Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

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I’m convinced that’s why Lori is still placidly reading and praying in jail... she still thinks she’s justified and that the same earthquake which benefited (Daniel? Apostle Paul? Whomever that Bible individual was), is going to ‘open prison doors and set the captives free’; and that it is coming for she and Chad specifically because they are Righteous.

OK, I'm sold. Let's give her 50 years or so to prove that to us.
It's Paul & Silas (Acts 16). The reference is a bit ironic in this case, with all the prophecies being flung around, bc Paul & Silas were actually in prison for removing a demon from a slave girl, thereby making her no longer able to prophecy about the future (which her master had been exploiting for money).

YES! My irony circuit just officially overloaded :)
Strange that CV is rated as a 3L in the ratings email from CD, Oct. 2018, which I interpret to mean he was rated higher than average on the Light side.

JR, on the other hand, was already sealed away at 4.3D and Tylee already rated at a 4.1D - so Laurie was apparently at that time already not liking Tylee, but Charles rates pretty well at the time. JJ is just beneath Lori at 4.2L. Lori is the highest in her family at 4.3L, of course.
Probably because there was still money to be bled from CV. After Lori returned to CV to “take care of the finances” it was time to change his rating to dark and call in Alex.
Thanks for sharing this.
It's one of the best video's yet, IMO
Miss Ashley is calling it as she (and the rest of us) sees it.
Love it.
Thanks! Has it ever been established who was supposedly threatening Lori? Is there reason to believe that she made the threats up?
Thanks! Has it ever been established who was supposedly threatening Lori? Is there reason to believe that she made the threats up?
All LVD and MBP said (and I thing MG also) was that Kay and Larry were threatening her.
I am sure Kay and Larry were texting and calling a lot because they wanted to see JJ and Tylee and when they weren't able to even talk to JJ, they reached out to LE
I suppose LVD felt that was threatening and more than likely exaggerated it to her little cult family.
**insert eye roll**
A couple of lines from the most recent Dateline, and my interpretations -

DW: I called Chad and I said ‘I want to know where those kids are’. He just said ‘for your safety I cannot tell you’. And then I said ‘how is me knowing where JJ is gonna threaten my safety?’ He just said ‘I just can’t tell you Dave’.

Keith Morrison: Days later MG confronted Alex.

MG: I said to him ‘do I want to know what happened to JJ?’ Cos that little feeling inside was going there’s something kind of weird going on. He goes ‘you don’t want to know’.

Chad to DW: 'For your safety I cannot tell you' = you would have to become a zombie

Alex to MG: you don't want to know = you would become a zombie

I wonder how A felt when L and CD fled to Hawaii? What were his plan for the future?
A VERY good question. The fact is, we don't know a lot about his movement from the end of September until he died in mid-December.

-He presumably went to the storage unit a handful of times in October.
-He helped MP move from AZ to ID at the end of October.
-He was in American Fork, UT in mid-November with MP looking for her kids and posted bail for her (while LV & CD were on their honeymoon)
-He was in Rexburg with CD for the welfare check on Nov 26, and told LE that JJ was with Kay in Louisiana, after which he & LV were seen packing up a truck
-He got married in Las Vegas, NV on Nov 29 and changed his name
-He witnessed MP's wedding in Las Vegas, NV on Nov 30
-He died in Gilbert, AZ on Dec 12, the day after Tammy's body was exhumed

Did I miss anything?
Interesting that a lot of his known movement in this time revolves around MP.
For what it's worth, the term kidnapping literally comes from the idea of stealing children. I have used the same word to describe this story to people before we knew for sure they were murdered. It is likely not the technically correct legal term in this situation but it's the word that automatically comes to mind for me if a child is missing and I'm not sure what exactly happened.

Do you say that because she said "and death"? I took her comment about kidnapping to mean the children, and comments about "death" to mean Tammy and Charles, but also maybe JJ and Tylee. She wasn't sure at that point, but was already suspecting they're dead. Either way, if we sum up all the things that have happened, kidnapping and death definitely sums it up.


We're in total agreement on this. As a more worldly person (and as a man), I would have been suspicious of this even without knowing anything else.
Exactly—- I remember in the very beginning when I was looking at the archived versions of Chad‘s books and websites. I know they’re still in the media thread. I first commented that I didn’t find him very religious because of the way he talked about ex girlfriends and told stories of the cemetery dates and so forth. You could say, in my opinion, that a very religious person would not put themselves in a position to spend the night in a situation like that. And I mean that from Chad‘s perspective and also all the other women that stayed. Along those lines I can’t help if what might have been embarrassing to Melanie wasn’t even mentioned in her interview. I can’t help but wonder if polygamy wasn’t discussed and/or brought up in these “small group” meetings.

Specifically addressing why I think she referred to JJ and Tylee as dead. She said this about 1 min in.

“I needed to do it for those that have passed on. That justice may be served. I think it’s fair for Charles, JJ, Tammy and Tylee. That there someone is standing up for them for what happened to them. “

My personal opinion on the word kidnapping is just that it doesn’t fit here with what we know. I’m not sure if Melanie was trying to reference something else or if maybe the nerves were higher at the beginning of the interview and she just chose a weird word. I have not heard the term kidnapping used in MSM in this case at all so I just found her use of the word odd. Especially when she refers to them as “passed on” later on.
I still don’t see kidnapping as fitting. I see it as murder. Unless, we look back to Lori taking Tylee from Joe Ryan and running to Hawaii.

I don’t know. I just find her assumption of them being dead as very telling. It makes me believe she has more information. It just doesn’t seem like something you do, presume someone is dead, in public and on the record. Especially when you are or were close to someone in the situation. And if you did make that statement it seems like you would use a qualifier with it.

I guess if you are a conspiracy theorist you could also wonder if her using that assumption might have been meant to send a message to Lori. Heck you could take it a step further and think the word “kidnapping” was a hint to use that as a defense.
I’m probably overthinking, but I’m known to do that. :)
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Honestly, not sarcastic at all........ but I am starting to believe that many of us who have "stuck it out" for months and months, DO have personal experiences that relate to, parallel, contrast, surprise us.... which makes us relive some of our own experiences in life.

"How bad could this have gotten?"

"Damn....that's pretty bad."
Fun fact: I am a big Bob Dylan fact, and I took my user name from his song, and Rod Stewart's version co-credited to Dylan, "Forever Young".

During this shutdown, Mr. Dylan has been releasing new songs at a fairly steady clip. Two songs that have been released recently, IMO, JMO seem to be inspired by this case! Could be more songs that I have not listened to yet, but I would not be surprised knowing how Dylan gets his inspiration.

On YouTube - "False Prophet" and "My Own Version of You", if you are in any way "in" to Dylan.

wow. wow. THIS I want to research more. thanks for these thoughts about our dear Mr. Dylan..........
It can be difficult to see spatial relationships from oblique photos. I did go ahead and check the historical aerials and this particular boardwalk and corner have not changed in more than 20 years. This particular shot is from 2016 but you can conform the view by studying the overhead aerial and associated landmarks. I've shown the photographer (LORI) in green with her position on the boardwalk. Her camera is sufficiently wide angle to capture the wooden rails in the orientation you see. I've projected a sight line from her position to the geologic feature marked "A" and show it on the overhead aerial. This matches up with the position shown in the photograph in question.
Thanks. I was just about to correct my idea and then you showed it!
you mean, ‘from a driver friend/acquaintance who is a user of drugs to stay awake, etc.’, correct?

I'm not sure if you're being humorous or not. I'll assume you're serious. There is a subculture around the seedier of truckstops (which is a fair number of them) that includes prostitutes ("lot lizards") and other colorful characters. Usually if you can find prostitutes, you can find drugs too.

While we have no reason to believe that Alex would partake in either drugs or prostitution, as a professional truck driver he would have been aware of the subcultural elements I'm referring to. Should he have ever been tasked with acquiring e.g. fentanyl, he would have known where to go and who to ask. And if he wasn't sure of either, he could easily reach out to a network of other truckers to get current information via CB radio.

That's what I mean.
I have believed the children were dead for a long time now. One didn't need inside information to figure that out. There was no sign of them, and Tylee is a teenage girl, and JJ is autistic. I didn't see how it would be possible to have them hidden, and there was no actual reason to hide them either.
Did the FBI say where they found this photo? If not, maybe, they found it on one of the many burner phones that were confiscated.

By releasing this photo, it was a message to CD and LVD that they have the phones and have recovered the data on them.

the two photos were taken back to back, by the same camera...moo, but does appear quite obvious.....
Maybe the release of the photo doesn't mean anything in particular in relation to the case except that the people investigating it are human too and they just went through the awful and painstaking process of locating and digging up these two innocent children's remains.

Perhaps they prefer to remember Tylee and JJ smiling and enjoying themselves one last time together before Tylee's life was snuffed out and her remains were treated so inhumanely. That's how I am going to think of this photo release until I have clear evidence to the contrary.

By releasing the photo, LE could have just been indicating to Lori that the photo might show very important. If I were Lori, I'd be having an anxiety attack wondering what the "something" was that LE discovered, even if as an actual fact the photo was irrelevant to LE's investigation. In other words, they're trying to spook her into thinking she made a big mistake she didn't realize...
Would you humor me and share an MSM link for those false and damaging statements that she made about Kay or Larry Woodcock specifically? Maybe I've been reading the wrong transcripts. I'm also not finding anything blaming Charles for his own death.

Lori's sister (SS) suggests Kay Woodcock requested a welfare check out of revenge:

SS: She was being threatened... she was being followed.
SS: Kay was threatening her.
SS: I feel that Kay could have handled this a lot of different ways.... She did this very strategically and deliberately... This is a revenge situation. This is something that could have been settled much quieter and calmly... Lori should not have been forced to do any of the things she has been asked to do.

She also suggests that Charles had bad intentions and says that she was greateful for the outcome:

SS: If Alex hadn't been there, I think Lori and Tylee would have been in the news for a very different reason.
SS: I asked Alex the day before Charles was coming if he would please go stay with Lori... I didn't feel safe Charles coming to town...
SS: I was grateful also. It would have been a very different outcome had Alex not been there... He (Charles) was here with an agenda... He was here causing the trouble... He was here bugging her.

Unedited interview:
I think -- maybe I totally misread it! -- that the reference to "MNN" mean "the grapevine" (i.e. informal communication) among Mormons, via word-of-mouth. If we assume that the prison's demographics follow the state's demographics, then around 1/4 of the prisoners could be assumed to identify as Mormon. It's an effective, if not super efficient, communication newtork.

If I totally misread the meaning of this, then I apologize in advance :)
But I thought this was an official thing....Mormon News Network, no?????
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