Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

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I don't understand why he didn't say anything about his Mom? Something along the lines of "Mom if you see this please call me, I just need to know Tylee and JJ are ok". Has he said when the last time he spoke to his Mom or the kids was? Surely Thanksgiving atleast? He has a baby, has his Mom not visited her grandbaby at all?

He didn't mention his mother in this video, and I don't believe he mentioned her in the last one, either. I'm not sure if that's a conscious choice on his part, or if he's been advised not to talk about her by someone else.

He HAS mentioned multiple times now that their family has gone through a lot in the last several months. In this video, he also says Tylee had a hard time when she was growing up, like he did. I get the feeling he's sitting on a lot of repressed emotions. As a former evangelical, I am well-versed in the "this tragedy is growing my testimony" line of thought to keep yourself from going crazy. :(
I don't understand why he didn't say anything about his Mom? Something along the lines of "Mom if you see this please call me, I just need to know Tylee and JJ are ok". Has he said when the last time he spoke to his Mom or the kids was? Surely Thanksgiving atleast? He has a baby, has his Mom not visited her grandbaby at all?

He didn't mention his mother in this video, and I don't believe he mentioned her in the last one, either. I'm not sure if that's a conscious choice on his part, or if he's been advised not to talk about her by someone else.

He HAS mentioned multiple times now that their family has gone through a lot in the last several months. In this video, he also says Tylee had a hard time when she was growing up, like he did. I get the feeling he's sitting on a lot of repressed emotions. As a former evangelical, I am well-versed in the "this tragedy is growing my testimony" line of thought to keep yourself from going crazy. :(
I don't understand why he didn't say anything about his Mom? Something along the lines of "Mom if you see this please call me, I just need to know Tylee and JJ are ok". Has he said when the last time he spoke to his Mom or the kids was? Surely Thanksgiving atleast? He has a baby, has his Mom not visited her grandbaby at all?

Nope. Really said nothing of note. Or nothing that could potentially get him in trouble as well.
My husband said she would say it to cover up the fact that she does not seem like a grieving mother, just got married etc. If she would have told people she just lost a child, it would have been inconsistent with her actions/demeanor, but to put a couple of years distance, it wouldn't seem so strange. Depending on who the witnesses turn out to be, this makes sense to me.OOO. (Our opinions only).
I also thought about using OOO. You beat me to it! ;)
This is absolutely crazy. Lori possibly murdered, had murdered, so many people including her children. Not at one time. Serial killer. Chad, well he may have learned from Lori or she had Tammy murdered by Alex or Chad is just as crazy as her. Just crazy. They need to find these two and hopefully the kids are tucked away in a compound somewhere.

If Tylee died, it would be at least a one liner online or in a newspaper.

I feel for you mothers posting here who's child knew Tylee with this news or rumor coming out.
He didn't mention his mother in this video, and I don't believe he mentioned her in the last one, either. I'm not sure if that's a conscious choice on his part, or if he's been advised not to talk about her by someone else.

He HAS mentioned multiple times now that their family has gone through a lot in the last several months. In this video, he also says Tylee had a hard time when she was growing up, like he did. I get the feeling he's sitting on a lot of repressed emotions. As a former evangelical, I am well-versed in the "this tragedy is growing my testimony" line of thought to keep yourself from going crazy. :(

Yes, I definitely think “stuff” has been going on in that family for quite some time, and particularly in the last video (before this one) that the blame for that lies with his mother. That’s the feeling I got anyway so I’ll definitely add MOO.

I really feel for the stress this whole situation is placing on all the family members, including Chad’s children who must be so confused. It looks like they had a completely normal life up until the death of their mother, and now this which is way out there and not remotely one of life’s normal trials.
Not having a good feeling about these kids fate and never really did from the start. Many of us keep asking how do we know for sure Tylee was last seen in September. I have seen someone post that she made it to Idaho and someone post that Colby said he last talked to her on the day of Charles’s death. I don’t remember hearing this from Colby. Maybe I missed it. Also, what were we going on that proved Tylee made it to Idaho? I was thinking maybe the reason Colby went to the scene of Charles’ murder is bc maybe Tylee called him from the car (that she was told to go to and wait with JJ) and was super upset, which she should be. That makes sense to me—she’s scared and calls big brother for comfort/help. Otherwise, it is weird to me that Colby was called to the scene.
I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that they are guessing that September is the last Tylee was seen bc they don’t have an exact date and assume her disappearance happened the same time as JJ’s, unless it was Tylee that picked him up from school or she was with Lori then. I just see the shooting of Charles as such a shock to Tylee that she couldn’t remain silent and so they hurt her around that time. It would also explain Alex driving her car and Colby ending up with Alex’s car.
As far as her phone pinging (if it was hers), it might have been turned off and with Lori the whole time. She might have switched it on to check something bc she found it while gathering stuff quickly to skip town and thought she would be safe turning it on for a quick second. Lori might have been using this phone in October too bc what 17 year old sends big brother money? MOO

I think most of us are thinking the same thing about who the masked man was, and I am also thinking it was a real gun—not a paintball gun, but Tammy wanted to assume the best. A real gun was used around that time to shoot at BB. Since the gun didn’t go off, she wouldn’t have seen any paintballs to know for sure it was a paintball gun. Wonder if BB saw the type of gun used to shoot at him and what type of gun was used to shoot Charles. All MOO
Your idea about the Venmo transfer to Colby from Tylee makes sense as it would be a way for Lori to possibly clean out whatever money was in the Tylee account via sending it to Colby.

Colby had stated in a prior youtube video that he was cooperating with LE but I wonder if due to the complexity of the family dynamics whether this might not be the case. Does anyone involved with the family have confidence that Colby is cooperating with LE and telling the truth about when he last interacted with Tylee?

If the Venmo transfers from Tylee to Colby weren't made by her and had been made by Lori then it seems likely that Tylee 'vanished' after hearing Charles get shot 2x by Alex. Perhaps she was threatening Lori and Lori saw no way out of the situation other than removing Tylee from the situation one way or another and Alex was the perfect person to make this happen?

Or, did Tylee simply run away herself after hearing the Charles murder? The suspicion is that Tylee's Jeep was used possibly by Alex in an attempt on Brandon's life? How did Tylee get separated from her Jeep? Was the Jeep in Tylee's name or in the name of Julie or possibly even Charles who seemed to pay the bills for everything in the family?

Does it seem possible that Lori tasked Alex with 'removing' Tylee from the scene either permanently or temporarily, while Lori takes JJ to ID and enrolls him in school in Rexburg?

So many questions about Tylee and so few answers.

Colby Ryan video about Tylee and JJ:
This has to be horrible for this guy. As much as he prob knew his mom was a mess, I’m sure he doesn’t want to believe she is capable of having her own children killed. He is purposely not mentioning his mom. He already let us know he has been through a lot and “wouldn’t be here” if it wasn’t for leaning on God so his life was prob made a mess by his mother. Tylee was likely to the age where she was realizing her mom was not the super woman she thought she was. When Lori had money to just fly Tylee to Hawaii and then fly her friend there to visit, that was likely enough to keep Tylee happy at that point in her life, considering what is most important to young girls. Once Tylee was 16 or 17, I bet she able to see more clearly and have “adult conversations” with Colby as he mentioned in the videos. I can imagine the subject of their mother came up. All is MOO.
I feel like I have nowhere to express this and it's been bothering me, so I'll share it here.

My heart breaks for JJ, but it especially does for Tylee. Maybe it's because we're very close in age, and I've experienced issues with social isolation / not fitting in, but I have always had a safe home to go to with loving parents.
I simply cannot fathom dealing with that (and more) on top of having a batshit crazy mother who has never wanted you, who wants you dead. Not having any family, friends, etc. reaching out to make sure that you're okay.
JJ had extended family who obviously loved him dearly, and he was young enough to where he might of not understood all that was going on. At least not the gory details.
I can't imagine the fear Tylee experienced.
There's no doubt in my mind that she was aware of her mother's tendencies, the deaths, the cult beliefs, everything that Lori and that god awful family embody.

My heart just breaks so much for those two.
For Tammy. For everyone who has suffered at the hands of Alex, Lori, Chad, etc..
They deserve the hell and torture which is awaiting them. I hope that justice is served, that's the least that can be done. Law enforcement, whether accidentally or purposefully, failed Joseph, Tammy, Charles, and especially JJ & Tylee.
I hope and pray to all that there is that these two are found safely and are given a proper, loving life. That's all that we can hold on to at this point.

All MOO of course.
It could be that Tylee was not cooperating with the narrative that Charles, her stepfather, did a beat down on Alex with a baseball bat, and Alex had to (conveniently) shoot him, twice, in "self defense".

No wonder Tylee disappeared. Especially as Alex is dead now.

How convenient for Lori. And Tammy, Chad's wife, miraculously has a medical condition that causes her to die one night.
Colby Ryan video about Tylee and JJ:
I’m trying to stay within the rules with what I say.
I’m not sure what that video was for. I’m also wondering if I might’ve missed one from week 1, 2, or 3 of Tylee and JJ OFFICIALLY missing? Wished he would’ve told us when he spoke to either last.
I’m trying to stay within the rules with what I say.
I’m not sure what that video was for. I’m also wondering if I might’ve missed one from week 1, 2, or 3 of Tylee and JJ OFFICIALLY missing? Wished he would’ve told us when he spoke to either last.
I was thinking another thing that might have crossed his mind and made him worry what he says about his mom or anything that implicates her (by sharing he last spoke to Jj on this date and Tylee this date, for instance, is him admitting they are really missing and not just being hidden by his mom for an “innocent” reason) is that if she had JJ and Tylee killed, he could be next! Maybe he is scared of her.
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