Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #39

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I don’t know how to link it, but there’s a pic in thread 38, page 11, post 218 posted by vislaw of a pic with two tents over dig site #1 with covers being put up on the sides of the tents. There’s no orange bag, but a lot more dirt, so my assumption is that the orange bag has already been removed and the tents are now up to hide the removal of the other set of remains. I can’t explain the second dig site by the pond... but I haven’t seen any similar pics of it with the discrete covering of the sides of the tent. The interest appears to be around site#1, so I think both bodies were in one grave. I also can’t see Chad having the time or opportunity to dig two separate graves with family living in that house. Since one of the remains was concealed in an “egregious” manner, I just can’t see him being respectful enough to dig two separate graves for those children. I suspect he buried Tylee first, then when J.J. was murdered, he quickly dug into that same spot and put J.J.’s remains on top of Tylee’s. The orange bag suggests that he may have tried to burn the remains first, and when that didn’t work, he quickly went to Plan B and dug into Tylee’s grave - which would have been relatively easy with the dirt being recently placed - and disposed of JJ’s remains before he got caught. MOO
Tylee's remains were said to have been concealed in an egregious manner, not JJ's. They didn't try to burn JJ's remains.
JMOO both children were healthy and large for their age. I think they would put up a fight. JMOO I feel they had to be drugged or poisoned to make killing them easier. Maybe that’s even how they died. I can’t see a dirty death like knife or gun. I’m surprised that CD even got his hands dirty with burial.
CD used to work as a professional grave digger.
In the CBS interview with SS and JC, JC laughs and quickly shakes her head while responding "No!" in answer to the question whether LVD could be brainwashed by CD. So, if LVD attempts that as a defense now, the prosecutor will have her own mother scoffing at the very notion.
I was thinking about this the other day. None of the family will support her if she puts it on Alex either. :)
Very true but not necessarily PE. It was the hardened arteries and clots that killed him. I completely believe it was natural causes but he didn't die of stroke or MI.
As I mentioned earlier, this picture could easily have been complicated by COVID, because of the timing and the characteristics.
This article should put that thought into perspective, but the science has evolved significantly during the last month and a half.
Amid Signs Coronavirus Came Earlier, Americans Ask: Did I Already Have It?

A reminder, too, that you didn't have to go to China to get COVID, and there was community spread in the US early on. This means we can't dismiss a COVID complication on the grounds "XYZ person was never in China". Mount Sinai Study Finds First Cases of COVID-19 in New York City are Primarily from European and US Sources | Mount Sinai - New York
Also: Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China - governor
Organophosphate poisoning is another cause of pulmonary embolisms. I imagine if organophosphate poisoning can cause them, there are other drugs/poisons that can too.

I don’t know if organophosphate (OP) would be a substance that would be tested for in autopsy, or if it can even be detected.

Here’s link to OP causing pulmonary embolisms:
Increased Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Thromboembolism in Patients With Organophosphate Intoxication: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study

Here’s link to information about organophasphate — it’s something that can be foumd in a number of products.
Organophosphate poisoning: diagnosis and treatment

I don’t doubt that blood clots caused or contributed to his death. But I don’t think the blood clots just formed naturally.
Thinking back to the rash of deaths at Dominican Republic resorts. Official cause natural due to Pulmonary Edema on many. Happy and enjoying vacation one day and dead the next. More reading to do on the subject.
That hasn't been confirmed. It's speculation here, with most posts I've seen in agreement.
Which part? The info that egregious was used in connection with Tylee's remains comes from the arrest documents. The second part is my speculation: If JJ's remains were in any way disturbed, then egregious would apply to him too.
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About Chad lying about supernatural stuff to get his way...I don’t remember the exact details, but he lied about a dead relative of Tammy’s, I think her mom or grandma, appearing to him. I think he lied and said the apparition was upset about her playing a video game, and used the made up apparition to get her to play less.

So if I’m right about that, he would lie about supernatural encounters to get his way in extremely minor conflicts of his own making. He also lied in the “non-fiction” books to make money. I’m also pretty sure he knew that JR and perhaps other authors he published lied to make money.

So he appears to be a consistent, long term liar. To achieve very small, unimportant things like the video game conflict, and to make money dishonestly when he was very capable of making money honestly.

If all of that’s right, it’s no surprise he lied to Lori about the light and dark levels and the zombie stuff. It seems like he just conjured up these lies to give false religious approval for the nasty things Lori thought anyway.

But the shallowness and superficiality of these lies indicate to me that he was probably extremely surprised when murder came into the picture. This guy was a petty liar and a crook for some time, but I don’t think he had any inkling of what Lori and Alex were capable of.

This makes me think he will be quite likely to inform on Lori to get a better deal/plea. He knows that all of the religious stuff was BS, he knows that he’s a weird liar and not a god, so when the reality sinks in, the self preservation will too.

I also bet that he had the least to do with the actual killings and likely the burials. If true, this is another incentive to get a better deal.
Totally disagree. By now at least several people said Chad expected Tammy to die for at least some time. Julie R and Melanie G claimed the same thing-Chad was expecting Tammy to die. Tammy was healthy, Tammy was in great shape physically, Tammy was training for a marathon. There was no reason for Chad to expect that Tammy was going to die any time soon. So I don't believe for a second Chad was extremely surprised when murder came into the picture.
And this is mucho speculation, but a line of thought Chad’s defense might take: he could say that he was afraid that he could be killed next.

Any rational person wouldn’t expect the 5th husband to be the last. And his utility would end the moment Tammy’s insurance money ended.

So that’s kind of a stretch, but it’s plausible that a sensible person in Chad’s position would think that they were in some kind of danger.
Warning! ——graphic image

I think you’re right. Forgive my lousy pic but something to show you the areas I’m looking at. Could these resemble the black materials on the bag? I have a really big gym bag set. I’d have to measure but one is pretty big.

edited to add warning! I saw yours so figured out I prob should

My observation is not necessarily a response to this post, but just a general point about the bag.
The shape of the fetal-position hole in the dig may suggest something about the condition of the body when it was put into the hole.
The current state of the orange bag with contents is quite the jumbled mess. To correspond to that hole, the body would have had to have had some heft.
Also, if that's a bag as Michael0808 suggests, they'd have had to squeeze a body into that bag to get it into the fetal position.
It looks like it maybe had to have been a tight fit in that bag, otherwise the fetal outline wouldn't have shown up. Otherwise the shape of the hole would be more blob-like.

I'm not certain where these thoughts would go, but maybe they'd shed light on the timing of when the body was buried?

The other thing that strikes me....that burial really isn't that deep. I'm thinking it's not in the format of a gravedigger.
As I mentioned earlier, this picture could easily have been complicated by COVID, because of the timing and the characteristics.
This article should put that thought into perspective, but the science has evolved significantly during the last month and a half.
Amid Signs Coronavirus Came Earlier, Americans Ask: Did I Already Have It?

A reminder, too, that you didn't have to go to China to get COVID, and there was community spread in the US early on. This means we can't dismiss a COVID complication on the grounds "XYZ person was never in China". Mount Sinai Study Finds First Cases of COVID-19 in New York City are Primarily from European and US Sources | Mount Sinai - New York
Also: Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China - governor
Show me any evidence of covid being in Idaho in October and then I can consider this anything but totally ludicrous idea.
I missed the reference where it was stated that Tylee’s remains were the ones that were concealed egregiously. Could you please provide a link?

The exact word was used by the prosecutor (without identifying which remains he was referring to). You can infer that from the criminal complaint at the link. Complaint.pdf

Language used:

on or between the 8th day of September, 2019, and the 9th day of June, 2020: willfully destroy, alter and/or conceal human remains

on or between the 22nd day of September, 2019, and the 9th day ofJune, 2020: wilifully conceal human remains

ETA: Tylee was last seen on September 8. JJ attended school until 23rd.
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And this is mucho speculation, but a line of thought Chad’s defense might take: he could say that he was afraid that he could be killed next.

Any rational person wouldn’t expect the 5th husband to be the last. And his utility would end the moment Tammy’s insurance money ended.

So that’s kind of a stretch, but it’s plausible that a sensible person in Chad’s position would think that they were in some kind of danger.
Let him go for that defense, he will be laughed out of court.
I missed the reference where it was stated that Tylee’s remains were the ones that were concealed egregiously. Could you please provide a link?

Count 2, snagged from media thread. Note the different wording from count 1. The date on count 2 corresponds to the date Tylee was last seen.


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