Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

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I think there are possibilities with poison and suffocation, and we don't know about Chad's phone yet. I guess what I mean is I think it very possible he would have thought of it as a priesthood rite. Obviously, an evil priesthood rite. But that he needed to be the one that did it. MOO.

I kind of agree with you. Although I'm all over the place with who killed them.

I see Lori as a biblical Jezebel. Who was her Ahab and who did their bidding? Jmo
That's possible. But they would had to have known ahead of time LE would find the picture. Jmo
I’m not so sure they’d know. Look at how many criminals get caught because of cell phone data. Because we follow crimes so closely, what we consider common knowledge isn’t necessarily known by the general public.

That said, if they were smart anyone looking to commit a serious crime would do a bit of research first to make sure they don’t get caught. I have my doubts as to whether or not anyone in this crew would qualify as “smart”.
@indicolite22 this is not directed at you, but your comment provides me a convenient opportunity to say this, so please know this is aimed at pretty much all of us:

I feel as if we all need to try to salvage a little empathy from the middle of our scorn and anger and outrage. It is very easy to dislike these folks or assign some evil to them by association. It's easy to say that anyone who is or has ever been on Team Lori and expresses support for her is either stupid or evil themselves. But it's not exactly a fair and balanced view of a three-dimensional human, is it?

Does she (SS) really need to explicitly state that she was wrong to support her sister? Is there a bill of grievances we can list that she could apologize for and she would then be considered to have shown "sufficient" atonement? If you were speaking to her (SS) face-to-face, would you feel comfortable reading that list off to her and demanding her compliance with your view of proper atonement? She who has lost her brother, her niece and her nephew to something that the many sharp minds here on WS still struggle daily to explain coherently?

Is it ever wrong to support a family member, other than in aiding or abetting criminal activities, or condoning them? Those poor children were dead before anybody even noticed they were gone, and before SS and JC were interviewed. We can't change what had already happened and I don't think her expressions of support for her sister or that dismissing the idea that her sister could have harmed the kids are unforgivable acts. Nothing she might have said or done months ago could change the outcome that they were already dead before you or I had ever heard of her, much less heard her speak, or had time to resent her for dismissively protecting her sister.

Families and people are real and people have problems and many families are dysfunctional. I grew up in one, and I think many of us who are here on WS have lived through or experienced or been shaped in some way by some dysfunction in our past. SS is no different. She may express herself in a way or with a tone that rubs us the wrong way, but she's dealing with a big gaping loss in her life, and us ascribing a bunch of ill intent or our judgement of how she's handling her feelings seems like we're just heaping abuse on another victim, no matter how distasteful we find her comments. It's not helping solve a crime. It's not providing closure to anyone. It's not directing our negative feelings at the right target. And frankly, it's petty.

Thanks for listening. MOO
Very easy to listen to you... i certainly understand what you are trying to state and what you state well.

It is just hard, when such folks were so determined to paint such a different picture, as the Cox's have done.

Chad's parents are silent. Ian's parents are silent. Melani's father is silent. Tammy's family is silent.

Kay, Larry and Annie Cushing are vocal, but with intent to find justice.

The Cox's were not. They were are the PR campaign.
But I thought this was an official thing....Mormon News Network, no?????
I am so sorry - I didn't mean to mislead anyone. I was just repeating what my Mormon friend called the church grapevine that relayed info to the community within a very short period of time. It was play on words like "CNN, MSN, etc".

I’m not so sure they’d know. Look at how many criminals get caught because of cell phone data. Because we follow crimes so closely, what we consider common knowledge isn’t necessarily known by the general public.

That said, if they were smart anyone looking to commit a serious crime would do a bit of research first to make sure they don’t get caught. I have my doubts as to whether or not anyone in this crew would qualify as “smart”.
I definitely am of the opinion that our three main characters never dreamed they would ever get caught or that anyone would ever know what they did. MOO

I also think I remember MP stating in one of her interviews (the one with IP sitting on the couch next to her) that she didn’t even know AxC and ZP were in Vegas to get married at the same time, as if the two marriages were just coincidence.

Edit to add correction***

This could explain the confusion.

copied from transcript of interview:

Eaton: Did you guys have a joint wedding with Alex and Zulema, or was that separate?

Melani: Alex and Zulema had been dating for several months, and Alex was very ready to marry Zulema. She was waiting until she got an answer. She knew she was supposed to be with Alex but was going to wait until it felt like the right time. They had talked about wanting to get married in Jackson or Las Vegas, and it just so happened when they picked their date, they had more of a plan than Ian and I did. The coincidence of us picking the day right after them wasn’t planned or anything – it was just what happened. We made the decision in Arizona during Thanksgiving and said, “Let’s do it.” And while we’re there, we need a witness, and Alex and Zulema are there. This wasn’t our big wedding day – just the beginning of our lives together, and then we’ll have that special moment when we’re all together as a family.
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I have a general question when reading the discussions about potential defenses if anyone knows the answer.
Does an attorney want to know if their client is guilty? If LVD for instance, confessed everything to her lawyer, do they have to report it? I feel like I read or heard somewhere along the line in general knowledge that an attorney can’t hear an admission of guilt and then go to trial. Am I pulling this outta my rear lol? I hope my question makes sense.
Yes. And Chad had no idea the children were buried in his backyard. He was also framed.
That was really the moment for Chad, when the FBI showed up, he should have freaked out, cried, said Lori was nuts, say he had no idea about the kids in the backyard. That was his only chance for his family to believe him, and they might have. But taking off in his car and trying to I guess run away, there went his framed moment. The FBI would never have believed him of course, this was just for his family to believe him. MOO
MOO ZM was married to AC on Dec 2. Just 10 days before he died of lclots in his lungs.
She was a practioner of Emotion Code, a kind of self help about getting rid of "emotional baggage."

Their marriage Las Vegas wasn't an LDS church sealing. It took 8 minutes with no friends and a security guard as a witness.
MOO his smile at YS with the kids does not jive with killing one hours later.
Hiding and abetting a sister crime, yes, but MOO he wasn't a killer on his own, more a pathological enabler.
Was reported that he and already struggled emotionally with shooting CV. The kids added on would start to deteriorate him if he could not face what LVD was. He might seek help trying to let go of his guilt as "baggage."
MP and IP were witnesses. And ZC and AxC reciprocated.

The dates were in MP's interview with MSM. I don't believe it was the 2nd of December. It was late November, maybe 30th? With MP and IP the day before?
The relevant video is with Nate Eaton. It's on post #1357 in the Media thread, 7 min and ff.
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I have a general question when reading the discussions about potential defenses if anyone knows the answer.
Does an attorney want to know if their client is guilty? If LVD for instance, confessed everything to her lawyer, do they have to report it? I feel like I read or heard somewhere along the line in general knowledge that an attorney can’t hear an admission of guilt and then go to trial. Am I pulling this outta my rear lol? I hope my question makes sense.
Lawyer can't report what client tells them (lawyer -client privilege). But they are not supposed to lie either. If Lori were to confess to her lawyer, her lawyer legally could not proclaim her innocent. They could still go to trial, though.

Hmm... I thought CV's friend/confidant was the bishop (the witness mentioned in police reports/body cam). He's the only friend I can remember being mentioned in news reports.

Okay, I thought it might be MP
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