Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #35

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I think the shooting of CV was a planned ambush by LV and AxC and they created a narrative in advance to support an "it was done in self-defense" story that they believed would remove them from suspicion of criminality. They gave TR a starring role in that narrative by having her - a minor child (NOT either of the adults) be the one who first introduced a weapon (the bat) into the scene. IMO, they did that because they thought police would surely believe an innocent, scared teen, even if they had suspicions about the estranged wife and her brother (who'd previously criminally attacked his sister's ex-husband and had done time for the offense).

There were inconsistencies between the evidence and the various stories told by LVD, TR, and AxC about timing of who was there when the shots were fired and how many shots were fired. AxC's story had LVD and the kids leaving before the SHOTS (multiple) were fired; LVD's story had LVD seeing CV after the SHOT (singular) was fired. TR's story had TR going in to get LVD's purse after TR had heard a single loud noise. ETA: CV was shot twice in the chest.

There were things that just didn't make sense: why invite an estranged husband who you are telling police you believe to be mean, nasty, and occasionally violent to the home rather than meet at a neutral location; if he is so mean and potentially violent that you invite your brother to stay so he'll be on scene, why take his phone - HIS private property with HIS private communications - and provoke his anger; why continue to withhold his phone and further escalate his anger; once you flee the scene in HIS car with the two children for their safety, why not go to police; once you leave the home in HIS car and know that the situation has become intense and potentially violent and that your brother is still there, why not call police to the scene from the safety of the car; if the shooting has already occurred and you know someone's life is endangered, why not call for police PLUS emergency medical care?

Beyond those rational questions, how to explain that AxC feared he was in such imminent danger that he'd be beaten to death with him having the time to get himself to a separate room, collect his gun, and turn around and shoot CV multiple times in the chest? Did CV just stand there, twiddling his thumbs, and wait for AxC to do all that? Are we to believe that CV secured JJ and Bailey in the car, left it running, and then forgot he'd done so and that he had limited time to get JJ fed and off to school as he engaged in a dispute with LVD, AxC, and TR? The minor wounds on AxC's head sure don't attest to a serious attack. The care and concern CV generally showed for JJ don't support the idea that he'd advance an attack upon all of them while JJ and the dog are out there waiting to be taken to school. At most, CV went in to retrieve his phone and expected that to be a quick trip inside and back out again.

What we know from MG's recent interviews is that LVD is a crafty liar and she is perfectly capable of creating a narrative that is not true, but that paints herself as an innocent person when she is not, and that she will orchestrate events that involve others in her lie to support her created narrative. LVD did so with TR with the supposed bat that CV supposedly took away and wielded himself as a dangerous weapon on July 11, 2019. LVD attempted to do so again when she instructed MG to lie to police and to take photos of random children that MG was supposedly to have taken while out with JJ to see Frozen 2 in November 2019 (as LVD had lied to police that JJ was staying with MG and they were currently out seeing that movie).

ETA: CV didn't wield a bat. There was one planted nearby him after he was dead to support the created narrative. None of MG's photos (had she obeyed LVD's instructions to take them) would have featured JJ and we all know why.
When I was in 4th grade, a friend had a metal plate put in his head from being struck with a bat. BY ANOTHER KID. He was in a coma for a couple weeks. So if the bat story was true (imo it was a lie), then Alex would have been unconscious at the least. All jmo
MOO. These interviews are primarily as messages to Chad and Lori. It is always easier for LE to gain knowledge about a crime from a truthful confession.

While watching the video, there were numerous times where the interview seemed clipped and inelegantly edited. We have Nate telling us that the interview lasted 4 hours, but we don’t have any where near 4 hours of interviews that have been posted. I suspect LE may have advised EIN what information could be allowed and what might have to be removed to not jeopardize the investigation. Hence, all of the sympathy for Chad and Lori and hardly any for the victims. If MG is seen being too sympathetic towards the victims it might cause Chad and Lori to hold back on a confession. Perhaps MG did speak more sympathetically about the kids and deceased spouses but they were edited out. MG is speaking to Chad and Lori in language they will understand about repentance, forgiveness while giving them the option to separate themselves from committing a horrible crime because they were deceived by a the most powerful adversary: Satan.

If we truly want to find out what has happened to JJ and Tylee, these interviews are a powerful step in that direction. Chad is out of jail and free to watch. I am assuming that Lori will also be able to watch these as LE, jailers and the prosecution allows. Her attorney will have to agree, too, I presume.
Definitely a gentle messgae to Lori that she was duped by Chad. I agree.
I want to know if police have them on camera leaving Yellowstone without Tylee or stopping somewhere on their way home.
There may not be photos of them leaving Yellowstone but I wonder if any neighbors would have videos showing who was entering LV's townhouse that day and or/ the days afterward. It's not absolute proof but Tylee not returning home on camera is something.
I think it is a nebulous group of people with similar interests who consider themselves "awake". ETA: I would loosely translate awake as "recognizing the signs of the times and preparing for Christ's imminent Second Coming".

There is no "cult leader", but a number of self-professed visionaries (personalities like Chad, spiritual celebrities). P*P and AVOW give these people a place to share ideas, meet locals like them, and the celebrities a platform from which to share their visions. Occasionally they get together to share these ideas, sell books, etc at larger conferences.

Completely agree with this assessment!! I think you nailed it!
After letting these interviews soak in I’m just angry. I’m sorry if this isn’t popular but while I appreciate her coming forward I get the feeling it’s self preservation. I don’t understand her tears for Lolo and Chad but nary an emotion for the kids. Calling Chad a “good guy” and “visionary” at this date is so wrong. Waiting a week to inform LE about the calls from Chad and Lolo was wrong. I’m sorry folks but I don’t like this lady. She was neck deep in this mess. Podcasts, books, speaking engagements, all of it. She never alerted anyone when the entire mess was unfolding with suspicious activity all around her. I don’t care if she was brainwashed or not, normal people don’t act like she did. Only now she comes forward because it serves her a purpose.

Where are the kids!
Finally! Someone said it. I'm glad you wrote that the phrase evoked that image.

Every time I heard it, that's exactly what I saw. Enter bathroom, lock door, make himself comfortable, and begin channeling.

"Hey sis, where's Dad?"

"He's in his portal."

"Yeah, I heard. Could you tell him to keep it down in there. It sounds like the dragons are gaining the upper hand. A courtesy flush might be nice."

His cellmates are going to love it.
Heh heh heh. Surely it’s not just the two of us for whom that phrase evokes that image...? ;)
That's not the impression I got. To me it sounded as though they were discussing how creepy it would be if Chad and Lori were to marry right after their spouses died (this is premeditated murder to me, no matter what MG says or wants people to believe she thought, and I'm pretty sure LE agrees) and Lori minimized it as she always does, and convinced MG no one would even notice. Lori is a psychopath, and Melanie was either too spineless, brainwashed, or otherwise motivated (probably by her worry of losing status in the PaP community) to stand up and do the right thing. Moo.
I agree they were talking about how creepy it would be to marry quickly after two spouse deaths. Lori may or may not have been planning murder at this stage, or hoping that God was going to do the dirty work. I don't know at what point she thought God wasn't moving fast enough and designated herself the instrument through which God was going to work His "mysterious ways". I think MG legitimately thought they were just being macabre about how Lori was excited for God to work His plans so LV could live with her soul mate. MG still seems very naive/vulnerable to influence; I can't imagine what she was like before.

After letting these interviews soak in I’m just angry. I’m sorry if this isn’t popular but while I appreciate her coming forward I get the feeling it’s self preservation. I don’t understand her tears for Lolo and Chad but nary an emotion for the kids. Calling Chad a “good guy” and “visionary” at this date is so wrong. Waiting a week to inform LE about the calls from Chad and Lolo was wrong. I’m sorry folks but I don’t like this lady. She was neck deep in this mess. Podcasts, books, speaking engagements, all of it. She never alerted anyone when the entire mess was unfolding with suspicious activity all around her. I don’t care if she was brainwashed or not, normal people don’t act like she did. Only now she comes forward because it serves her a purpose.

Where are the kids!

I completely agree. You don't get to be a member of a tribe living among us, but living by different and illegal standards of behavior. I don't want to get inside her brain and understand where she's coming from. I don't want to go there and she shouldn't have allowed herself to go there either, as tempting as "spiritual celebrity" might have been for her.

Multiple people have died. THEIR lives were stolen from them, from the people who loved and cared for them, and from US, the citizens who choose to live among law-respecting people who don't prey upon others to serve themselves.
When I was in 4th grade, a friend had a metal plate put in his head from being struck with a bat. BY ANOTHER KID. He was in a coma for a couple weeks. So if the bat story was true (imo it was a lie), then Alex would have been unconscious at the least. All jmo

Somebody on SM noted that Charles had been a college and semipro ball player and was very fit, and if he had really swung at Alex there would have been no shooting and possibly no more Alex. An ambush for sure, IMHO.

If there is a trial the ballistics and powder burn evidence will tell the tale.
There may not be photos of them leaving Yellowstone but I wonder if any neighbors would have videos showing who was entering LV's townhouse that day and or/ the days afterward. It's not absolute proof but Tylee not returning home on camera is something.
I wonder if any images would still be around. Maybe someone kept the files.

I was just listening to Justin Lum’s Q&A on his FB. He mentioned that FBI, etc. are supposedly out around Yellowstone investigating.

Is there any proof that Lori & Chad we’re legally married in Hawaii? Due to Hawaiian law, he said they weren’t able to find out if a marriage certificate existed.
I have often wondered if the Chad and Lori were legally married. We only see the two on the beach. I wondered if they just exchanged words between themselves with no official.

Note I did attend a LDS wedding in the ‘Presidents office’ one time. It was explained to me that the person holding the title and job as President of that particular church, is allowed to preform weddings. I always wondered since the Presidents position was rotated, if the couple getting married still had to go to the court house for a legal wedding.

I am interested to see the answer to this. Also dis Lori legally change her drivers license to her new last name. She would have needed a legal marriage license to do least in my state.
Strong points. I see one remote connection to one of your points. LVD tells MElanie to take these random photographs. When Chad is apparently a wreck, and Lori comes in calm as a cumcumber and tells her to "fake some photographs". I keep thinking of the last photos of Tylee at Yellowstone. Were those somehow a fakeout too?

I also wonder if Tylee believe everything her mother was preching.
I have often wondered if the Chad and Lori were legally married. We only see the two on the beach. I wondered if they just exchanged words between themselves with no official.

Note I did attend a LDS wedding in the ‘Presidents office’ one time. It was explained to me that the person holding the title and job as President of that particular church, is allowed to preform weddings. I always wondered since the Presidents position was rotated, if the couple getting married still had to go to the court house for a legal wedding.

I am interested to see the answer to this. Also dis Lori legally change her drivers license to her new last name. She would have needed a legal marriage license to do least in my state.
I'm not exactly sure I'm clear on the details of this wedding. It sounds like maybe a Bishop or Temple President performed it? Both are legitimate, they would just need to sign a marriage certificate, just like any other religious figure marrying anyone, that couple would need to obtain a marriage certificate, but you don't need to go through a separate wedding again at a courthouse.

I have often wondered if the Chad and Lori were legally married. We only see the two on the beach. I wondered if they just exchanged words between themselves with no official.

Note I did attend a LDS wedding in the ‘Presidents office’ one time. It was explained to me that the person holding the title and job as President of that particular church, is allowed to preform weddings. I always wondered since the Presidents position was rotated, if the couple getting married still had to go to the court house for a legal wedding.

I am interested to see the answer to this. Also dis Lori legally change her drivers license to her new last name. She would have needed a legal marriage license to do least in my state.
Yes Bishops are legally ordained to perform marriages. My first husband (nonmember) and I were married by the Bishop in the Relief Society room (regular church building). Moo.
I have often wondered if the Chad and Lori were legally married. We only see the two on the beach. I wondered if they just exchanged words between themselves with no official.

Note I did attend a LDS wedding in the ‘Presidents office’ one time. It was explained to me that the person holding the title and job as President of that particular church, is allowed to preform weddings. I always wondered since the Presidents position was rotated, if the couple getting married still had to go to the court house for a legal wedding.

I am interested to see the answer to this. Also dis Lori legally change her drivers license to her new last name. She would have needed a legal marriage license to do least in my state.
Well, @Ohmeohmy posted a vine link on her and she was booked as Vallow. I kind of remember she wanted to be called Daybell in there (maybe I am remembering wrong?). I would think they would book her with her legal name.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #34
I have often wondered if the Chad and Lori were legally married. We only see the two on the beach. I wondered if they just exchanged words between themselves with no official.

Note I did attend a LDS wedding in the ‘Presidents office’ one time. It was explained to me that the person holding the title and job as President of that particular church, is allowed to preform weddings. I always wondered since the Presidents position was rotated, if the couple getting married still had to go to the court house for a legal wedding.

I am interested to see the answer to this. Also dis Lori legally change her drivers license to her new last name. She would have needed a legal marriage license to do least in my state.

Yes they were legally married. One of the potential prosecution witnesses is the officiant from Hawaii. Let me scrounge around for this info. Jmo

Okay, post on 4/22 by Tortoise has the witness list. My post with a little more info is 2 *I think* after Tortoise.

ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #31
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When I was in 4th grade, a friend had a metal plate put in his head from being struck with a bat. BY ANOTHER KID. He was in a coma for a couple weeks. So if the bat story was true (imo it was a lie), then Alex would have been unconscious at the least. All jmo
Same thing happened to my dad when he was 13. Metal plate. Coma. Certainly more than the scratch Alex had.
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