Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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Bing bing bing! That's how I feel. I thought the kids were safe and Lori was just being defiant. But that was based largely on how reasonably intelligent people would behave. They did not try to hide. They lived openly in Rexburg then Hawaii for months even while under investigation. I would have been completely freaked out if I had killed someone or buried a body on my property because I would know the jig is up. My entire life would be about hiding and creating a new identity. But these two seem to have been too dumb to understand that they would eventually get caught.
yes...I we have two people so wrapped up into each other and their ludicrous self-important fantasies that the heinous reality of their ongoing activities of deceit and murder don't require any effort from them to avoid detection. How nuts is that??
This. Why Sep 6? Why Sep 25?
On the days that they weren’t changing homes, marrying people, killing someone, burying bodies or planning earthquakes this crew must have engaged in some ordinary activities. Chad’s probably the only man Alex knew in Rexburg and Alex was the brother of Chad’s future wife. It seems logical that would have some non-nefarious interactions. Chad asking Alex to help him move furniture or fix something. Alex dropping by to borrow something or just shoot the breeze. I don’t expect every ping Alex had at Chad’s house to be pertinent.

But there will be some that happened at an odd hour or correspond w/significant events. And those will be critical for the prosecution.
If it hasn't been mentioned yet, I did call Mavericks today to see if they sold alcohol. And they do, they sell beer,wine and mixed drinks in bottles.It is a large convenience store. I believe alex bought booze. It was a 10 minute run.
The reason I needed to know is because I believe during those morning hours after they came back from YS that they had Tylee get real drunk. . Then I believe he dropped her off in the morning at Chads. They might have thought or knew she wasnt dead so she was shot and burned, the day Chad text Tammy.All on Sept 9th. 2019.

They’re Mormons though. I know I’m trying to apply sense to the senseless (regarding Alex) but why would Tylee think that was OK? It would have been something she knew was forbidden. I just have a hard time buying it for this reason.
Were MG and her boyfriend living in Phx at the time? Since they arrived in ID separately and he by car, I wonder if he and Chad drove from AZ to ID together. They could split the driving and drive through the night. If that happened maybe Chads main reason for going to AZ was so they could do something down there together or simply to “provide company” for boyfriend. In other words assess worthiness and brainwash.
I can believe the hypothesis that Chad drove the Jeep to Idaho on 9/19. But I've seen no evidence to turn the hypothesis into a theory. I don't think DW was living in the Phoenix area at the time. I think he was in Utah. But that would have been on the way from Phoenix to Idaho so not a showstopper to the Chad-drove-the-jeep-and-DW hypothesis.

One thing that gets me though is that Tammy apparently kept the finances for the publishing company. If this was a personal trip I think she would ask questions. If it was a business trip she would probably ask more questions. The faked email inviting Chad to stay with the Vallows early in 2019 suggests that his travel was under some scrutiny.
BBM for focus

You seem to be limiting the possibilities to direct flights to/from the Mesa airport, which is a tiny regional airport with a single airline serving this direct route between Idaho Falls and Mesa. You may not be aware of this, but the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport is a mere half hour drive from the Mesa airport, and he could have taken a connecting flight back on the 2oth, 21st or 22nd from PHX. It might have cost more to do things that way but he would have done whatever was expedient and I am sure timing was more important to him than cost.
He could have. But that likely would have taken much more arranging - Delta PHX to SLC and a rental car perhaps. Idaho Falls is also a small airport. I personally think the Allegiant flights are the obvious ones this group used and we have at least two examples supporting that.
EDIT: Yeah I'm not sure where September 9 came from either. That's conjecture. So far nobody has claimed hearing a gunshot that I'm aware of.

ETA: I recall someone conjecturing that maybe Garth wasn't good with dates, conflating mid-July (when there was a raccoon shooting, heard by a neighbor) and early September.
I live in a rural area and we have a lot of feral pigs. It's not unusual to hear gunshots but it's not a daily occurance, maybe once a month or two. If someone asked me if I heard any shots lately I'd say yes but couldn't tell you if it was May or February. It's common enough to be unremarkable but uncommon enough to be memorable. I have no idea what it is like near where Chad lived. But we'd need to know a whole lot more about how common raccoon/vermin shootings are in the area to judge this report. Personally I think the raccoon story is a cover for Tammy. Chad may or may not have fired his gun to support the cover but ultimately it is irrelevant.
Could you pls provide a link or source that supports your assertion that a neighbor of the Daybell's heard a gunshot on the morning of Sept 9? I have not heard or read anything about that. Chad didn't say anything about a "gunshot", he said he had killed a raccoon. This texted story however was, and still is, thought by RPD to be a complete lie.

All we have is CD's text to TD about an implausible raccoon in the daytime (a story which, again, the RPD investigator has dismissed as pure fiction). I myself assume that CD made up this story to tell TD to preemptively excuse any disturbed grass and soil she might later discover in the back yard, and to prepare TD for any "dead animal smells" which might emanate from the ground over the next few weeks. A preemptive lie, nothing more. Jmo

Is it not just Chad himself who said there was a shot in the text to Tamara?
They’re Mormons though. I know I’m trying to apply sense to the senseless (regarding Alex) but why would Tylee think that was OK? It would have been something she knew was forbidden. I just have a hard time buying it for this reason.

If you were told all your life god was like Lori and gave Lori excuses to be abusive to you, you would not be too faithful to Lori's god's ideas of right.
They’re Mormons though. I know I’m trying to apply sense to the senseless (regarding Alex) but why would Tylee think that was OK? It would have been something she knew was forbidden. I just have a hard time buying it for this reason.
Tylee would think it was ok because she was a teenager,and teenagers do a lot of things that are forbidden according to religion.

A lot of adults do things that are forbidden according to their religion.

Tylee was teenager that had been ripped away from her friends, a teenager that had witnessed the death of Charles, a teenager that had most likely low self esteem, the list goes on.

If they were such believing Mormons would it be right for Alex to work somewhere where liquor was sold.

If they were such believing Mormons would we even be here discussing the murder of 2 children that were murdered by people that claimed they were Mormons.

Tylee was programmed and had no one to turn to except Lori and Alex at that time.

They needed a way to incapacitate her. She was a big girl and couldn't be carried by 1 person.

I believe she was still alive when she was taken to chads and shot. I hated to write all that :(
Yeah, very odd that he goes out of his way to explain killing it with a single shot. I'm pondering if that's just added detail to try to sell the lie (a mistake that liars often make -- over-selling, being overly-detailed), or if he felt he needed to explain a single gunshot that someone nearby may have heard. I imagine we'll find out as more info is (hopefully) released.

I think that was probably it -- someone earlier mentioned he might have shot an unconscious or seemingly dead JJ just to "be sure." So, he was pre-splaining the sound of the shot and the disturbed soil at the same time.

But, if he believed his own drivel, he would be convinced not only that he was doing God's work by getting rid of the evil spirit that was keeping JJ from moving on -- he might have felt he had a duty to do it.

We don't know how much he believed what he was spouting. My guess is that Lori poisoned both of the children -- with CD's full knowledge and blessing -- and then Alex and CD disposed of the bodies.

I don't think racoon remains will be found.
I think it’s pretty clear to all of us that these people lie as easily as they breathe.

Guess we will have to see if Tylee was shot and go from there.
Yes I think it could go either way as to whether he did actually fire a shot. If he did, it might not even have been at Tylee, I can see a situation where he fired a shot for the benefit of any neighbors watching him burying something, and they might drop in conversation with Tammy that they heard a shot.

I think it sounds like he did actually fire one, because it would be unusual to mention 'one shot', and not just say I shot it.

I wonder if the white bag over JJ's head was how he was killed. It's possible it wasn't just over his head but over his entire body, but are white bags usually that big? It might sound like a silly question but assuming they are using household items, black refuse bags/sacks usually come in larger sizes than the white ones in my experience.

If that is the case, it happened after DW saw Alex carrying him back to Lori's apartment, because it's unlikely he would have removed the bag only to place it back on again, IMO.
Tylee would think it was ok because she was a teenager,and teenagers do a lot of things that are forbidden according to religion.

A lot of adults do things that are forbidden according to their religion.

Tylee was teenager that had been ripped away from her friends, a teenager that had witnessed the death of Charles, a teenager that had most likely low self esteem, the list goes on.

If they were such believing Mormons would it be right for Alex to work somewhere where liquor was sold.

If they were such believing Mormons would we even be here discussing the murder of 2 children that were murdered by people that claimed they were Mormons.

Tylee was programmed and had no one to turn to except Lori and Alex at that time.

They needed a way to incapacitate her. She was a big girl and couldn't be carried by 1 person.

I believe she was still alive when she was taken to chads and shot. I hated to write all that :(

I dont believe Tylee was shot, in fact we dont know if Chad fired a gun or he just said that to Tammy to make it sound more convincing. After learning Alex had a wee hour visit to Lori's, I think they were waiting for Tylee to fall asleep and with Lori's help the 2 either strangled or smothered her. No blood evidence left behind. Tylee is an adult sized person so I think she would be hard to move but they had cover of the garage to place her in Alex's vehicle. We know she was dismembered, the question is where. In Lori's bathtub? Probably not because Alex wasnt there long enough imo. That leaves being dismembered at Chad's. Did Chad tell Tammy he shot a racoon to cover himself in case anyone saw blood in the yard?
Bing bing bing! That's how I feel. I thought the kids were safe and Lori was just being defiant. But that was based largely on how reasonably intelligent people would behave. They did not try to hide. They lived openly in Rexburg then Hawaii for months even while under investigation. I would have been completely freaked out if I had killed someone or buried a body on my property because I would know the jig is up. My entire life would be about hiding and creating a new identity. But these two seem to have been too dumb to understand that they would eventually get caught.
Well then that would make you look guilty. Chad needed his supporters, so he couldn't exactly operate with a new identity.

They didn't announce to police they were leaving, and it seems Lori ditched her usual phone, which looks to me like a measured attempt at hiding while also not completely going to ground, to appear confident and innocent if they were found. Hanging out at the beach is probably not so dumb as wearing a disguise and staying behind shutters in a hut with a rifle somewhere. IMO.
LOL-- Yeah.. October 1st-- she talked to JJ, because you know, well, you know, and he knows--you know, he knows who we are.
Here is the quote
Janis Cox says she called Lori on October 1 — a full week later — and could hear JJ playing in the background. She gave "48 Hours" her phone records that showed a 97-minute call.

Janis Cox: He was alive and well.

Jonathan Vigliotti: How do you know that though?

Janis Cox: Because I know JJ … no one's gonna pretend to be JJ.

At one point, she says JJ actually got on the phone and said, "Hi Mimi," his nickname for her.

Jonathan Vigliotti: You spoke with him though on the phone?

Janis Cox: Yeah. Yes. And I heard him and he was out playing … And— he just takes the phone, you know — and he knows — you know, he knows who we are.

Janis Cox: So he still knew I'm Mimi, you know? He still knew me, Mimi.

Just WOW-- a straight out and out LIE--- did he speak to her through the veil ??
Inquiring minds want to know.
She and the whole family are nothing but a bunch of liars, IMO

I suppose its possible that lori could have recorded jj's voice and played it over the phone or in the background.
Some one may have asked this previously so sorry if I missed it, but what I really don’t understand, not understanding cult level religious people in general, if they truly believed it was their mission to rid the world of zombies, why don’t they just now admit what they did and say that they did as they were called by their god to do and, therefore, performed a just service? Why lie about the situation, hide from and shirk the responsibility of their ”calling?” That they don’t express this, especially now that they are in jail, leads me to think that the clearing the world of zombies talk was just a ruse to be footloose and fancy free together. How can they plead not guilty if they really believe that what they did was right in the eyes of their god?

I have been thinking about this a lot, and think this may be their case. With no insanity plea in Idaho, what if they present themselves in this religiosity theme to the max.... ??

Basically this is what MG is doing, and she is getting some leverage here.
They really have nothing to lose if they just stick to the end-of-the-world theme, and they are the chosen ones.
I believe Lori did believe in the zombie stuff, Charles himself said she had been loosing her mind for YEARS.

And Brandon said Melani was involved for "over 18 months",...takes us all the way back to the beginning of 2018; This is why I have no mercy for Melani BP, and why I keep thinking about Joe Ryan.
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It never rang true to me when I first heard Janis mention JJ on the phone call in October. Her wording was off. Unfortunately now I can't find it in that 14:00 video with Morgan Loew that has been posted a couple times today. Am I just missing her statement? Or maybe there was a longer version of that interview that included Janis's statement about the call in October?

From memory she never said she talked to JJ on the phone, she said something like she was on the phone with Lori and JJ was there "and, you know, he knew who we were." I don't think she specifically said she said anything to JJ or heard JJ talk. Easy to see where Lori and Melani got their word salad habits from. Morgan Loew definitely says that Janis claims to have talked to JJ, but what I hear direct from Janis didn't support that.

All based on memory of 3 seconds of video from weeks ago, I might be totally off.

ETA: fix my own word salad

Situations as mentioned above are why I really think Lori is truly dumb. Knowing what we know now, how could she even remotely think that "The Cox media show" was worth it.

When they came out, I really DID think the bodies would never be found. She was willing to let mom and sister get thrown under the bus.

Does anyone else think she has some other slick tricks up her sleeve to throw Melanie G under the bus? I don't know, but certainly wouldn't be surprised.
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