Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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Thank you for your kind words. I don’t think she will be happy in court. If she hasn’t “split” from Chad by then, she will. “Splitting” is a simple term describe how BPD affected people will idealize someone before devaluing them. Lori clearly did this with Charles and at least idealized Chad. What wanna be doofus who fancies himself as an influential writer and spiritual guru wouldn’t appreciate that?

In jail, I suspect Lori is trying her best to garner support while shunning those she can’t move into her camp. The jail personnel need to be very cautious around her.

RIGHT! Unless you have had experience with one of these individuals you have no idea how deceiving they can be. They can even sucker in their psychiatrists. And yes, splitting involves going from being totally in love with someone to totally hating them. Explains at least 5 of the murders - JR, CV, TR, JJ, AC.

CD surely knew that day was going to come for him as well, unless the world ended before that!
Catching up on threads and see that many have analyzed the videos. I saw something in the VERY beginning of all the videos and still shots from the ground. Y'all talking about the black dog running made me recall that I noticed something early that ties into such I haven't seen mentioned.

There was something leaned up against a pole where the folks were digging at one point. I thought it looked like a black dog head, but not a real one! I was thinking "is this a stuffed animal that has some significance?" It was there for a long time in many shots. I specifically even did a google on the meaning of black dog as Dr. Campbell from COVID19 thread has a black dog on his shelf in every video and explained what it meant in one of them.

Just asking, did anyone else notice such? What do you think? (sorry, I don't know which shots I saw it in, but was within the first day of photos and videos coming out)

ETA: What I'm referring to is in the middle of this photo on the white brick next to pole. There were side/land views that it clearly looked like a stuffed dog, but I cannot find now.

View attachment 251207
‘Cult mom’ cops raided husband's property in JANUARY but missed kids' bodies

Hmmm, perhaps it's just a black camera? But you can see why I thought a black dog head? (If you stand on your head and squint lol)

View attachment 251208

Bonfires May Have Led Police To Search Chad Daybell's Yard, Neighbors Say
Definitely looks like a dog head, but it’s probably like seeing an elephant in the clouds! I agree it’s probably a piece of equipment.
Hi all,
I've been following along. Even though I think we all knew there would probably not be a good outcome for the kids, I still had hope.
Everytime I see Lori, I'm reminded of Cersei from game of thrones. The unnatural relationship with her brother, all the things that happened to the kids. Its weird.
Unfortunately, there is no metadata on the images.
Drag. I too was hoping there would be, so we could at least see just when the operator(s) got that little rascal to the scene.
How they knew that the bodies were Tylee and JJ when they found the bodies? Who else was going to be buried in Chad's backyard? The second they found the bodies of children it was obvious who the children were. Of course you have to verify officially which they presumably did through dental records. But Kay could have been told right away that the body is likely that of JJ, because who else is it going to be? And JJ did have rather unique teeth, so even non-expert could ID his teeth by just looking to tell Kay it was JJ.
Do you think this religious belief justification will be part of their defense in court?

I spent some time researching Idaho law/religious defenses early in this case. The only religious exemption I find relates to family’s right to deny/avoid/refuse medical treatment for religious purposes.

There may be case law that could answer your question but I did not find anything in the Idaho family or criminal code.

I’m curious about this too but researching the all the case law on this question would take waaayyyyy more time that I have to commit. Hopefully we have a fellow websleuther that can help us out with this?
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Because LE does not notify families of the deceased without proof of remains, there has to be more that we do not know. They cannot simply speculate about unusual teeth or surmise by the size or shape of skull. It is my understanding that LE does not have the authority to identify a body on hunch or sight in any condition.

Perhaps some part of the body was taken from the scene and tested immediately or tested at the site? Otherwise, then LE would not have been able to notify the family on June 9.

I wonder if they had a picture or scan of teeth from a skull if they could match it to dental records in that mobile lab? The more I think about it, the more I think it's an FBI digital lab. Jmo
Just a guess as a seamstress, but look at the size of the bag compared to the weapon, then look at the orange fabric at the site with the size of the 5 gal buckets. Looks like too much fabric to me. JMO
I'm thinking all that fabric is not just an orange bag, but an orange bag and something else. The remains could have been wrapped in something else first and then placed in the orange bag.
How they knew that the bodies were Tylee and JJ when they found the bodies? Who else was going to be buried in Chad's backyard? The second they found the bodies of children it was obvious who the children were. Of course you have to verify officially which they presumably did through dental records. But Kay could have been told right away that the body is likely that of JJ, because who else is it going to be?

Well, it could be anyone for whom they considered a zombie.

I appreciate all the feedback about this topic and on my posts. Much gratitude to all.

Having said that, I am going to let my curiously on this rest. :)
from what i remember from the day it was a helicopter or one of them was a helicopter, can someone else confirm it was the helicopter from the local news who took the photo? the drone won't fly over with an FAA ban in place the software you control it with won't go past a certain imaginary line so not sure if that was in place at the time or not but the FAA flight ban was posted on twitter it was a box around chad's house and property

Verified local @SleuthD-o-doubleg posted in thread #37 that a neighbor sent a drone on the first day of the search; no fly zone was put in place on the second day IIRC
Legally, will Lori insist that she is the only one who can determine what is done with the remains? Will she make a decision to spite Larry and Kay? Will Larry and Kay have to do an injunction?

I'm wondering what will be the next legal steps for Larry and Kay to possible go to court for an emergency hearing to get legal decision making for such.
Doesn’t the court now have custody of the kids? Am I imagining that? LOL MOO
Lori and Chad are a special case. This case has international attention. Her lawyer is 5 hours away and the state AG has taken over prosecution and is also 5 hours away. We also have Covid restrictions in place. It would not be surprising at all to learn that special arrangements have been made for them and possibly other prisoners to receive calls. It might even be necessary to preserve their constitutional rights so they don't get off later at trial because their rights were violated because consultation with counsel was hindered.

I'm not saying L&C are or should be getting special priviledges. I'm saying the entire jail(s) are likely having to change their policies right now. Actually, we already know this is true becausse they are preventing attorneys from meeting face-to-face with clients. They must talk over a jail-monitored phone line and ask that the call not be recorded. Since the monitoring system is designed to eavesdrop on prisoners to gather evidence, that seems like a HUGE violation to me to suddenly trust the police and the private company controlling the technology to act differently than they have been trained decades to do.

Times are different right now and special procedures are in place everywhere as we al know.
Correct-- @leighEg was able to call jail to get interview(s) with LS in Gannon's case.
So we know that reporters can call for an over-the -phone interview in at least some counties/ states and with Covid-19 shutdown, I imagine most are allowing phone calls to be received. JMO
The bigger problem is that none of the family appreciates the fact that they could be dysfunctional. And need help. And those that married into the family, soon realized there were unresolved issues. And divorced. Or died trying to leave. When you look around at people, this mess can open your eyes to toxic relationships at home, school, work, or any other place where you have established ties. Church or volunteer groups, as well.
I bet mental health or rather, lack of good mental health, is the catalyst of so many problems today. This case could help foster improvement in mental health care, if someone would help push it long. Nutrition and exercise are critical. We all know that. Apparently, mental health is the third component for a fulfilling life.
Idaho may be very progressive in its handling of crime by adopting a no insanity defense in their criminal code. It will keep predators like LVD and CD from walking the streets again. And give others thinking of heinous crime, concern that they cannot fall back on insanity as a defense.
I commend them as they pursue justice for these children.

I think it is also important to note that genuine Cluster B personality disorders typically do not respond to treatment i.e. they are incurable conditions. I have even seen these disorders referred to a different breed of human beings.
How dare he do that to children. The fact he would tells me that he was pure evil before the murders.

MB bought into that too. Did Chad make a hit list for her too? Seems she was intent on doing the same things her aunt did. Get rid of people standing in the way of your new life. And profiting off of it as well. Good thing Brandon and his PI put a stop to it.

LV is diabolical., but I don't think she would have killed anyone if it weren't for Chad and his revelations.

There is some pretty unsettling stuff surrounding her prior to Chad however including some possible questions about deaths (Tylee’s biological father for one) ...
What are the mental health and personality factors at work in this case? A professional analysis of the Lori Vallow/Chad Daybell case by Dr. Todd Grande:

Has this it been posted? Seems relevant to this discussion...I found it to be informative and a little funny too.
That's very helpful. He supports his views with specific examples: that has a way of highlighting what may be the most significant details. It's like getting a highlighter, when often on WS we get bogged down in minutiae.
I've totally lost track of the relevance about whether Tylee attended BYU? She was most likely murdered by her mother, uncle and/or mother's co-conspirator around the time the BYUI semester started on 9/16 and she turned 17 on 9/24. I know this keeps coming up but I can't figure out how it's supposed to connect to her murder?

If Tylee's death was off the cuff or planned.

If Tylee couldn't get into that school because of her age or her screwed up "homeschooling" then Lori knew that Tylee was going to "disappear" and was already laying groundwork for people not to question it.
It makes sense to me that they were recruiting couples, whether it was about fertility as someone above said, or, as I personally think, because CD created cult narrative around sex (as we can see from IP’s document about their beliefs); behind it being very practical financial aspect of insurances and if you have in every couple both of those who are into cult beliefs this makes very difficult for either one of the couple to exit.

For this reason I think it is a good indication that all those who got married in a hasty way in November were all active cult members, even if they state the contrary. MOO JMO
I think it could have been started/blended as a sex cult prepper offshoot that went too far, where Chad could be a "leader" and at the same time justify infidelity. Then he met Lori, and the two of them just spun out of control.. I think many people in the 40-50 age range get pulled into this as part of a midlife crisis. I can tell you that my parents (LDS) were approached by people in their ward of supposedly good standing (priesthood leaders) to participate in a complex "wife swap" about 30 years ago when they would have been mid 40s. Moo.
Did she ever answer Nate's question? She went right into justifying the marriage.

Eaton: Did you guys have a joint wedding with Alex and Zulema, or was that separate?

Melani: Alex and Zulema had been dating for several months, and Alex was very ready to marry Zulema. She was waiting until she got an answer. She knew she was supposed to be with Alex but was going to wait until it felt like the right time.

They had talked about wanting to get married in Jackson or Las Vegas, and it just so happened when they picked their date, they had more of a plan than Ian and I did. The coincidence of us picking the day right after them wasn’t planned or anything – it was just what happened. We made the decision in Arizona during Thanksgiving and said, “Let’s do it.” And while we’re there, we need a witness, and Alex and Zulema are there. This wasn’t our big wedding day – just the beginning of our lives together, and then we’ll have that special moment when we’re all together as a family.

Eaton: So they got married the day before you guys did?

Melani: We got married on the 30th, and I think they got married on the 29th.
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