Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #31

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While I don’t think Mark Means is a good criminal defense attorney (it’s not what he even practiced in before Lori), something does make me think that he’s pretty confident he will be able to get Lori off on some technicality. I cannot think of any other reason why the defense would be willing, and go so far as to request, that a prelim hearing be pushed out even further as it only gives the State more time to collect more evidence and strengthen their case - all things that are certainly not in the best interest of his client. And while he may not practice criminal defense, I don’t think he is THAT bad to not be able to see that delaying a prelim hearing is not a good tactic, but maybe I’m completely wrong. We have seen how he’s already been laying the groundwork for the arguments that the restrictions currently in the jail, due to Covid-19, have made it very difficult for him to adequately prepare for trial, and that possible recordings of his meetings with Lori have undermined and jeopardized his case.
Quite a significant day for this case! The court appearance at 2pm is going to be telling. There is also the second segment airing tonight on Dateline which includes interviews with Lori's niece and son.

With all of this, the money spent...why the heck can't she just produce these two children and be done with the whole thing? Which begs the unmentionable..:(
Daybell will appear in person but access to the 2 p.m. hearing will be extremely limited. Members of the public will not be permitted inside the Madison County Courthouse due to COVID-19. Magistrate Judge Michelle Mallard has authorized to live stream the proceedings for the public and media outlets across the country.

Vallow Daybell bond hearing to proceed, preliminary hearing postponed | East Idaho News
A normal person might be embarrassed to be paraded in front of victims and the public... Why do I think Lolo is going to feel cheated with the lack of attention and drama this situation presents?
A normal person might be embarrassed to be paraded in front of victims and the public... Why do I think Lolo is going to feel cheated with the lack of attention and drama this situation presents?
She probably won’t be made up like last time with her red lipstick, given that she will be covered with a mask.
Quite a significant day for this case! The court appearance at 2pm is going to be telling. There is also the second segment airing tonight on Dateline which includes interviews with Lori's niece and son.

With all of this, the money spent...why the heck can't she just produce these two children and be done with the whole thing? Which begs the unmentionable..:(
I haven't been on this thread much, but have been following the case on my own.

I think she will not disclose information about the kids because they believe their spiritual "law" is above human law. She is likely, imo, willing to go to jail over this. I don't think anything will sway her.

I haven't been on this thread much, but have been following the case on my own.

I think she will not disclose information about the kids because they believe their spiritual "law" is above human law. She is likely, imo, willing to go to jail over this. I don't think anything will sway her.

Valid idea definitely. I'm almost hoping this is it, because the alternative is not the outcome I'm hoping for. That is such grandiose thinking on her part. Delusional, IMO.
I think it became obvious that he knew of her children when the Rexburg storage videos were shown. He helped move their things in October.
There were some saying he may have been told those were someone else's things--or that her kids were safe elsewhere and he was just helping store their stuff.

Wouldn't it be amazing if the kids are in hiding--by Lori, FROM CHAD?! I know that's basically impossible, considering they now share a lawyer, but it would be glorious!
JJ is listed as a 4.2 Light spirit, but then probably "turned dark" after Tylee "disappeared" and so they felt he needed to be "disappeared" too. I feel sick. MOO.

Lets not forget that whatever level a person is/was, their body can become possessed by another, as in Charles Vallow becoming Nick Scheider. Chad has a wildcard he can play on every hand he is dealt. JJ might not have "turned dark" because that violates the rule "4.1 and above rarely switch sides" he may have simply become possessed by another spirit that gets a new rating.

Chad's email to Lori with the ratings just smacks me as what a 17 year old boy who plays too much dungeons and dragons would say to the pretty girl he wants to impress. She gets the highest rating, of course, but to flatter her he gives all of her family pretty high ratings too. Her ex husbands get low ratings, because that is what she wants to hear, except the first husband who she talked about as her one true love. Lori's kids get high ratings because she wants to hear that, except daughter Tylee gets a low rating. I'm guessing there are 2 explanations why he did that. 1) Lori will be startled by that and will question him, thus he has gotten the pretty girl to talk to him. 2) Lori probably complained about Tylee the last time she talked to Chad so Chad is amplifying her feelings.
First husband – 2L
Second husband: William Lagioia – 2D
Third husband: Joseph Ryan - 4.3D
Fourth husband: Charles Vallow – 3L

Hilarious that you WebSleuthers (I'm not including myself because I was of no use on that issue) had so much trouble naming Husband #1 for certain. It turns out Chad and Lori don't even seem to know his name!
A few things I found notable from reading the documents Chad sent Lori:

It seems many of the grades and classifications seem to mirror Lori’s own assessments about various family members at that time (Oct 2018), particularly ex-husbands and their former spouses and children. So, it is apparent Chad and Lori’s shared timeline extends before October 2018, at least long enough for Chad to become familiar with Lori’s various opinions about her family members and for him to be allowed the boldness of issuing his own assessments of them.

Some of the grades and classifications seem manipulative. The “4.3L” assigned to Lori places her on a pedestal relative to everyone else in her family and to church authorities (her bishop, ward leader, and stake leader). Chad doesn’t indicate his own level, but it is likely safe to presume he considers himself a “5L” as that would place him at least one level above Lori and those other church authorities (thus she should abide by what he has to say rather than what they have to say) and it would make him an apostle and likely a prophet (to those who believe in the “Book of Chad” – my designation).

The “4.3D” assigned to third husband, Joseph Ryan, Jr. is equivalent in grade (4.3) to Lori, but opposite in character – dark rather than light. So, Chad has placed JR on par with Lori for some reason (to stoke her fears by making him seem a continuing risk, even though he was dead?), but then mentions JR “is now sealed away,” which likely means that Chad has played some role in disarming JR as a continuing risk to Lori, perhaps by some unauthorized sealing ritual they accomplished with their temple access.

Also manipulative is the “2L” assigned to Alex. Chad was likely aware how far Alex had gone in the past on Lori’s behalf, with Alex’s attack upon Lori’s third husband, Joseph Ryan, Jr. IMO, Chad assigned Alex the “2L” to provoke aspiration to reach a higher level, meaning it sent the following message: Alex is merely LDS like so many other “2’s,” but he is light, not dark, and he could rise if only he were to demonstrate greater spirituality and service to the supposed-General Authorities (like Lori, a “4.3L”) and the supposed-Apostle/Prophet (Chad, unstated, but presumably a “5L”). Thus, Alex’s motivation to shoot Charles Vallow, lie to police about it, attempt to shoot Brandon and Tammy and to conceal his involvement in those acts, probably be involved in the later successful murder of Tammy by other means and conceal his involvement in that act, and probably also take an active role in the disappearances (and possible murders) of Tylee and JJ and conceal his involvement in those acts.

Chad and Lori essentially utilized Alex as an automaton who would do whatever they asked. He probably died at least a “3L” in the Book of Chad, lying there in that pool of his own feces – an apt metaphor for the last year of his life if ever there was one.

Also manipulative, IMO is the “4.1D” Chad assigned to Tylee. Chad was likely aware of the relationship dynamics between Lori and Tylee and he used them to his advantage – to push Tylee away, while pulling Lori closer, at just that time (Tylee was 16) when the child was sometimes challenging to Lori as she was growing up and exercising an independent streak. Chad likely recognized that Tylee might be a threat to his authority the more she grew up and the more independent she became.

Lori was likely willing to hear what Chad had to say about Tylee because she was struggling to maintain dominance in that relationship already – and frankly, she wanted the cash coming in for support of Tylee for herself as long as she could possibly manage to keep it, so she did not want Tylee going off with ideas of her own about how to use that support. Thus, no attempt to enroll Tylee in early college courses, no preparing Tylee for enrolling in college on time (SAT’s or ACT, applications), and no encouraging Tylee to get a job and make some money of her own. All of those things might help Tylee grow more independent, but that would counter Lori’s and Chad’s objectives where Tylee (and the income related to Tylee) was concerned. Added bonus: as long as Tylee was around, there was someone to mother JJ, as long as he was around. Lori wanted the payment for that job, but she didn’t want to do it.

IMO, the “4.1D” was intended to send the message to Lori that Tylee was dark, like her father had been (so a potential risk) and was nearly as strong as Lori (4.1 to Lori’s 4.3), so if she were allowed to continue to gain strength, Tylee could become as great a danger to Lori as the now sealed away JR had been. The clock started ticking on Tylee back in October 2018.

It’s interesting that Chad has assigned Melani’s youngest the same level as Tylee (4.1), but light rather than dark. There is probably some message intended there. Perhaps Chad is implying that, given enough time with her, Brandon (as a “D”) could influence her to become dark, so it is intended to serve to motivate Melani in some way, to prevent that happening.

I fully understand why Brandon has gone so far as to hire a private detective to investigate and to keep himself and his children well-secured. Too many “D’s on that list have disappeared or are known dead, as is the aspiring “2L” that was involved in their deaths and disappearances. Until the full scope of Chad’s influence to inform and motivate the acts of others is known and stopped, the remaining “D’s” (or potential “D”s) are likely at risk. Who knows what other “2L’s” are out there, eager to earn graduation to the next level. The eventual prosecution of Chad will likely be a dangerous time unless his adherents wake the hell up from their reverie. I hope authorities are trying, as best they can, to figure out who those people are.
Lori Vallow Daybell's Niece Says She Experienced Tragedy During Childhood That Kept Her From Her Mother

"Stacey had passed away while living with my parents in San Antonio, Texas. She had gone through a terrible divorce," Adam wrote.

In his book, Adam wrote Stacey "suffered from a rare form of diabetes type one that she contracted during her pregnancy at age 22. Her style of diabetes was called 'gastroparesis' which prevented her from absorbing nutrients from her stomach into her bloodstream.

Gastroparesis is not diabetes. Those with gastroparesis can also have diabetes though.

I should know, I have gastroparesis. I tested negative for diabetes though.

This is what gastroparesis actually is:

- The stomach's motility is is severely affected. The stomach is mostly paralyzed. So, what would take the normal person 1-2 hours to digest a meal, can take someone with gastroparesis up to two days to digest the same amount of food.

- Because of this the food can rot and fester, causing the person to have vomit and diarrhea to expel the food. In addition, the nutrients that are obtained through the food are not enough to sustain a healthy lifestyle, because of how long it takes to break down the food.

- The symptoms can range from moderate to severe. Foods that can't be tolerated include: Most fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes (Beans), Oats, alcohol, carbonated beverages, gluten, and anything with roughage in it. Pretty much 95% of all foods.

- There is no known cure, and the person is expected to live with this condition for the rest of their lives. Once you realize that our culture is hyper focused on food, then the reality really hits home. Depression is very common because of this alone.

There are several surgeries that may be performed, depending on how severe the condition is. These include: gastroparesis pacemaker (this is used to shock the stomach, the idea is to increase the motility), another surgery is gastric bypass. This one is used as a last resort, and is used to bypass the upper stomach, then the patient is on a liquid diet for the most part.

Stress increases the symptoms exponentially, and makes the gastroparesis worse. So, if she had just got out of a bad marriage, her stress would have been through the roof. Not to mention, the treatments for gastroparesis were not as good back a few years ago either. very possible she could have passed away from this sickness.


Hilarious that you WebSleuthers (I'm not including myself because I was of no use on that issue) had so much trouble naming Husband #1 for certain. It turns out Chad and Lori don't even seem to know his name!

Hmmm... Good catch. This makes me wonder if Chad used his genealogy research skills to sleuth Lori's family and then presented the info to her as if he was some kind psychic who knew the names of everyone close to her. Chad and Tammy did extensive genealogy work on Tammy's ancestors. As a long time amateur genealogist myself, I have figured out that it's very easy to take the skills used to sleuth your family's past and sleuth living people with it as well. Someone like Lori who is not very tech-savvy might have no idea how much info about her family was out there on the internet. She might have actually thought Chad being able to name most of her family members and rank them as L or D according to how much she liked or disliked them meant he was a "prophet" (insert vomit emoji here). But just like us, he apparently couldn't find out the name of her first husband through documentation. He could have figured out there was a first husband, however, because of marriage records and/or divorce filings for the other husbands (often those docs list how many times someone has been previously married). Also, in Oct 2018 there might have been a lot more public posts on Lori and Tylee's social media (I believe much of it was wiped shortly after the kids disappeared-- MOO). It wouldn't take much "research" to figure out if Tylee was a typical rebellious teenager and was having arguments with Lori as most teens have with their parents. And it would be easy for Chad to find all these names of people in Lori's family, which he presents as "family history documents". o_O

Is this a game IanP played?? Not sure what you are getting at..?

Wheel of Times is a very popular Fictional Book series, that has a lot of high fantasy in it.

It would not surprise me if CD has read this series, and it's possible that some of the insanity of their twisted beliefs is a mish-mash of all kinds of things, this book series could very well be one of them.

Gastroparesis is not diabetes. Those with gastroparesis can also have diabetes though.

I should know, I have gastroparesis. I tested negative for diabetes though.

This is what gastroparesis actually is:

- The stomach's motility is is severely affected. The stomach is mostly paralyzed. So, what would take the normal person 1-2 hours to digest a meal, can take someone with gastroparesis up to two days to digest the same amount of food.

- Because of this the food can rot and fester, causing the person to have vomit and diarrhea to expel the food. In addition, the nutrients that are obtained through the food are not enough to sustain a healthy lifestyle, because of how long it takes to break down the food.

- The symptoms can range from moderate to severe. Foods that can't be tolerated include: Most fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes (Beans), Oats, alcohol, carbonated beverages, gluten, and anything with roughage in it. Pretty much 95% of all foods.

- There is no known cure, and the person is expected to live with this condition for the rest of their lives. Once you realize that our culture is hyper focused on food, then the reality really hits home. Depression is very common because of this alone.

There are several surgeries that may be performed, depending on how severe the condition is. These include: gastroparesis pacemaker (this is used to shock the stomach, the idea is to increase the motility), another surgery is gastric bypass. This one is used as a last resort, and is used to bypass the upper stomach, then the patient is on a liquid diet for the most part.

Stress increases the symptoms exponentially, and makes the gastroparesis worse. So, if she had just got out of a bad marriage, her stress would have been through the roof. Not to mention, the treatments for gastroparesis were not as good back a few years ago either. very possible she could have passed away from this sickness.

This is interesting and helpful information. I wish you well in dealing with your health issues.

Let's say the death was natural from this illness, losing a sister in the prime of life could be a life-altering event, and it might shake a belief system or make someone vulnerable to a unsound belief system.

How does the sister's death fit into the timeline of Lori's marriages, the surrounding deaths, changes in her beliefs? Could losing a sister have triggered something in her?

IDK....thinking aloud
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