Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #31

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Watching the recent Dateline episode, it seemed apparent to me that Melani demonstrated she is perfectly capable of lying repeatedly about significant matters without concern whether most people will see reason or truth in what she says. Hers seems the testimony of someone who believes she is serving a higher power and working toward her own salvation. Until she is fully deprogrammed (if ever), I think Melani may be capable of anything and that nothing that comes out of her mouth about any of this can be believed without independent verification....
Post cut by me.

Excellent post. Watching Melani on the Dateline episode made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
That's true. My son recently had served on a jury and got very frustrated with one of the jury members. The sad thing, is that this guy came off as a know it all, and he was voted as the head juror.

After this, my son realized that this guy's entire knowledge base came from watching too much tv, and had no grounds in reality. The gist of this particular case was that the perp was accused of possessing drugs. The police had chased him down, and the police found the drugs behind the tree that the perp was caught by police at.

Defense argued that the drugs the police found, had just coincidentally been there, the wind must have blown them there. ROFLMAO :D

11 of the 12 jurors found him guilty, except for the one that had watched too much tv. He bought the defense's story hook, line, and sinker. So, my son had to spend the next 2 days before this finally went to a hung jury. He was not happy with that guy.

Jury's are great when you have people that are capable of logical reasoning, not so great otherwise. Case in point, Jodi Arias had a hung jury twice.

This case is even worse, all you need is one person to buy any of LVD's lies, and she can get off the hook. I am sure that there are a few suckers that would buy that Alex is responsible for everything, and LVD is completely innocent.

Kids are dead? It was Alex
4th Husband Dead? Alex
Tammi's Dead? Alex
Alex's Dead? Alex, again.

Dead men tell no tales, so easy to pin the blame on them. :(

BBM-- LMAO== sorry, I just read this part and about fell out of my chair Laughing so hard.
Must have been a tornado type wind that blew the drugs over by the tree. Bwhahahhahahaha
Indeed. A while back I defended IP for cooperating but now I feel it was just to save his hide.
JMO--but If I were him, I would be watching my back.
Even if he did do it to save himself in regards to his new wife, he needs to watch his back.
He will be the next victim if he doesn't
Malachite Green is not made from Malachite, it's named that because of the similarity in color to the gemstone.

Reference? Because the scientific article I linked to refutes your assertion. This MPH is not trying to be difficult but grinding up malachite and adding solvent then spreading it on your skin can kill you if you do it for too long
As an Air Force Reserve Airman, Melani graduated from basic training in September 2008. As part of that training, she received rifle marksmanship training.

Mil - Cope

I assume she continued to serve in the Air Force Reserves for some committed period of time after her basic training, but am curious whether anyone knows? Whether she continued to keep her rifle marksmanship skills up to date, I also don't know. I have a female LDS friend who, at the same age Melani was when she did basic training, joined the army to gain benefits to attend college. She has continued to go the range with some regularity to keep her own marksmanship skills up to date and she is now in her 60's. I have a non-LDS sister-in-law who did the same thing. Women are sometimes great marksmen.

I understand why so many presume Alex was the shooter given his stun gun attack upon Joseph Ryan, Jr and his later shooting of Charles Vallow, but couldn't it also be that Alex was the one driving and Melani the one doing the attempted shooting-to-kill of her then-estranged husband who had a hefty life insurance policy and custody of their four children? Is there any evidence she was somewhere else at the time? In Air Force rifle marksmanship training, is any training done from moving vehicles? (I realize the Jeep was parked when the shot was fired at Brandon, but I believe he said the Jeep then pursued him after he drove off, so wonder if the shooter hoped to shoot again from the moving vehicle.)

Watching the recent Dateline episode, it seemed apparent to me that Melani demonstrated she is perfectly capable of lying repeatedly about significant matters without concern whether most people will see reason or truth in what she says. Hers seems the testimony of someone who believes she is serving a higher power and working toward her own salvation. Until she is fully deprogrammed (if ever), I think Melani may be capable of anything and that nothing that comes out of her mouth about any of this can be believed without independent verification.

After BB was shot at, he went into hiding with the children. Melani drove with Alex to BB's parent's home in Utah to find him and the children and after being warned to stay away by police the first time she approached, she was brazen enough to return with Alex and invade BB's parent's garage the very next day. Alex wasn't in that garage; Melani was. She has demonstrated herself capable of defying the law to do what she believes she has to do. I am convinced Chad and Lori have Melani believing she is suffering the persecution of a true and fully committed follower of Christ into the turbulence of the last days.

Despite what Melani said about LDS placing high value upon the importance of family and marriage, the marriages following so close on the heels of Melani's divorce/custody loss and Lori's widowhood invite skepticism. Those faithful LDS I know value family and marriage enough to be careful in the formation and maintenance of both. They also recognize that there is a period of mourning and healing that follows a marriage failure or death of a spouse. It is odd and foolish to marry a person you met only a couple weeks before, especially a person who so recently became divorced and lost custody of children and moved to a new state away from those children. That Ian is from Rexburg and did this odd and foolish thing makes me think he is also likely a follower and believer of Chad.

IMO, Ian is not credible without independent verification. I agree with those who think he likely informed Melani he was wearing a wire. It defies reason that a new husband who hopes to build a life with a woman would agree to deceive her about such a thing and expect to be forgiven or trusted following that act. It seems more likely he would refuse. In the case of a person who is a devoted follower and believer of Chad, it seems likely he would deceive the FBI.

IMO, Chad, in his eagerness to get into Lori's pants, has fully messed with Melani's brain and his new sidekick, Lori helped him do it. Lori was fully aware of Melani's vulnerabilities as a person who lost her own mother twice while young, first through divorce and next through death, and Lori has likely mined that vulnerability for years to use her as needed.

IMO, Chad and Lori are a convergence of sociopaths. That convergence has combined their strengths - Chad's charisma, persuasiveness, and (until recently) authority in the church and in forums where other church members gathered and Lori's physical appearance, sexual appeal, and strong willingness to do or say ANYTHING it takes to get what she wants, including employing others close to her in illegal acts. The combination has made them destructive and dangerous to anyone who they believe represents a threat to them.

After reading the email Lori sent Chad from Charles Vallow's email account (IMO, intended for Chad to show Tammy as a get out of jail free card explaining why he had been out of town in October 2018 and why he was going to be out of town again in July 2019), as well as the email Chad sent documenting his work on Lori's family history and assigning spiritual grades and alignment with light/dark ratings, I now understand why Charles Vallow went back into that marriage after he had filed for divorce and it wasn't surrender to a siren's song.

Charles was well aware Tylee and others he loved were seriously endangered. He hoped he could "break the spell" and stop Lori and her pal from harming those he loved, or at least make others aware a serious danger existed so they might help intervene. Unfortunately, Lori wasn't under a spell, she had just moved on to the next gig with a new man and a plan for a life that looked more rewarding to her than the current one, something she had a history of doing regardless of cost to her children and others.

I seriously wonder what the planned end game is, after July 22 arrives and passes. Does Chad have a persuasive story prepared already? Or, will it be "drink the Koolaid" time for all the true believer husbands whose lives are amply insured and whose wives will remain obedient (and insurance proceeds-contributing) servants to the con man who has convinced them he is the "one true prophet?"

The most amazing thing to me is that Colby has escaped relatively unscathed. He's young, but he seems a decent and stable man who is reasonably capable of seeing things as they are and knowing when they are not right. He must have had some good and strong influences which overwrote that of his mother and the chaos she tends to produce around her. I hope these influences remain around him to help see him and his family through the rest of this.

As a mother myself, it breaks my heart that Colby's mother has subjected him to all of this. A person only gets one mother, but when that one falls far short of the ideal, it helps to keep the ideal in mind and know that even though that's not what you got it is what you deserved and what your own children deserve. Tylee and JJ did too.
Point well taken about Melani's marksmanship. MOO I would think BB would have some sense of her skills, and despite all the messiness of their custody battle he has not once implicated her as the possible shooter, despite heavily implicating her in just about every other aspect of this case. Interesting.
The theory of Lori and Chad pointing the finger at Alex for everything. Their own accounts and actions have not pointed to them trying to make Alex the fall guy. They have said the kids are fine, this is a custody issue, this has all been blown out of proportion...etc... Hopefully way too late in the game for them to try and back pedal now.
Nate Eaton - Reporter

A message from Kay Woodcock to Chad Daybell.

Kay Vallow Woodcock is with Maggie Grimes and 99 others.
37 mins

FB friends PLEASE SHARE!!!

I beg you indulge us by reading our letter.
This letter is in no way, shape, or form meant to be embarrassing, slanderous, accusatory, defamatory nor insinuate any other negative connotation. We need to talk & this is the only way to hopefully reach you, while ensuring accuracy of our thoughts & feelings, while validating this is authentic.
MY Facebook has not been hijacked!!!
If this doesn’t get directly to Chad via social media, we pray someone, somewhere, somehow get this to him to read. Perhaps a level-headed, compassionate, TRUE christian Daybell family member or dear friend he will listen to would be optimum. Thank you.

Our JJ history:
Jj has been enveloped with love 24/7/365 by everyone in his life. He has been a very special child from the moment he was born, Larry & I would have happily raised him. He is a welcomed blessing in our lives. Once Charles expressed their interest, after lots of soul searching, we chose to allow Charles & Lori to adopt him. There were many reasons, the first being Jj’s overall BEST interest. A major consideration was we retain the role as Jj’s grandparents. They were amazing parents, all the while reinforcing our grandparent role.
Once they brought JJ home, we mourned him not being the center of our daily world anymore. Every minute, hour, day reminding ourselves “it’s what’s best for JJ”. We love him enough to have endured the agony to do this for him and God knows it was agonizing.
With his “new” life, surrounded by 4 adoring siblings & nurturing, loving, dedicated, active Christian parents has allowed him to thrive & flourish.
Charles & Lori were amazing parents, all the while reinforcing our grandparent “role”. There was never a visit / call / FaceTime that cast a doubt we made the best choice for JJ. EVERY visit, Lori thanked us for blessing them with JJ. She was very grateful for the gift of JJ being entrusted to her.

Chad, as a father & grandfather, I ask you delve deep into your heart, your soul, & share with us:
1. How to understand who you are?? from what we’ve heard, you are a Christian, admirable, overall great “family man” & Dad.
2. How you are in this circumstance today?

How we see things:
You & Lori met. Since, there has been utter DEVASTATION to countless lives surrounding y’all. (i can’t speak on behalf of your loved ones, although we all know they have suffered the tremendous loss of Tammy).
This cascade of events began, Tylee & JJ are missing for nearly 8 MONTHS, murders, attempted murders, mysterious deaths, divorce(s), stolen money surrounding y’all.
I must also mention our beloved brother Charles ambushed & murdered on 7/11/19.

Chad, as a dad, grandfather, human being, How does a sweet & innocent child turn ”dark”?? (dark as in the context you & your followers relate). We cannot wrap our brains around this! Perhaps because it is NOT within the realm of normal thinking. Children aren’t dark. They are the LIGHT of this world. It is people around them who are DARK!!!!!!!

HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL TO NOT SAY, SHOW US IF TYLEE & JJ ARE OKAY & WHERE THEY ARE?? The anguish of everyone who loves Tylee & JJ is suffering day after day after month,... it never ends. It is PURE HELL. If Lori has done all this to hurt us, please tell her she has accomplished her goal!!!

Addressing things I believe were told to you by Lori (perhaps you two made these lies together)

*The lie about her hiding them due to a custody battle is debunked. The state of Idaho has JJ & Tylee’s custodial rights, therefore if found we won’t have custody.
*The lie about us being horrible, mean, evil grandparents is a lie!! We all got along beautifully. We loved her & she loved us. Ask anyone who knows us what kind of people we are.... Please. Daybell family, I’ll ask for volunteers to validate. Please call & talk to us!!
Lori is a prolific liar!! She has lied to all of you!
*How do you look at yourself in the mirror? In GOD’s name, please tell us how this is being a Christian?
*How do you, in good conscience, look at or hold YOUR grandchildren? Due to you & Lori, we can't see or hold ours?
*It looks as if you are playing GOD. Are you?? Looks like it & I feel most everyone in this world agrees with us!

JJ turns 8 y/o on 5/25. I am begging you, CHAD end this NOW. Recover them, give them to law enforcement. If you can’t because they have been harmed, then by GOD be a REAL MAN, own up to your crimes & confess. Chad, you have the POWER to STOP THIS NOW. Lori has lied and NOW is the time for YOU to speak out. If this situation continues, you will truly wish you could portal your way off earth. Another galaxy won’t be far enough to keep you safe!!! If you think your
darling wife won’t start singing to save her hide once you’re both in jail, think again. You have NO idea who you married. We don’t know what’s happened to the Lori we knew, but she is gone. “GODDESS” Lori is evil & “DARK” !!!!
Chad, time to start thinking with your brain. Show Lori & the world a REAL MAN exists in you. DO THE CHRISTIAN THING, END THIS NOW!!! If you want to talk further we will happily oblige you. JJ’s pic below, how is our baby anything more than innocent?????????
Not to go all expert opinion on you but I speak Morridor. (Idaho/Utah/Arizona Mormon)

Melani said “...tryin’ to do the right thing.”

Also she speaks as though her jaw* has been wired shut IMO.

*Edited. Changed mouth to jaw.
I second this. She says trying and it's her Morridor accent. If it matters, closed captioning also says "trying".

ETA I tried to include a screen grab but the player must block those. It's at approx 1:35:00 in the show.

ETA 2 I have tried over and over to hear "trained". I cannot. Apparently my ear is too attuned to (corrupted by? Haha) the Mormon dialect. I would bet Chad's life on it ;)
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That letter from Kay Woodcock is heartbreaking.

Sorry for the confusion caused by that pesky auto correct “Lola” earlier. I normally check but did a post and run. Obviously it was supposed to be Lolo Cheers all...

Oh, has anyone tried turning on their closed caption in order to figure out what MP was saying? I haven’t but sometimes that can be helpful.
Nate Eaton - Reporter

A message from Kay Woodcock to Chad Daybell.

Kay Vallow Woodcock is with Maggie Grimes and 99 others.
37 mins

FB friends PLEASE SHARE!!!

I beg you indulge us by reading our letter.
This letter is in no way, shape, or form meant to be embarrassing, slanderous, accusatory, defamatory nor insinuate any other negative connotation. We need to talk & this is the only way to hopefully reach you, while ensuring accuracy of our thoughts & feelings, while validating this is authentic.
MY Facebook has not been hijacked!!!
If this doesn’t get directly to Chad via social media, we pray someone, somewhere, somehow get this to him to read. Perhaps a level-headed, compassionate, TRUE christian Daybell family member or dear friend he will listen to would be optimum. Thank you.

Our JJ history:
Jj has been enveloped with love 24/7/365 by everyone in his life. He has been a very special child from the moment he was born, Larry & I would have happily raised him. He is a welcomed blessing in our lives. Once Charles expressed their interest, after lots of soul searching, we chose to allow Charles & Lori to adopt him. There were many reasons, the first being Jj’s overall BEST interest. A major consideration was we retain the role as Jj’s grandparents. They were amazing parents, all the while reinforcing our grandparent role.
Once they brought JJ home, we mourned him not being the center of our daily world anymore. Every minute, hour, day reminding ourselves “it’s what’s best for JJ”. We love him enough to have endured the agony to do this for him and God knows it was agonizing.
With his “new” life, surrounded by 4 adoring siblings & nurturing, loving, dedicated, active Christian parents has allowed him to thrive & flourish.
Charles & Lori were amazing parents, all the while reinforcing our grandparent “role”. There was never a visit / call / FaceTime that cast a doubt we made the best choice for JJ. EVERY visit, Lori thanked us for blessing them with JJ. She was very grateful for the gift of JJ being entrusted to her.

Chad, as a father & grandfather, I ask you delve deep into your heart, your soul, & share with us:
1. How to understand who you are?? from what we’ve heard, you are a Christian, admirable, overall great “family man” & Dad.
2. How you are in this circumstance today?

How we see things:
You & Lori met. Since, there has been utter DEVASTATION to countless lives surrounding y’all. (i can’t speak on behalf of your loved ones, although we all know they have suffered the tremendous loss of Tammy).
This cascade of events began, Tylee & JJ are missing for nearly 8 MONTHS, murders, attempted murders, mysterious deaths, divorce(s), stolen money surrounding y’all.
I must also mention our beloved brother Charles ambushed & murdered on 7/11/19.

Chad, as a dad, grandfather, human being, How does a sweet & innocent child turn ”dark”?? (dark as in the context you & your followers relate). We cannot wrap our brains around this! Perhaps because it is NOT within the realm of normal thinking. Children aren’t dark. They are the LIGHT of this world. It is people around them who are DARK!!!!!!!

HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL TO NOT SAY, SHOW US IF TYLEE & JJ ARE OKAY & WHERE THEY ARE?? The anguish of everyone who loves Tylee & JJ is suffering day after day after month,... it never ends. It is PURE HELL. If Lori has done all this to hurt us, please tell her she has accomplished her goal!!!

Addressing things I believe were told to you by Lori (perhaps you two made these lies together)

*The lie about her hiding them due to a custody battle is debunked. The state of Idaho has JJ & Tylee’s custodial rights, therefore if found we won’t have custody.
*The lie about us being horrible, mean, evil grandparents is a lie!! We all got along beautifully. We loved her & she loved us. Ask anyone who knows us what kind of people we are.... Please. Daybell family, I’ll ask for volunteers to validate. Please call & talk to us!!
Lori is a prolific liar!! She has lied to all of you!
*How do you look at yourself in the mirror? In GOD’s name, please tell us how this is being a Christian?
*How do you, in good conscience, look at or hold YOUR grandchildren? Due to you & Lori, we can't see or hold ours?
*It looks as if you are playing GOD. Are you?? Looks like it & I feel most everyone in this world agrees with us!

JJ turns 8 y/o on 5/25. I am begging you, CHAD end this NOW. Recover them, give them to law enforcement. If you can’t because they have been harmed, then by GOD be a REAL MAN, own up to your crimes & confess. Chad, you have the POWER to STOP THIS NOW. Lori has lied and NOW is the time for YOU to speak out. If this situation continues, you will truly wish you could portal your way off earth. Another galaxy won’t be far enough to keep you safe!!! If you think your
darling wife won’t start singing to save her hide once you’re both in jail, think again. You have NO idea who you married. We don’t know what’s happened to the Lori we knew, but she is gone. “GODDESS” Lori is evil & “DARK” !!!!
Chad, time to start thinking with your brain. Show Lori & the world a REAL MAN exists in you. DO THE CHRISTIAN THING, END THIS NOW!!! If you want to talk further we will happily oblige you. JJ’s pic below, how is our baby anything more than innocent?????????
Heartbreaking. I'm fascinated thinking about how this came about. I imagine in concert with LE/FBI. And that they think this kind of pressure will mean something to him *now*, after all this. It's almost JJs birthday. Please get this child and his sister home to their loved ones!!
I think it's supposed to be "Lolo," Lori's nickname. Lori used it when she left a voicemail on 7/14/19 for Charles' sons from his previous marriage. That was two days after she'd informed them by group-text that their father was dead.

Her message was: "It's Lolo. I just wanted to talk to you and see how you're doing."

But, she wouldn't return their calls. And she would not reply to their texts asking for details.

Wasn’t that callous text regarding the father‘s death sent to Joseph Ryans sons?
Wasn’t that callous text regarding the father‘s death sent to Joseph Ryans sons?

No, the callous text was to Charles Vallow's sons. But her behavior after learning about Joseph Ryan's death was equally callous.

About Joseph Ryan's death, from the timeline linked to on page 1 of this thread (prepared by Gardener1850):

Late March 2018 - Joseph Anthony Ryan, Jr. -- 3rd ex-husband of Lori, and father of Tylee dies in his apartment in Maricopa County, AZ. His body is not found until a neighbor’s dog detects a strange smell and the neighbor calls police (KTVB7, KSL-TV).

3 Apr 2018 - Joseph Anthony Ryan, Jr. -- 3rd ex-husband of Lori, and father of Tylee, is found deceased in his AZ home. The ME’s report reveals that a neighbor asked for a welfare check on JR when he hadn’t seen JR for approx 1 week. Police used a key from the landlord to enter JR’s locked apartment and found him dead in bed. The coroner’s report says that samples of the liver and thigh muscles were taken to be “held” for toxicology, but the death was not considered suspicious; it is unclear if toxicology was ever run. The death was ruled a heart attack and JR was cremated, meaning no 2nd autopsy can be done (Maricopa Co ME Report, Fox13 Phoenix). After JR’s death Lori applies for and receives SS survivor benefits for Tylee, or so she told her sister-in-law, KW (KW’s 30 Jan 2020 Presser).

Early Apr 2018 – Lori is notified of the death of her ex-husband, JR, but she doesn’t tell JR’s family about it (KSLTV).

May 2018 – About 5 weeks after JR’s body was found, JR’s sister, Annie, finds out about JR’s death from her other brother. No one had claimed JR’s body, so officials found ran a background check and called her brother. “That really took me back, I thought ‘you knew and didn’t tell me?” Annie said. (KSLTV)
Last edited:

Melani lives in Gilbert, 8.1 miles away per Google maps (Phelps Street, right?). We know Melani is in deep at this point so maybe Lori calls her and tells her they hit that million dollar lottery ticket and are celebrating. Melani comes over with her 4 kids. That makes 5 kids running around, a teenager, and 3 adults. In July in Arizona they are likely to all be in the pool. The neighbor reported "lots of people swimming". Is 9 people a lot? In a gated community like theirs that might be considered a raucous pool party. Particularly if the neighbors had watched the house get swarmed with law enforcement that day, they might have had an eye on that house so might be extra quick to report anything to the home owner.


I think a party of just JJ and Tylee with 2-3 adults could count as ‘raucous’/similar descriptive words.

People get around pools and they shriek, especially children. Pools are concrete and surrounded by non-absorbent surfaces. Noise echoes and multiplies.

Point well taken about Melani's marksmanship. MOO I would think BB would have some sense of her skills, and despite all the messiness of their custody battle he has not once implicated her as the possible shooter, despite heavily implicating her in just about every other aspect of this case. Interesting.

also, wouldn’t Brandon know his own wife by her body language?
"We" don't have everything backwards.

I am fairly certain many of us have Chad as the master mind behind this whole monstrous series of events and murders.

Have never thought otherwise. Chad comes into the picture and literally everyone with a penny is killed, anyone in Chad's way of a life with Lori is killed.

Chad will spend his life in prison.

LE has so so so much more than we can even imagine. Chad is going away.
He has to be arrested first. Why do you think he is still free? If he is the mastermind, I just cannot see it myself. Saying everything is a vision to justify his thoughts and actions is no master plan.
No, the callous text was to Charles Vallow's sons. But her behavior after learning about Joseph Ryan's death was equally callous.

Police used a key from the landlord to enter JR’s locked apartment and found him dead in bed. The coroner’s report says that samples of the liver and thigh muscles were taken to be “held” for toxicology, but the death was not considered suspicious; it is unclear if toxicology was ever run. The death was ruled a heart attack and JR was cremated, meaning no 2nd autopsy can be done

respectfully snipped and bolded for focus

now would be an excellent time to run those tox samples if they still around....o_O

fingers crossed!

I’m sorry if I missed it there any info on what happened to that jeep?
It was registered to Charles Vallow. I don’t think Kay Woodcock ever got it.
As Alex allegedly used it later to do you know what...
It was a 2018 Jeep Wrangler. Worth 40K or more if CV paid cash.
Did LVD sell it?
It did not look like she shipped it to HI.
I hope LE has followed up on that jeep vin number.


The jeep was impounded by LE in Rexburg. Sorry if this has already been answered. Still catching up.
Yes after reading the email from chad to Lori the other day .... from way back in 2018..... I now Totally agree. He definitely has the power to brainwash people and manipulate. Lori was always the main evil to me. I still blame her of-course ..... these are her babies and to allow anyone to even consider touching them is beyond reprehensible! Most mothers would put themselves in harms way to save their kids. She must have loved them before .... but her love for chad trumps all apparently. MOO
Could you link the 2018 email from Chad to Lori? I have not seen that.
can you explain what booty fog means? google doesn't seem to know either
thank you!:D
I never heard that either but took it to mean they were both under the spell of these two women. Sexually infatuated so they were blind to anything else.
I figured as much
thanks all
just when alex and lori who are siblings the main ring leaders in all this he wouldn't have booty fog about his sister.....surely?????:confused:

anyone wanna get down in the mud with me on this? lolo_Oo_O

for clarity the original poster pingtheroutier never said as much but that's where my brain took me :p

Several other posters have wondered that.

Are we actually allowed to sleuth MBP and IP here in the thread now does anyone know?
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