Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #14

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So did the kids go to Hawaii with them the first time they went at beginning of Nov when they married or the second time perhaps after Thanksgiving? Where were Chad, Tammy and the kids at Thansgiving ? Who did the kids spend it with?

No, I don't believe the kids went with them. The kids were not in the Nov 5th wedding photos and photographer didn't see them. We have also heard from the lady they approached on Nov 7th about renting a room and they didn't mention Tylee and JJ. They mentioned having adult children only and that their adult children might visit them in HI later. The kids have not been seen since Sept (Sept 23 for JJ and an unknown Sept date for Tylee). No one saw the kids on Thanksgiving as far as we know. LE have also repeatedly said there is no evidence the kids were ever in Hawaii with Lori and Chad. MOO.

ETA: I just realized you may have meant Chad's adult kids. I answered above about JJ and Tylee. Chad's adult kids were in Southern California for Thanksgiving but did not go to HI either time. MOO.

ETA2: Tammy was dead by Thanksgiving but I assumed you meant Lori. We don't know where Lori was for Thanksgiving but she didn't go to see Colby. MOO.
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Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

Basically the court is denying Justin access to the 911 call from TD’s death.

ETA it is denied because...
“The legislative intent underlying the section is to prevent the premature disclosure of information that may compromise an investigation, the state’s case in court, or the defendant’s right to a fair trial.”
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"once you look beneath the surface, especially on the neighbor islands"... is that the little ones around Kauai? or the bigger islands?
Just to give everyone some background:

The state is Hawaii. The islands are, from east to west, Hawaii Island (the Big Island), Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai. There are also a couple of smaller islands, Kahoolawe (uninhabited) and Niihau(private to one extended family, no one can go ashore there) for a total of 8 main islands. The state capital, Honolulu, is on the island of Oahu. There are 137 tiny islands and atolls stretching for a couple thousand miles past Midway to Kure atoll. But Kauai is the westernmost main island where people live or travel to. I think there is still a small military presence on Midway but I'm not sure. All the main islands except Oahu are sometimes referred to as the neighbor islands. Las Vegas is often called the 9th island because people who live here like to go to Vegas.

The island populations are:
Oahu - 876,000
Hawaii - 150,000
Maui - 118,000
Kauai - 58,000
Lanai - 3,200
Molokai - 7,400
Niihau - 160
Kahoolawe - 0

Compare that with Rexburg (28,000), Chandler and Gilbert (each about 250,000)

The bottom line is most people in the state of Hawaii live in Honolulu, which is a big modern city. On the neighbor islands life can be quite different, which is why many of us choose to live here. And while the state has authority on all the islands, it does not always have the resources to enforce its authority so in many ways things just are not pursued and the situation is not unlike the wild west. Each island has one or two main tourist areas where things are more like the mainland, or at least how tourists expect Hawaii to be, but outside of those areas, it's quite a bit different.

Here is an example of how crazy it can get here. There is a road that the State built illegally in the 1960s on land owned by the Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL). DHHL is a state agency that is the trustee for a federal trust created by an act of congress in 1921 to set aside a huge amount of land for the exclusive benefit of native Hawaiians for farming and other activities. The land does not belong to the state. It belongs to a trust. The state was sued decades ago for illegally using Hawaiian Homelands for other purposes. It settled for several hundred million dollars at the time. But the state never paid. The state wants to enforce the law on that road (which it has done illegally for decades). It tried to transfer the road to the department of transportation and make it a state highway a few years ago so the police can enforce the law on the road. It made the legal transfer but still never paid. So the title transfer was probably illegal. To correct it the state needs to pay the original amount plus interest, over a billion dollars! That is about 8% of the entire state budget. There is little hope the state will ever be able to pay that. Unfortunately, these messy situations like this are common here. So everyone just closes their eyes and ignores the problem.

At a resort or in Princeville, Lori and Chad would be in tourist areas. Kapaa, where they went to church is a little touristy but also very local. By the way, Hanalei, which you mentioned is close to Princeville.

I don't think there is much chance that the disorder in the state will help L&C in any way. But I think it is important for people here to realize that if the focus does move to Hawaii and trying to get them back to Idaho, don't be surprised if you see all kinds of unbelievable craziness.
My thinking was going the way yours is explaining it at the end. I just can't see the sheriff throwing the coroner under the bus. Plus, the way the state law describes the duties, the sheriff really has responsibility in whatever the ultimate decision is here as well. I also think that description of "refusing the autopsy" is, as someone else discussed a bit earlier in the thread, kind of inflamatory sounding but could be pretty innocent. "Do you see any need to do an autopsy?" (because the corner and sheriff don't, but are trying to give good service) and Chad saying, "Not really, unless you think there is a reason." But that could be termed by someone refusing the autopsy.
Well, in Chad's case, I kind of doubt he was asking "unless you think there is a reason."
No, I don't believe the kids went with them. The kids were not in the Nov 5th wedding photos and photographer didn't see them. We have also heard from the lady they approached on Nov 7th about renting a room and they didn't mention Tylee and JJ. They mentioned having adult children only and that their adult children might visit them in HI later. The kids have not been seen since Sept (Sept 23 for JJ and an unknown Sept date for Tylee). No one saw the kids on Thanksgiving as far as we know. LE have also repeatedly said there is no evidence the kids were ever in Hawaii with Lori and Chad. MOO.

ETA: I just realized you may have meant Chad's adult kids. I answered above about JJ and Tylee. Chad's adult kids were in Southern California for Thanksgiving but did not go to HI either time. MOO.

ETA2: Tammy was dead by Thanksgiving but I assumed you meant Lori. We don't know where Lori was for Thanksgiving but she didn't go to see Colby. MOO.
Yes I meant Lori of course and Tylee and Jj where were they for both Tylee's birthday in September and Thanksgiving. We know Chad was with his kids for Thanksgiving but we don't know about Lori, Tylee, JJ or Colby,
Febuary 11,2020
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
Just to give everyone some background:

The state is Hawaii. The islands are, from east to west, Hawaii Island (the Big Island), Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai. There are also a couple of smaller islands, Kahoolawe (uninhabited) and Niihau(private to one extended family, no one can go ashore there) for a total of 8 main islands. The state capital, Honolulu, is on the island of Oahu. There are 137 tiny islands and atolls stretching for a couple thousand miles past Midway to Kure atoll. But Kauai is the westernmost main island where people live or travel to. I think there is still a small military presence on Midway but I'm not sure. All the main islands except Oahu are sometimes referred to as the neighbor islands. Las Vegas is often called the 9th island because people who live here like to go to Vegas.

The island populations are:
Oahu - 876,000
Hawaii - 150,000
Maui - 118,000
Kauai - 58,000
Lanai - 3,200
Molokai - 7,400
Niihau - 160
Kahoolawe - 0

Compare that with Rexburg (28,000), Chandler and Gilbert (each about 250,000)

The bottom line is most people in the state of Hawaii live in Honolulu, which is a big modern city. On the neighbor islands life can be quite different, which is why many of us choose to live here. And while the state has authority on all the islands, it does not always have the resources to enforce its authority so in many ways things just are not pursued and the situation is not unlike the wild west. Each island has one or two main tourist areas where things are more like the mainland, or at least how tourists expect Hawaii to be, but outside of those areas, it's quite a bit different.

Here is an example of how crazy it can get here. There is a road that the State built illegally in the 1960s on land owned by the Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL). DHHL is a state agency that is the trustee for a federal trust created by an act of congress in 1921 to set aside a huge amount of land for the exclusive benefit of native Hawaiians for farming and other activities. The land does not belong to the state. It belongs to a trust. The state was sued decades ago for illegally using Hawaiian Homelands for other purposes. It settled for several hundred million dollars at the time. But the state never paid. The state wants to enforce the law on that road (which it has done illegally for decades). It tried to transfer the road to the department of transportation and make it a state highway a few years ago so the police can enforce the law on the road. It made the legal transfer but still never paid. So the title transfer was probably illegal. To correct it the state needs to pay the original amount plus interest, over a billion dollars! That is about 8% of the entire state budget. There is little hope the state will ever be able to pay that. Unfortunately, these messy situations like this are common here. So everyone just closes their eyes and ignores the problem.

At a resort or in Princeville, Lori and Chad would be in tourist areas. Kapaa, where they went to church is a little touristy but also very local. By the way, Hanalei, which you mentioned is close to Princeville.

I don't think there is much chance that the disorder in the state will help L&C in any way. But I think it is important for people here to realize that if the focus does move to Hawaii and trying to get them back to Idaho, don't be surprised if you see all kinds of unbelievable craziness.

Awesome info .. do you have any ideas of what kind of craziness could happen? I’m hoping they run out of money ASAP, and have no other choice but to return back to Idaho. How well can Hawai’i hide a person with no money (assuming their cash isn’t endless)? ETA moo
So I must have missed this. CD and Lvd went hawaii to marry Nov 5th then came back to idaho? I did not realize that, how did I miss that. Then left again because of welfare check.
Crazy imo

Come on. They had to fly into HI. Just get airlines to look up records. Cannot use fake name or id these days. Unless they arrived private jet. Even then, has to be a log.
Or cruised in. Either way, there are records.
Did anyone hear the chatter in the studio that they must have forgotten to edit out, when they played the footage of Lori and Chad walking into the church a second time. It sounds like someone says 'oof, look at her...' :D

about 3.30 minutes into the video

I got "Ugh...lookit how...." But that might be because I thought the newscaster was as grossed out as I am.
Yes I meant Lori of course and Tylee and Jj where were they for both Tylee's birthday in September and Thanksgiving. We know Chad was with his kids for Thanksgiving but we don't know about Lori, Tylee, JJ or Colby,

Colby said in his interview that Nov 27th (day before Thanksgiving) was the last time he spoke to Lori. Colby called Lori on the phone after LE came to his house asking if JJ and Tylee were there. Lori said “I got it, I’ll take care of it,” and that was it: RAW INTERVIEW: Full 42 minutes with Colby Ryan
Awesome info .. do you have any ideas of what kind of craziness could happen? I’m hoping they run out of money ASAP, and have no other choice but to return back to Idaho. How well can Hawai’i hide a person with no money (assuming their cash isn’t endless)? ETA moo
I have no idea. I don't think the State will object to returning them to Idaho. But don't be surprised to see perhaps a length battle surrounding whether Hawaii is a sovereign country and so forth. The Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown by US Marines in 1898 at the request of sugar barons. So that sovereignty argument is often used (though seldom works).

There are some alternative (traditional) dispute resolution processes that people here have a right to as an alternative to trial (ho'oponopono). It would be amusing to see the Idaho prosecutors sitting down with them for that process.

They have a right to have any proceedings conducted in the Hawaiian language complete with translators.

Silly, crazy, but I've seen crazier stuff in the courts here!

If they are true believers they only have to delay until July.
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CR and Tylee's aunt has a blog that mentions the Venmo payments and that CR lost his job and vehicles which were both registered to CV. One taken by LE and one repossessed.

ETA. Will add link here.

Lori Vallow Daybell, Mother Of Two Missing Kids, ‘Unhinged And Untethered,' Relative Says


Timeline of Events Around the Disappearance of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow -

Check out 2/1/20 entry.

Is Colby's aunt in contact with him? I hope so!
I can tell you ID LE is trying very hard to keep things tidy here in the investigation. The only responses I've gotten have been "thank you", "yes, we've received this", or nothing at all. I hope they don't feel I'm fishing for information from the investigation. I know what I've contributed. They have been good at listening and as is evidenced by coordinating with Kauai PD, they're active and on this as deliberately as possible. I can see no reason to let Justin have the 911 call for the reasons stated in the letter.
MOO: I can imagine the status and location of the children is the highest priority. Knowing what happened to Tammy, how it happened, and who may be culpable in this case are probably directly tied to that priority given the histories of all involved parties.
Catching up on everything since yesterday... Is it weird that I find all of the story titles beginning with "Cult Mom..." hilarious?

I'm glad they were seen on Sunday, meaning that 1) they didn't flee, 2) they are still alive. MOO
Brits are so "stoic".......but their headlines are ALWAYS over the top....

<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
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apologies! i found this article that states that CR said that LV commonly used TRs account to send him money and that CR texted with TR thru october but wasn’t able to facetime or actually talk on the phone with her. disregard my prev post :)

Lori Vallow's adult son speaks out about his mother's lies and his stepfather's death
Something is up here....I’ll have to rewatch his video to be sure. But, didn’t he say he also say he wasn’t talking to his Mom during this time? Lori is sending him $$= they would have to be talking(IMO). Wouldn’t he call her to thank her? Yet he doesn’t even know where she is living? It’s rather interesting (and convenient) the questions he didn’t ask Lori (both the day of Charles’ shooting & the day Lori left Arizona). Strange.
Come on. They had to fly into HI. Just get airlines to look up records. Cannot use fake name or id these days. Unless they arrived private jet. Even then, has to be a log.
Or cruised in. Either way, there are records.
They were looking for a place to rent in early November. So they planned to move to Kauai by that time. The welfare check either accelerated their plans or if was just coincidence that they left then. If they shipped stuff and it arrived in the first week of December they probably would have had to have shipped it before the welfare check.

Private jet is expensive but may not generate any kind of log. Cruises produce TSA records just like flights.
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