Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #46

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that neither Lori's nor Chad's attorney is qualified to defend a capital case.

I.C.R. 44.3. Standards for the Qualification of Appointed Counsel in Capital Cases. | Supreme Court

Whether that is true or not I can't say, but since they were hired by Chad and Lori and not appointed by the Court then isn't that fact irrelevant? From the link:

"(a) Applicability. The provisions for the appointment of counsel in this rule apply only in cases where the defendant is needy, as defined in Idaho Code § 19-851 et seq., counsel is not privately retained by or for the defendant, and the death penalty may be or has been imposed on the defendant."

1. The defendants are not needy as they have a substantial amount of money at this time; almost certainly and without question ill-gotten monies, but monies nonetheless.

2. Counsel has been privately retained by the defendants. They may or may not be qualified to handle the cases before them, but it is the right of the defendants to hire whoever they want, or even represent themselves if they so choose.

Since these two conditions exist, and since the above applicability rules apply only for Court appointed counsel (otherwise known as public defenders), then it seems to me to be a non-issue. But I could be mistaken. Again, IANAL.

Will Chad and Lori change their tune if their doomsday prophesies don't come true?

New charges filed this week are not murder, but retired FBI agent Frank Montoya Jr. says it could bring us one step closer.

"I think that July actually is going to be an eventful month."

Clip in link

*Warning: Heavy sarcasm applied*

According to CD and LV, the clock is running and there is less than three weeks till the world ends. Before getting my affairs in order I did some thinking. CD thinks he has an inside track with God but he's tied up at the moment so it will be quite difficult to gather 144,000 souls by then. I'll stick my neck out and say that since CD has nothing else to do while behind bars, he'll try to make a deal with God saying something like, "God, we ran into a little problem. Let's hold off ending the world for a while. We had to take care of some zombies and some of the folks down here didn't like that so they put me in jail. This may take some time so let's be flexible with the date till things get sorted out. I gotta get me and Sugar Britches outta here first."

July 22 will come and go so something like that may be his excuse. He'll somehow let the other 143,999 know about the deal and the info will somehow filter down to Sugar Britches so of course, that'll be her excuse too.

I haven't been invited to the party but if you're one of the lucky 144,000, don't worry about the 22nd and just hang in there. By then CD will have arranged for extended time.

*End of sarcasm*

Whether that is true or not I can't say, but since they were hired by Chad and Lori and not appointed by the Court then isn't that fact irrelevant? From the link:

"(a) Applicability. The provisions for the appointment of counsel in this rule apply only in cases where the defendant is needy, as defined in Idaho Code § 19-851 et seq., counsel is not privately retained by or for the defendant, and the death penalty may be or has been imposed on the defendant."

1. The defendants are not needy as they have a substantial amount of money at this time; almost certainly and without question ill-gotten monies, but monies nonetheless.

2. Counsel has been privately retained by the defendants. They may or may not be qualified to handle the cases before them, but it is the right of the defendants to hire whoever they want, or even represent themselves if they so choose.

Since these two conditions exist, and since the above applicability rules apply only for Court appointed counsel (otherwise known as public defenders), then it seems to me to be a non-issue. But I could be mistaken. Again, IANAL.

I wonder what the timing/statute of limitations is to file in Idaho a civil wrongful death suit, which might? tie up that money.

And can only ColR file such a suit as a direct family member, or could the Woodcocks also as grandparents/uncle & aunt?

IANAL either....
Earlier this year we ran a story about Pathway to Zion, a now shutdown internet forum created by another author who claims to have visions about the end of the world and published books through Chad Daybell's company. (1/2)

Original story:
FOX 13 Investigates: Website associated with Chad Daybell and his followers shuts down
He and his wife's defense of these murderers on social media was absolutely disgusting.
They think they are the real deal, and everyone else is waiting to be lead by those who know the real deal so lying to keep close to the sheep is a necessary evil, if they follow the usual thinking of people like this.

I assume you cannot prove murder AND desertion - they are mutually exclusive. They have to pick one.
. I have faith murder charges are coming but in the meantime it’s annoying that the dropped charges carried a maximum penalty of 14 years each but the max on new charges is only 5 years each.
IMO I remember MG in her interviews several times mentioned that LV also had visions and her own answers to her prayers, but she was not "as good as CD". I noted it was LV who had visions about CV dying in car accident, and she was furious when it didn't work the way she predicted. LV also got her own answer to move to Rexburg, according to MG.

Not that it changes the fact that CD was the "leading visionary" who came up with the "zombies need to die" killing list.
NE's interview in HI is very telling IMO. LV looks at CD all the time, unconsciously seeking approval.

So IMO she was striving to become like CD in her extraordinary goddess powers, it's just that CD was her master :D

However, CD's white dress shirt, a tie, and "Yes Your Honor" behavior make me think that he has already decided on his defense strategy, and if to put everything on AC will not be an option, it will be "I just helped my wife and her brother cover what they did completely on their own, I am just a small gravedigger and good husband".
He will try to throw LV under the bus MOO

I agree, I believe if one of them flip it will be Chad.
Just the fact from Nates radio interview where it was found out that Chad was telling Lori not to worry, she has outside support and it will all be over soon. Was he trying to keep her from talking, telling her end times are still coming be patient. Is he trying to keep her quiet so she does not spill the beans on him. Either way Chad is manipulating her. I am not defending Lori because she is just as culpable and was evil long before she met Chad imo

And yet, when you look at the timeline, Alex kind of started the whole thing, with his attack on LV's 3rd husband, JR, which he went to prison for. And apparently stewed in prison, hating the guy, wishing he could get him finished off.

IMO, this shows that Alex was onboard with almost killing people on LV's behalf, and paying the price, long before CD came along. Surely this previous event would have been at the front of everyone's mind when husband number 4 became a problem. IMO, it wouldn't have been difficult to talk to AC (or maybe even AC suggesting it himself) about doing it again, but getting it right this time: make sure the guy ended up dead, make sure AC didn't go to prison. IMO, he must have enjoyed it in some way.

But don't forget, AC would never have had a reason to attack JR if it weren't for his sister running to him for help. Lori is responsible for every. single. thing. that has happened. Chad is responsible for spewing self-serving blabber about light and dark souls, worms, zombies, and all the wild stuff that has no foundation in the word of God. It was self serving. it made him feel important and special. He loved the followers (many women) fawning over him and his wisdom. AxC was willing, but he was played.

I don't think the majority of the Cox family were critical thinkers. They seemed to suffer from some mental defects. In the least, they didn't have the smarts to just keep quiet. If they had issued a statement that they are worried/heart broken by the disappearance of the children, and are waiting for LE to conclude their investigation, it would be much better for them. However, their response to JJ and TR going missing, and excusing LVDs behavior, gave us all a glimpse of their mindset. It helps us see where LVD got to the point she is at: no respect for human life and no ability to really love anyone but herself.

ETA: Fixed typos
WHOA! This is possibly the first and only straightforward apology and show of accountability from any of the ancillary hangers-on in this story. I never thought I'd say this, but way to go, Chris Parrett.

i dunno... I couple these outward remarks of Parrett's (and Melanie Gibb for that matter) as more an act to 1)repent with the Church 2) get 15 minutes of fame 3) cya.....

And as @First Article has mentioned... Give it time...and they will be back into their beliefs. (total paraphrase here)
Hehehe. When I looked at the pic, I thought "what? this was me and my wife in Maui last year, what's your point?"... which was sort of the original post's point I suppose: That this was not two elevated life forms, perhaps wearing flowing robes, hovering slightly above the ground with heads back and arms spread wide as they telepathically contacted live and dead souls (and communicated with sea life) throughout Kauai. This was middle-aged Biff and Bambi knocking around in sandals and Gucci bags trying to answer life's truly divine and eternal questions, like ... what time Olive Garden closes... and whether that burning feeling during urination was anything to worry about.

vacation confessions, Gumchew..?
Sorry if this was already discussed, I haven't read every post in the threads, but this is something that keeps gnawing at me...

I know that I've both read and heard in the news that Lori told someone that "Tylee died last year" and this statement was made some time ago. Like way before the bodies were found.
IIRC the person to whom she is supposed to have said this also to the police about this statement during the course of the investigation...again way before the bodies were found.
Why does it seem like that little bit has kind of been swept under the rug. Seems to me it hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as it should have...unless the person recanted saying that or wasn't believable for some reason.
Has anyone else read or heard this?
IMO I remember MG in her interviews several times mentioned that LV also had visions and her own answers to her prayers, but she was not "as good as CD". I noted it was LV who had visions about CV dying in car accident, and she was furious when it didn't work the way she predicted. LV also got her own answer to move to Rexburg, according to MG.

Not that it changes the fact that CD was the "leading visionary" who came up with the "zombies need to die" killing list.
NE's interview in HI is very telling IMO. LV looks at CD all the time, unconsciously seeking approval.

So IMO she was striving to become like CD in her extraordinary goddess powers, it's just that CD was her master :D

However, CD's white dress shirt, a tie, and "Yes Your Honor" behavior make me think that he has already decided on his defense strategy, and if to put everything on AC will not be an option, it will be "I just helped my wife and her brother cover what they did completely on their own, I am just a small gravedigger and good husband".
He will try to throw LV under the bus MOO

Chad is like the instigator who eggs the gullible on to do what he doesn't have the guts to do himself. Then, he sits back in his good boy persona and denies, denies, denies while shrugging his shoulders and tells everyone he just doesn't know why someone (LVD, AxC) would do what they did.

I feel for his parents and siblings.
I agree, I believe if one of them flip it will be Chad.
Just the fact from Nates radio interview where it was found out that Chad was telling Lori not to worry, she has outside support and it will all be over soon. Was he trying to keep her from talking, telling her end times are still coming be patient. Is he trying to keep her quiet so she does not spill the beans on him. Either way Chad is manipulating her. I am not defending Lori because she is just as culpable and was evil long before she met Chad imo

I went both ways after listening to the radio interview.. I interpret Chad's lies to Lori to "boost her" because she is so down and out.. That weakness could make her crack.

And then I come back to what you are saying... If he can keep lying to her, he can just as easily throw her under the bus.

At this moment...I am thinking Lori may crack!
WHOA! This is possibly the first and only straightforward apology and show of accountability from any of the ancillary hangers-on in this story. I never thought I'd say this, but way to go, Chris Parrett.

CP apologized numerous times right after the discovery. Just went on about how he had been so deceived and how wrong he was...blah blah blah. He got absolutely hammered by people. Just couldn't be posted here
What a douchebag. Can I say that? (I guess we'll find out, won't we?)

It's interesting how he resets the bar for judgement. He says he doesn't know what to believe anymore and whines about how badly Fox13 has treated him (poor baby! here's a tissue). He makes the big show of saying "innocent until proven guilty", but at the end of the message, he says he'll withhold judgment until the "new evidence" is "officially" presented at trial. So, in other words, ladies and gents (and others), the actual standard is: innocent until found guilty by Hector Sosa.

Did something get deleted from that link as I'm only seeing one photo with just a blurb
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