Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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Common and Rare Risperdal Side Effects
Other rare but potentially life-threatening side effects may occur with Risperdal use. Most are associated with either overuse or long-term use of the drug.

They include:

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis (a dangerous build-up of acids in the blood)
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
  • Pulmonary embolism (the formation of a blood clot in the lungs)
  • Stroke
  • Sudden cardiac death
Ok I wanted it all to be Risperdal. Sp? Spell check doesn’t like my spelling.

Anyway I’ve been reading about it. But police per the timeline found JJs prescription bottle with I *think* either 17 or 19 pills left in the bottle. Indicating she stopped giving him the medicine.
So that was left behind, and I may be missing it but I can’t see that she refilled it.
Thought I saw it in the 3 part YouTube videos that Nate (East Idaho news) did.
Still looking. It may be futile but I think it’s important.
The reason right now, and I stress right now because this dang case is changing daily. Is that IF Melanie and Ian, and if Alex and Z married quickly with no real foundation for marriage, I don’t think it’s about anyone being gay, or life insurance. I don’t even think it’s about being a part of the 144K. I think it’s about knowledge of crime. I just don’t know how yet. Jmo
I really appreciate you being so honest and taking responsibility. I am a philosophy major, so for me too the argument is not with the person expressing it. It’s the foundation in logic and facts. It can be misconstrued as personal but it’s not.
You seem to be a philosopher as well. Well I will be when I finish this degree lol! But I think something that we work on, is clarifying that it’s the subject being debated, not the person delivering it. I love your posts.

Likewise enjoy your posts! I do fancy myself a philosopher (in a not very serious way). My wife would argue that it's just a penchant for overthinking and arguing :) I love that WS provides a productive forum to channel that! As a parent (like many others here) I get very invested in crimes like the case of poor JJ and Tylee and like the idea that our little discoveries and theories and tireless timeline building may be helping a little!
I am just not "getting" it. Chad Daybell seems like the world's biggest loser to me. Surprised that Lori was so infatuated with him, that she moved to Rexburg, ID to be with him.
Me either, but I guess we are not that easily impressed. I would have ran the other way. Someone linked a good article the other day on the psychological aspect of cults, it's complicated.
Still searching. I am sure this video has been posted. It is from mainstream media so I think I can post it. If not please delete me.
I am 2 mins in and I have a long way to go. And I am, well enraged. It’s from East Idaho News.
Not feeling like a joking Moo here. But it is Jmo
It's worth watching the whole video.
Still searching. I am sure this video has been posted. It is from mainstream media so I think I can post it. If not please delete me.
I am 2 mins in and I have a long way to go. And I am, well enraged. It’s from East Idaho News.
Not feeling like a joking Moo here. But it is Jmo
But if you are looking for something specific there is usually an article that functions as a near-transcript to help you locate specific quotes more quickly. The articles are posted on
@Nurse Gen I do not want to put you on the spot AT ALL with this! Can you help us with this report at all?

I don’t understand the conditions described. Or point me in the right direction?
Again, not putting you on the spot to have an answer or answers.

@Michael0808 this was the perfect time for you to join WS. Your fresh perspective and collegial style is just what we needed when we're all feeling devastated and grumpy about the kids MOO :)

When the ME report for AxC came out, I was just disappointed that it didn't seem to be poison and failed to analyze it carefully.

On review, it really does look like it was natural MOO again. Article at link is pretty technical but here are some key points:
-ME report states Pulmonary system shows multiple small (micro) focally organizing pulmonary embolisms (PE) Translation: these were chronic PEs that had been there long enough to attach to the blood vessels in the lungs. This is not rare; it's associated with lower limb thrombi/clots that are also chronic. IMO this fits with the idea that AxC, a long haul truck driver at risk for chronic lower leg thrombi aka Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) developed Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) which the article describes. The pattern of how the embolisms are located also fits with that diagnosis.

Chronic pulmonary embolism: diagnosis

ETA AxC would have been exposed to a lot of second hand smoke in Truck Stops and also if he often spent time in Las Vegas, and that would add to his risk for developing DVTs

The ME report mentions hemangiomas in the liver. Those are not life threatening and interestingly more common in women per this from the Mayo Clinic

Liver hemangioma - Symptoms and causes

The final abnormal finding in the autopsy is that "the proximal duodenum is notable for hyperemia of the mucosa with no sub mucosal or serosal abnormalities"
Translation: the top of the small intestine that connects to the stomach had increased blood flow
The Small Intestine - Duodenum - Jejunum - Ileum - TeachMeAnatomy

Hyperemia: Definition, Causes, and Different Types

It's interesting to note that the ME report says that there is no abnormality in the duodenal tissue itself, also not to the actual blood (no sub mucosal or serosal abnormalities). You would expect to find those if AxC had the most common cause of duodenal hyperemia: duodenitis or inflammation.

Gastritis/Duodenitis: Types, Causes, and Symptoms

So if we are still looking for signs of poisoning, this is where we should look- inflammation in the gut. But unfortunately (because I was ride or die on team poison) duodenal hyperemia is also caused by DVT.

One more thing IIRC Melani P did mention that vascular problems did run in the Cox family in one of the interviews she and IP did.

It could just be Karma, Cox family Karma. Who knows?

Oh, one more thing MOO
Likewise enjoy your posts! I do fancy myself a philosopher (in a not very serious way). My wife would argue that it's just a penchant for overthinking and arguing :) I love that WS provides a productive forum to channel that! As a parent (like many others here) I get very invested in crimes like the case of poor JJ and Tylee and like the idea that our little discoveries and theories and tireless timeline building may be helping a little!
Back to MP if that’s ok. I’m searching for the interview where I know she could not recall the Vegas chapel she was married in. I am certain it’s the Dateline interview. I need to pull it up and watch it again. This is important to me
There is an interview with MP by Nate Eaton published on May 10 in EIN and in that one she gave the name of the chapel. So it would have to have been after that, right?
ETA- I guess not necessarily.
I'm not sold on DI's theory about the Jeep but DI is a very careful and thorough thinker so I'm not ready to dismiss it either. If they left the Jeep in Arizona with some kind of plan to get it later after judging if anyone missed Tylee I think that would require endowing Lori and Chad with more planning skills than I think they have. My thought is that if they left it in AZ it had more to do with too many vehicles and not enough drivers.

I would think that if they left it somewhere with a person, we'd see that person's name on the witness list because it would be VERY important to learn that Tylee's jeep had been left in Arizona. Almost all the people on the witness list are people we have already talked about in one way or another but there are 2 mystery people so perhaps it is one of them. But I'd think that would have been mentioned in the probable cause affidavit. It's possible they left it in a long term lot at an airport. I don't know what LT parking rates are in the Phoenix area but in Tucson you can park for as little as $3.00 per day. I bet it is more around Sky Harbor or Gateway but still not a crazy expensive option. Gateway was formerly Williams Air Force Base so there is probably lots of open land for parking lots around there.

There is another vehicle mystery that puzzles me. Lori had an Infiniti SUV in Arizona then suddenly a Nissan Rogue in Rexburg. Infinity is the luxury brand of Nissan so those vehicles are very similar except for amenities. If teh Infiniti was leased and she turned it in in Arizona then I think it less likely the Jeep was left behind. They would have needed space to pack stuff. Even though they traveled light, they took some stuff and the vehicles would have been crowded.

It seems unlikely to me that Lori had great credit because, well, bankruptcy, and instability, plus lawsuits from CV's employees when he couldn't pay them because she stole the money in February. So I don't see her leasing or buying a car in Rexburg. Maybe the Rogue was a rental? Or bought used from a private party? Maybe she drove the Infiniti to Idaho then sold it and bought a Rouge. If so she probably would have needed Tylee's jeep for a few days.

AC few one-way to Mesa with MB on Thursday 10/31 on that same Allegiant flight (Flt no. 530) that CD took on Thursday 9/19. It's in the timeline.

Yes, there is a reference in the timeline to AC and MB taking a one-way flight on 10/31 to go from ID down to AZ to collect her things and drive them back up to Rexburg the first week of Nov (I think). But I don't see how that has anything to do with how AC ended up driving Tylee's Jeep (with the rear seat and spare tire removed) in Gilbert, AZ, on 10/2.

Are you saying that CD's flight on 9/19 was only one way? Because if CD's flight on 9/19 was only one way, DI's theory suggesting that CD possibly drove the Jeep back up to ID (where the seat and tire could be removed, and so that AC could then take it to Gilbert later in the month) deserves closer consideraton. I haven't seen anything in the timeline however that indicates that CD's flight on 9/19 was only one way.
Risperidone Starting dose is 1 mg per day. It is also manufactured as a orally disintegration pill. Sub lingual drugs react faster than pills you swallow, like nitroglycerin.
The orally disintegration tablets are prescribed for children most often. They may have a stronger effect in some adults. These have strong drug interactions and have a black box rating with the FDA.
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Likewise enjoy your posts! I do fancy myself a philosopher (in a not very serious way). My wife would argue that it's just a penchant for overthinking and arguing :) I love that WS provides a productive forum to channel that! As a parent (like many others here) I get very invested in crimes like the case of poor JJ and Tylee and like the idea that our little discoveries and theories and tireless timeline building may be helping a little!
First of all, you had me at “likewise” and “fancy” lol
I am loving this site.
And you’re right, we can channel these things. I don’t have biological children but have step fathered and fostered. It’s not the same.
And I hope beyond hope that these little theories and speculation lead to something.

If I had a wife she would be as right as yours lol! We’ve a penchant for overthinking and arguing.
It's worth watching the whole video.

But if you are looking for something specific there is usually an article that functions as a near-transcript to help you locate specific quotes more quickly. The articles are posted on
I prefer to watch the video.
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