Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2

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I do wonder though, when Charles claimed that Lori was gone and "abandoned" them for 2.5 months... did he also mean she left Tylee behind?

Who was taking care of Tylee at that point, was it Charles? Uncle Alex? Did Tylee just take care of herself?
Good question.

From the GH podcast the focus of discussion was on JJ and less so on Tylee.

But as Tylee was 17 yo perhaps the assumption was that she was able to take care of herself? I'm not sure its a good assumption as its unclear whether she had any way of supporting herself and so far as I can tell from the MSM reports she didn't have a car at the time of the disappearance either.

We also don't know whether Tylee felt any responsibility for taking care of JJ or whether JJ was himself 'on his own'? The GH podcast interview with Charles' sister alluded to the fact that the Lori/Tylee relationship might not have been the best given the statement that Lori cared quite a bit about appearances and that Tylee had personal issues and possibly low self esteem as well.

It did seem clear from the GH interview that Tylee had no interest in Lori/Chad cult activities but it was unclear whether Tylee had any specific ties to the LDS church or community in Rexburg or even was in school in Rexburg. Tylee at 17 was still considered a minor in ID (age of majority is 18) and so technically was the legal responsibility of Lori IMO. The GH interview also mentioned that Tylee was home schooled in the past but it was not clear whether Tylee was being homeschooled in ID or was in mainstream local school.

Many questions about all this as little seems to make sense IMO as to what Lori did with the children. Did Lori simply take off and leave the children or did she drop them off with a relative prior to going on the run with Chad and the cult?
The obit mentions one of the sons being off on mission work so perhaps this would place him in the late teens/early 20s age bracket.

Obit says:
"Tammy is survived by her husband and five children: Garth Daybell, Emma (Joseph) Murray, Seth (Makayla) Daybell, Leah (Adam) Murphy, and Mark Daybell, who is serving an LDS mission in Johannesburg, South Africa."

I'm sure it has been discussed that all the children are adults elsewhere in these threads. But ...

So we have 5 kids. 3 of them the obit names their spouse (that's the name in parentheses) so they are married. Mark, who it mentions is on an LDS mission would be at least 18 (LDS missions used to be 19 year olds going for 2 years, but I think they might have changed it to 18 year olds for 2 years). In any case he is absolutely old enough to be a legal adult and CPS wouldn't be looking into him.

This leaves Garth. From what we see here we can't say definitively that he's an adult. However, I'd suggest that the names weren't listed in some random order. They aren't in alphabetical order. They could be from youngest to oldest, but that would make the oldest 18-20 with 3 younger siblings already married. Possible, but not likely I'd suggest. The more logical and also I suspect the normal way, would be to list oldest to youngest. I know that If I'm listing my siblings I do it that way (as do my parents and my siblings). I suspect that's typical although certainly there are exceptions.
What a crock. It ain’t a “vision,” if you make it happen. I can’t wait to hear what the autopsy shows.
Yep, can't wait to see a discussion in court about how a 'vision' such as described by Rowe regarding Chad late wife isn't really the same as conspiracy to murder! Sounds like Chad was a 'man with a plan' regarding his late wife and had a clear 'vision' himself as to how he would move on with his life together with Lori but absent of the 'presence' of the mother of his 5 children "Tamara".

I realise the children of Chad are dealing with the grief of the 'sudden' death of their mother but its unclear what they are seeing in this situation that would lead them to be at all supportive of their father. The podcast narrative from Chad and Rowe alone on the topic of Tamara Daybell I would think would be sufficient to generate doubt in any rational person. IDK.

But, forgetting the children of Tamara, it appears Tamara had family that no doubt has questions about her sudden death. Are they assisting LE or has LE sought them all out?

Entire situation is unbelievable IMO.
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The GH interview also mentioned that Tylee was home schooled in the past but it was not clear whether Tylee was being homeschooled in ID or was in mainstream local school.

It's been clear from LE that JJ was attending school and the date he was last verified as being seen was his last day at school. Tylee's status as far as school and what their vague "sometime in September" for her last being seen is based on has been the subject of much speculation here and no good answers, IMO, have been reached. It's a good question.
<respectfully snipped by me>
Does anyone understand what we are seeing from LE (AZ, ID AND FBI) here regarding Lori's 2 missing children as Chad and his new wife are on the run and in hiding? So far I am just seeing LE statements that Chad and Lori are wanted for 'questioning' even though nobody has seen Lori's 2 children since September, 2019?
<respectfully snipped by me>

My opinion only, LE sees no value in escalating this situation while the two adults are missing. The adults believe in apocalyptic visions and even Lori’s supporters mention suicidal ideation. If by chance the kids are still alive, ratcheting pressure up on the adults may result in their end time prophecies becoming self-fulfilling.

I have faith that there are active efforts behind the scenes to locate all missing parties and a high priority on saving these kids if that’s still a possibility. My opinion only.
Ah got it!! Yeah, she definitely wasn’t in public school as far as we know. It just seems like people keep stating it as a fact that she graduated but the reality is that that is likely just what the grandpa or whoever was told to explain the fact that nobody was doing schooling at home with Tylee. The one friend here said there was little to no schooling going on when she was homeschooled in Hawaii. It’s pretty sad. It sounds like Tylee was largely forgotten about, on her own with nobody looking out for her. Not one person, no matter if a friend, extended family, or her own big brother... noticed she was gone. Not one person cared when she stopped communicating.
Is there any proof Tylee ever made it to Idaho? Here facebook page says she lives in AZ and there’s no mention if having lived in ID at all.

The only thing I’ve seen that would indicate she was in ID at all was the one comment from a family member that Tammy was trying to help her and JJ, but no details on what that meant. If Tammy knew the children well enough to feel they needed help it makes the plot that much thicker.
Good question.

From the GH podcast the focus of discussion was on JJ and less so on Tylee.

But as Tylee was 17 yo perhaps the assumption was that she was able to take care of herself? I'm not sure its a good assumption as its unclear whether she had any way of supporting herself and so far as I can tell from the MSM reports she didn't have a car at the time of the disappearance either.

We also don't know whether Tylee felt any responsibility for taking care of JJ or whether JJ was himself 'on his own'? The GH podcast interview with Charles' sister alluded to the fact that the Lori/Tylee relationship might not have been the best given the statement that Lori cared quite a bit about appearances and that Tylee had personal issues and possibly low self esteem as well.

It did seem clear from the GH interview that Tylee had no interest in Lori/Chad cult activities but it was unclear whether Tylee had any specific ties to the LDS church or community in Rexburg or even was in school in Rexburg. Tylee at 17 was still considered a minor in ID (age of majority is 18) and so technically was the legal responsibility of Lori IMO. The GH interview also mentioned that Tylee was home schooled in the past but it was not clear whether Tylee was being homeschooled in ID or was in mainstream local school.

Many questions about all this as little seems to make sense IMO as to what Lori did with the children. Did Lori simply take off and leave the children or did she drop them off with a relative prior to going on the run with Chad and the cult?
Well what scares me the most about Tylee and Joshua being missing is these so called "visions" that Julie and Chad had, such as the vision of Tammy. Almost like killing her was the right thing to do, so she could go over to whatever world they believe her spirit is in.

Who's to say they didn't have these so called "visions" about Tylee and Joshua?

If these kids are as safe as their lawyer is claiming, then where the heck are they? Just let LE see them for themselves that they are fine and well, instead of playing this hide and seek game, to which I believe, will not have a happy ending.

I could give two flying figs what happens to Chad and Lori and Julie and any other evil adult involved in this, but no child should EVER be a part of a cult. As an adult, you want to live this way, go for it, all the power to you, leave the kids out of it and for God's sake, don't leave a trail of dead bodies along the way.

You can't tell me that Chad and Lori weren't having a little side loving- come on, they get married two weeks after Tammy's death? Who do they think they're fooling here?

Same with Brandon's wife- the poor guy is at least smart enough to hide himself and his children, hopefully they stay safe and LE and the FBI catch them and figure out who is responsible for all of these deaths.
Well what scares me the most about Tylee and Joshua being missing is these so called "visions" that Julie and Chad had, such as the vision of Tammy. Almost like killing her was the right thing to do, so she could go over to whatever world they believe her spirit is in.

Who's to say they didn't have these so called "visions" about Tylee and Joshua?

If these kids are as safe as their lawyer is claiming, then where the heck are they? Just let LE see them for themselves that they are fine and well, instead of playing this hide and seek game, to which I believe, will not have a happy ending.

I could give two flying figs what happens to Chad and Lori and Julie and any other evil adult involved in this, but no child should EVER be a part of a cult. As an adult, you want to live this way, go for it, all the power to you, leave the kids out of it and for God's sake, don't leave a trail of dead bodies along the way.

You can't tell me that Chad and Lori weren't having a little side loving- come on, they get married two weeks after Tammy's death? Who do they think they're fooling here?

Same with Brandon's wife- the poor guy is at least smart enough to hide himself and his children, hopefully they stay safe and LE and the FBI catch them and figure out who is responsible for all of these deaths.
I agree.

The dialog from the attorney and the Daybell children on the matter of the 2 missing children is IMO impossible to understand and also IMO irresponsible and absolutely unchristian if they have any information regarding the 2 missing children.
Even if Tylee is/was an extremely responsible 17 year old, expecting her to provide for herself and care for and provide for a disabled sibling without help is a pretty big ask to me.

I also don't think that the kids were left with a relative. It sounds like too much of a stretch to me - that there are suspicious deaths surrounding the mom and step dad, who took off and that the relative who had Tylee and and JJ wouldn't have stepped forward and said they had the kids... It's possible, technically, but I'm inclined to think that it's more likely that just the couple are involved in something concerning than another family member as well. I think we'd know by now where the kids are, if another family member had them. Moo
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I agree with Steeleslady about the visions...that's the stuff of horror novels right there.

Regardless of religion - I think we need to tell people if their spouse is having "visions" of them dying. That's worth the awkward conversation and could be lifesaving. Moo
I think I have found her new hubby and where they live, but cannot be sure. But if BB said she went "poof" when the other two disappeared, does that mean she is "missing"? Just trying to determine exactly who is missing ATM as well as the two kids Joshua and Tylee. Have the police retrieved Tylee's vehicle?
I’d like to know exactly when Melanie “went poof”. Was it the end of September when JJ was last seen or the same time Lori and Chad went on the lam? Or at some other point in the timeline?
Was just reviewing activity on the FB page of Rexburg PD regarding this sad case.

There were multiple posts from family members begging for an Amber Alert and the response of Rexburg PD was "NO" and:

Rexburg Police Department This is because of the amount of time that they have been missing and not meeting the criteria for a amber alert.

I'm actually not sure that the time passed since the missing event makes that much difference now given the age of the children (one at risk child too!) and very strong arguments can be presented to say that the children are in imminent danger of seriously bodily harm or death simply by virtue of what has happened to the people surrounding Lori and Chad Daybell. Further, it is known by LE that the 2 children are NOT with Lori and Chad Daybell and given that Lori has legal responsibility for the children but yet cannot explain their whereabouts then who is to say that the 2 children haven't been abducted AND/OR aren't in grave danger? LE also now has direct proof that the extended family of Chad Daybell are not assisting the investigation and this in and of itself might indicate knowledge that the 2 missing children are either deceased or in grave danger.

I don't understand why Rexburg PD are willing to risk not issuing an alert in hopes that someone in ID or the surrounding states might have seen the 2 children at some point over the past 2 months?

We have seen Amber Alerts used in other cases in a more flexible manner than we are seeing here in ID.

Here is link for ID Amber guidelines: ALERT ACTIVATION CHECKLIST update.pdf




  1. A child is known by law enforcement officials to have been abducted

  2. The abduction occurred within 12 hours of initial activation of AMBER Alert

  3. The child is under 17 years of age
  4. Law enforcement must believe the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death

  5. There must be enough descriptive information to believe that an AMBER Alert will assist in the

    recovery of the child (must include as much of the following information as possible)

  6. The missing child must be entered into NCIC
In Julie Rowe's interview posted yesterday, she tried to excuse Chad's actions. According to her, him and Lori are hiding Lori's kids, because the kids would be automatically taken away from her if presented. Why? With multiple police investigations, Chad and Lori are in danger of being (wrongfully) accused of killing their spouses. They are communicating through lawyers and would show up when it's safe for them. Julie seems to be blaming the CPS, the police and the media for the situation. I wonder if Chad's children are falling for this explanation. I'm also wondering if Julie had plans with Chad herself before Lori stepped into the picture.
Even if Tylee is/was an extremely responsible 17 year old, expecting her to provide for herself and care for and provide for a disabled sibling without help is a pretty big ask to me.

I also don't think that the kids were left with a relative. It sounds like too much of a stretch to me - that there are suspicious deaths surrounding the mom and step dad, who took off and that the relative who had Tylee and and JJ wouldn't have stepped forward and said they had the kids... It's possible, technically, but I'm inclined to think that it's more likely that just the couple are involved in something concerning than another family member as well. I think we'd know by now where the kids are, if another family member had them. Moo
Well, exactly. And the sibling would be miserable and make everybody else miserable without his medications. Seven year old special needs child shouldn't be in a bunker somewhere with a 17 year old girl expected to take care of him. And what would be the reason to ask Tylee to take care of Joshua?
Supposed custody dispute? With whom?
Tylee's father wanted custody of her but he was dead. So nobody would have been asking for custody of Tylee.
And there is no evidence Joshua's grandparents were doing anything legally to get custody. It would be very hard for grandparents to get custody, laws don't favor grandparents in custody battles. And Lori was very experienced in custody battles (with Tylee's father before he died) so normal response would be to get a lawyer, not hide the kids.
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