Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Charles' permanent residence is listed in probate court in Houston as 1006 Harbour Sands Drive. It's valued at $750k. In addition, the probate filing by a third party says Vallow had assets in excess of $50,000. So, he had something in his estate. I also have to believe he had a 401K.
But did actually own that property, or rent it?
ETA: What is ITA?

Please forgive my terminology. I know it's not accurate but it's the best I can do with what little knowledge I have.

Could you please answer this if it is not too personal?

What led to you beginning to question the AVOW teachings that was your upbringing? You stated that you are in therapy (assuming private therapy, and not counsel through the church?) to try to figure this all out.

The reason I am interested in this is that I would like to know if there is a possibility that Chad could eventually have the same type of epiphany that you have apparently had and one day come clean about what he knows about TR & JJ and the deceased/intended to be deceased (BB). Through your postings here, I can tell that you're a highly intelligent person and your writing is far superior to CD's, so my hope for an epiphany from him is minimal based on if it would require the type of intellectual inspiration you may have experienced. If the little niggle in your head that prompted you to begin asking questions that led you to explore/research/develop other wisdom began as a tiny thing, maybe there is hope for him? Alas, he may not be capable of developing the type of insight/critical thinking skills you seem to have. MOO

Where are Tylee & JJ?
Perhaps they have a home in Boise? Did the attorney say Idaho or Rexburg?
MBP mentioned Boise, Lori has Boise attorneys and something else came up about Ada county that I cannot remember.

I think it is simply because Boise is the state capital and the most populous city in the state. Idaho is not exactly full of big cities. Even Boise is only around 226,000 people: List of cities in Idaho - Wikipedia

IMO, MBP mentioned Boise to throw BB off of her scent-- if he came to look for her there he wouldn't find her. But it also allows for some plausible deniability later if she is found and called on it-- she can say she didn't know Idaho geography very well and thought she was moving near Boise and point out that she did move to Idaho. Conferences for the group we can't name were held in Boise. So it's a realistic sounding place to choose to tell BB.

There are probably more attorneys to choose from in the Boise area. There was a court motion filed by Lori's new attorneys asking for any criminal record for Lori in Ada county, where Boise is located. Someone suggested last thread this was probably a standard motion they have in a form they use all the time and someone forgot to edit the county name. I'm in agreement with that explanation after the hearing. The prosecutor admitted he has no previous criminal record for Lori (just 7 civil contempt of court charges from family court filings in 2009).
If she were to jump bail and flee to a different jurisdiction, the last thing that they would want to do would be to go through another extradition process to get her back.
When she flees, rather than if, in my opinion.

There is nothing that this woman would not stoop to, considering what she has done to her own children, in my opinion. I include what she has done to her son Colby in that description. She will engage in something very dramatic. I think it was foolish to reduce her bail based on who she is and her past behaviour, even considering her constitutional rights. I've read all the arguments for the judge's decision, and I still believe it should be tailored to the individual as well as the charges, which involve two children missing for half a year, very probably murdered. I think she would kill anyone who gets in her way and I just hope she doesn't get the opportunity to cause any more carnage.

Thank you. I read that as when this court case March 12? Goes through, that is another felony charge?
I dont know; I'm not a lawyer :confused:. I wish one of ours would chime in @AZlawyer @Mormon Attorney But my main takeaway is that not only Lori but also whomever is hiding away the kids ( we dearly hope) would be guilty of felony kidnapping. Moo
They have as good a chance as anyone to become the guardians and conservators of JJ, IMO. Who else should it be? To me, it has less to do with grandparent's rights (which I agree were severed on adoption), and more to do with finding a fit guardian, which clearly is not Lori. Moo.
Well Kay is still JJ's Aunt by adoption also so that would be ok hopefully for her to be appointed guardian IMO.
Also from probate filing in Houston, something very interesting: The initial filing on 1/15/20 lists CV's heirs as JJ plus his two sons from first marriage. Lori Vallow is NOT listed as an heir. JJ's address is listed as 2659 E. Jade Place, Chandler, AZ, in care of Lori Vallow. In an amended filing on 2/12/20, Lori Vallow IS listed as an heir, at the following address: "4141 Queen Emma's Drive, Apt. 3, Princeville". And JJ is listed there as well, as "in c/o Lori Vallow." To my knowledge JJ never lived there.


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Well Kay is still JJ's Aunt by adoption also so that would be ok hopefully for her to be appointed guardian IMO.
Sure, it helps that she is a relative, but literally anyone can be appointed guardian, even a complete stranger. It is up to the guardian ad litem to determine who would be the best choice. Moo.
According to Madison County Sheriff's Office, the first and second rows of seats behind Lori are for court personnel and court security. I believe the lady sitting with these 2 men is the Madison County clerk. I am guessing that these 2 men are security. MOO

Madison County Sheriff Idaho

I think you are exactly right! At the end of the hearing that first row on the defense side is never dismissed (we don't see it but they seem to already be gone by the time they pan over and security tells Chad's row he can leave). I think it makes perfect sense that they are court personnel.
It's the last 5 minutes of the video:

Good question and I'm not positive of the answer, but in theory the mortgage payment is, as someone else said above, for PITI. Principal (paying down the balance), interest, taxes, and insurance. The PI portion the bank takes immediately and throws into their pile of money. The TI part is an addition to an escrow balance associated with that morgage. In theory the escrow amount goes up, then drops down when they make a tax payment or pay an insurance premium on your bahalf. They're pretty good at estimating how much is going to be needed and your payment amount for the TI portion is evaluated and adjusted, if needed, each year. While it is possible that the escrow balance might come up short when a payment from it is needed, that shouldn't happen if you are keeping up to date on your payments. I think *if* it were to happen and you were up to date on your payments there is a good chance that the mortage company would let your escrow balance go negative for a short time, but for sure your payment amount will be going up to prevent it from happening again. If you're behind on your payments and that's why the escrow balance is short, I can't guess what they might do, but certainly not making the payment seems to be a potential response.

Having said all of that, I'm wondering how sure we are that the payment hasn't been made on the taxes. Is it possible that the report in the PDF isn't updated that often? If the mortgage company got the payment to the county a bit late, could it have been paid and just not updated yet? I'm also kind of amazed at how big the report is for presumably only people who are late with their property taxes from last year given how taxes normally get collected and paid for those with mortgages and the low population and relative few houses in Fremont County. (I realize that other land and buildings also have property tax on them, but also think the vast majority of land in Fremont County is government land, primarily federal.)
Some people don't pay their property taxes via their mortgage company. A house I had previously was like that. I remember having to wait for my federal tax return before I could pay my property taxes for the year. That might be the case with Chad.
If Daybell posts bail and is released from jail, Eddins required the following restrictions for her:
  • She must not leave Bonneville, Madison, Jefferson or Fremont counties in Idaho.
I tried to search the property records in these 4 counties to see if they bought a house elsewhere. Unfortunately, only Fremont's records are public, and only has the house in Chad and Tammy's name.
Fremont County Idaho MapServer
This is a very handy and useful resource for getting to public records. I have set the State to Idaho. Choose a county from the drop down and that will bring you to a page with links for what is available. Usually if it says Website Only then you probably won't be able to easily get to anything. If it says Go to Data Online, you are in luck. Often times you have to go through the GIS links rather than a recorder's site - Jefferson County Idaho, for example. In those cases, you then have to figure out where the search function is once the GIS comes up as it is not always obvious.

Idaho Public Records
If Lori can't manage to make bail at 1 million do you think her lawyers will try to get it lowered again? Jmo
Yes I am sure if she can’t get the collateral together they will visit the bail application again after the prelim. I also think that if she does post bail that they will actually change the date to the three week mark because both sides will want to put their beat foot forward. MOO
Yeah, I like this judge so far. I think he had to lower the bond to $1 Million, to be fair. Idaho law apparently doesn't allow Lori to be held without bond based on her current charges. But setting it at $1 Million still shows he recognizes the extraordinary circumstances behind the charges and sees her as a flight risk. Murder suspects are usually given $1 Million bond in Madison county. Setting the bond at the "murderer level" means the judge recognizes Lori's alleged connection to 3 homicide investigations (which could be 5 homicides if we include the missing children). The prosecutor argued quite effectively the reasons Lori was a flight risk and the judge heard it. The only thing I wish the judge had done differently is to include that Lori must turn in her passport. The prosecutor requested that but I didn't see it in the conditions of her bond. Lori claims she doesn't have a passport, but I still think it should have been a condition of bond. MOO.

Would that be because that was the condition in the Hawaiian hearing, that is to turn in her passport?

If she is found with a passport, wouldn't she be in violation of the hearing in Hawaii?
So... I discovered something a while back when researching HS that is potentially very alarming with regard to the kids. I’ve never brought it up because it wouldn’t have been fair game for sleuthing. Now that this letter of his was released and he’s in MSM what kind of liberty do we have to post here about some other things he’s written/ talked about? None I assume?
Probably nothing beyond what was in the now deleted tweet, but if it's the hidden mountain camps, people have been made aware. Moo.
FOX 13 Investigates: Website associated with Chad Daybell and his followers shuts down
Maybe this article gives us a little more leeway.:)
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