Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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Look at the very bottom of the article. While from the associated press and the site is called AZ Central, the story originated at the Arizona Republic newspaper. Someone from the Arizona Repubic called Rexburg PD and asked Chief Hagen about the warrant. He referred them to the FCSO. Imagine a comma after warrant in the area you bolded above.

Thank you! I was trying to say the same thing but you made it clearer in this post. :)
Yep I saw it too but LE seem to know the kids are not with Lori and Chad and the lawyer speaking for them also seems to indicate they are alive. He wouldn't get paid otherwise right? MOO.

i was thinking they set up their statement with the lawyer back in Dec., paid him (or had someone pay him) then quickly relocated.
I really wanted to ask the lawyer (well, a lot of things, but also) if he told Lori her brother has died!
What about Melani - is nobody in her town or her family asking after her? now that her beloved uncle (that helped her try to get her kids only a few short months ago and that she had a double Vegas wedding with) is dead...the entire Cox family doesn’t care to even have a memorial for him?

<modsnip: discussing family member who has not been named>
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The first place I saw the Rogue mentioned was in the comments of Rexburg PD's first public FB post about the case. So, maybe the person who posted it here simply copied it from there? I haven't seen the Rogue verified by anyone. Whatever vehicles they own or have owned, there's a reason LE hasn't shared the info--presumably because they think (or know) public knowledge of the vehicles will not be any help toward the case.

Now, was it in MSM or not, that a vehicle of Alex's was given/lent to another family member? Was it in a GH video? I'm not sure this part was in MSM, but it was available on Go Fund Me that said family member was in need of a car/money for a car as of August 7 (no longer active so details aren't viewable now, though the main pic and title are viewable if you search using said family member's wife's name). So, I'm wondering if that's why Alex was driving the Jeep (if that was in fact the case), and later had the new Kia (either as a rental or new purchase/lease)--because his own vehicle was with that other family member. But then, it seems his truck was likely the one they were packing up in Rexburg before Thanksgiving, so did he get it back?

This must be right! When I searched for the first instance of the Nissan Rogue, I only found someone referencing it second hand. I am assuming the original post was deleted if it came from Facebook. Sorry for referencing something that I had thought was later verified.

Alex giving Colby his car was in the GH Youtube text exchange with Lori's family member.

I'm assuming Alex stopped driving the car that had been video taped in a crime, to not further implicate himself. Of course, he most likely did not know he had been videotaped, but knew that Brandon would report the incident to police and perhaps recognized the vehicle.... BB shooting was Oct. 2 with CV Jeep and he drove Melani to American Forks Nov. 14th with the new Kia? MOO
My theory is that AZ LE were still quietly investigating CV's death while publicly saying "no charges will be filed at this time as it appears to be self-defense"-- Not a direct quote but a paraphrase by me. The key part of the phrasing is that they can always decide to file charges later. LE would have investigated Lori and found out all about Joe Ryan's 2018 death pretty easily. I think they are still investigating that death as well even though they have not said so to the media. Lori and Alex suddenly moving to Idaho would have peaked AZ LE's interest in investigating them even more, but they would need to get AZ LE involved. I imagine it going somewhat like this-- AZ LE calls Fremont County looking for info on Chad Daybell (maybe they had info from JJ's grandmother/CV's sister that Lori was suspected of having an affair with Chad) and ID LE reveals that Chad's wife just died. The two agencies share info on the deaths and determine Tammy's death needs a 2nd look. MOO.

Yes, this is what I think, too, and actually brought this up a couple of days ago here (the phrase "a few days later"): ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8.

The investigation into Tammy's death started *before* Chad married Lori. So, Arizona police investigating Charles Vallow's death (and also possibly the attempt on Brandon, and also possibly preliminary stages of welfare check on JJ) had connected dots from Lori/Alex to Chad, BEFORE their relationship became official/they got married. If you search the LDS Freedom Forum thread about the case, you can also find a post about this...that the investigation into Tammy's death started BEFORE people found out Chad was married (of course, hearsay only from an online forum).

MOO, but I very much believe Chandler PD and/or Maricopa Attorney's Office were still investigating Charles' death and trying to build a case to charge Alex. I also think this is highly likely to be what spooked Lori into disappearing the kids. From what I can see the CV death case was in the "Follow-up Investigation" phase here: Adult Criminal Trial Process | Maricopa County Attorney's Office, AZ. The paperwork Justin Lum posted indicated that the police sent it to the DA as a 2nd Degree Murder charge/case--a 400-page document. That's beyond "justifiable homicide" "negligent homicide" or "manslaughter." They were pursuing the case and thought that was the charge, but it was up to the attorney's office to decide whether the case was strong enough to win. Alex would have been footing the bill for a pricy defense attorney if he wanted to get out of this one.

I know that now Arizona has said they are only keeping the case open to assist with the missing children investigation. That's because their suspect is dead. (Which tells me that they likely don't have evidence either Lori or Tylee shot the gun--speculation I've seen.)
In that same post from the Rexburg PD, there is what I think is an important comment from a Vallow relative (not last name Vallow or Woodcock - not a familiar last name). Someone is criticizing why "no one reported the kids missing for so long," and she replies about how difficult it was to remain quiet about the kids being missing, but that they were advised to so as not to compromise the investigation into Charles' death. I just read it again today, and at least that was my read on it. Makes it seem as though once Tammy was exhumed and Alex died, and LE exhausted all current leads on the kids' whereabouts, it was time to go public and try to flush Chad/Lori out by letting incriminating info come out bit by bit, eroding the support of anyone who was assisting them. MOO (and sourced from FB, so grain of salt and all that).
Well perhaps whoever has the golden doodle has some info about Lori's plans. And when there is no news that is the sort of thing we talk about. She got rid of it for a reason after all. The owner was dead she stated in the ad. That is ominous especially as Chad also said Lori had no minor children.

ETA I wouldn't think there would be a warrant for MB ( now MP ) because it was only trespassing and she was bailed. (Maybe check the court under her married name now.) AC really was the family fixer wasn't he?

I think they need to find out who fixed the fixer. Maybe the fixer found out something about the kids and was gonna go to the cops. But to find that out, they need his cause of death to prove he is a crime victim. Then, they can get warrants for his electronic trail... texts, locations, emails, etc. I wouldn't take LE's silence as not caring about the kids.
I bet that JJ's grandparents were the key to connecting AZ police to ID police, or ID police to AZ, which then lead to another look at Tammy's death.

If it had not been for the Grandparents following up to speak with JJ, and the welfare check on JJ, Tammy's death would have never been reviewed. My heart goes out to those Grandparents, they lost their son, Charles, and now they want to stay in contact with JJ.

It would be interesting to know what Lori's parents think about all of this...were they close to Tylee? Didn't they find it odd to not talk to her? For months?

I really feel for the grandparents too. btw, Charles was not their son but is Kay’s brother. Charles was JJ’s adoptive father, and also his great-uncle. Kay’s son is JJ’s biological father.

Lori’s parents may have had contact with Tylee and JJ. We don’t know, they aren’t talking.
Blame everything on Alex, he killed Charles, shot at Brandon, disappeared Tylee and JJ, he poisoned Tammy...and isn't it convenient that he is dead?!

Really interested in how Alex died...and there is literally nothing out there about how he died.
It doesn't say that at all. It says that this investigation "could have ties" to those in AZ, but makes it pretty clear the warrant was primarily investigating Tammy's death and also is "connected" to the missing kids.

BigAl, could you please clarify? I agree, the Rexburg PD/Sheriff definitely indicated that TD's death (or the investigation into TD's death) "could have ties" to the missing children, so I assume you are referring to the TD investigation (comments made around the time of the exhumation/ autopsy and/or the later property search in Salem)

But I had definitely been under the impression that both the earlier actions by Rexburg PD - first the wellness check done at Lori's town home on 11/26 (where I understood both Lori and CD were present), and then the search warrant(s) served the following day (11/27) by Rexburg PD at Lori's town home and the two nearby town homes (those reportedly belonging to AC and Lori's sister (or Melani?), respectively), had originated in, or been issued by, AZ LE/FBI.

I thought that perhaps the call from AZ LE/FBI to Rexburg PD on the morning of 11/27 regarding the ping that was "occurring right now" in the "general area" might have actually happened even as Rexburg PD were preparing to go to the location. Going a step further, I also wondered if maybe the use of the term "general location" perhaps allowed the search to be expanded from just Lori's town home to include AC's and the sister's (or Melani's) town homes, but that's all just conjecture on my part.

As far as who or what events in AZ might have spurred AZ LE's requests of Rexburg PD to do first the wellness check and then serve the warrant(s) at the Rexburg town homes, I think it was possibly due to a fast-growing concern and the mounting (and possibly linked) evidence from: CV's semi-dormant death investigation, possible information from CV's attorney(s), concern expressed by KVW and her husband about both CV's death and the whereabouts of the children, the attempted shooting of BB, the fact that no one had been able to contact the children since the 35 second FaceTime w/JJ, the fact that Tylee's SM had gone silent, and the fact that Lori, AC, Tylee, and JJ had rather abruptly left AZ (where all these events had recently transpired). Not sure how (or if) those AZ-based happenings or the earlier requests/warrants from AZ LE might relate to TD's exhumation/autopsy and the subsequent Daybell property search.
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Verification? I don't see how my verification should base what I ask questions about that have been posted here. I don't mean this offensively, I just came to the forum late, I was hoping anyone who had been here earlier and maybe seen the original source could help so we can keep good sources as good and eliminate those that are disinformation.

I came here seeking insight and information concerning what was happening in my community. I have lived in Salem a good long time and this whole situation is shocking to myself and everyone in this community.
I have seen it said that just because a person is a first time poster or have a low number of posts that they have nothing to offer. When I see information that has been incorrect I have tried to correct it. I only talk about things I know. I have a unique perspective into people’s lives that most so do not and I have shared that information with LE.
At this point, Tricia and I decided at this juncture verification is not necessary for me.
In that same post from the Rexburg PD, there is what I think is an important comment from a Vallow relative (not last name Vallow or Woodcock - not a familiar last name). Someone is criticizing why "no one reported the kids missing for so long," and she replies about how difficult it was to remain quiet about the kids being missing, but that they were advised to so as not to compromise the investigation into Charles' death. I just read it again today, and at least that was my read on it. Makes it seem as though once Tammy was exhumed and Alex died, and LE exhausted all current leads on the kids' whereabouts, it was time to go public and try to flush Chad/Lori out by letting incriminating info come out bit by bit, eroding the support of anyone who was assisting them. MOO (and sourced from FB, so grain of salt and all that).

Yeah, I agree and I don't think we even need to read or mention any social media comments to come to the same conclusion/same opinion. I believe that LE were quietly looking into the missing children long before Dec 20th when they decided to go public. The neighbor in Rexburg told the news that he was asked questions about Lori and the children a week before the NOV welfare check. So we know they were investigating at least that long and probably sooner based on the Fremont County Sheriff's comments. We don't know how long it took to get warrants for phones and track Lori and Alex down in Rexburg. We also don't know who originally requested the welfare check. Many have assumed it was JJ's grandparents, KW and LW, simply because they have been so vocal in the media. But there is a discrepancy leading me to believe they were not the ones who requested the welfare check. KW and LW say they last spoke to JJ in August. The first press release about this case on Dec 20th says that the relative requesting the welfare check last spoke with JJ in September. I don't think that was an error on the part of LE. I think there are more family members who raised an alarm about the children and stayed silent to allow LE to investigate, and maybe those family members have continued to stay silent in the press. MOO.
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But there is a discrepancy leading me to believe they were not the ones who requested the welfare check. KW and LW say they last spoke to JJ in August. The first press release about this case on Dec 20th says that the relative requesting the welfare check last spoke with JJ in September. I don't think that was an error on the part of LE. I think there are more family members who raised an alarm about the children and stayed silent to allow LE to investigate, and maybe those family members have continued to stay silent in the press. MOO.

Good catch on that discrepancy. While it *could* be an error, LE is usually quite careful in their wording.
BigAl, could you please clarify? I agree, the Rexburg PD/Sheriff definitely indicated that TD's death (or the investigation into TD's death) "could have ties" to the missing children, so I assume you are referring to the TD investigation (comments made around the time of the exhumation/ autopsy and/or the later property search in Salem)

But I had definitely been under the impression that both the earlier actions by Rexburg PD - first the wellness check done at Lori's town home on 11/26 (where I understood both Lori and CD were present), and then the search warrant(s) served the following day (11/27) by Rexburg PD at Lori's town home and the two nearby town homes (those reportedly belonging to AC and Lori's sister (or Melani?), respectively), had originated in, or been issued by, AZ LE/FBI.

I thought that perhaps the call from AZ LE/FBI to Rexburg PD on the morning of 11/27 regarding the ping that was "occurring right now" in the "general area" might have actually happened even as Rexburg PD were preparing to go to the location. Going a step further, I also wondered if maybe the use of the term "general location" perhaps allowed the search to be expanded from just Lori's town home to include AC's and the sister's (or Melani's) town homes, but that's all just conjecture on my part.

As far as who or what events in AZ might have spurred AZ LE's requests of Rexburg PD to do first the wellness check and then serve the warrant(s) at the Rexburg town homes, I think it was possibly due to a fast-growing concern and the mounting (and possibly linked) evidence from: CV's semi-dormant death investigation, possible information from CV's attorney(s), concern expressed by KVW and her husband about both CV's death and the whereabouts of the children, the attempted shooting of BB, the fact that no one had been able to contact the children since the 35 second FaceTime w/JJ, the fact that Tylee's SM had gone silent, and the fact that Lori, AC, Tylee, and JJ had rather abruptly left AZ (where all these events had recently transpired). Not sure how (or if) those AZ-based happenings or the earlier requests/warrants from AZ LE might relate to TD's exhumation/autopsy and the subsequent Daybell property search.

I'm referring to the article linked in the post I was responding to and the words in that article. Nothing more.

The Rexburg PD has said from the beginning that they did the wellness check based on a call from relatives. I and I suspect virtually everyone following that case have assumed that was Kay and/or Larry.

Some have theorized that the Rexburg PD may have had some communication with AZ LE around this time. Prior to the welfare check based on comments from the neighbor indicating he'd been questioned about his new neighbors about a week before the wellnesss check led some to think they were looking at things prior prompted by AZ LE. There is also the theory that it was LE in AZ involved in the ping of a cell phone. But I don't think any MSM or insider has said this is the case. It was just a theory before and this article doesn't say anything IMO that I can see to reinforce that.

The FCSO has said from the beginning that they took a second look at Tammy's death for some reason, but they've never said what that reason was. My theory is that when rumor started spreading about Chad's rapid remarriage, people questioned it and they started digging a bit into Lori, first by calling the Rexburg PD where they found out about the kids. At that point I could see both of these LE agencies thinking checking to see what they can find out about Lori would be a good idea at which point I suspect they were all talking to police in Chandler and/or Gilbert, if that wasn't happening before.

But the warrant was issued based on probable cause to search for something pertaining to Tammy's death and, possibly (but it's vague) something to do with the kids disappearance. Probably just anything indicating where they might have gone and any communication between Chad and Lori (computers, etc).
I came here seeking insight and information concerning what was happening in my community. I have lived in Salem a good long time and this whole situation is shocking to myself and everyone in this community.
I have seen it said that just because a person is a first time poster or have a low number of posts that they have nothing to offer. When I see information that has been incorrect I have tried to correct it. I only talk about things I know. I have a unique perspective into people’s lives that most so do not and I have shared that information with LE.
At this point, Tricia and I decided at this juncture verification is not necessary for me.

I can speak only for myself, but I've thought you and Rexburg Sleuth hve both been credible (even if saying I'm full of it) whereas some posters who have dropped in and quickly left have been much less so. MOO
Personally, I think the most important question is why would she want to get rid of the service dog for the autistic child? I presume she decided the child isn't going to need, it, but why? Did she already made plans what to do with JJ back in August? Like has been pointed out, even if they were moving, that wouldn't prevent taking the dog with them, and even apartments that don't allow pets would have to allow a service dog.
Just to throw it out there...

If they were planning to come to Hawaii they would not have been able to bring the service dog without going through a LONG process. You can't bring animals to Hawaii, not even service dogs, unless you have a clearly documented vaccination record and titers for rabies taken over a very specific time frame, something like at least 180 days before arrival but not more than 1 year. So basically, if they were planning an escape to Hawaii, that could explain why she ha to get rid of the dog.

Personally I don't buy into the Hawaii theory though.
Your link doesn't indicate there would be any issues with taking service dog to Hawaii, as long as it has it rabies vaccinations (which Bailey did).
I live in Hawaii and brought an animal here. There are very strict guidelines to follow even for service dogs
Your link doesn't indicate there would be any issues with taking service dog to Hawaii, as long as it has it rabies vaccinations (which Bailey did).
Having been through the process I can tell you there is a lot more to it than is on the linked web page. The specific test they require for rabies titer is only accepted from a couple of university labs and you have to follow some chain-of-custody rules. It's doable, just saying that its takes long term planning.

Edit: The linked page is for Honolulu. The process is a little different for neighbor islands where it is basically contracted out to veterinary practices that meet you at the airport. That takes even more organizing.
I wonder if figuring out where his truck for work traveled to,

In the bodycam footage Alex says he drives a truck to Arkansas every week. I also saw somewhere in a police report where he gave the name of the company he worked for and it was short. It was redacted but the name was short. I'm fairly sure he drove for a big box retailer headquartered in Bentonville Ark that begins with a W. So his route would not have gone anywhere near Idaho or Utah at the time of the shooting in July. If I am right about his company it means he could have possibly been able to change routes when he moved to Idaho.
I wonder if figuring out where his truck for work traveled to,

In the bodycam footage Alex says he drives a truck to Arkansas every week. I also saw somewhere in a police report where he gave the name of the company he worked for and it was short. It was redacted but the name was short. I'm fairly sure he drove for a big box retailer headquartered in Bentonville Ark that begins with a W. So his route would not have gone anywhere near Idaho or Utah at the time of the shooting in July. If I am right about his company it means he could have possibly been able to change routes when he moved to Idaho.
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