Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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FWIW September 23 seems to be special to CD. Grandma Lucille appeared to him in one of his spirit imaginings. 16- Paving the way to Paradise |
Do you think this has any connection to the date chosen for JJ to die?
This is what I get for going deep into an earlier thread.... Sep 23 gets discussed in Thread #4 around #846
BBM for focus
A couple of people have had questions about the speculative timeline I posted a while back. Again, haven't time to go back and find them to respond properly, sorry.

How certain am I about my surmise that Chad flew to Mesa and drove back in the Jeep? It's the best surmise I have in the absence of hard evidence. The flight schedules do not seem to make a turnaround possible in time to be with Lori and MG at the track. And if he did fly down and drive back, the Jeep was the most likely thing to be driving back in.

What about my surmise (not flagged as such, sorry) that DW drove to Rexburg? Again, flight schedules back to AZ and the fact that the babysitter did not mention him.

Why didn't the babysitter see MG's luggage? (extra bonus explanation): It think the luggage was in Alex's truck while Lori was trying to hustle the babysitter out of there.

You seem to be limiting the possibilities to direct flights to/from the Mesa airport, which is a tiny regional airport with a single airline serving this direct route between Idaho Falls and Mesa. You may not be aware of this, but the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport is a mere half hour drive from the Mesa airport, and he could have taken a connecting flight back on the 2oth, 21st or 22nd from PHX. It might have cost more to do things that way but he would have done whatever was expedient and I am sure timing was more important to him than cost.
Chad wrote fiction. I can see where it would be natural to ask Chad at some of these conferences (book selling events) for Chad's take on something that he had wrote about, some character, some esoteric ancient knowledge; his comment on Church history, recent disclosures. Whispered topics.

Yes opinions on, IMO, or theories. This is not that uncommon of a genre in literature, and not uncommon in spiritual circles. It is for people for whom the plain old gospel is not enough. There must be MORE.

At some point these fictional writings came to be looked upon by some as prophesies, even by Chad himself. As a good LDS members, Chad was raised on similar stories and told they were the very truth. Told that it was absolutely possible for these things to happen to the common man. The temples themselves are testimony to how many absolutely believe the Angel Moroni delivered a message for these "latter days".

It's the problems of our world encapsulated. Somebody thinks they're hearing from God, and God always agrees with them. JMO

Great post!
The truth is that, these days, you can try to run, but you really just cannot hide. You would actually have to be a prepper with an off-the-grid underground bunker fitted with years of supplies if you want to even try to hide. No phone, no lights, no motorcars, not a single luxury....these people were never going to pull that off.
Seriously! Tells us how Strongly LVD believed in that earthquake concept; otherwise, her right mind would have told her they were going to hunt her Down in pursuit of her children's livelihood. And now we find her without AC to clean up her messes. She must be struggling without him. Has anyone considered the idea of LVD CD planning to end their own lives after their marriage in escape "the end of days".
While it is obvious that Lori's brother will be the focus of the defense, I see no plausible way that Chad and Lori escape responsibility through a conspiracy charge given their behavior and the facts known so far. Lori has no credibility and, under any telling of the story, she behaved despicably. Let's imagine, for a moment, that she claims she was in fear of her own life and kept quiet and let all of this play out while the dastardly men murdered her kids and coerced her to go along with it. It simply won't hold water and we haven't even glimpsed the evidence that law enforcement has and that which will be developed in the near future. Moreover, we haven't even scratched the surface of the probable claims against her for conspiracy and concomitant crimes involving Tammy's death. She is up to her neck and her biggest hope was that the bodies would not turn up. ... ooops.

If Chad is willing to take the fall for the evidence tampering and do his 5-10 years, couldn't HE testify for the defense that Alex showed up at his house with a dead body that Lori knew nothing about until she was told later? Lori doesn't take the stand - no cross to worry about. Chad can say he made a mistake the first time then Alex had him over a barrel and he had to go along with Alex when it happened to JJ. If Tammy's autopsy comes back indicating foul play he could even suggest that Alex shot at then killed Tammy as a warning to Chad.

I absolutely think Lori conspired and hopefully solid evidence has already been found. But based on what we know now, I could see reasonable doubt that there was a conspiracy in advance. Maybe Tylee knew more than we have heard about Alex's role in Charles's death. He had ample motive to silence her on his own.

I think the saving grace in this case will be that none of them are very bright and they made some stupid mistakes that left evidence.
I am SO grateful every time a post causes me to laugh out loud, among all this crazy miserable nonsense. THANK YOU! :)
Thank YOU. I think these stupid things out loud sometimes because it helps me get through the craziness. No disrespect to JJ and Tylee above all but also no disrespect to all involved. The Woodcocks, Colby, Vallows, Annie C, Daybell family, our WS VIs, all the LE who have pushed for justice for so long... I appreciate you all. None of you deserve this.
BBM for focus
I'm not sure this adrenaline rush entirely would apply to Chad. He is quite comfy dealing with bodies and death.

And if my wild guess is correct, may have not been the stellar employee that we've heard about in that regard. His casual and what I think might have been ease,stealth, and speed with dismemberment suggests practice.

Is he though? IMO you're making quite a leap here. Much has been made in several threads of his earlier occupation as a gravedigger, but gravediggers really don't routinely handle bodies. They handle sealed caskets containing bodies. They dig a big hole, a casket is lowered into it, they bury it, the end. He would not have been involved (unless someone knows differently) with anything much other than that. As such he would have been an employee of either the city or the church (which is who typically owns and maintains cemeteries) and not the mortuary/funeral director. (as always, anyone who knows differently, please educate me, I'm basing this on experience in general talking to and consulting with sextons and cemeteries through genealogical research, and without knowledge of any special LDS-specific traditions that might exist).

So I guess I'm saying that although he might be inured to the idea of being around caskets and graves, that he would have zero reasons to have ever directly handled a corpse himself, other than perhaps in the case of a gravedigging mishap (which I'm sure happens).

Maybe he was swinging his golden pendulum in the hope that this one time when he really needed it to do so, it would actually accurately read or impact events.

If so, I hope it's on video. They can play that as an ice breaker for all his potential new friends when he goes to prison. Just like Lori's dance video when she goes too.
What exactly is Lori's dance video?

I understand that Lori is said to have sent a video of her dancing to CD but when and what was the nature of the video and how do we know about it (like a media link)?
Your hypothesis re: CD--being casual and not prone to an adrenaline rush might be altered state of mind based on depersonalization might fit Chad better...
Here's a study showing that folks who reported near-death experiences also reported more dissociative symptoms than the control group. Depersonalization is a dissociative symptom, so this does seem like it could fit Chad. (JMOO, this is just one study I cherry-picked and I acknowledge that).

No matter what his underlying (if any) disorder is, detachment seems to be something that he and Lori have a gift for.
What exactly is Lori's dance video?

I understand that Lori is said to have sent a video of her dancing to CD but when and what was the nature of the video and how do we know about it (like a media link)?

It was from a press conference featuring Kay Woodcock on Jan 30, 2020. She said CV found several emails between CD and LV, incl. one that had an attached video of LV dancing:
The Woodcocks hold another press conference in Rexburg
What exactly is Lori's dance video?

I understand that Lori is said to have sent a video of her dancing to CD but when and what was the nature of the video and how do we know about it (like a media link)?

Kay Vallow leaked its existence in a press conference. We don’t have a direct link to it, as it’s probably evidence.
Why did Chad say anything about a gunshot? Wasn’t Tylee already gone from whatever they did to her in the apartment that early morning? Then he took TR back to his apartment with him then waited and took her to the Daybell property with chad. Chad did shoot a gun bc the neighbors heard which is why I believe he mentioned it to TD and family to cover his tracks why did he shoot someone who was already dead?
Could you pls provide a link or source that supports your assertion that a neighbor of the Daybell's heard a gunshot on the morning of Sept 9? I have not heard or read anything about that. Chad didn't say anything about a "gunshot", he said he had killed a raccoon. This texted story however was, and still is, thought by RPD to be a complete lie.

All we have is CD's text to TD about an implausible raccoon in the daytime (a story which, again, the RPD investigator has dismissed as pure fiction). I myself assume that CD made up this story to tell TD to preemptively excuse any disturbed grass and soil she might later discover in the back yard, and to prepare TD for any "dead animal smells" which might emanate from the ground over the next few weeks. A preemptive lie, nothing more. Jmo
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