Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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We know from another friend's of Lori that Lori became enamored with Chad's books about the end of the world long before meeting him in person. So I am not sure who used what on whom. Sounds like Lori had a crush on Chad even before meeting him-to her he was a celebrity. It's far from clear that Chad was the one who pursued her first-might have been the other way around.

I agree. I think LV set her sights on him, and with a few winks and at least one dance video later, and who knows what in-between... "they" were off and running.


Was one of the kids found tied up and gagged? Tortured? Or the really yucky one that keeps creeping into my mind, buried alive? MOO.
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I know it's way too soon, but how ironic would it be if their court case(s) started on July 22nd?
If I was a gambler, my money would go on July 22 as the date charges regarding the murders are filed against everyone who was in on, or privy to, “the plan”—with the exception of those who have secured immunity, of course.


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BBM. I don't believe that for a minute. He was the one labeling her children zombies and it was clear what it meant. MG even said that Lori was taken aback at first when Chad told her that Charles had become someone else (this was their first zombie).
IMO they planned and executed this together, with Alex's help.

I see Chad as cold and calculated as they get. He had been deceiving people for a long time. With Alex around, totally believing in the cause, he didn't even have to do the killing himself. IMO the kids would still be alive if they were not condemned by Chad.

Since it was his ideology and his prompts that led to the children's deaths, I don't see him getting out of his responsibility as the mastermind. Lori has more wiggle room when it comes to making a deal (if she's ever offered one). She could claim that she was blindly believing him and following his orders.
I agree here wholeheartedly. A couple of my reasons why. CD is the master manipulator.

1. Lori certainly manipulated situations.
Possibly lied about JR molesting her kid or kids. She certainly used that situation to her advantage. How. Drug out the court cases, fled to Hawaii, likely used CV’s money to fight the court cases, and eventually enraged AC enough to have him harm him. Then AC didn’t kill JR he tased him. I do think he died naturally as Annie Cushing claims she has had a few relatives die young of heart disease. She, LVD, also grew up with a family of manipulators, imho. But, she just manipulated, it was never murder or death before CD. I do think her sister was natural, and JR was natural.

2. She was following Chad when CV was shot. CD had already claimed CV was “dark”. He was already emailing Lori, staying at her house, likely having a physical AND emotional affair . CD had the knowledge of how enraged AC was with JR and likely used that as part of HIS manipulation plan.

3. CD manipulated situations too. Ex: frontierville, fake prophesies, I still want to know how he parented. CD also never had money the way LVD. I think he wanted the financial gain himself as well. A man that doesn’t want or value financial gain or expensive things is not usually interested in a woman that does imho.

4.Lori had no experience with dead people, or end times before Chad’s books or Chad. Chad built his life on end times. Books, publishing other authors with similar ideas, secret paywall forum, grave digging profession, speaking about his NDE and both sides of veil at PAP events. Chad was friendly with Julie Rowe before Lori who clearly took “prophesies” energy healing and such further than he did at first I think. He saw that he got “attention” and financial gain from these ideas he pushed. He got attention online, in person and eventually from Lori-who to him, was a beautiful goddess. He was attracted and wanted to be with her. And imho just as the proverbial guy that says “I love you” to sleep with the girl, he made the others in LVD’s life out to be “dark” so that he could be the favored one. He found LVD to be trusting of him because she truly was coming from a spiritual view of things at first. Her attraction was not to the embodied Chad but his “abilities”. She also craved attention and likely the “high” of a new relationship as she had obviously had a few in her lifetime and was in the midst of believing her husband was having an affair and who traveled a lot which is much different than she liked of being together in paradise. IMHO, they likely began the affair, CD created a manuscript or plan for how spiritually they would be together and it blossomed. There is no telling what CD told LVD to accomplish murdering the kids. I am convinced CD didn’t want to be bothered with kids, and really wanted to head to paradise with his trophy wife and wanted to let his pent up fleshly desires run wild. By that time they were both in thick.

I am not certain who I believe killed the kids. I think it’s possible that all the players could have. I also think there is a massive lie behind why they needed to die. Likely something like killing them before the end times would allow them higher heaven or heaven or whatever they call it.

I would think based on how AC wrote to his friend from prison and how close he was to LVD that he would talk with his wife ZP if they were truly close, or even MP. But I can see him not wanting to burden MP based on what she said their last convo was like. So hopefully, ZP knows details and she is cooperating. But, truthfully, I don’t think they were close and it was a front to be a part of the favored 144k.

I don’t know how long it takes to deprogram or if it’s even possible for that to happen on its own to Lori while in prison. But, if she gets passed these crazy beliefs I could see her taking a deal. But, she would have to have good info for a good deal. IMHO.

Of course, all MOO.
MBC's message really makes me roll my eyes. I am afraid they will roll back into my head and never come back. Tylee's is rolling her eyes at all the attention?
What in the world? MBP wishes Tylee was her to clear confusing? What exactly is confusing about being dead and buried in the backyard?
So how did the FBI miss the bodies in the January search of the Daybell property? They stated the search was in relation to the missing children. They also referred to the property as an active crime scene.

I believe the ground scanners work in frozen ground. They were outside raking the snow around the house. Does a warrant specify where on the property they can search?
Something has been bothering me for awhile and I couldn't pinpoint it until this morning as I was re-reading IP's notes to LE and I think there is another reference to it but I am still looking.
In IP's notes to his Ex-wife, NP, he states, her (meaning MP) UNCLES (plural) have her so wrapped up.
So, I know AxC would be one of the Uncles mentioned but do we maybe have another player hiding behind the scenes as in maybe LVD and AxC other brother, AdC ??
Uncles (again plural) is mentioned elsewhere also.
I know we can't bring his info here but this has been bothering me since I heard / read these reports.

Chad, would be an uncle in Ian's view. Adam has steered clear of all this.
I agree. IMO, to even begin to comprehend the truth, MBP would have unwind her life all the way back to when she was a 15 year old in high school who - entertaining fantasies about a mother and that mother's extended family she never had - resumed contact with the Cox family behind her father's back. And, she'd need to ask herself why not just her father, but a court had separated her from her mother and the entire Cox family for her own well-being. IMO, her maturity is arrested at the age at which she did that.

This hellhouse of smoke and mirrors that MBP is currently trapped in is exactly what her father and that court was trying to keep her out of. MOO.

Totally agree. SCope, like Charles Vallow had to battle that Cox craziness for years.
It is the Queen Creek AZ house she lived in with CV, if I'm allowed to post this (if not please let me know so I can delete). Does anyone remember when she lived there?

Found it, thanks. Another rented McMansion, $7K a month. Rental history shows a rental period of November 2017 to March 2019. This overlaps the rental periods of the Chandler house and the Gilbert house she locked him out of in January. Color me confused :-(
Just a weird thing from LV's instagram account - what she wrote to MBP on her birthday in 2016
"My Beautiful Girl turned 27 today ! She is my hero in every way! When I grow up I want to be just like my Meli...beautiful, intelligent, strong and funny ! Happy birthday baby Girl!"
What a weird thing to say MOO o_Oo_Oo_O


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Haha-- as much as I hate hearing or reading her selfish words, It does make me laugh at the whole lot of them.
I BBM her reference to how "" some have and will continue to edit out truths to their own advantage for the story they want.""
And LOL because that is EXACTLY what she and the rest of the Cox family do.-- they Edit out TRUTHS to their OWN ADVANTAGE for the STORY they want.
Sheesh-- Thanks for letting us know MBP-- we already figured out that is just what your family does.
Because, you know, Lolo always has a plan.

Agreed. They won’t ever accept the fact or believe that Lori did this. They will edit out the truths and put in what they want to believe like someone is out to get Lori. JMO
Not confirmed. We better have more reliable info than my notes, for sure!

But, my info was obtained from here:

Charles Vallow in Houston, TX - Complete Background Information
@fred&edna - I recall you discovering the Sugar City POB in December or January. I wonder if LE has confirmed the March 2019 origination date of this POB. Lori appeared to be putting a plan in motion at this time. She seemed to have convinced Charles all was well. See Gardener’s timeline below. This may be another piece of evidence pointing to conspiracy and premeditated murder.

1 Mar 2019 - CV files to dismiss divorce proceedings against Lori (Post register).

6 Mar 2019 – The court approves dismissal of CV’s divorce proceedings against Lori and they remain legally married but separated (Maricopa Co Court records, Post register).

7 Mar 2019 – Charles formally withdraws JJ from school at LIFE Academy in Gilbert and moves to Houston. CV's older son helped CV and JJ move from Arizona to Texas, after Lori had changed. "Lori had basically just disappeared, and he had no idea where she went for I think two-ish months, and so eventually he was like ‘alright, I have to move away for JJ’s sake, for JJ’s safety’ and so he decided to move to Houston,” said the son. Eventually, JJ would reunite with Lori and Tylee in Chandler, AZ (Fox10 Phoenix).

Approx. Late March? About 2 months after Lori went to Kauai in early Feb 2019, she returns to the mainland US; Lori’s friend AR heard that Lori was back with Charles and assumed whatever crisis Lori had been having had passed (Dateline).
I sometimes wonder if there was a plan to continue with their killing spree. Activities we know nothing about because we just don't know where they all were. Plans which were obviously ditched or missions which failed.

Did they continue to look for Brandon for example? Did they set plans to kill Kay and possibly Larry? Lori might have thought that Kay and Larry were the only people who would look for JJ, and their wills would probably make provision for JJ. They had not succeeded in getting Charles' insurance money, or Brandon's and so leaving without that money wasn't exactly what they originally had in mind. Perhaps Alex was promised a cut.

So I think money might have driven them to come back. Perhaps they thought that renting an apartment in Kauai would hide that trip back home.

Understood. For folks that have been here a long time and understand each others "personality"... we sometime say stuff that is misinterpreted by others. I have done a few posts recently which others that are new ... MOO ... misinterpreted.

But for folks that "know" us, they get it vs. new folks that don't?

If that makes sense.

All is good!
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