Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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I agree with you. I think this grew 'legs' and he couldn't control it.

I know what you're saying and have thought the same. He was drunk on all this sudden power and influence he seemed to have on LV and a few others in his/her orbit.

HOWEVER, there were multiple points from July onward where someone who is ONLY a disgusting, misguided creep, but NOT a criminal, might have said "Whoa, **** just got weird. I'm out!". Instead, at every point at which he could have literally saved lives, and himself from a lengthy prison sentence, he doubled down. Sorry but I have no sympathy for that and hopefully neither will a jury.
Keep in mind, these interviews were all done when Lori was behind bars.. and Chad was out for some time...after time.... so folks wanted to throw doubt on Lori and say Chad was mastermind ... vs. conspiracy, and they MOO had worked together for the deaths we see.
Chad claimed to be a prophet. Lori was his follower. It makes it natural that he would be steering that ship. He was manipulating Tammy before Lori.
MBP message...

While trying to mourn through this most devastating event our family will probably ever have to endure, the public continues to criticize and twist information, others are trying to capitalize on this tragic event for their own gain, and all this distracts from these two precious babes. Some have and probably will continue to edit out truths to their own advantage for the story they want. Bottom line is, that this is our family…you can speculate all you want, but no one has all the facts.”

This irritates me… what has MBP and Cox’s Family done to HELP search for JJ and Tylee? Nothing. They had it in their minds that they were “safe” and some stranger must be taking care of them but if she cared so much wouldn’t she/they go out and find where they were “hiding” and protect them. I don’t think the Cox family ever talked with LE and I’m sure they refused too.

“If you knew Tylee, she would probably be giving the biggest eye roll at all the drama unfolding in the media. To anyone using this terrible situation to express their hate and blame on others, she would probably tell you off- because she was the sassiest thing ever and wasn’t afraid to say how she felt.”

DRAMA?! Melani thinks this is Drama in the media?? And Tylee would tell somebody off who is trying to find justice for her?!

I hate when MBP talks….

I am stunned. I have actually done my best to NOT read MBP's statement because I knew I'd have trouble stomaching it. I'm enraged by the casual way she invokes Tylee, as if Tylee would have been shrugging off her own murder at the hands of her family. Shrugging off her own murder and dismemberment. Shrugging off her brother's murder. You don't get to do that, Melani! There is no version of events where that's ever gonna be OK or where there's "too much drama" over the murders of your neice and nephew. For the love of God, Melani!! Muster some tiny amount of decency!
We know from another friend's of Lori that Lori became enamored with Chad's books about the end of the world long before meeting him in person. So I am not sure who used what on whom. Sounds like Lori had a crush on Chad even before meeting him-to her he was a celebrity. It's far from clear that Chad was the one who pursued her first-might have been the other way around.
@fred&edna - I recall you discovering the Sugar City POB in December or January. I wonder if LE has confirmed the March 2019 origination date of this POB. Lori appeared to be putting a plan in motion at this time. She seemed to have convinced Charles all was well. See Gardener’s timeline below. This may be another piece of evidence pointing to conspiracy and premeditated murder.

1 Mar 2019 - CV files to dismiss divorce proceedings against Lori (Post register).

6 Mar 2019 – The court approves dismissal of CV’s divorce proceedings against Lori and they remain legally married but separated (Maricopa Co Court records, Post register).

7 Mar 2019 – Charles formally withdraws JJ from school at LIFE Academy in Gilbert and moves to Houston. CV's older son helped CV and JJ move from Arizona to Texas, after Lori had changed. "Lori had basically just disappeared, and he had no idea where she went for I think two-ish months, and so eventually he was like ‘alright, I have to move away for JJ’s sake, for JJ’s safety’ and so he decided to move to Houston,” said the son. Eventually, JJ would reunite with Lori and Tylee in Chandler, AZ (Fox10 Phoenix).

Approx. Late March? About 2 months after Lori went to Kauai in early Feb 2019, she returns to the mainland US; Lori’s friend AR heard that Lori was back with Charles and assumed whatever crisis Lori had been having had passed (Dateline).

i think we discovered that that PO Box was opened before she moved there, and included Charles' name because she expected a lot of mail to come via him alive or dead.
Just a random thought. Maybe leaving the kids' items in the locker was to hide what the locker's purpose had been. Just innocent family storage. She would guess police would be on her tail and would also know they would uncover storage charged on bank cards.

I imagine Alex was using it to store guns and ammunition and possibly anything else they wouldn't want discovered in a raid at the apartments like burner phones.

I also just remembered this piece of information from MBP's interview:

Eaton: When did you guys find out there was an investigation and JJ and Tylee were missing?

MBP: I’m foggy on this date but (Rexburg Police) Detective Hermosillo and another gentleman had come to my door while I was moving my stuff in so it had to have been early in November – I’d guess the second week in November.

I get a knock at the door, and I open it and see police, and I’m jumpy because what is my ex up to? What’s the next thing? Are my kids OK?

The detective said, “Do you know who lives next door?” And I said, “Yes, I think Alex’s name was on the lease, so sometimes my uncle’s over there, sometimes my aunt goes over there,” and I didn’t know what that was about. That was it. That was my first encounter with Rexburg Police.

It seems Lori was hiding before she even moved to Rexburg, and MBP was in the loop, shielding her aunt.

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Guess we live in different places in the states. I have hit an animal, such as a racoon, but I have never picked it up if I hit it miles or anywhere.. and then taken it back to my property to bury.

I've never heard of such.

Yet that is different from what your are saying completely isn't it? That burying animals is not unusual. Agree. But has nothing to do with this situation?

Those are two different things that you are speaking to MOO.

Dixie, I think the OP meant to say burying an animal to eliminate the smell is not unusual but not necessarily bringing home road kill. I used to have a groundhog problem. They would dig under the barn where thoroughbreds were kept and the last thing I needed was a 1,000 lb horse fall through the weakened ground, break a leg and destroy the horse. The first time I shot one, I threw it in nearby woods and after a couple of days, it stunk horribly. After that, I'd shoot them and bury them in the hole they came from. No more smell.
I listened to The True Crime video regarding Chad’s near death experience while cliff diving. Looking at Chad, I would have labeled this incident as a lie. There would have been no way I’d finish his book.

Often thought it was a lie. But Suzanne Freeman's interview with Nate Eaton convinced me that he totally made it up, and basically "borrowed" some of Suzanne's stuff. Chad is a total fraud.
Cult dad Chad Daybell believed his stepchildren were 'possessed by evil spirits' | Daily Mail Online
What plausible theory could MP’s lawyers cook up to show she wasn’t actively aware of the murder attempt on BB?

Based on what little we know, of course.

Just answering hypothetically your question, because MP has not been charged in any crime that I know of.

If perhaps MP was the driver, AC could have laid low in the back and MP may not have been aware that there was a gun, or if she did, did not know a shot was going to be taken at BB. She could say it was all an attempt to see her kids, so she did have a right to be there, staking out the place.

She should be thanking her lucky stars that BB was not killed and her children are still alive.

ETA: I wonder if she regrets divorcing BB now, unless she truly is as cold-hearted as LV is. He seems like a good guy from what we are seeing.
What plausible theory could MP’s lawyers cook up to show she wasn’t actively aware of the murder attempt on BB?

Based on what little we know, of course.

JMOO. She could probably paint AxC as an impulsive, unstable but loyal/devoted brother who tended to take her venting (or MP's venting) literally, as if it was a problem to solve. Case in point, he tased JR in the crotch at the mere mention that she was suspicious of him possibly molesting TR. Somehow he had painted TD as the enemy in his mind and AxC took it as a call to action? She might paint them all as unquestioning brainwashed operatives of Chad, where not everyone knew the details of what was going on, and she had no idea the things Alex had been up to (plausible, but only barely).

She could also possibly try to paint Chad the same way. It's going to boil down to what emails, texts, surveillance and other info do they have? I hope/suspect there is enough evidence that there is NO plausible counter-narrative!
Remember, Chad and Lori promised to tell their side of the story after all the drama in the media died down.

They were trying to sell the idea that this case was all hype, no substance. None of the deaths or disappearances were murders, it was all just blown up by the media. Now that the kids have been found deceased, MBP still blames the media for covering it.

This is what every charlatan (or high profile suspect) who has been caught says. "When the truth all comes out, you'll understand this was all a bunch of hype". Because... what else do you say, as that type of individual?
Has been an argument since day one. And the opinions just keep on rolling along....

ha ha....laughing at myself. Above, I stated the argument of "who is the leader" has been around since day one this case. I always say "dueling banjos". But I keep thinking it will be the "slant" of one of the many many books that will be written. And the title will not be "She Said, He Said", but rather it will be "He Led, She Led".......
Hi all - I'm not new to WS but new to this case (still reading from the first thread and the current thread at the same time)

I'm intrigued by Joseph Ryan's death and can't help but think the taser incident didn't, at a minimum, contribute to his death, even if he had underlying or undiagnoses heart problems.

There's a lot of contradictory research on tasers. This one is from this year:

Indiana University Health cardiologist Dr. Douglas Zipes analyzed the cases of eight healthy men, ages 16 to 48, who were tasered between 2006 and 2009 and lost consciousness. All but one of the men died.

Tasers Can Trigger Fatal Heart Trouble: Study - MedicineNet
Hi all - I'm not new to WS but new to this case (still reading from the first thread and the current thread at the same time)

I'm intrigued by Joseph Ryan's death and can't help but think the taser incident didn't, at a minimum, contribute to his death, even if he had underlying or undiagnoses heart problems.

There's a lot of contradictory research on tasers. This one is from this year:

Indiana University Health cardiologist Dr. Douglas Zipes analyzed the cases of eight healthy men, ages 16 to 48, who were tasered between 2006 and 2009 and lost consciousness. All but one of the men died.

Tasers Can Trigger Fatal Heart Trouble: Study - MedicineNet

We have had plenty of discussion about this, as well as more nepherious possibilities at the hands of our Alex Cox.
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