Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2

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One of the things I’d like to figure out is what the thought was with the kids in the cult. It seems one way to know would be melani. If true she didn’t show to her own kids custody hearing, according to Gray’s video, it seems she didn’t want to be bothered with them either.

Can anyone clarify our rules for me when it comes to discussing things in the media when it comes to other people? Does that make us able to discuss and sleuth to confirm fact or fiction? For instance could I research these divorce records to see if she was indeed present at hearing?

I'm not sure... I know we can discuss anything in MSM but I'm not sure if we can debunk or confirm the info, as technically that would be sleuthing other people who are not POI's/victims. You might want to message Tricia or a mod to ask. I get all confused on if we are allowed to talk about someone if they are dead as well-- like in this case we have 3 deceased spouses of the POI's that may be murder victims but we don't have confirmation of them being victims from LE yet... I get all turned around on some rules and sometimes overstep on my sleuthing here but the mods will be able to explain the rules to you best.
So there was the death of their father, in July, (Did LE check on the kids welfare then?) Then the death of their Uncle in December when LE did not see the kids, so when and where were they actually last seen by someone still alive AFAWK? Was that in September? Who saw them last who is still alive?

I don't think it has been clear who last saw Tylee, but the September 23rd date that keeps getting mentioned for JJ is when he last went to school, so the who would presumably be his teacher who recorded his attendance.
Rexburg, ID is extremely difficult for new folks. It is cliquey, and I feel sorry for Tylee, she would have never fit in there. With a single divorced Mom, it is like having a scarlet "A" on your chest.

Believe me, I guess Lori moved there because she was infatuated with Chad. Because SLC is a better choice for Tylee and JJ. Special Education programs are okay in Idaho, but much better services in a larger metro area.
Given the largely Morman makeup of Rexburg, ID do you think that Lori and Chad (and the 2 children) would have been been in an untenable social situation after Chad was excommunicated?
Rexburg, ID is extremely difficult for new folks. It is cliquey, and I feel sorry for Tylee, she would have never fit in there. With a single divorced Mom, it is like having a scarlet "A" on your chest.

Believe me, I guess Lori moved there because she was infatuated with Chad. Because SLC is a better choice for Tylee and JJ. Special Education programs are okay in Idaho, but much better services in a larger metro area.

BBM. Since her husband before Chad was shot to death, Lori would have said she was "widowed" and probably not even mention the prior divorces. She was still married to CV when he died. Would being a widow have given her sympathy in that community? Also, Tylee could say her dad was dead (even though it's a different man from the one Lori was widowed from) and people would feel bad for her and not know that he died years after divorcing her mom. MOO.
No, I don't see erasing the past as part of it. But I think removing people that would prevent fulfilling their "destiny" is rather possible.

As for how large a following he has I think people would have to pay to join the one website where Chad was posting and pay the additional fee to join that special subsection.

I have only seen snippets of the things he has posted via Google searching. If anyone knows of a username he used on websites it would be great if someone would pass it along.

Thanks for this interpretation of what Chad and Lori might have been thinking as they possibly sought to justify eliminating so many folks from their life.

In listening to GH, he mentions the possibility also of Lori and Chad undertaking a 'purification' in their lives and possibly using this process as a reason to eliminate 'less than perfect human specimens' and 'undesirable family members' as well.

The idea that there could potentially be other friends and family members at risk due to the depth of Lori and Chads beliefs is frightening IMO. I also would hope that the people that owned the site where Chad kept his podcast were forthcoming with LE (they said in their statement that they were cooperating with LE) as to how many subscribers existed for Chads podcast. I know with privacy laws this all could become complicated but I would think it would be paramount for LE to figure out how many 'followers' Chad might have had. IMO it a serious question and also might provide info on who might be assisting Lori and Chad while they are on the run and in hiding.

I agree that could be the case in some of those situations, but the grandmother saying "was a loving mother" is pretty damning.

"Lori was a wonderful, loving, attentive mother. "

So she is no longer wonderful or loving or attentive, no longer a mother, or no longer alive IMO

Well, yes, I'm sure her opinion of Lori changed after Lori's brother shot the grandmother's brother* to death, and then Lori prevented JJ from seeing or talking to his dad's family. The grandparents facetimed with JJ in August and that was the last time they spoke to him.

*Relationship note for anyone confused: Charles Vallow and Lori adopted Charles' nephew's child (JJ). The grandmother of JJ that spoke to the press is both CV's sister and JJ's grandmother.
(I hope I have that right).
BBM. Since her husband before Chad was shot to death, Lori would have said she was "widowed" and probably not even mention the prior divorces. She was still married to CV when he died. Would being a widow have given her sympathy in that community? Also, Tylee could say her dad was dead (even though it's a different man from the one Lori was widowed from) and people would feel bad for her and not know that he died years after divorcing her mom. MOO.

Yes, spun that way (if they anticipated the issue and approached it that way) would definitely make a difference.
This is a new article just posted today but there’s not much new. BBM

Parents of 2 missing Idaho children issue statement
Dec 27th, 2019 - 9:34am (EST)

Rexburg police say the parents, Chad and Lori Daybell, never reported the kids missing, have repeatedly lied about where their children are — initially saying the boy was in Arizona — and aren’t cooperating with the investigation.

The couple had disappeared from their Rexburg home when police returned with additional questions and search warrants.

Police say it appeared the Daybells abruptly left the house and city. They said they don’t believe the couple had the children with them. How the couple left the city is unclear.


More at link:
Parents of 2 missing Idaho children issue statement
BBM. Since her husband before Chad was shot to death, Lori would have said she was "widowed" and probably not even mention the prior divorces. She was still married to CV when he died. Would being a widow have given her sympathy in that community? Also, Tylee could say her dad was dead (even though it's a different man from the one Lori was widowed from) and people would feel bad for her and not know that he died years after divorcing her mom. MOO.
It appears the LDS church has 'stats' on older widows in their broader community. According to LDS website it does make a difference whether a marriage is civil or 'sealed' in a temple. Civil marriages end in death of partner.

I haven't been able to find stats from LDS sources about remarriage among younger widows/widowers.

But here is one story of a 'blended LDS family' from the official LDS website: Remarriage: An Adventure in Patience and Love

Another story of young widows and widowers: Young Widows and Widowers Open Up About Dating, Remarrying in the Church | LDS Living

So Much to Live For

Quotes from article about LDS widowed members over 55 yo:

Probably there are few Latter-day Saints who do not have regular contact with one or more elderly widows and widowers. Among the nearly 4.5 million Church members in the United States and Canada, for example, there are approximately 80,000 widows and more than 13,000 widowers over age fifty-five. [BBM - Lori wouldn't have been in this age bracket] Information furnished by a representative group of these members paints an interesting picture.

Naturally, the proportion of widows and widowers among Church members increases with age, though men are more likely than women to have a living spouse when they are older. Of LDS men in the 65–74 age group, 5 percent are widowers, while 26 percent of women in the same age group are widows. Among those 75 and older, 52 percent of the women are widows while a little less than 19 percent of the men are widowers.

Only about 17 percent of widowed LDS women and men over the age of fifty-five are in the work force. But the widowed men and women are far more likely than married members—26 percent as compared to 5 percent—to be living below poverty guidelines set by the U. S. government. Furthermore, the widowed women are more than twice as likely as the married women (48 percent compared to 23 percent) to have health problems.

Faith remains a strong force in the life of older Latter-day Saints who have lost their companions. Attendance at Church meetings may be more difficult for those who live alone and are in poor health or without transportation. Nevertheless, 83 percent of the widowers and 88 percent of the widows surveyed say their beliefs are very important to them; those figures match the percentages for older married men and women. High percentages of the widows and widowers also report that they pray personally every day, or several times a week, and that they pay a full tithing. Nearly half of the older widows and widowers report that they attend Church meetings weekly; about a third of the women and a fourth of the men report that they have callings.

Obviously, widowed older members have much to offer in the way of faith and experience, but many of them also have special challenges in their lives.
I’m unclear on the YouTube show. Who is that Gray guy and how does he know the family and so much about them? I’m afraid to listen to it in case it all is unsubstantiated, because I get terribly distracted!

I don't know this for sure, but believe he is a guy who does youtube shows on various different crimes. He has no special relationship with the family and wouldn't have known them before now. He's just the guy asking the questions, like a news person.
I’m unclear on the YouTube show. Who is that Gray guy and how does he know the family and so much about them? I’m afraid to listen to it in case it all is unsubstantiated, because I get terribly distracted!
He's basically a crime blogger who inserts himself in cases.

He's a member here so we get more leeway in discussing what he says, but it's definitely all unsubstantiated.
Ok, did anyone listen to this and summarize? I have tried to catch up on all the posts but in a weird way and may have missed it.

I was driving for a while today and listened. Sure wish this video went faster....also, I am sure I missed comments or something as Gray kept referring to them. Some of my takeaways, as its been a few hours since listening.

Gray read some communication he had with an insider, a female family I believe insider.

Some things I will bullet and use my own words and Gray's as well.

1. Tylee wasn't into all the beliefs that her mom was
2. Lori (Lolo) and Chad were having an affair
3. Chad raised or started an insurance policy on Tammy 9 months before she died.
4. For some reason, Lori got 75K insurance money from Tylee's Father, Joseph Ryan.
5. Lori was a hairdresser and met Charles that way
6. Brandon was shot at in his driveway by someone driving Tylee's jeep. FBI got involved then.
7. Whoever this person is on Gray's show, they say they went to police earlier, they sent email, called, etc and they never called them back. Chandler police detective didn't do their job and if they would have been taken seriously then Tammy would still be alive. We told the detective that Lori was telling everyone that Charles needs to die. Charles sent messages to this person saying that he believed "they" are going to kill me. 2 weeks later he dies.
8. Brandon was divorced after this attempt and ex-wife did not even fight for kids. she remarried shortly after as well.
9. Gray calls these mysterious deaths like a cleansing of sorts for the cult.
10. He believes Alex killed Charles and possibly Joe Ryan and Alex attempted to kill Brandon, and possibly Chad killed Tammy and Alex.
11. Says Lori and Chad got married in Hawaii.
12. Lori and Charles fled to Hawaii when Joe Ryan was getting too close to getting custody.
13. Lori married nelson from Rialto CA loser gang member right out of high school.
14. #2 lasted three years, loser, wanted to be taken care of
15. Lori was a hairdresser and met Joe and married him. Lori wanted a divorce three years later because he didn't make enough money and made up terrible lies about Joe Ryan molesting her son.
16. Knew Charles from being a hairdresser and knew he had money, went after him
17. moved to az, then wanted to move to HI after Tylee realized that Joe was not a bad person after all and that her mom had lied about everything. So Lori wanted to move to HI.
18. Too expensive in HI and in 2016 she started to go see Chad and his crazy weekend getaways.
19. Joseph never had custody of Tylee.
20. Charles changed his insurance policy and Lori got nothing from him. She THOUGHT she was going to get 2 mil from Charles.
21. Alex is thought to have taken several dogs to the desert to die. Even took one of Brandons dogs when he was out of town. Some of Lori's as well when she was done with them. The hope is that is not what he did with the kids.
22. There is video of the car that shot at Brandon.
23. Police have the jeep, and the footage. Tylee's jeep.
24. Lori was looking at wedding rings and wedding dresses for a BEACH wedding BEFORE Tammy was dead.
25. Charles caught her and sent message to this commenter and saying Lori was having an affair. He was dead two weeks later.
26. Brandon is reason this started w/ FBI. Brandon's investigator got FBI involved then they got Chandler involved.
27. Alex was foaming at the mouth, going to the bathroom everywhere, and died within 10 minutes. They suspect poisoning. His 13 year old called 911.
28. Brandon's ex wife didn't show up to custody hearings and he was awarded full custody and doesn't have to pay her anything. She married someone in the cult 2 weeks later.
29. The last few months before Charles died Lori would say that Tylee was a dark level 3 spirit and would be better off in the next life and say the same about JJ because he had a lot of problems being born addicted to drugs.
30. Lori thought she would be doing them a favor. She held a higher priesthood and something about giving blessings.
31. Lori thought the kids would be better off in the next life
32. Alex went to jail for 18 months for attacking Joe at the courthouse when Lori was going to court to get custody of Tylee. Lori paid him to do it. Alex stun gunned him and broke his ribs.
33. Here is the story of Charles death.
Colby says Tylee said she didn't witness charles being shot by alex. Lori told Tylee to take JJ out to the car and then she heard two gunshots then lori came out drove jj to school, came back and then called 911.
34. Lori called colby and said alex died of a heart attack. colby comes over and says why does alex have a towel on his head, and the story of the bat apparently came later.
35. Alex was a massage therapist at one time. Until a lady claimed he touched her inappropriately. He lost his license. He was addicted to *advertiser censored* and now flies to Colombia each month to have sex. He was addicted to sex and *advertiser censored*. Family knows all this. After he shot Charles he went to Colombia and detectives let him go even though he was being investigated.

I am listening again as I am reading and will update.

ETA - Additional points
A few questions on this summary of the Youtube video. For your number 24 and 25—I thought someone else caught her looking at wedding stuff bc Charles would have been already dead when she did. Thought he caught her doing something else. Number 34—you mean that she said Charles died of a heart attack? I thought only a 13yr old was present at Alex’s death. Also, whose head was covered? Charles had 2 gunshots to the chest, right? Also, I think they said on the youtube video or another one from Gray that Colby had Alex’s car. Did they say when he took ownership?
Thinking that no one gets rids of a car without a new car to drive unless to get rid of evidence OR Alex had already taken ownership of Tylee’s car (which she would want if still alive at the time). MOO on all of this.
This is a new article just posted today but there’s not much new. BBM

Parents of 2 missing Idaho children issue statement
Dec 27th, 2019 - 9:34am (EST)

Rexburg police say the parents, Chad and Lori Daybell, never reported the kids missing, have repeatedly lied about where their children are — initially saying the boy was in Arizona — and aren’t cooperating with the investigation.

The couple had disappeared from their Rexburg home when police returned with additional questions and search warrants.

Police say it appeared the Daybells abruptly left the house and city. They said they don’t believe the couple had the children with them. How the couple left the city is unclear.

I haven't picked up on one thing, if it is true, in other stories. That is "repeatedly lied." I thought all the stories prior to this said the police came by on one day near the end of November, they lied then, and were gone when the police came back.
So there was the death of their father, in July, (Did LE check on the kids welfare then?) Then the death of their Uncle in December when LE did not see the kids, so when and where were they actually last seen by someone still alive AFAWK? Was that in September? Who saw them last who is still alive?

School, maybe? Was Tylee in school? Were they withdrawn from school to "homeschool?"
So my daughter is the one interviewed in this story. I know it sounds like she's not that concerned about Tylee being mi

So my daughter Vaisia is the one interviewed here, and I know it seems like she isn't too concerned. The reason is that a couple weeks before the story became news, my daughter was pulled out of class and questioned by a detective about Tylee and was told that Lori wasn't telling where she was. My daughter knows and loves Lori and knew Tylee wasn't missing because of a stranger abduction or anything. She cannot consider that Lori would harm Tylee or JJ so if Lori is responsible for Tylee being missing, then Tylee must be ok and there must be some logical reason for Lori hiding her.

As a loving mother, I am sure that you will be there to comfort her and guide her through the cognitive dissonance that must be evolving for your family as what is going on is so clear now for those that aren't emotionally involved and are resistant to realizing the truth that may be so obvious.

I know a case some here many are following that was unbelievably shocking to everyone that was involved. The denial, disbelief and cognitive dissonance for all was huge for the victims family and friends, and it will take time. (Heidi Broussard case, where a woman alledgedly kidnapped her best girl friend and baby, and strangled to death her best friend).

Take Care as your family goes through the process.


School, maybe? Was Tylee in school? Were they withdrawn from school to "homeschool?"
Who actually saw Tylee last and when has been very unclear. some news articles give a vague September-ish time frame, but who or exactly when or how credible or accurate that is has been up in the air, IMO.

Edit: And apparently the answer for Tylee and school is no, she wasn't. JJ was until 9/23. What happened then is also not clear.
A new article from NBC News:

An Idaho couple wanted for questioning as police search for their two missing children said the allegations surrounding the disappearance are "speculation and rumor."

Parents of missing Idaho siblings call allegations 'speculation and rumor'

December 27, 2019 - 11:20 AM EST

An Idaho couple wanted for questioning as police search for their two missing childrensaid the allegations surrounding the disappearance are "speculation and rumor."

Rexburg police are searching for Joshua Vallow, 7, and Tylee Ryan, 17. They were last seen in September and their disappearance is believed to be connected to a death investigation, authorities said in a news release.

The children are believed to be in danger, police said.

Investigators are asking for the public's help in locating the children's mother, Lori Vallow, and their stepfather, Chad Daybell. Police said neither of the adults is cooperating with the investigation.

In a statement this week through their attorney, Vallow and Daybell said they "look forward to addressing the allegations once they have moved beyond speculation and rumor."

“Chad Daybell was a loving husband and has the support of his children in this matter," the statement said. "Lori Daybell is a devoted mother and resents assertions to the contrary."

Police began searching for the children on Nov. 26 after officers went to the family's home to conduct a welfare check on Joshua, who has special needs and was adopted by Vallow. Rexburg police said in a news release that extended family members outside of Idaho grew concerned because they had not talked to Joshua since September.

Vallow and Daybell told officers that Joshua was staying with a family friend in Arizona, but investigators later learned that was a lie, according to police.

The following day, on Nov. 27, police searched locations in Rexburg associated with the children's mother in an attempt to find Joshua and learned that Vallow and Daybell "had abruptly vacated their residence and left" the area, police said in its news release.

Further investigation revealed that Vallow's teenage daughter was also missing and had not been seen since September. Joshua, a student at Kennedy Elementary in Rexburg, had not been to school since Sept. 23, police said.

The children's grandmother, Kay Vallow, told NBC News that she is praying that Joshua and Tylee are safe.

"It's extremely hard," she said. "It's emotionally draining. We're trying our best to stay positive and hope the best for the kids and just pray we get them back and that they're OK."

Both Vallow and Daybell were previously married to other people, and police believe the children's disappearance could be tied to the death investigation of Daybell's first wife, Tammy Daybell.

According to police, family members found Tammy Daybell dead in her home in October. The 49-year-old's death was initially ruled as natural but has since been classified as suspicious, and her remains were exhumed so an autopsy could be conducted.

Weeks after Tammy Daybell's death, Chad Daybell married Vallow. Police have not said how they believe the children's disappearance may be connected.


More at link:
Parents of missing Idaho siblings call allegations 'speculation and rumor'
Just my honest opinion and I certainly don’t want to offend anyone here but I don't think it’s a good idea for this young friend to be put in front of a camera and interviewed by the news.

Yeah, MOO but I wouldn’t want my child’s name associated with this 5 alarm dumpster fire, given all the people that have died or gone missing. Especially since this friend and Tylee haven’t been in contact in over a year, even when Tylee lived there. Maybe I’d feel different if they were current friends and not former friends. A lot can change in a family in 18 months... I don’t care what they were like a year or two ago. I want to know what they were like in 2019.
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