Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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What a lovely gesture. Im sure JJ and Tylee’s friends and family will appreciate it. I appreciate you doing it. I hope you also hung a few for us here on WS who can’t be there! Those poor sweet children!

It’s heartbreaking! I hope what ever they decide, they decide to keep them together. IMO, Tylee was more of a mother to JJ than Lori could ever be. It seems like JJ and Tylee adored each other. Neither of them got unconditional love from their mother, but they got it from each other. MOO

Legally, will Lori insist that she is the only one who can determine what is done with the remains? Will she make a decision to spite Larry and Kay? Will Larry and Kay have to do an injunction?

I'm wondering what will be the next legal steps for Larry and Kay to possible go to court for an emergency hearing to get legal decision making for such.
Of course they couldn't gather that many. There's some evidence they were recruiting couples. Lori's friend AR spoke about it on the last Dateline episode. She declined Lori's invitation. Maybe there are others, even locally in Rexburg. People would be reluctant to speak about it in public.

It makes sense to me that they were recruiting couples, whether it was about fertility as someone above said, or, as I personally think, because CD created cult narrative around sex (as we can see from IP’s document about their beliefs); behind it being very practical financial aspect of insurances and if you have in every couple both of those who are into cult beliefs this makes very difficult for either one of the couple to exit.

For this reason I think it is a good indication that all those who got married in a hasty way in November were all active cult members, even if they state the contrary. MOO JMO
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So a question to those who may these disorders, do they progressively get worse with age? Or only if fed.

Personality disorders are different from mental illnesses – they are unhealthy deviant behavior patterns that are caused by many different factors, including genetics, family upbringing, traumatic experiences etc.

Here is a quote from Cambridge website definition of difference: “Personality disorders are described in the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10) as ‘deeply ingrained and enduring behaviour patterns, manifesting themselves as inflexible responses to a broad range of personal and social situations’; they represent ‘either extreme or significant deviations from the way the average individual in a given culture perceives, thinks, feels, and particularly relates to others’ and are ‘developmental conditions, which appear in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood’ (World Health Organization, 1992a ). They are distinguished from mental illness by their enduring, potentially lifelong nature and by the assumption that they represent extremes of normal variation rather than a morbid process of some kind. “

So to answer your question: it’s the way of thinking and acting based on many factors, not an illness. If not treated person can be like that life long, or go deeper down the hole and get even worse patterns of behavior.

I am not a psychologist though, that’s my knowledge based on what I know, so MOO JMO
I don't think Tylee believed she was going to BYU or anything of the sort. Sounds like she wasn't even old enough to attend yet. There is a question on whether she actually did have a GED that I didn't see answered. Tylee didn't want to move to Idaho according to her friend, and only moved because of JJ. None of this goes with her believing she would go to college there.
I do believe Tylee told one of the officers that she was going to go to BYU. Now, whether she really believed it, we will probably never know. MOO
The kids weren’t here for long, but this will always be a home as they have forever changed our hearts. I hope they find rest somewhere their families can feel comforted visiting them.
i hope the town builds a special memorial for them...but home they are together with Kay and Larry
PSA: If I were a member of the Cox family, I'd be considering whether there might be a genetic clotting disorder in the family. Alex died of a clotting event and two other siblings died, one shortly after birth and one as an adult. Alex's event might be an isolated situation, but then again...the other siblings were probably not tested. Summer, Adam, Colby/other grandkids...this is for you.

In her interview after AC’s autopsy results were released MBP said that Coxes do have genetic clotting disorder in the family
Bone marrow and hair can be tested for DNA
DNA tests usually take a while. But bodies that are bones absolutely can be identified, and very quickly, by dental records. JJ had rather unique looking teeth. I am assuming both kids have been to dentists, and that police had the records ready for comparison.
I don't think it was ever intended to be done. But Lori may have told Tylee that was the plan. Once classes starting was imminent, Lori probably had to take action.
Lori didn't tell her that was the plan. According to Tylee's friend, right before moving to Idaho, Tylee was considering staying with her friend in AZ, and only decided to move because of JJ. Which doesn't really go with Lori telling her that she would go to study in the University.
DNA tests usually take a while. But bodies that are bones absolutely can be identified, and very quickly, by dental records. JJ had rather unique looking teeth. I am assuming both kids have been to dentists, and that police had the records ready for comparison.

Joseph Scott Morgan said typically it would be dental ID because they would have already got a warrant for both of their dental records months a go incase they found the bodies
Personality disorders are different from mental illnesses – they are unhealthy deviant behavior patterns that are caused by many different factors, including genetics, family upbringing, traumatic experiences etc.

Here is a quote from Cambridge website definition of difference: “Personality disorders are described in the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10) as ‘deeply ingrained and enduring behaviour patterns, manifesting themselves as inflexible responses to a broad range of personal and social situations’; they represent ‘either extreme or significant deviations from the way the average individual in a given culture perceives, thinks, feels, and particularly relates to others’ and are ‘developmental conditions, which appear in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood’ (World Health Organization, 1992a ). They are distinguished from mental illness by their enduring, potentially lifelong nature and by the assumption that they represent extremes of normal variation rather than a morbid process of some kind. “

So to answer your question: it’s the way of thinking and acting based on many factors, not an illness. If not treated person can be like that life long, or go deeper down the hole and get even worse patterns of behavior.

I am not a psychologist though, that’s my knowledge based on what I know, so MOO JMO
Thank you, that answered my question. Sounds then, like it can be a learned pattern. Hmmmmmm MOO
Interesting. It would explain some things but I'm not sure it is entirely relevant. If Lori was put off by it she still seemed to have a close relationship with him until the end.
It could also be a factor which LVD used to manipulate AC and tie him closer to herself. Especially if this continued from childhood. Like “I love you the most in the world, but you know you are bad (*in their religious point of view*), and your light level is low, so you have to work hard and do what *God* (aka Lori) tells you to do” etc JMO MOO
Can you be more specific? Violent in what way? That he had a seizure and lost control of his bowels? The details shared by the Maricopa County medical examiner are highly specific and hard to confuse with anything else. He had a chronic condition that would not have been brought on overnight or even within the scope of the preceding year.

From the family lawyer's statement:

"The Maricopa County Medical Examiner determined that Alex Cox died from natural causes. The report, dated May 8, 2020,states the primary cause of death was “bilateral pulmonary thromboemboli”, a condition in which arteries in the lungs become blocked by blood clots. Atherosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease was named as a contributory cause of death."
Bad word use. Should have said "super messy". ha! I just feel that with the foam, and bowel results, more was going on.
I agree with you about the dig space. Everybody is staring at the dig space, zero attention or photographs (that we’ve seen) of the orange bag. My theory is that the orange bag contains charred remains of one victim that were laying directly on top of the other body. The resolution isn’t strong enough to see, but I wonder if that light area in the dark spot being photographed might be a skull. The two tents put up side by side when remains were being removed were over this spot, not the 2nd dig site.

And quite frankly, I don’t think Chad would go to the trouble of digging two graves.
Would they be digging near the tree wihout the cadaver dog alerting there?
Alright, let's discuss the forensic work done at the scene and, specifically, the images of what appear to be human remains. Out of respect for members and for convenience, I have uploaded images with annotations on our server. WARNING: don't click the link if you find the topic unsettling. The images are not terribly graphic, but I do know some people are particularly sensitive. Here's the link. PASSWORD IS: visual

That's very interesting!

Thank you for analyzing all that. If you can address this area of concern I still have?

I agree the orange object fits the area of excavation. I agree they weren't expecting overhead coverage. So what took so long to cover up the object if it is, indeed, remains?

Makes perfect sense. I haven’t spent a lot of time on the 144k aspect yet because it’s just such rhetoric but it is important. Although really in this day and age, women in their 40’s are fertile so perhaps that’s why she was trying to recruit her peers into her crazy scheme. Who knows. I don’t believe that she or Chad believed the end of days were coming so that influences my thoughts. Jmo
I believe their story was written as they went and as they pleased, therefore it is jumbled and makes little to any sense.
Take another listen ...
WARNING—- graphic image

I’ve got a side by side. I think the orange from the burial site is just way too big to be the gun bag. The scale looks to be almost 5-6’ long to me. A 5 gallon bucket is beside it for scale at crime scene.
View attachment 251203

Thank you for your warning. And continue to appreciate those posters who note that up coming images, content could be graphic.
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