Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #62

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If the kids are in properties that were/are owned by Chad, or were, they have a financial reason to say he is not guilty and was framed. Perhaps insurance monies to them on Tammys death....etc.
1) It should not be unusual to support a father. No decent person would want to believe their parent to be so deeply vile.
2) If they really are focused on money and not justice, the apples didn’t fall far from the toxic tree.
3) Did the TOS rules change? I haven’t posted on this thread for over a year. Got a 3 day timeout for saying anyone connected to CD should be investigated. Wow, that touched a nerve. I am a fervent supporter of the Bill of Rights and Constitution! At the same time, when a career gravedigger repeatedly lies about the whereabouts of children, then they turn up grossly abused and dismembered in your private “pet cemetery” on your property when you were supposedly burying an invisible raccoon…. Then I think that the public has not only the right to investigate, but rather an obligation to do so. But the rules on WS have randomly and arbitrarily punished sleuths for sleuthing when it comes to anyone connected to a perp, esp their family. Dysfunction in families, overt or subtle is like DNA, it passing thru families - ask a LCSW. Whether looking at Lori or CD each of them has a strange life and bigger picture. Someone should be looking very closely at those pictures.
4) CD is not a victim! He may have been seduced and out-conned by fellow cons, but he is no victim.

*This is my opinion based on facts and decades of experience. If you disagree, send a private message. If you are related to CD or Lori please do not message me and do ignore me.
IMHO, I think Chad’s children are in denial and it just may be too psychologically difficult for them. It would essentially be like losing both parents and they already lost one in death. I think eventually they might come around once more time has pasted and they hear ALL the evidence, not just what Chad and his lawyer are spewing..My hope/prayer is that Chad repents and confesses his guilt… it would go along way to help heal everyone touched by these horrific crimes..JMO

I can see that. Not only did they think their dad was a stand-up guy, but they'd also been raised to believe a strict interpretation of their faith and it's a vital part of them.

But, I doubt they can sit through the entire trial and not star to have inklings that they're defending a killer.
Yes, maybe Chad could help his cause by starting divorce proceedings against Lori. On the other hand, maybe Lori will start divorce proceedings against him, and announce her engagement to a certain legal person that we know of. :D
This farce has been going on for six months now. This is the timeline, if I am correct:
March 8, 2021 - Judge signed the order for a competency evaluation on LOCO LOLO. Proceedings were stayed pending the evaluation.

May 27, 2021 - Report of competency recommending restorative treatment was reviewed by court. After State withdrew its opposition, the court agreed to stay proceedings.

August 30, 2021 - Stay of proceedings is extended once again, this time because the court did not receive a detailed progress report on LOCO's competency, and was not able to effectively rule on the matter. Therefore, next court date is September 8, 2021.

I do believe that under Idaho law, this "treatment process to restore competency" can go on for another six months -- we're talking Feb. 2022. I don't know, I didn't look it up. Correct me if I'm wrong. But, it's irrelevant anyway because -- trust me -- she doesn't want to be competent.

Come September 8, 2021, when the treating psychologist reports that Lulu is still not competent, and requests even more time, to continue treatment to restore her (a lobotomy maybe), that's when the State needs to come prepared to court, armed with a motion and proposed order for judge's signature, to step in to request its own evaluation, this time by a licensed M.D. -- a psychiatrist.

That will entail another stay of proceedings while this new mental health professional evaluates Luny and renders that report to the Court. Another hearing will have to take place so that the judge can present his ruling. That may shave a few years off of the delay, but this is going to drag on forever.

I do believe that Judge Boyce wants to see the case move forward in a timely manner, but he cannot deny her the right to (malingering) "incompetency."

Pretty sure the timeline regarding competency pivots on this: Staying Case 060921.pdf

Judge Boyce ordered her commitment on June 9th. The original 90 days is up on September 8th.

Possibly her doctor Koontz(sp?) hasn't written her evaluation yet, so he provided the brief unofficial letters with clues.
(Oh crap! You need what?! By when?!) Guessing MOO
Can't listen to the video - speakers broke - what happened with Chad's hearing?

Is his next hearing - motions hearing on 9/20/21?

TIA! :)

Happy Birthday, Niner!!!
Thanks for all your amazing hard work keeping us notified about all our case court dockets!!


I'm wondering on what grounds/criteria was LVD found to be incompetent? Both LVD and CD subscribe to the same beliefs and practices and are being charged with most of the same crimes. So why isn't he being treated for being incompetent?
I have not seen any snippets of the interview - waiting on the full viewing before I judge - but from what we have seen, have any of them mentioned Tylee & JJ or expressed how horrible they feel that they were buried in their backyard? Any sense of sympathy?
So first let me state that I believe they are both equally culpable - the Hawaiian wedding pictures tell me everything I need to know. However, if if either one of them have ANY chance of having the support of family or friends (guilt aside) then they must divorce the other IMMEDIATELY. Separating themselves from the other and attempting to pull themselves out of this mess would be the only way I would be able to be there for either of them if they were my family.
From the article (BBM):

The children say Tammy had been in failing health. During their interview, Garth Daybell said he was in his bedroom the night his mother died when he heard a “thump.” His dad called out for him “with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.”

“My dad was just pacing back and forth,” Garth told Vigliotti. “Just saying, ‘Why? How could this happen?’ Pointing at pictures on the wall, ‘She can’t be dead. Like, how could this be? What do we do?’

Apparently the children (and not Chad) requested that no autopsy be made.
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From the article (BBM):

The children say Tammy had been in failing health. During their interview, Garth Daybell said he was in his bedroom the night his mother died when he heard a “thump.” His dad called out for him “with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.”

“My dad was just pacing back and forth,” Garth told Vigliotti. “Just saying, ‘Why? How could this happen?’ Pointing at pictures on the wall, ‘She can’t be dead. Like, how could this be? What do we do?’

Apparently the children (and not Chad) requested that no autopsy be made.
That's what they say now !
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I'm wondering on what grounds/criteria was LVD found to be incompetent? Both LVD and CD subscribe to the same beliefs and practices and are being charged with most of the same crimes. So why isn't he being treated for being incompetent?

Because he can assist in his defense. She apparently is unable to right now. It doesn't have anything to do with past actions, just her ability to function in a legal capacity for herself (so to speak) is compromised.
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