Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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Go back and listen to what Lori’s mother said about Alex in her interview ...She said they didn’t even know Alex moved & remarried. Mom & S laughed about the idea of him being a hitman. He was the kindest, funniest blah, blah and Lori was as beautiful inside as she was on the blah, blah....lived for her kids etc.
Evidently Lori kept telling Mom & S that she was protecting them (mom and s) cause Blah blah ( KW ) was threatening her.
S added( oddly) at the end if anything has happened to the children it’s not Lori’s fault.

ETA to add link

Yes... this is precisely why I wondered how long she might have been trying to protect Alex as well. With no bodies... Lori could try to convince her family and her lawyers that Alex never did any harm to anyone. And therefore, where is Means on this, today? Is he having to start over with a new defense, with Alex as scapegoat now? I think I am questioning, in part, because of money. Tammy's death money must be totally gone, and who pays going forward.
Gosh, it has been heart breaking to read these new documents.
This point made me so emotional. - "Gibb was on the phone with Lori and heard Lori call Tylee a zombie to which Tylee responded "not me, mom.""
Poor dear Tylee. How frightening and now it seems no surprise that she looks so unsettled and worried in the photo taken a Yellowstone.
I'm also amazed that they have been able to pinpoint Alex's location with such accuracy. I can only hope that means Tammy's death can be better understood and the murder attempt on BB. With all this new information the memory of Lori smirking as she walked past Kay, Larry, Colby etc is just sickening. She is pure evil and so is Chad.
I don't understand why MG wasn't calling out LVD right there in that moment for terrifying Tylee. And why she didn't call the grandparents the moment she hung up the phone to get Tylee and JJ out of the household. Or why she didn't call Tylee and check in with her to show she cared and make sure she was okay. Or Child and Family Services?
You hear a child being threatened like that, you do something. Period.
I just can't fathom—with all these adults around—why NONE of them lifted a finger to protect Tylee.
If they were garbage bags, LE can match the roll markings with the rest of the batch in ZombieGang's possession.

Is it okay with TOS to refer to the cluster of three—AC, LCD, CD—as Zombie Gang? If not, can we come up with something else to refer to all three? Right now, we know 2 or more are potentially implicated in crimes, but we might not know exactly which two. For instance, all 3 might be involved in Tylee's killing, or maybe just 2. I was looking for a name that would cover the bases without in and of itself being accusatory and assume guilt. Maybe the Zombie Clique?
I count MBP as part of the Zombie Gang. Maybe even ZP.
IIRC from recent cases, companies specifically don't hold texts for more than a month or two and if longer, you have to have the phone. And we know that many had burner phones.

I would think LE is going cross eyed after doing tower dumps in MANY MANY locations to try to cross reference to figure out the numbers of the burner phones to get information.

What email did they use to register the burner phones. Do they have receipts. This is going to be the MOST complex case ever on WS! MOO

Shucks, was hoping they were kept for long periods of time. I would think back in 2018, the Coxes/Vallow phone plan was all tied together under Charles, and if with a larger carrier, might be accessible. I will probably not be satisfied.... but I just feel such misery for Joe Ryan... I have always felt he was emasculated and destroyed by Lori, and is death a dress rehearsal for Lori and Alex.... But my hopes will probably fizzle out...
Respectfully, I believe you are overthinking this: Lori is being held on charges other than abandonment/failure to support based on her refusal to produce the children or explain what happened to them. Under no circumstances is she going anywhere. At best, her attorney would argue her bail needs to be reduced, but you can see how laughable that would be under these facts. Even if it were plausible, nothing can take place without a hearing and the state would have more than ample notice and time to file additional charges even if that were the case. There is no way Lori's attorney shows up at her cell with these facts and spins them as "good news" for her.

While it is obvious that Lori's brother will be the focus of the defense, I see no plausible way that Chad and Lori escape responsibility through a conspiracy charge given their behavior and the facts known so far. Lori has no credibility and, under any telling of the story, she behaved despicably. Let's imagine, for a moment, that she claims she was in fear of her own life and kept quiet and let all of this play out while the dastardly men murdered her kids and coerced her to go along with it. It simply won't hold water and we haven't even glimpsed the evidence that law enforcement has and that which will be developed in the near future. Moreover, we haven't even scratched the surface of the probable claims against her for conspiracy and concomitant crimes involving Tammy's death. She is up to her neck and her biggest hope was that the bodies would not turn up. ... ooops.
Thanks for reassuring posters that the facts will keep both firmly in jail.
I don't understand why MG wasn't calling out LVD right there in that moment for terrifying Tylee. And why she didn't call the grandparents the moment she hung up the phone to get Tylee and JJ out of the household. Or why she didn't call Tylee and check in with her to show she cared and make sure she was okay. Or Child and Family Services?
You hear a child being threatened like that, you do something. Period.
I just can't fathom—with all these adults around—why NONE of them lifted a finger to protect Tylee.
I have a feeling that children in general didn't matter too much to this group.
I don't doubt that he did that.
I do doubt the fact that she did NOT like it.
She has been in his circle and has played along with his games and I think she even defended him a few times IIRC
NOW, now that JJ and Tylee have been found, in HIS backyard, she is changing her tune and deciding to tell bad things he has done.
She is self serving and in CYA mode too.
They all are, now -- because they don't want to defend the guy has his wife's children found buried in his backyard and read the horrific details.
But remember early on, when kids when missing how she said, "Oh, kids are safe, I see them in "light", Yada, Yada. Chad this and Chad that.
Yep, CYA mode-just like the rest of the gang.

We clearly know Chad had groupies... Julie is a day late and a dollar short for getting any serious reaction to her sensationalism and need for fame. What a sorry sort.
@Tortoise - I would like you to "tag" me when & if there are additional charges for either one - please! This thread is just moving WAY too fast for me to keep up!
Also I was so stupid reading that affidavit with their texts. When I saw "limb debris" I thought they meant bones n skin n such. Omgp
Respectfully snipped
Ya know, you might not be the "stupid" one here! I did a double take, too. I'm thinking CD made a Freudian slip and accidentally used "limbs" (with the double meaning) instead of "branches" (which is generally a tree thing and only metaphorically something else) because he was thinking of a body while he made the excuse. His mind accidentally pushed out the word that meant he had been burning the limbs [of a body].
Now we know why they waited until June to serve the SW.
Well-played, LE, well-played...

1) They didn't find the texts on TD's phone until June 1. That news flash from early March noting the digital tie from AC's phone to TD's death implies that they had AC's phone data way back in March.

2) Also, TD's sister's knowledge of the pet cemetery from interview on June 2. And the interview with neighbor MP after Lt. Ball's hinky meter went off regarding the raccoon text. I really hope the neighbor and Tammy's sister get to share that reward.

3) It seems... unnecessary for everyone to be physically in the same location to do a podcast, but thankfully there were or the alleged circumstances surrounding JJs disappearance and murder might not have been documented until much later. Interesting that Lt. Ball didn't interview them until June 3.

I am so thankful that DW reported he concern about JJ and asked about him the next morning. We already knew that MG said JJ acted the same as he always did, and can't help but wonder if they discussed this among themselves while they were there? They certainly had this conversation subsequent to the the phone calls from CD & LV asking MG to lie about JJ to the police IMO.

So... because we all like organized info and timelines:

before 3/11: AC's phone data (or maybe just part of it moo)
6/1: Tammy's text messages
6/1-6/3 Interviews with neighbor, TD's sister, MG & DW
6/5 SW signed
6/9 SW served


So so so so many lives and families destroyed. Tammy's sister saying what she did.. how now will TD/CK kids align with her, and understanding what she did. LE apparently did NOT go to ask the children who lived there etc... they specifically went to Tammy's sister for justice.

Actions speak louder than words.
I don't understand why MG wasn't calling out LVD right there in that moment for terrifying Tylee. And why she didn't call the grandparents the moment she hung up the phone to get Tylee and JJ out of the household. Or why she didn't call Tylee and check in with her to show she cared and make sure she was okay. Or Child and Family Services?
You hear a child being threatened like that, you do something. Period.
I just can't fathom—with all these adults around—why NONE of them lifted a finger to protect Tylee.
Tyler has a pinterest board showing she a fan of the show Supernatural. Characters were zombies. So to Tylee it may have just been a sarcastic insult from her mom because she wouldnt baby sit.
So did a family cat and dog both die AFTER Tylee? Because their remains being found first would seem to indicate this timewise. That’s a lot of deaths.
i think they thought this was their "out" from the beginning... a pet cemetary. I feel they wanted to mix up the bones so animal remains were on topl
And where AC was when Tammy was shot at with a supposed paintball gun. And on the night Tammy died of supposed natural causes.
I noticed the affidavit stated Alex had only made 4 visits to the Daybell address in September. Why just talk about September? Perhaps they’re saving the October dates for affidavits re Tammy’s death investigation. MOO
Did anyone find a buried racoon from 2 separate "racoon stories"? Maybe he shot one of the pets? Or, just covering up a story of a gunshot? Maybe there was no shot and they were checking to see if neighbors could hear a gunshot from their property?
I wonder if he shot and buried a raccoon for real in July then dug it up to burn and bury Tylee in the same place to try and disguise the human remains.
Tyler has a pinterest board showing she a fan of the show Supernatural. Characters were zombies. So to Tylee it may have just been a sarcastic insult from her mom because she wouldnt baby sit.
But Tylee's "Not me, mom" is very telling. She could mean that she wouldn't let Lori use the same tactic that was used on Charles. IMO Tylee was aware that people were called zombies and what it meant. Little did she know that nobody was safe. This sounds like a bad movie.
So did a family cat and dog both die AFTER Tylee? Because their remains being found first would seem to indicate this timewise. That’s a lot of deaths.
I think they were removed and they they dug deeper to put the child and animals were replaced. He knew about graves. If someone looked, they would possibly stop at the animals. Very planned.
Sexual assault isn't something that should be brushed off.
i do know that......... But I have also had to be a witness in a case where the statements were made, and they were outlandish and dismissed in court. After 100K in lawyer and court costs. But, I also just have no trust in JR, and never will.
I apologize to the majority of members here who have not only respected WS TOS but other members (even those with differing opinions). This thread is going to close for about 15 minutes for a clean up and will open again ASAP. There was apparently a free for all last night with a lot of personalizing, bullying, talking in code, etc. I will let y’all know as soon as the thread is open again for posting. If this happens again PLEASE do not respond, simply report. If there weren’t so many responses closing the thread would not be necessary as the clean up would be rather simple. Thanks for your understanding!
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