Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #62

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I'm wondering on what grounds/criteria was LVD found to be incompetent? Both LVD and CD subscribe to the same beliefs and practices and are being charged with most of the same crimes. So why isn't he being treated for being incompetent?

I've wondered about this, too, but something about the way you phrased it, made me think of a possible answer. He's her husband, and spiritual leader. He should protect her at all costs, even his own life. Wood already has said they had more on her than they did on Chad. Maybe that is the incentive for continued incompetence. Chad will take care of it.

So now the Daybell siblings come out and say he was "framed". Does that mean Lori was framed, too?

Their interview may be a signal of winds of change.
From the article (BBM):

The children say Tammy had been in failing health. During their interview, Garth Daybell said he was in his bedroom the night his mother died when he heard a “thump.” His dad called out for him “with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.”

“My dad was just pacing back and forth,” Garth told Vigliotti. “Just saying, ‘Why? How could this happen?’ Pointing at pictures on the wall, ‘She can’t be dead. Like, how could this be? What do we do?’

Apparently the children (and not Chad) requested that no autopsy be made.
I thought Chad said he woke up in the morning and saw Tammy had “peacefully” died during the night? Oops.

Does anyone know when this was filmed? Would Prior have already received Tammy’s autopsy report? I’m just wondering if the kids were told what that report said. Will they have to change their story if the autopsy doesn’t agree with asphyxiation?
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I thought Chad said he woke up in the morning and saw Tammy had “peacefully” died during the night? Oops.
Does anyone know when this was filmed? Would Prior have already received Tammy’s autopsy report? I’m just wondering if the kids were told what that report said. Will they have to change their story if the autopsy doesn’t agree with asphyxiation?
they were seen filming in Rexburg about 2 weeks ago
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They aren't knowingly dishonoring her if they don't believe that she was killed by their father. If they thought that she was murdered by someone else (e.g. Alex sneaking into the house at night) they will probably state so. That is, IF the autopsy points to foul play.

What would happen if Chad's children turned their backs on him and he got acquitted (not much chance, but do they know that)?
Of course such a scenario would require Chas to be a very heavy sleeper.
I wonder what the "thump" was the "night" TD died, since CD said she died peacefully in the early morning hours.

Life insurance increase, quick burial and other 'weird' things Chad Daybell's friends noticed - East Idaho News

Nine days after Tammy’s death, Chad published an essay titled ‘Moving into the Second Half of My Life’ in the LDS-AVOW (Another Voice of Warning) Global Initiative Newsletter. The first section of his post was sent to

“My dear wife Tammy passed away in her sleep early Saturday, October 19. When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours,” he wrote. “It came as a shock. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile. It was devastating to discover her that way, but I’m so grateful that her death was peaceful.”
Exactly. This is now the seventh narrative we're hearing about Tammy's death. Bringing this forward from an earlier post and adding to it:

Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    For those who can't read it due to the small size of the attachment, it says:

    My dear wife Tammy passed away in her sleep early Saturday, October 19. When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours. It came as a shock. I couldn't believe I hadn't been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile. It was devastating to discover her that way, but I'm so grateful that her death was peaceful.

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
  6. ETA: Re-posting @Gardener1850 post, which contains a sixth example of Chad's description of Tammy's passing to a potential landlord in Hawaii:

    Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

    Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

    Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

    'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

    ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):
    Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
  7. The seventh narrative comes directly from his children, and particularly from son Garth who was in the house that night:

    Daybell children say their mother died from asphyxiation, insist their father is innocent - East Idaho News

    "They (authorities) told me that she’d been asphyxiated…but we never saw an autopsy,” Garth Daybell told ’48 Hours.’

    Mark Daybell added, “Asphyxiation doesn’t necessarily mean smothered. According to my understanding, it just means the breath was interrupted. And in the end, she wasn’t able to breathe.”

    The children say Tammy had been in failing health. During their interview, Garth Daybell said he was in his bedroom the night his mother died when he heard a “thump.” His dad called out for him “with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.”

    “My dad was just pacing back and forth,” Garth told Vigliotti. “Just saying, ‘Why? How could this happen?’ Pointing at pictures on the wall, ‘She can’t be dead. Like, how could this be? What do we do?’

    Emma Murray said their father “was in complete shock” and because of his emotional state, the kids requested that an autopsy not be performed.

    “The narrative is that he was going, ‘No, no, no autopsy.’ But he was standing there — in complete shock, traumatized, letting us make the decision,” Murray said.
So these latest details raise even more questions.

What caused the "thump?" Was it Tammy falling out of bed? It couldn't have been because she had been dead several hours at that point. And yet according to narrative #3 which was being circulated among family members, she was found on the floor, apparently having fallen out of bed, which also would have caused a loud thump at some point during the night. The only possible answer is Chad caused the thump (loud enough for Garth to hear it from elsewhere in the house, and likely waking him up as it was early in the morning). Was the thump from Chad falling out of bed? Stumbling toward or away from Tammy in shock? Moving her body around, perhaps checking her vitals? Maybe something else more nefarious like altering the scene or hiding evidence?

Another question that is raised, for me at least, is why would Chad be pacing back and forth and pointing at pictures on the wall? While his wife is dead on the floor? The only answer that comes to mind is he is trying to distract or divert attention away from something else in the room.

And the apparent cause of death is asphyxiation? Not from a coughing and vomit inducing sickness? Not from an unknown symptom leading to peacefully passing away in her sleep? Sounds like all the other narratives above have just been turned on their heads and called into question. Wasn't one of the children reportedly concerned about pink foam coming out of her mother's mouth? Isn't foam one of the signs of asphyxiation?

Asphyxiation (Signs Of) |

"Asphyxiation may also produce foam in the airways as the victim struggles to breathe and mucus from the lungs mixes with air."

Here's what I'm thinking happened, and is all MOO. I'm thinking Chad suffocated Tammy during the night after everyone had gone to bed. Probably used a pillow or something to stifle any screams and prevent any tell-tale signs of trauma. He waited a few hours to ensure she was dead, and to go about arranging the scene in his favor (hiding evidence, etc.). Maybe he had other plans for the body or something, but as he was trying to move her body out of bed he stumbled or accidentally dropped her, which caused a loud thump. It was loud enough that he knew it would likely have awoken Garth who would come to investigate, and he panicked and changed his plans to act like he was calling out for help as if he had just discovered her. Being thus panicked he called out for Garth "with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.” To explain the reason why Tammy was on the floor and why there might be fluids and pink foam around her mouth he develops the narrative that she had come down sick and had been coughing and vomiting throughout the night, and perhaps fallen out of bed. This is the narrative he'll sale to family and LE. Later, to avoid people questioning her sudden death due to sickness since she was so healthy, he'll change the narrative so that she simply died in her sleep peacefully because it was her time and she was happily doing things on the other side of the veil, including hooking him up with Lori Vallow.

Speaking of which, if, according to Chad's own text message to the woman in account #6, Tammy truly "helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly" from the other side of the veil and wanted them to be together and married going forward in life then why are the children now accusing Lori of "framing" their father for the murder of the children? Didn't Tammy want Chad and Lori to be together? Are they denying their mother's memory and wishes? Or are they saying that didn't happen, that Chad didn't write that message, and that it was Lori who wrote that again in an attempt to "frame" their father?

It's time to face it Daybell kids - your father did help murder those children, and he murdered your mother and tried to use her sacred memory to legitimize his marriage to Lori. "After Tammy died she helped 'reconnect' me with Lori Vallow so that we could be married and help us and our children move forward with our lives!" Oh please! How can the children not see through these lies?

All MOO.
Waiting for CD to file for divorce, go to trial and blame it all on Alex and LVD. His kids will be there, tearfully supporting Dad.

Nope, he is going down. Even in Idaho, no one is going to buy "asphyxiation" and new wife, frolicking on the beach 3 months later. Or was it 2?

LVD goes to trial, blames everything on AC and CD. Poor LVD, she has a dependent personality disorder, and she was told by CD, that the children were with "friends".

Nope. She is going down.

Even with a split trial, I don't see a possibility of getting off.
This case has more twists than a Cadburys Curly Wurly. Sorry this is an English sweet.

You had me at Cadburys, lol! Yum!

So if the adult children think Chad was framed regarding the deaths, what do they think about him getting married again just two weeks later? Seems like that might be just a tad . . . idk . . . suspicious? Sure you can suspend disbelief for a while but eventually that gap can stretch so thin it snaps. IMO, the trial will do that. I hope these young adults are braced to face all the evidence, not just what they've heard from Dad.
Exactly. This is now the seventh narrative we're hearing about Tammy's death. Bringing this forward from an earlier post and adding to it:

Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    For those who can't read it due to the small size of the attachment, it says:

    My dear wife Tammy passed away in her sleep early Saturday, October 19. When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours. It came as a shock. I couldn't believe I hadn't been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile. It was devastating to discover her that way, but I'm so grateful that her death was peaceful.

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
  6. ETA: Re-posting @Gardener1850 post, which contains a sixth example of Chad's description of Tammy's passing to a potential landlord in Hawaii:

    Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

    Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

    Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

    'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

    ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):
    Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
  7. The seventh narrative comes directly from his children, and particularly from son Garth who was in the house that night:

    Daybell children say their mother died from asphyxiation, insist their father is innocent - East Idaho News

    "They (authorities) told me that she’d been asphyxiated…but we never saw an autopsy,” Garth Daybell told ’48 Hours.’

    Mark Daybell added, “Asphyxiation doesn’t necessarily mean smothered. According to my understanding, it just means the breath was interrupted. And in the end, she wasn’t able to breathe.”

    The children say Tammy had been in failing health. During their interview, Garth Daybell said he was in his bedroom the night his mother died when he heard a “thump.” His dad called out for him “with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.”

    “My dad was just pacing back and forth,” Garth told Vigliotti. “Just saying, ‘Why? How could this happen?’ Pointing at pictures on the wall, ‘She can’t be dead. Like, how could this be? What do we do?’

    Emma Murray said their father “was in complete shock” and because of his emotional state, the kids requested that an autopsy not be performed.

    “The narrative is that he was going, ‘No, no, no autopsy.’ But he was standing there — in complete shock, traumatized, letting us make the decision,” Murray said.
So these latest details raise even more questions.

What caused the "thump?" Was it Tammy falling out of bed? It couldn't have been because she had been dead several hours at that point. And yet according to narrative #3 which was being circulated among family members, she was found on the floor, apparently having fallen out of bed, which also would have caused a loud thump at some point during the night. The only possible answer is Chad caused the thump (loud enough for Garth to hear it from elsewhere in the house, and likely waking him up as it was early in the morning). Was the thump from Chad falling out of bed? Stumbling toward or away from Tammy in shock? Moving her body around, perhaps checking her vitals? Maybe something else more nefarious like altering the scene or hiding evidence?

Another question that is raised, for me at least, is why would Chad be pacing back and forth and pointing at pictures on the wall? While his wife is dead on the floor? The only answer that comes to mind is he is trying to distract or divert attention away from something else in the room.

And the apparent cause of death is asphyxiation? Not from a coughing and vomit inducing sickness? Not from an unknown symptom leading to peacefully passing away in her sleep? Sounds like all the other narratives above have just been turned on their heads and called into question. Wasn't one of the children reportedly concerned about pink foam coming out of her mother's mouth? Isn't foam one of the signs of asphyxiation?

Asphyxiation (Signs Of) |

"Asphyxiation may also produce foam in the airways as the victim struggles to breathe and mucus from the lungs mixes with air."

Here's what I'm thinking happened, and is all MOO. I'm thinking Chad suffocated Tammy during the night after everyone had gone to bed. Probably used a pillow or something to stifle any screams and prevent any tell-tale signs of trauma. He waited a few hours to ensure she was dead, and to go about arranging the scene in his favor (hiding evidence, etc.). Maybe he had other plans for the body or something, but as he was trying to move her body out of bed he stumbled or accidentally dropped her, which caused a loud thump. It was loud enough that he knew it would likely have awoken Garth who would come to investigate, and he panicked and changed his plans to act like he was calling out for help as if he had just discovered her. Being thus panicked he called out for Garth "with the most panic I’d ever heard in his voice.” To explain the reason why Tammy was on the floor and why there might be fluids and pink foam around her mouth he develops the narrative that she had come down sick and had been coughing and vomiting throughout the night, and perhaps fallen out of bed. This is the narrative he'll sale to family and LE. Later, to avoid people questioning her sudden death due to sickness since she was so healthy, he'll change the narrative so that she simply died in her sleep peacefully because it was her time and she was happily doing things on the other side of the veil, including hooking him up with Lori Vallow.

Speaking of which, if, according to Chad's own text message to the woman in account #6, Tammy truly "helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly" from the other side of the veil and wanted them to be together and married going forward in life then why are the children now accusing Lori of "framing" their father for the murder of the children? Didn't Tammy want Chad and Lori to be together? Are they denying their mother's memory and wishes? Or are they saying that didn't happen, that Chad didn't write that message, and that it was Lori who wrote that again in an attempt to "frame" their father?

It's time to face it Daybell kids - your father did help murder those children, and he murdered your mother and tried to use her sacred memory to legitimize his marriage to Lori. "After Tammy died she helped 'reconnect' me with Lori Vallow so that we could be married and help us and our children move forward with our lives!" Oh please! How can the children not see through these lies?

All MOO.
Very well written but this is my scenario also. However. Alex's phone is pinged at church that Alex gives Chad something to knock Tammy out so she can't jump up or fight him because she probably would have kicked his the smothering is easy with no fight or noise. Wonder where that pillow went or maybe that's why he was looking at walls to divert attention away from bed..he acts upset, fools the kids and lady who comes to house. Embalms Tammy very soon after.. so now everything is are dead and buried and Tammy gone..but..there is an exhumation and even with embalming , it's not an exact science and our bodies still can tell a tale..and I guess Tammy said up yours Chad..moo moo jmo
Funny how they bring up asphyxiation as having all the details now and then say just cause it looks funny doesn't mean she was smothered..Now they must be So silly as to put that out there..stop talking ..digging that grave your father taught you how dig deep..
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I have not seen any snippets of the interview - waiting on the full viewing before I judge - but from what we have seen, have any of them mentioned Tylee & JJ or expressed how horrible they feel that they were buried in their backyard? Any sense of sympathy?
Hahahahah. Oh, you’re serious. ;). YMMV
The end of 2019 there is a post that I made a screenshot of. I still have it.. Emma was posting about being mad that they weren't told about the exhumation. She stated that her father remarried a family friend rather quickly but she was already having a good relationship with her new step mom. Lori was really helping the family grieve. Means tweeted about this exhumation also. Emma stated it was heart failure. Now after all this time, Prior must have coached them and to go with the Lori and Alex did everything..imo moo..don't know if I can write this. But it is out there for anyone to read it..jmo moo
Maybe when it's all over, Lori will file for Incompetence Assistance of Counsel. The judge in Michigan just ruled that Lin Woods and Sydney Powell have to take remedial law classes, like in how to file a brief, and report the results back to her...

We here at Websleuths first learned of Lin Wood in the JonBenet Ramsey case; he has in late years been representing John Ramsey. He has gone so far off the deep end that it's almost impossible to believe he is still allowed to practice law. Props to that Michigan judge for calling it like it is. Will the same happen to MM in Idaho?
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