Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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I think Tylee got the jeep after Charles died. And slight correction, unless things have changed, she could have had a learner's permit in Arizona at 15 yrs 7 months. Also, even though it was called Tylee's jeep when BB was shot at. I think it was still registered to Charles.

The Jeep was registered to CV but that couldn’t have been done after his death.

IMO CV bought or leased the Jeep for TR during the brief time CV & LVD reconciled & they were all living in Texas [sometime after LVD’s 58 days missing and 3ish wks prior to CV’s death]

In body cam footage at scene of CV’s death, TR lets the officer know, despite being just 16, that she drove to AZ from TX. I’m assuming she proudly drove her new Jeep. I’m also assuming (or hoping) LV &/or CV followed her in another vehicle.
Unknown Nissan Rogue SUV: Caught on security camera at Rexburg storage locker. Not sighted by me elsewhere. Idaho license, owner and disposition unknown to me. Possibly a rental, but the aftermarket luggage racks on top argue otherwise. It would be *very* interesting to know whose SUV this is.

I have attached pictures to make it easier for others to search if they choose.
This photo is current Apple Maps, date unknown (by me anyway). The question was asked at one point, wonder who’s car it is?

I also just noticed the barren spot with green grass around it that is the if not close to the dig site?


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ITA, IMO, this was normal behavior for her. She hacked into email accounts of Charles. We know she was snooping on his phone. She went online to try to change his life insurance beneficiary. She used his Amazon account to buy wedding rings. She used Tylee's venmo account to send CR money. I think she did this to everyone close to her. This is probably why Tylee didn't have much of a social media presence.

... but, but, but.... remember IIRC.... she's not tech savvy, she could hardly text... (I can't remember what were the exact words and quote by you know who... does someone else?)

*cough* *cough*
Agreed. I do not think it was CD or LVD. I think it was the son who was living there at the time of TD's passing. I believe he saw the disturbed area and over the passing months had time to evaluate whatever excuse CD had given him, realizing it made no sense and that timing was just too coincidental with the missing children. Compound that with CD's further lies and he just could not deny the inevitable after awhile.
And just maybe the youngest son. He's been gone for two years, think what he's come home to! Mom is dead, dad's new wife is in jail, missing kids signs everywhere, who knows what people in the neighborhood have told him, and the backyard doesn't look the way it did when he left....MOO
This photo is current Apple Maps, date unknown (by me anyway). The question was asked at one point, wonder who’s car it is?

I also just noticed the barren spot with green grass around it that is the if not close to the dig site?

Yes it is. Compare it to the Google Earth aerial that I superimposed the dig site on HERE.
I’ve received permission from mods to post this video.

I hadn’t seen this until recently but it is informative for a couple reasons. In this old YouTube video from what looks like to be Alex’s account posted 10 years ago. He refers to himself as gay. He also talks about tazing what he called his “pedophile brother in law”.

If true this would further indicate the possibility of a sham of a marriage between AC and ZP. Could also be the reason Lori called him a “disgrace to the family” as LDS typically do not approve of this.

To me, it also indicates that he could be further controlled by Lori and or Chad if this was used against him. Who knows what kind of “atoning” they required him to do.
Agreed. I do not think it was CD or LVD. I think it was the son who was living there at the time of TD's passing. I believe he saw the disturbed area and over the passing months had time to evaluate whatever excuse CD had given him, realizing it made no sense and that timing was just too coincidental with the missing children. Compound that with CD's further lies and he just could not deny the inevitable after awhile.
Yes, or possibly more than one of his adult children. How could you not notice something like that?
There's nothing like taking a break from this thread for work and, you know, LIFE, and coming back to see 20 pages. You pound through that only to see a link for the next thread and 30+ more pages.

Thanks to that poster - Vislaw - who did the examination of the orange material and the hole, etc. Pointing out the lasers - very nice. However, I don't believe there's any remains on that bag. None. What we're seeing on that bag is, if anything, pareidolia - our own Rorshach nightmares (and rightfully so). I juried on a case here in Canada involving a murdered child and his grandparents. Every piece of remains is photographed in situ, labeled and bagged immediately. Any remains in that hole is going straight from ground to bag or box. Left in the open air and ignored like that? No way. That image of the photographer taking that picture with everyone circled around - there's your remains. Mind you, in the case I reference, there was nothing bigger than a fingernail, and like I said, Canada, but I'm convinced that bones would go direct from ground to the very box that takes them to the autopsy location.

One thing I think we all can agree on, that sure looks a dumb place to dig a hole to bury anything. I'd be curious if a neighbor saw any tenting in that area around the time of the disappearances. You tell your wife and kids your next End Times Fantasy story involves camping, and you want to get a feel for it, you're gonna throw a tent up in the yard and camp a night or two. You tell her to go visit her mom. Pitch a big tent, cut out the bottom, carry in your 'problem' and you can dig to your heart's content.

JMO, yo.
Based on the Apple Maps photo I just posted, I wonder if that’s an old garden area?
And just maybe the youngest son. He's been gone for two years, think what he's come home to! Mom is dead, dad's new wife is in jail, missing kids signs everywhere, who knows what people in the neighborhood have told him, and the backyard doesn't look the way it did when he left....MOO

The adult children are probably are quite familiar with what graves look like during various stages of the process, including ground disturbance and settling.
The one who did the burying, IMO, is the one who rolled. Can't believe Lori did that, and hence would not have known the exact location. Maybe never knew where the bodies were so she could pass a lie detector test that "she didn't know!" and "she didn't do it!"

If Chad did the burying, which I think he did, for his own protection it would have only been him who knew the exact locations. IMOO

I've considered that as well -- Chad might have rolled and then told them he couldn't be there as they dug, so they sent him to his car, but when he tried to drive off -- they arrested him. That would make more sense with what his attorney said -- along the lines that Chad turned himself in (did he say that?).
The Jeep was registered to CV but that couldn’t have been done after his death.

IMO CV bought or leased the Jeep for TR during the brief time CV & LVD reconciled & they were all living in Texas [sometime after LVD’s 58 days missing and 3ish wks prior to CV’s death]

In body cam footage at scene of CV’s death, TR lets the officer know, despite being just 16, that she drove to AZ from TX. I’m assuming she proudly drove her new Jeep. I’m also assuming (or hoping) LV &/or CV followed her in another vehicle.

The Jeep was purchased in January (per the on-line "history of a used car" site I accessed) and the reconciliation period was around April.
I agree... light/dark, zombie, etc. was part of the Chad doctrine. But, was it Chad or Lori that began the physical steps to remove these zombies/dark beings from this earth. Which of them took the first steps in actually murdering (or leading others to murder).

I wonder how this all came together as well. IMO, Chad always had an easy way out. At some point he could have had another "revelation" or something to stop people from dying. He could have said Aunt so and so told me that these people are not zombies and should live. And yet he never did. He is evil.
Agreed. I do not think it was CD or LVD. I think it was the son who was living there at the time of TD's passing. I believe he saw the disturbed area and over the passing months had time to evaluate whatever excuse CD had given him, realizing it made no sense and that timing was just too coincidental with the missing children. Compound that with CD's further lies and he just could not deny the inevitable after awhile.
I disagree. I know it’s just opinions we are sharing here, but I’ll give mine.

who would think the kids would be buried on their own property? Not me! I can’t imagine even if you thought he was guilty you would not think they were buried there. I’m sure chad came up with something really believable for whatever disturbance was made there. Ex- building a fire pit, burning branches, burying dead dog, burying raccoon, etc. I can’t imagine thinking he buried the kids there myself, and I definitely couldn’t if I was a child supporting my father. Heck we never even broached that idea here so who would have thought of it... unless there was some questionable behavior or thoughts already going on that didn’t fit the narrative.

I just stick with technology being the informant. Someone could need protected because they didn’t mean to give off slight questions that investigators knew what they meant, but the unintentional tipster did not.

Or maybe there was surveillance? Maybe surveillance was put up at chads house and he was found to repeatedly “check the site”.
Their Dad has been doing it most of their lives off and on. There is a pretty good chance they've seen lots of graves during the entire process of funerary management.
Chad hasn't done it since 2015, and I think for some time before that. I don't think the kids were allowed to play much in the cemetery, as there would be deep holes and large equipment. At least, not enough that as small children they would know how graves at different times look. MOO
Has anyone else wondered how the families, who live states away, were able to "confirm" the remains found on June 9 were those of JJ and Tylee--unless they were already in Rexburg June 9?

It seems that a family member must have been in Rexburg to identify the remains the evening of June 9 otherwise how could they "confirm" they were of Tylee and JJ on June 10--before an autopsy was performed.

I don't think that identifying the remains necessarily depended on the autopsy, nor on having Larry and Kay there. They could have obtained a DNA sample from the remains ahead of the full autopsy to confirm identity. The autopsy will have been more about gathering evidence from the bodies concerning the manner/cause and timing of death.

My impression was that the bodies were found in such a state that identification by relatives wouldn't be possible. Maybe that's a poor assumption on my part. Leaving aside the question of whether there was dismemberment and burning of either or both remains, the effects of 9 months of decay alone on unembalmed, unprotected bodies seems like it would have reduced them to bones, which would be unrecognizable.

I suspect their being there was a symbolic/courtesy thing and not something procedurally necessary for identifying any remains. JMO
I disagree. I know it’s just opinions we are sharing here, but I’ll give mine.

who would think the kids would be buried on their own property? Not me! I can’t imagine even if you thought he was guilty you would not think they were buried there. I’m sure chad came up with something really believable for whatever disturbance was made there. Ex- building a fire pit, burning branches, burying dead dog, burying raccoon, etc. I can’t imagine thinking he buried the kids there myself, and I definitely couldn’t if I was a child supporting my father. Heck we never even broached that idea here so who would have thought of it... unless there was some questionable behavior or thoughts already going on that didn’t fit the narrative.

I just stick with technology being the informant. Someone could need protected because they didn’t mean to give off slight questions that investigators knew what they meant, but the unintentional tipster did not.

Or maybe there was surveillance? Maybe surveillance was put up at chads house and he was found to repeatedly “check the site”.
I think technology is the main possibility as well, no question.
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