Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #29

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Do people on AVOW believe in people becoming zombies or possessed by evil spirits when their soul gets ousted from its body? Because AVOW has a paywall, I haven't seen what things they discuss there, though I've read what others who have been on the site a long time have had to say about it. AVOW has thousands of active (and former) users, and I didn't think they all necessarily believed the same things. Are there any people on AVOW just to discuss extreme prepping?
BBM. These could be some of the differences between their beliefs and Chad and Lori's. Multiple probations, portals/teleportations, translated beings, 144k, the Church of the firstborn might be more common. IMO Chad could be considered one of the ideologues on AVOW but there were/are others and then you have their followers. You can find JR's beliefs compared to Chads. Another Chad's friend HS recently closed his own forum to prevent people from getting excommunicated.
Do you think the thousands of people who go to PaP gatherings are interested in all of the topics discussed? and believe in all of the ideas discussed?
I was wondering if CD shared ALL of his beliefs with his special group of followers on AVOW. Do you think that is the case? I figured maybe he saved the zombie/dark spirit possession and avenging angel, the 50 dark translated beings stuff for those closest to him (people he wanted to manipulate - like MBP, AC and LVD, maybe a few more).
BBM. I agree. IMO the zombie theory and his and Lori's special mission was reserved for the inner cult circle. Believing in translated beings and darks spirits might not have been unique to Chad and Lori. There might be multiple versions.
How many do you think are "many pals"? what else would they have to believe to justify murder like Lori and Chad? do you think Chad told them about the 50 dark translated beings walking the Earth with Cain to prevent the second coming?
I was referring to people with similarly unorthodox beliefs, though not necessarily something that would justify criminal acts. There are plenty of ways of keeping people afraid.
I have been following this case on WS for months and have had a hard time keeping up as people post faster than I can read, then all of a sudden today we had hours with no posts which made me even more nervous.

Crazy times, I hope everyone is safe and healthy out there!
Okay maybe I am losing it but I think I remember it being reported (has to be here because I do not look at SM regarding this case) that when Charles was trying to have Lori committed she was avoiding the appointment, tried to reschedule it, then showed up early. Have we ever learned what happened at that appointment - it should have been a mental health evaluation.

In reference to what you are taking about, in Jan or Feb 2019, he tried to have her pink slipped. But he inserted himself at JJ's school. Police eventually got Called and police had Lori drive herself to the hospital and they supposedly evaluated and released her.
I think I have finally caught up here. I'm working on the timeline and will try to post an update in the media thread either tonight or tomorrow. That will be Update #8 when I post it. I'll link it in the thread here after all parts are posted.
BBM. These could be some of the differences between their beliefs and Chad and Lori's. Multiple probations, portals/teleportations, translated beings, 144k, the Church of the firstborn might be more common. IMO Chad could be considered one of the ideologues on AVOW but there were/are others and then you have their followers. You can find JR's beliefs compared to Chads. Another Chad's friend HS recently closed his own forum to prevent people from getting excommunicated.

BBM. I agree. IMO the zombie theory and his and Lori's special mission was reserved for the inner cult circle. Believing in translated beings and darks spirits might not have been unique to Chad and Lori. There might be multiple versions.

I was referring to people with similarly unorthodox beliefs, though not necessarily something that would justify criminal acts. There are plenty of ways of keeping people afraid.

Keeping followers in line , paranoid for fear that they may be suddenly deemed a "zombie" and gotten rid of like others.
After all the discussion we had here at WS about whether or not Chad even knew about JJ and Tylee, now that we see statements from Ian, Melani, and Brandon it is clear Chad was considered family from the get go. Melani repeatedly refers to him as uncle, and from the documents in the link below we have this:

"Melani has been told by Chad and Lori that their children had been possessed and had become zombies." Pretty clear Chad considered JJ and Tylee to be his children despite them being missing since before he married Lori.

ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION

Unless he was saying his own children were zombies also and they were on their "meant to be that disappeared" list as well. Til they got caught.
I noticed this too and felt it had way too much hyperbole. I'm not a lawyer, but I'll guess that they're doing the sound and fury thing because they don't really have a good case. Blame the victim, muddy the waters, etc etc. The facts aren't on MBP's side.

They tried to write it as a press release as though the press would write it that way. Very weird. I don't think they've ever done a press release before.
Unfortunately this viewing the children as "possessed" fits with LVD (re: CV was possessed by Nick Schneider, etc).
Wonder what the Paranoid Schizoid with Delusions of Grandeur's excuse is for TD's death?
This indeed is a horrorshow dating game:
Here is smiley strapping CD, the ghoul from psychotic depths of the gravedigging futuretelling bunker of death,
and LVD the Schizoid golddigging chosen one from the hills of San Bernardino...
Johnny, what do we have for our contestants?
.... An all expense paid trip to KAUI! courtesy of deceased spouses and rippedoff Life Insurance Inc.
Followed by a Beauty Spa treatment for LVD courtesy of the fine taxpayers of Rexburg at the County Jail.
Well CD and LVD, coming up next... what's behind Door number 1, 2 or 3?
Come on CD, stop smiling, you think you know, but do you really know?

If there really hadn't been a serial killer on a dating game show in the past, I'd be ROTFLMAO. QUITE CREATIVE.
So did Lori Vallow somehow know the Idaho governor was going to be so reticent in controlling citizen contact that it's going to FEEL like the end of times there? The coincidence of their predictions and the possible reality we're in is interesting. Sorry if this has been brought up before...I've been MIA and confessidly did not search.
Yeah, something else. Not sure what, though.
Maybe Lolo wants her defense to be some type of whacky (stomach turning or not it was successful) Casey Anthony thing like yeah Alex had to do it for the Lord but the kids aren’t gone... let my client demonstrate how she can speak to the other side of the veil... Means was like Yeah, I’m in!!! Let’s do it... and the other two were like nah... we’re outta here crazy girl, even if you do have $430k and we could be on tv, internet and guest spots on various news programs with free publicity for our firm daily... ehh... yeah, we still gotta bolt psycho.

I’m obsessed with these looney’s, I can barely sleep. It’s somehow like a train wreck, you don’t want to look but you can’t turn away. I’ve never posted here, please let me know if I’ve overstepped any rules. Stay safe out there!
Maybe Lolo wants her defense to be some type of whacky (stomach turning or not it was successful) Casey Anthony thing like yeah Alex had to do it for the Lord but the kids aren’t gone... let my client demonstrate how she can speak to the other side of the veil... Means was like Yeah, I’m in!!! Let’s do it... and the other two were like nah... we’re outta here crazy girl, even if you do have $430k and we could be on tv, internet and guest spots on various news programs with free publicity for our firm daily... ehh... yeah, we still gotta bolt psycho.

I’m obsessed with these looney’s, I can barely sleep. It’s somehow like a train wreck, you don’t want to look but you can’t turn away. I’ve never posted here, please let me know if I’ve overstepped any rules. Stay safe out there!
Welcome, fellow Websleuther! No rules overstepped that I can see. We also love a fresh perspective! I too am obsessed with this case! Moring routine for me:
5:30am alarm.
Make coffee
Feed dogs and refill water dishes/feed cats
Log onto Websleuths
Read a few pages on the current thread
Start laundry
Read more of Websleuths
Do a quick COVID-19 search (on WS)
Check Reddit
Back to this thread..
Rinse and repeat.
I'm worried for the day we get a tweet or report that there is a case of COVID-19 in Rexburg...we need witnesses and suspects alive! JMO, MOO
Welcome, fellow Websleuther! No rules overstepped that I can see. We also love a fresh perspective! I too am obsessed with this case! Moring routine for me:
5:30am alarm.
Make coffee
Feed dogs and refill water dishes/feed cats
Log onto Websleuths
Read a few pages on the current thread
Start laundry
Read more of Websleuths
Do a quick COVID-19 search (on WS)
Check Reddit
Back to this thread..
Rinse and repeat.
I'm worried for the day we get a tweet or report that there is a case of COVID-19 in Rexburg...we need witnesses and suspects alive! JMO, MOO

There is already 1 confirmed case in Rexburg - a total of 2 in Madison county.
BYU-Idaho student tests positive for COVID-19 | East Idaho News
BYU-Idaho student tests positive for COVID-19 | East Idaho News

Number of COVID-19 cases up to five in eastern Idaho | East Idaho News
Number of COVID-19 cases up to five in eastern Idaho | East Idaho News
There is already 1 confirmed case in Rexburg - a total of 2 in Madison county.
BYU-Idaho student tests positive for COVID-19 | East Idaho News
BYU-Idaho student tests positive for COVID-19 | East Idaho News

Number of COVID-19 cases up to five in eastern Idaho | East Idaho News
Number of COVID-19 cases up to five in eastern Idaho | East Idaho News

Wow, if it's there, then it's definitely here...(in a small town, outside a big town, SoCal). Take care Rexburg! :oops:
The timeline has grown to 10 parts! This is starting to feel like writing a book. :eek:
Maybe I should start calling the parts "chapters" for next time? LOL. :p:D
Here are the links:

10 Part Detailed Timeline Links (Update 8)
Part I (1968 - 2017)
Part II (Dec 2017 - 10 July 2019)
Part III (11 July 2019)
Part IV (12 July 2019 - 31 Oct 2019)
Part V (Nov 2019)
Part VI (Dec 2019)
Part VII (Jan 2020)
Part VIII (2 Feb - 18 Feb 2020)
Part IX (19 Feb -29 Feb 2020)
Part X (Mar 2020 - July 2020)

(Please alert on this post to ask the mods to put these at the start of the next new thread. TIA :) ).
Welcome, fellow Websleuther! No rules overstepped that I can see. We also love a fresh perspective! I too am obsessed with this case! Moring routine for me:
5:30am alarm.
Make coffee
Feed dogs and refill water dishes/feed cats
Log onto Websleuths
Read a few pages on the current thread
Start laundry
Read more of Websleuths
Do a quick COVID-19 search (on WS)
Check Reddit
Back to this thread..
Rinse and repeat.
I'm worried for the day we get a tweet or report that there is a case of COVID-19 in Rexburg...we need witnesses and suspects alive! JMO, MOO

I feel like I just read my own diary. This is my day to a tee. Even the part about feeding the dogs and cats. I think we were separated at birth! Or maybe married in a past life. Maybe Chad would know. Lol :)
The timeline has grown to 10 parts! This is starting to feel like writing a book. :eek:
Maybe I should start calling the parts "chapters" for next time? LOL. :p:D
Here are the links:

10 Part Detailed Timeline Links (Update 8)
Part I (1968 - 2017)
Part II (Dec 2017 - 10 July 2019)
Part III (11 July 2019)
Part IV (12 July 2019 - 31 Oct 2019)
Part V (Nov 2019)
Part VI (Dec 2019)
Part VII (Jan 2020)
Part VIII (2 Feb - 18 Feb 2020)
Part IX (19 Feb -29 Feb 2020)
Part X (Mar 2020 - July 2020)

(Please alert on this post to ask the mods to put these at the start of the next new thread. TIA :) ).
TY so much for your hard work. November has a chapter on it's own now. I reported the post as you requested.
Welcome, fellow Websleuther! No rules overstepped that I can see. We also love a fresh perspective! I too am obsessed with this case! Moring routine for me:
5:30am alarm.
Make coffee
Feed dogs and refill water dishes/feed cats
Log onto Websleuths
Read a few pages on the current thread
Start laundry
Read more of Websleuths
Do a quick COVID-19 search (on WS)
Check Reddit
Back to this thread..
Rinse and repeat.
I'm worried for the day we get a tweet or report that there is a case of COVID-19 in Rexburg...we need witnesses and suspects alive! JMO, MOO
Aww thank you so much for the warm welcome:)
I truly can’t get enough of these folks and I can’t get over the amount of people they’ve enlisted in this, and which one of Chad and Lori came up with it... who seduced who or was it some type of evil psycho bombshell when they met, like how do you get from hey I read your books to let’s take everyone out that stunts our lifestyle... “no problem, my brother’s my personal assassin so no worries there and while we’re at it let’s tell everyone we know we “envisioned or dreamed” it for months before so that when we orchestrate our puppets to remove these obstacles it’ll appear our dreams are visionary... imagine the money they’d make from the next book if only the in-laws didn’t come looking for those babies...WTH??? They had to grandparents were going to find a way to check on her grandson, were they going to bump off the grandparents too? What was their plan? It’s like the worst movie I’ve ever seen but can’t stop thinking about it. All of it. Especially Tylee’s little face in Yellowstone, their little faces sucked me right in. It’s 4:00am where I am. I’ve read through so much of this thread, I'm so grateful to have found this site. I was searching all day for new stuff. So did ZP take out Alex or did he off himself? I saw a few things about being hypnotized, I don’t know where I saw it but was that referring to the kids or the minions or both? The zombie thing freaks me out.
I’m sorry for your first Coronavirus case... We have lots here... and unfortunately the fastest growing zip code in the state. Be safe my new friends stay in if you can
Is there a way I can get a quick link to the names/initials list, so I can clarify them in the future. Thank you again! Have the best morning y’all!
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