Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #17

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Also anyone else understand podcasting from the car?
It's like you can't talk crazy inside the home?!
It's not at all unusual in the podcast world. Common reasons are privacy, noise (kids, pets) at home and lack of time. I haven't watched these - podcasting while driving would indicate a lack of time, while parked would generally suggest privacy or noise are the issue. (I listen to waaaay too many podcasts.)
I went back to Dateline to grab a few images that were new to us and I hadn't seen posted yet.
The first three images are of Lori placing a heavy tote into the unit on the day she signed the contract (Oct 1). She carries it in, sets it down and then drags it into the unit. The last photo has no date but shows a variety of totes and items in the back of Alex's truck. These came from about 1 hours and 17 minutes into the dateline Episode (or the very last segment if looking at the commercial breaks):



Certainly within the realm of possibility. Kids could sneak into mexico, they could have boarded a private plan, etc.

This..."off grid"...combined with further posts shortly after regarding the possible number of followers, it has me re-thinking hiding or stashing the kids. What if they are not off grid but rather on an alternate grid? Not in an underground bunker or a cave but in a house in a little remote town. If there are hundreds of followers it could be a whole community with schools and stores and a temple and even their own versions of social media to interact with each other to make it feel normal.

Far fetched, I know. I guess I want to imagine JJ out playing with the kid next door, somewhere.
I watched the video but have not looked or analyzed too closely. Just a couple of notes:

My first guess is that it would have been Chad helping her. How do we know it is not him? (your #2)

Do we have accurate time stamps? Or even estimates maybe from shadow lengths?

I admit, I have discounted the importance of this footage because putting a body in a locker, even overnight would be stupid. It would smell and someone would investigate. In Idaho in the winter I think the front porch would be safer.

I don't want to believe they killed the kids so that probably makes me biased. But I still to think about things logically and I can't imagine why anyone would think putting bodies in a climate controlled locker even for a few hours would be a good idea.
It won’t smell if they have only just been killed and it is only overnight
BBM. According to the event program, neither Chad nor the person you're alluding to spoke at that event.

You are right! I should have dived into the schedule of talks. The flyer lists them as featured speakers, so I was misled and passed on bad info. Sorry! I am deleting my post.

I'm confused... I googled what I thought you were saying and the person you are alluding to was in Rexburg at BYU Education week in 2019. Gave classes at 5 pm Thursday and Friday.

He didn't speak at the Sept 21st event I guess? I still think it is interesting he has some tie to Rexburg. And Chandler. And LE. And a certain organization we maybe can't name.
That's really weird. When my mom died, I made sure the photos displayed around her urn reflected her as a professor, friend, wife, mother, and grandmother.
I read a number of their event docs ....Chad never mentions Tammy in his bio or his discussions (that I saw). I feel that he and Lori were distancing from her for quite a while to prepare their "life" together. Does anyone know if Tammy went to any of these events that Chad did in other cities?
If the kids are dead and Alex buried them, she could have told him not to let her know. That way, she can pass a lie detector test. She may very well not know at all.

While some may disagree, i think their ability to be calm and collected is because the children are alive and the constitution is on their side. They are not your run-of-the-mill libertarians. They know the law and their rights. They also believe that they will be persecuted for their beliefs, like Jesus. So, the more pressure on them, the more they can convince themselves they are being faithful to God.
I agree... I think Lori knows "the laws" pretty well... so many custody cases, earlier family cases etc... she knows her stuff, when she needs to protect herself.
I didn't see that, but I hope that by now Annie is aware of us here. It would be awesome if she would join us as a Verified Insider. I don't know Annie, but I really like her from her interviews and from reading her background. If she's reading here, I hope she knows how much we care; I hope she knows how many people are praying for Tylee and JJ to be located (or at least for some form of justice to occur) in this case. :)


Speaking of Annie,is her twitter approved since her blog is? I might have asked a Twitter question and struggling with how to get it here. Jmo
I only watched the preview. As I remember my post, Lori told the police a different lie (kids were with a friend in Arizona) than Alex (kids were with the grandparents in Louisiana), because LE rejected Alex's version. This was said in the preview by Kay, not the police.

Chad wasn't mentioned in the preview. I also remember the "Lori and Chad had lied..." line from earlier media reports. According to some reports, Lori even claimed at some point that Tylee had run off with JJ, but this could have been after November 26.
Wasnt AC on his way to his wedding in Vegas by then?
It “could” be considered odd that some people and some events were not mentioned.
CR was, technically, mentioned in the Dateline show, but not by name. I don't have a timestamp for you, but there was one point where they were talking about the time period during which Lori and CV got together, PRIOR to them adopting JJ... and it is stated that Lori has TWO kids at that time. (I was like, aha! they *are* going to talk about CR.) And then the very next sentence is focused on Tylee, and they never elaborate on the other "kid" that Lori has at the time. So he wasn't ignored... but for whatever reason they made the choice, he was very deliberately not mentioned by name, and it was some very nice slight-of-hand in being factually correct, but distracting. (If I have time later, I'll try to find the exact quote.)

Also, it seemed reasonable to wonder about the wellbeing of the ex-spouses and children of newlyweds we can't sleuth, and one of them has been silent in the six weeks since mentioning that a certain national news team came calling. Odd, imo, that she chose to post a business card and mention it publicly, but was never mentioned on the program.

Does Dateline ever create follow-up stories? There is SO MUCH that they left out of this one (time constraints are real, y'all, no filler here!) that I can imagine, depending on how things play out, that they'll WANT to. (I suspect they have one heck of a lot of unused hours of interviews...) Wonder how they did/are doing on ratings for this episode?
I'm confused... I googled what I thought you were saying and the person you are alluding to was in Rexburg at BYU Education week in 2019. Gave classes at 5 pm Thursday and Friday.

He didn't speak at the Sept 21st event I guess? I still think it is interesting he has some tie to Rexburg. And Chandler. And LE. And a certain organization we maybe can't name.
And some point.
@RexburgSleuth I can't seem to bring your Jeep post over to this thread.

Just to clear something up, that second rear seat, facing backwards, is an after market seat. Most Jeeps do not have those. I myself have a 2013 and it does not have one. In fact I have owned multiple Wranglers, and been in multiple Jeeping groups and no one I know has had one. Not that it discredits all the work you did, because it could still be the back seat that they removed instead of just flipping down. Your work on this case has been amazing. Please keep up the good work!!
CR was, technically, mentioned in the Dateline show, but not by name. I don't have a timestamp for you, but there was one point where they were talking about the time period during which Lori and CV got together, PRIOR to them adopting JJ... and it is stated that Lori has TWO kids at that time. (I was like, aha! they *are* going to talk about CR.) And then the very next sentence is focused on Tylee, and they never elaborate on the other "kid" that Lori has at the time. So he wasn't ignored... but for whatever reason they made the choice, he was very deliberately not mentioned by name, and it was some very nice slight-of-hand in being factually correct, but distracting. (If I have time later, I'll try to find the exact quote.)

Also, it seemed reasonable to wonder about the wellbeing of the ex-spouses and children of newlyweds we can't sleuth, and one of them has been silent in the six weeks since mentioning that a certain national news team came calling. Odd, imo, that she chose to post a business card and mention it publicly, but was never mentioned on the program.

Does Dateline ever create follow-up stories? There is SO MUCH that they left out of this one (time constraints are real, y'all, no filler here!) that I can imagine, depending on how things play out, that they'll WANT to. (I suspect they have one heck of a lot of unused hours of interviews...) Wonder how they did/are doing on ratings for this episode?
Yes..a number of us have noted the absense of discussion of CR and MBP in the Dateline. Some asked if they might be working with LE....but I can't see that. I keep feeling they are more involved than we know or see... I read a statement that this Dateline was the highest ratings since a program in early 2018--but don't know what that one was!!! Might have to go back and check since we all want to find any facts we can these days!!!
Good question. I think we figured out it has to be the local time based on Lori's fist visit (Oct 1) when she signed a contract. She would have had to make that visit during office hours. All other visits could be made anytime day or night, even when the office was closed.

From their website:
Office Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM - 24/ 7 access
Self Storage in Idaho | Self Storage Plus

The timestamp we see on the video for Lori's first visit is 10-01-2019 Tue 14:32:15
(i.e. 2:32 pm)

View attachment 233401

Lori Daybell abandoned a storage unit in Rexburg full of children's items | East Idaho News

If that's GMT then it's only 8:32 AM in Idaho and the office would not be open yet for Lori to sign a contract:
Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Therefore, I believe we came to the conclusion in a previous thread that it was local Idaho time. MOO.
Sorry I must be losing it. So what we need is a blown up copy of the pic of "Alex" at the storage location on the 2nd Oct, to examine against any other pics we have of him, to work out if it is him or not. If that doesn't work we need to get Nate to obtain that Gilbert surveillance footage next. It is the key to this.
CR was, technically, mentioned in the Dateline show, but not by name. I don't have a timestamp for you, but there was one point where they were talking about the time period during which Lori and CV got together, PRIOR to them adopting JJ... and it is stated that Lori has TWO kids at that time. (I was like, aha! they *are* going to talk about CR.) And then the very next sentence is focused on Tylee, and they never elaborate on the other "kid" that Lori has at the time. So he wasn't ignored... but for whatever reason they made the choice, he was very deliberately not mentioned by name, and it was some very nice slight-of-hand in being factually correct, but distracting. (If I have time later, I'll try to find the exact quote.)

Also, it seemed reasonable to wonder about the wellbeing of the ex-spouses and children of newlyweds we can't sleuth, and one of them has been silent in the six weeks since mentioning that a certain national news team came calling. Odd, imo, that she chose to post a business card and mention it publicly, but was never mentioned on the program.

Does Dateline ever create follow-up stories? There is SO MUCH that they left out of this one (time constraints are real, y'all, no filler here!) that I can imagine, depending on how things play out, that they'll WANT to. (I suspect they have one heck of a lot Iof unused hours of interviews...) Wonder how they did/are doing on ratings for this episode?
It's possible that some people involved declined to be a part of the episode. In some cases the police might prefer it this way to protect the integrity of their investigation.
FWIW, my anecdotal evidence from things I've been told by Mormons who have lived in both a heavily Mormon area and one that is not, especially if their predominate experience is in the latter, that there are a lot of differences in the community and its culture. That said, divorces and quick remarriages certainly happen in these areas, even among devout Mormons, but I'd be amazed if someone were to do an actual scientific study on this if it didn't indicate that it happened less in heavily Mormon areas, at least among those who identified as being Mormon, than in the country at large.
I think that I had ignorantly thought that divorce was just so frowned upon, and a stigma Mormon women would carry for a long time, and especially with all the sealing forever doctrines. With so much LDS threading through this story, I conclude I know very little, and understand even less.
If the kids are dead and Alex buried them, she could have told him not to let her know. That way, she can pass a lie detector test. She may very well not know at all.

Possible, but based on only how I suspect I would feel if the above situation was me, (I don’t think given AC’s historyI would think she would still have a viable reaction on a polygraph. Based on experience it doesn’t take much for a reaction.

How to Pass a Lie Detector Test (Whether You're Lying or Not) | Live Science

This article explains how a polygraph works.

I don't think knowledge is going to make a difference as to whether or not she passes a lie detector. Sociopathy, delusions, grandiosity... any or all of these could allow her to easily pass. Or, at minimum, be inconclusive, if she were instead rather manic and all over the place, as her friend from Hawaii described her as being.

Oddly, that friend's description of her behavior made me wonder something. What is she ISN'T tech-dumb, but just terrible with passwords? (I'd describe one of my young adults kids as exactly this way... and didn't Lori have multiple Venmo accounts, in addition to using Tylee's? People tend to do that when they forget passwords. "It's ok, I'll just make another one." And often that means using a different email address to go along with it, too.
There are quite a few pics of Tylee and her brother when they were younger on Lori's Instagram. @lolo4kauai

Yes..a number of us have noted the absense of discussion of CR and MBP in the Dateline. Some asked if they might be working with LE....but I can't see that. I keep feeling they are more involved than we know or see... I read a statement that this Dateline was the highest ratings since a program in early 2018--but don't know what that one was!!! Might have to go back and check since we all want to find any facts we can these days!!!
I'm confused... I googled what I thought you were saying and the person you are alluding to was in Rexburg at BYU Education week in 2019. Gave classes at 5 pm Thursday and Friday.

He didn't speak at the Sept 21st event I guess? I still think it is interesting he has some tie to Rexburg. And Chandler. And LE. And a certain organization we maybe can't name.
You are correct about Education Week at BYU. I had thought the timing was interesting, that JJ had a BYU backpack, ties to Chad, et al. and a resemblance to Alex.
Indicolite22 pointed out my error regarding September 21. The bios listed them as featured speakers (not all are listed that way) and I mistakenly thought they spoke at the September 21 event.
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