Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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Interesting that in the Affidavit sections that pinpoint when AxC's cell phone was in LV's apartment and when in his own, there's no converse that indicates when LV is in AxC's apartment. LV could have killed the kids in his apartment or something else nefarious.
Also curious. Why would AxC need to be in LV's apartment for hours at the time of TR's murder? What was he doing all that time? Babysitting JJ while LV was doing something else?
For probable cause affidavits typically LE includes just enough information to get the warrant/arrest. They don’t want to tip their hand any sooner than necessary. This document was prepared to get Chad behind bars for burying bodies. I expect plenty of damning stuff re Lori will come out when they charge her w/murder.
How about I just go drive over by the office and look tomorrow and see :) I don’t live far and I don’t mind ..... besides I will be in the area anyway... we will see if they are in the same building or not ...
Thank you! Use Price’s address in your GPS since Means may have the wrong zip code and/or street suffix on his.
I agree. This could actually get Lori off. Tylee was killed hours after the Yellowstone trip so almost all of the evidence and probable cause against her on the child abandonment charges is gone. She could conceivably be released on Monday. I'm sure they are bulding murder/conspiracy cases against her but those are actually going to be hard with Alex dead. Let's just hope she called or texted Alex a few minutes before he showed up at her house in the middle of the night on 9/9. For all we know she'll say Alex snuck in in the middle of teh night to molest Tylee, when she resisted, Alex killed her and Lori only found out later.

I could easily see her getting off and Chad just getting the destroying evidence charges. The APC looks bad mostly for Alex and without him being able to defend himself, This might not turn out the way we hope!

Lesson we should all take away from this. Leave your phone at home when committing felonies!

NOw that we are starting to get such raw data, we just will keep needing more and more!! Oh how we need text messages between Chad and Lori....

I still hope LE can get texts of Alex back to the summer ofo 2018. Does anyone know, from other cases, how far back they can go??? Since we know Alex was sloppy with his cell phone I would love to find him connected to Joe Ryan as well.
I like carrots. Note I did not mention peas.

Here's problem. She is being held on a few misdemeanors and two felonies of not supporting her children. LE has now sworn under oath that if she "failed to support" Tylee it was only for a few hours after they returned from the Yellowstone trip and effectively for no time with JJ. They have completely undermined any probable cause for holding her on the felonies. So her lawyer should be in court on Monday arguing excessisve bail for mere misdemeanor charges.

This is a significant development legally. The probable cause for her arrest and bail was essentially "negative evidence" as I've said before. LE failed to see the kids, failed to find evidence she was paying for their support, etc. Now we have a very (legally) good explanation of that. They were dead. So those charges should be dropped. And there is no way that $1,000,000 bail for a couple of misdemeanors is Constitutional.

Hopefully the Idaho AG will be working overtime over the weekend to arrest her for murder or conspiracy. Just like everyone else, I think she is guilty of conspiring to kill the kids if not doing it herself. But there has been absolutely no probable cause presented regarding that and the new APC against Chad actually exhonerates her on the felony charges she is facing. She can't be convicted of failing to feed and educate corpses. I know that sounds awful, and it is.

The thing I am curious about is why the judge unsealed the APC. There was no motion to request it from any party. So why did he act on his own?

Respectfully, I believe you are overthinking this: Lori is being held on charges other than abandonment/failure to support based on her refusal to produce the children or explain what happened to them. Under no circumstances is she going anywhere. At best, her attorney would argue her bail needs to be reduced, but you can see how laughable that would be under these facts. Even if it were plausible, nothing can take place without a hearing and the state would have more than ample notice and time to file additional charges even if that were the case. There is no way Lori's attorney shows up at her cell with these facts and spins them as "good news" for her.

While it is obvious that Lori's brother will be the focus of the defense, I see no plausible way that Chad and Lori escape responsibility through a conspiracy charge given their behavior and the facts known so far. Lori has no credibility and, under any telling of the story, she behaved despicably. Let's imagine, for a moment, that she claims she was in fear of her own life and kept quiet and let all of this play out while the dastardly men murdered her kids and coerced her to go along with it. It simply won't hold water and we haven't even glimpsed the evidence that law enforcement has and that which will be developed in the near future. Moreover, we haven't even scratched the surface of the probable claims against her for conspiracy and concomitant crimes involving Tammy's death. She is up to her neck and her biggest hope was that the bodies would not turn up. ... ooops.
Maybe a physician can speak up here but I've never been particularly concerned about the autism drugs. I think Lori was against using drugs long term even when prescribed. Its part of that natural living thing we have heard about. I know many regular sane people like that. I personally avoid prescription drugs except the occasional antibiotic if necessary.

So I think as soon as Charles was gone, the pills for JJ became respite therapy for Lori when she needed a break. Anyway, I think it is all moot now.

i dunno.... I just think we have put too much thinking into the prescription bottle... I look around my house.... it would be haunting to think what people might think about one old prescription or another!! ha ha
Gosh, it has been heart breaking to read these new documents.
This point made me so emotional. - "Gibb was on the phone with Lori and heard Lori call Tylee a zombie to which Tylee responded "not me, mom.""
Poor dear Tylee. How frightening and now it seems no surprise that she looks so unsettled and worried in the photo taken a Yellowstone.
I'm also amazed that they have been able to pinpoint Alex's location with such accuracy. I can only hope that means Tammy's death can be better understood and the murder attempt on BB. With all this new information the memory of Lori smirking as she walked past Kay, Larry, Colby etc is just sickening. She is pure evil and so is Chad.
According to the affidavit, MG and DW were in Rexburg in September to record a podcast. Lori and MG were usually the hosts. Three episodes of the podcast with just MG and DW were released in early December. Was Lori involved and they later re-recorded it without her? If yes, did the podcast owners know that something was up with Lori before MG went to police on Dec 6?
good question. Melanie G sure did a good job to keep David Warwick out of any of her interviews.... and now here he is. Why did the Nanny never mention that there were two people picked up? I remain perplexed with Chad's trip to Mesa over this same weekend... David Warwick has had some spooky weird stuff out in podcasts as well..
So.. what do you guys think would have happened if Kay woodcock never sent the police..... I wonder what their plan was. Didn't they(LE) say Hawaii was planned? We're they Gunna return and feign shock? Or did they actually think they would get away....

Also I was so stupid reading that affidavit with their texts. When I saw "limb debris" I thought they meant bones n skin n such. Omgp
Now we know why they waited until June to serve the SW.
Well-played, LE, well-played...

1) They didn't find the texts on TD's phone until June 1. That news flash from early March noting the digital tie from AC's phone to TD's death implies that they had AC's phone data way back in March.

2) Also, TD's sister's knowledge of the pet cemetery from interview on June 2. And the interview with neighbor MP after Lt. Ball's hinky meter went off regarding the raccoon text. I really hope the neighbor and Tammy's sister get to share that reward.

3) It seems... unnecessary for everyone to be physically in the same location to do a podcast, but thankfully there were or the alleged circumstances surrounding JJs disappearance and murder might not have been documented until much later. Interesting that Lt. Ball didn't interview them until June 3.

I am so thankful that DW reported he concern about JJ and asked about him the next morning. We already knew that MG said JJ acted the same as he always did, and can't help but wonder if they discussed this among themselves while they were there? They certainly had this conversation subsequent to the the phone calls from CD & LV asking MG to lie about JJ to the police IMO.

So... because we all like organized info and timelines:

before 3/11: AC's phone data (or maybe just part of it moo)
6/1: Tammy's text messages
6/1-6/3 Interviews with neighbor, TD's sister, MG & DW
6/5 SW signed
6/9 SW served

Some people have been speculating that since Alex is "conveniently" dead he may become the scapegoat. The fact that Alex IS dead creates serious problems of proof in that regard. Were he alive and able (and willing) to take the fall, he might be able to shield Lori to some extent. Now that he is dead, it would be difficult to make such a claim without having Lori testify. That, I promise you, would be a dream for the prosecutor. She has committed such loathsome acts already and is one of the most hated women in the country. Of course, her attorney will speculate and make arguments that the prosecution has not proven Lori's involvement beyond a reasonable doubt. However, there is so much bad conduct that can't easily be explained away and she was actively disparaging the kids with all this zombie and "dark" mumbo-jumbo. I suppose her best shot is to hope to mirror the Casey Anthony debacle in some way. While I will never understand how that jury failed to convict Casey, Lori is in a much deeper hole here.
The neighbor heard a shot and asked about it earlier in the year. Seems at that time there was a raccoon Chad shot out of a tree according to Garth. I don’t think we’ve heard neighbors recalled a shot on the day Tylee was buried. But why did Chad tell Tammy he shot a raccoon that day? He was specific about getting so close it only took one shot and we know lying liars who lie frequently give unnecessary detail . Was Chad concerned someone might have heard a shot? DID SOMEONE SHOOT TYLEE TO DEATH THAT MORNING RIGHT THERE IN HIS BACKYARD??!!

The possibility makes me feel even sicker. Tylee smiling, spending quality time running errands with Uncle Alex, swinging by Chads to borrow a tool or help w/some chore. And out of nowhere they shoot her. It would make some sense to do it that way—no risk being caught transporting her body.

I hope there’s enough evidence remaining that if she was shot they’ll be able to tell from her autopsy. And if a gunshot wound is found, who killed her. Chad or Alex? If it was a rifle or shotgun wound, I would think it’s more likely Chad pulled the trigger. Alex toting a long gun when he got out of the car might make Tylee suspicious. Plus I would think even for Alex it would be difficult to shoot a spunky young woman you watched grow up. While Chad may have never have laid eyes on her before that morning.

Frankly if Tylee was shot it may be our best hope of seeing Chad convicted of murder. I have no doubt he was instrumental in orchestrating her death, but proving it is another matter.

I can hear Lori’s attorney now arguing Lori didn’t know the kids were dead. Alex told her he was taking them to someone he found who could exorcise the demons so the kids could safely return to their bodies after all. He said he was taking them someplace safe and she believed him. Chad and Alex kept her in the dark all this time, and she’s absolutely heartbroken.

Meanwhile Chad can say he had no idea the kids were going to be harmed—Alex just showed up with bodies that needed burying.

And Alex the conveniently dead child murderer can’t dispute their claims.
I so hope there’s digital evidence to prove Lori and Chad were well aware of what was going on regardless of who did the actual killing.

Speaking of digital evidence, did Tammy’s response to Chad’s cheery texts about raccoon killing, limb- burning and library- going strike anyone else as odd? All that effort sharing the details of his busy good-guy morning and all he gets in return is a “Good for you”. I wonder if that’s just her text style or if she suspected something hinky.
I don't think Tylee was alive when Alex arrived to Chad's house on the morning of September 9. Alex visited Lori in the middle of the night just a few hours earlier. IMO it had to do with Tylee's murder or transfer of her body to his appartment.
Some people have been speculating that since Alex is "conveniently" dead he may become the scapegoat. The fact that Alex IS dead creates serious problems of proof in that regard. Were he alive and able (and willing) to take the fall, he might be able to shield Lori to some extent. Now that he is dead, it would be difficult to make such a claim without having Lori testify. That, I promise you, would be a dream for the prosecutor. She has committed such loathsome acts already and is one of the most hated women in the country. Of course, her attorney will speculate and make arguments that the prosecution has not proven Lori's involvement beyond a reasonable doubt. However, there is so much bad conduct that can't easily be explained away and she was actively disparaging the kids with all this zombie and "dark" mumbo-jumbo. I suppose her best shot is to hope to mirror the Casey Anthony debacle in some way. While I will never understand how that jury failed to convict Casey, Lori is in a much deeper hole here.

Those texts won't do good. He's out "shooting racoons" the same time Alexs GPS is pinging him there. Try and explain that!
I am glad JJV was wrapped up in plastic. It is going to help LE no end.

Unless they wore gloves and full noddy body suits when putting him in it they are going to have caught fingerprints hair skin and more in the plastic wrapping like carpet fibers.

They are also going to have preserved JJ to a higher level. Everything within the wrapping was on him at the time he was murdered or just afterwards.

Its actually a real win for LE.

I never even thought of such.

Would touch DNA still be present after being in the ground. Would the duct tape line up with duct tape found somewhere after so long (a la Casey Anthony case) etc. etc. Would the plastic used have a stamp on it which matches other items found in search warrants we haven't even seen yet?

Soooo much to come out.

I wouldn't call Alex "the scapegoat" but I think it's pretty clear he was "the muscle" behind that whole operation, not the "brains." Seems like plenty of people should be able to testify that Alex did things for Lori, because Lori told him to, not the other way around.
We have raccoons around here and I never have seen one in the daylight, always at night. Don’t believe this one for sure.
And day or night, apparently most choose not to hang out in trees.

Raccoons typically have multiple dens, and they move between them every couple of days. Because they are primarily nocturnal, raccoons during the day will be resting. These mammals are able to climb, and are sometimes seen in trees, leading some to wonder, "Do raccoons live in trees?" The answer is no, except in cases where a den is located inside a hollowed tree. Raccoons may climb trees in order to rest safely during the day. Most raccoons, however, will rest inside one of their dens.

Where Do Raccoons Live During the Day? | Terminix
I think she is protecting herself, not Alex. Whatever Alex did (and it would appear a whole lot) I think it is pretty obvious he didn't do it because he came up with it. To me it's clear Alex did whatever Lori told him to. I don't think Lori can "give up" Alex without "giving up" herself.
Go back and listen to what Lori’s mother said about Alex in her interview ...She said they didn’t even know Alex moved & remarried. Mom & S laughed about the idea of him being a hitman. He was the kindest, funniest blah, blah and Lori was as beautiful inside as she was on the blah, blah....lived for her kids etc.
Evidently Lori kept telling Mom & S that she was protecting them (mom and s) cause Blah blah ( KW ) was threatening her.
S added( oddly) at the end if anything has happened to the children it’s not Lori’s fault.

ETA to add link

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And day or night, apparently most choose not to hang out in trees.

Raccoons typically have multiple dens, and they move between them every couple of days. Because they are primarily nocturnal, raccoons during the day will be resting. These mammals are able to climb, and are sometimes seen in trees, leading some to wonder, "Do raccoons live in trees?" The answer is no, except in cases where a den is located inside a hollowed tree. Raccoons may climb trees in order to rest safely during the day. Most raccoons, however, will rest inside one of their dens.

Where Do Raccoons Live During the Day? | Terminix

My mom told me growing up to run if I ever saw a raccoon during the day on our farm.. lol was Tylee this "raccoon"?
NOw that we are starting to get such raw data, we just will keep needing more and more!! Oh how we need text messages between Chad and Lori....

I still hope LE can get texts of Alex back to the summer ofo 2018. Does anyone know, from other cases, how far back they can go??? Since we know Alex was sloppy with his cell phone I would love to find him connected to Joe Ryan as well.

IIRC from recent cases, companies specifically don't hold texts for more than a month or two and if longer, you have to have the phone. And we know that many had burner phones.

I would think LE is going cross eyed after doing tower dumps in MANY MANY locations to try to cross reference to figure out the numbers of the burner phones to get information.

What email did they use to register the burner phones. Do they have receipts. This is going to be the MOST complex case ever on WS! MOO
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If AC always kept his phone on him, I'll be interested to see if he was pinged in the area when BB was shot at and if there was a ping from a second phone that would have been the driver. I'd also be interested if AC's phone was pinged when TD was shot at with the so-called paintball gun, that I believe was a gun with a silencer.

I believe there is much evidence still being held for multiple and ongoing investigations and so far, we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
With all the pinging in September..... I assume they have plenty more for October. We just need to hear it.
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