't live there.
- JJ slept in her bedroom.
- She created an alibi for Tylee going to BYU before they went to Rexburg, when Tylee was too young to enroll.
- She made arrangements to sell JJ's trained service dog Bailey right after Charles' death. He would alert them if JJ wasn't safe.
- She labeled Tylee and JJ zombies, told MG that JJ was in the way of her mission, and lied about making plans for him to go to Kays when she had cut ties with her. The same lie she would carry over to the days after his murder.
- She disassociated from being JJ's mother, by telling neighbors he was her niece's drug-baby.
- She told her friend April that she could not have her children with her if she joined the 144,000.
- MBP even thought her own children were dead based on the doctrine - there was no cognitive leap from 'children going from light to dark' to 'children dying unnatural deaths'. She understood it to be a task, for the Lord.
- Chad had the burial plots ready there was no panic trying to find a disposal site, it was A to B as soon as Tammy left for work.

I noticed the same clenched jaw/tight lipped behavior when Nate Eaton was dogging them in Hawaii.
Thanks @janx , I hadn't seen this before. What stood out to me in this 'interview' is the way Lori and Chad interacted. To me, here, it seems that Lori is the one in 'control' and Chad is following her lead. Lori is not phased at all by Nates dogged questioning. Chad looks uncomfortable. I'm not saying that Lori is the controller in this relationship at all, I just found their reactions and interactions interesting.
Continued, and with more snark. Graphic Warning, kids.

The light and dark bit was CD’s furthering his way into Lori’s life and drawers, and my gut-worm tells me that he wasn’t really into killing initially, that was Lori’s doing. Lookin at the murders of the kids, something that doesn’t sit right is the lack of a plan, and the fact that both were done separately. I think murder may have been inferred, but not planned, if that makes sense. If part of your plan is some form of the phrase ‘So, when my wife leaves...’ that ain’t much a plan. Especially considering that AxC had all the time in the world and all the space in Idaho to hide them. The damned dunes are right there! Did he have an uncrossable line all of a sudden? Yeah, I’ll murder your kids, I’ll even bury them, but I’m not putting more miles on my truck, not after Yellowstone. Yellowstone’s a sleuther red-herring, IMO. Whatever happened, happened quick and happened at home. I think LV snapped, and TR’s death had a degree of violence to it. Hope I’m wrong, hope there’s enough there to prove that she was doped-out, then suffocated, and she felt no pain. Imagine that call, tho, if you’re CD. In bed, dreaming your little blonde dream – high on a hill, the tent city beneath you, your honey at your side, your chest and hair somehow gone all Fabio, and then your burner buzzes and while you’re lyin and lyin next to your wife half-awake in the Now Now, your girlfriend says she murdered her daughter and what are you going to do about it?

After that CD’s full under LV’s thumb. LV spreads her – uh... LV snaps her fingers, CD gets to business. Including murdering his wife. I.M.O.. Poor wee JJ’s days were numbered after Tylee. For him, I think, they used at least suffocation and made no attempt to corpse-manage other than straight burial. The fact that he was more or less acting like a kid and that’s what set Lori off makes me think one of her brain-pistons is on the misfire. Those pictures of her place on Zillow, that space above those cabinets? You can build a fort up there. I want to go up there and that’s what gets him murdered? That and watching TV quietly? And she expects people to be concerned over that? She ain’t right.

Anyway, this nightmare is going to stretch years I bet, and we’re not going to the get the full story until the long-form investigative journalists chew on it. That's where we’ll get the origin stories and all the background dirt. And one final thought: Is there a stupider place in that yard for a pet cemetery? Dammit Chad, every detail about you screams dumb.

Also MOO.
I loved reading your run down on what you think happened, I couldn't have put it better myself.
Well written, I think you have summed up those two crazies perfectly!!
Thanks @janx , I hadn't seen this before. What stood out to me in this 'interview' is the way Lori and Chad interacted. To me, here, it seems that Lori is the one in 'control' and Chad is following her lead. Lori is not phased at all by Nates dogged questioning. Chad looks uncomfortable. I'm not saying that Lori is the controller in this relationship at all, I just found their reactions and interactions interesting.
The same was reported by MG. When they called her separately on November 26 to lie for them and fabricate evidence, Chad sounded very nervous but Lori seemed calm and almost carefree. We've all seen her nonchalance after Charles was murdered.
Im not sure but she is so sneaky I dont put anything past her and she may have had a hidden reason for the colors she chose.

ETA - I will never forget Jodi Arias using that very low short chair to try to make herself look small and nimble. LOL
That was Casey Anthony. Her chair would be normal height but it was always lowered when she went to sit in it, making her look small and helpless.
Your original point was that conspiracy to conceal evidence is not close to murder.

A close reading of Lori's charges shows the evidence for conspiracy to conceal the childrens' remains is consciousness of guilt.

- Chad hiding their relationship, lying to Tammy about the fire/burial, and encouraging MG's non-cooperation with police.
- Lori lying about the childrens' whereabouts, not producing her children upon court orders, and encouraging MG's non-cooperation with/lying to police.

It's a reasonable conclusion and it's evidence, after the fact. A conclusion that may be drawn by a jury. Nothing there about her phone data, prior communications or communications with Chad after the deaths, or her physical location.

Consciousness of guilt after the fact, concealment, particularly pertaining to two children on two separate dates, and the speed with which concealment was effected, is only a hop and a skip away from participation in and/or commission of the murders.

I expect murder charges against Lori whether or not they find her cellphone active next to Alex's, or her fingerprints/hair on the duct tape.

But I do realise that they need to develop all the evidence ready to proceed to trial - the autopsy results and the forensics and the phone data - before they write the arrest forms.

Lori's acts leading up to the murders are just as incriminating as her acts afterwards and we may draw the most obvious conclusions from them. Not that she was shocked and locked her brother out of the house after Tylee's murder, to protect JJ. Allegedly she asked Alex to take him so she could make her podcast and then said she asked him to come back and take him again when JJ was climbing the cupboards.

- Her children were in her house on the relevant dates. We know that because Alex was in there too, in the wee hours, when he didn't live there.
- JJ slept in her bedroom.
- She created an alibi for Tylee going to BYU before they went to Rexburg, when Tylee was too young to enroll.
- She made arrangements to sell JJ's trained service dog Bailey right after Charles' death. He would alert them if JJ wasn't safe.
- She labeled Tylee and JJ zombies, told MG that JJ was in the way of her mission, and lied about making plans for him to go to Kays when she had cut ties with her. The same lie she would carry over to the days after his murder.
- She disassociated from being JJ's mother, by telling neighbors he was her niece's drug-baby.
- She told her friend April that she could not have her children with her if she joined the 144,000.
- MBP even thought her own children were dead based on the doctrine - there was no cognitive leap from 'children going from light to dark' to 'children dying unnatural deaths'. She understood it to be a task, for the Lord.
- Chad had the burial plots ready there was no panic trying to find a disposal site, it was A to B as soon as Tammy left for work.

IMO Lori disassociated from Charles and JJ when she had a "vision" that both would die in a car crash by Jan 1, 2019. Just like Chad "saw" Tammy dying two years earlier.
'Cult mom' Lori Vallow had been sued by her ex-husband for hiding her daughter

Not the first time LV hid TR. poor JR chasing around looking for her.
Wow just a bit further down in that article (dated 15th May 2020) -

It has now been almost eight months since the children were last seen, though multiple family members have claimed that the children are safe.

Those claims were not made in court or to police, but rather in network interviews that provided concerned family members with compensation for their time.

I tried to speak to the Sosa family in March.

Since the discovery of JJ and Tylee, he has declined to say anything negative about his old friend.

He refers to the children as "new evidence" that "has brought a bunch of new questions and old ones that remain unanswered."

The link to the video didn't work in the tweet above, here is the video

and here is the entire Sosa June 24 screen grab from the video. He's going to refrain from judgement until the evidence comes out in the trial. That gives him....prolly about 2-3 years of continued support then. :confused:


ETA: He refers in first sentence to Chanley. That is the female reporter for CourtTV who interviewed Smith
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