Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019

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Explain why no one has seen the kids since September, then?

A good question and I'm not sure I have a good answer. MOO for all of this.

You would think, given the publicity, that anyone who lived in the apartment complex Lori lived in who knew they had seen them more recently than September would have said something. We've got a period from 9/23 until at least sometime in the last half of October where they would presumably have been living in that apartment and there aren't any other good theories to explain where else they might have been then. Of course if you're an adult or, given that this is a college town, maybe a college student, you might not pay that much attention to the kids that live near you. If I lived next door to them and recognized them as being from the apartment next door and I knew I saw them sometime a few months ago I'm not sure how certain I would be that it was after September 23rd or before if it was sometime in September or October at this point in time. I'd say if I'd seen them in the last couple weeks, maybe even in the last month, I might be certain, but at this point it sounds like no one has been there for about 3 weeks, so that's not likely.

Sometime after Chad's wife died in mid-October they could have moved into his house. That house is rural enough (this based on my seeing the address somewhere and looking using Google earth street view) that I can easily see no one picking up on them being there. Of course moving in right after her death doesn't look good, but given that he married her something like two weeks after the wife's death, I'm not sure that would have been on their radar as something not to do.
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Well, no one actually saw then "take off" that we know of. The kids weren't at the apartment when the police came by to check on them (or at least they weren't there that the police know of). That's when they said they were in AZ. Beyond that do we really know they were or weren't there.

Something else struck me. The address where they did the welfare check and presumably where the kids were believed to live with their mother and presumably Chad was an apartment in Rexburg. But Chad and his deceased wife based on something else I saw lived north of Rexburg, kind of in the Salem area, but just across the Madison/Fremont county line. (Hence the reason the Fremont police were involved in some of this.)

Given the timing of everything and the potential that the apartment might have a lease that wasn't up yet I can see how they might have continued maintaining both houses. I guess Chad might have moved in with Lori and if he was renting the house it would be out of the picture.

But what are the odds that they did have access to both places and were spending most of their time at the house out in the sticks? Maybe when the police came by looking for them at the apartment the kids were actually at the other house. Throw in some paranoia about the government or whatever and I can Chad and Lori claiming they were in AZ since that wouldn't be easily and quickly proven or disproven. They could have then grabbed the kids and taken off. This is obviously MOO or whatever acronym means throwing out unfounded theories that could maybe be. :)

BBM. Actually, the police came to do a welfare check on Joshua. They were told he was in AZ. At some point in the investigation regarding the welfare of Joshua, LE found out about Tylee.
Who exactly wouldn't be upset if their brother was killed? And the guy who killed him claimed self-defense, and brother was dead and couldn't present his side of the story? By the way Lori is much younger than Charles, and I wonder how old the brother was? If he is similar in age to Lori, he would also be much younger than Charles. And how believable is it that Charles would attack Lori's brother was a baseball bat? I don't see grandparents as toxic whatsoever. And if they asked for welfare check for the grandchild, how would it be wrong? After all the child is missing and nowhere to be found. He is special needs and on medication. And by the way grandparents have no biological connection to Tylee, so they certainly wouldn't be asking to have custody of her. What would be the point of hiding her?
I was speaking as if maybe Lori thought they were toxic... not that I thought they were. Sorry if that was unclear. Sometimes that happens even when there isn't an actual toxicity.
A good question and I'm not sure I have a good answer. MOO for all of this.

You would think, given the publicity, that anyone who lived in the apartment complex Lori lived in who knew they had seen them more recently than September would have said something. We've got a period from 9/23 until at least sometime in the last half of October where they would presumably have been living in that apartment and there aren't any other good theories to explain where else they might have been then. Of course if you're an adult or, given that this is a college town, maybe a college student, you might not pay that much attention to the kids that live near you. If I lived next door to them and recognized them as being from the apartment next door and I knew I saw them sometime a few months ago I'm not sure how certain I would be that it was after September 23rd or before if it was sometime in September or October at this point in time. I'd say if I'd seen them in the last couple weeks, maybe even in the last month, I might be certain, but at this point it sounds like no one has been there for about 3 weeks, so that's not likely.

Sometime after Chad's wife died in mid-October they could have moved into his house. That house is rural enough (this based on my seeing the address somewhere and looking using Google earth street view) that I can easily see no one picking up on them being there. Of course moving in right after her death doesn't look good, but given that he married her something like two weeks after the wife's death, I'm not sure that would have been on their radar as something not to do.
The welfare check was being done on 565 Pioneer road in Rexburg, per the police press release. So, it certainly doesn't appear they moved into the rural house.

I agree to a point. But, why lie and run? Why not just produce/prove healthy children to LE and then hire an attorney to "fight" ex-husband's family? I mean, they appear to be hiding behind an attorney now anyway... and it only seems to be getting worse the longer they hide. JMO
MOO - I think this has to do with the mentality of the group of people they are involved with = Paranoid of officials/government. They don't trust many other than themselves thinking everyone else is deceived. If they think the threat is connected to or coming from LE and/or the Vallow Bio grandparents I could see them going into this hyper paranoid mode. That's just based on what I know of those who function in those groups.
If she were there, the media wouldn't be reporting that the children hadn't been seen since Sept.

If the police saw her, you're right. But what the media is saying isn't that no one has seen her. It is that the police haven't been able to find anyone who has seen either. Just semantics, I know, but pertinent. I think the police put this out to the media, at least in part, hoping to find that someone actually has seen them and will clue them in. MOO
If the police saw her, you're right. But what the media is saying isn't that no one has seen her. It is that the police haven't been able to find anyone who has seen either. Just semantics, I know, but pertinent. I think the police put this out to the media, at least in part, hoping to find that someone actually has seen them and will clue them in. MOO
Police have said in their press release that Tylee hasn't been seen since September.
I wonder how the police know that the children were not with them when Lori and Chad fled Rexburg? Was that reported by a neighbor or were they seen on surveillance somewhere? If the former, did said neighbor ever see the children around?
I wonder how the police know that the children were not with them when Lori and Chad fled Rexburg? Was that reported by a neighbor or were they seen on surveillance somewhere? If the former, did said neighbor ever see the children around?
Could well be surveillance cameras. The address are apartment buildings. Likely they do have surveillance cameras.
If the police saw her, you're right. But what the media is saying isn't that no one has seen her. It is that the police haven't been able to find anyone who has seen either. Just semantics, I know, but pertinent. I think the police put this out to the media, at least in part, hoping to find that someone actually has seen them and will clue them in. MOO
So if everything that's been said by LE, the media, AND JJ's family/BB is ALL incorrect then Lori could be completely innocent and just paranoid and the kids could be ok? I hope you see how illogical your argument is. I think I've gone through this enough, there is zero chance LE, the media, and the family are all lying.
The welfare check was being done on 565 Pioneer road in Rexburg, per the police press release. So, it certainly doesn't appear they moved into the rural house.

Right, that's the apartment. That they found Lori and Chad there means something, but I don't think it precludes them and the kids spending most of their time at the rural house during the month of November. MOO
So if everything that's been said by LE, the media, AND JJ's family/BB is ALL incorrect then Lori could be completely innocent and just paranoid and the kids could be ok? I hope you see how illogical your argument is. I think I've gone through this enough, there is zero chance LE, the media, and the family are all lying.

To be clear, I'm not arguing that the kids are okay. If forced to bet one way or the other, I'm afraid I'd bet on them not being okay. The media is only reporting what they're told. If the kids are okay (something that Chad's family, at least his kids and some of their families have been arguing in social media) then maybe, at least where the kids are concerned, Lori could be just paranoid. Again, I'm not arguing that is the case. I just think we're assuming things not in evidence in some cases. That's all.
MOO - has anyone else considered this? There seems to be one "family member" who actually legally isn't, who is saying most of the nasty stuff about Lori. There is the possibility it's not true. She has a biological tie to one of the children and reason to be upset since JULY. If she has been talking trash, out of grief, to any and everyone since then it would bring in a lot of the weirdness that seems to have everyone sidetracked.
When I was a kid, every LDS member had to have one year of food on hand. I don't know if this is still true. Unless you are LDS, you won't understand their beliefs. If you take all that out, what is left?
Adoptive vs birthparent family dispute with plenty of hurt feelings. The last siteing is just the last time the boy was at school. And there are so many reasons that school may not have been a good fit for a special needs child. The school would have reported anything amiss, as so many have pointed out, and it seems they have not.
Maybe their judgement was lacking, but they both tragically lost spouces, they were long time friends, heck maybe they thought by getting married Lori had a better chance of keeping custody of JJ if that is in fact something that is on the line. No one has heard their side, or even much from LE. Sure, they could be huge jerks. But, you can be a jerk and not be a murderer.
Like I said, moo.

Well Chad and Lori could clear things up anytime they want. And lying to LE about where the children are, makes them more than jerks. MOO.
MOO - has anyone else considered this? There seems to be one "family member" who actually legally isn't, who is saying most of the nasty stuff about Lori. There is the possibility it's not true. She has a biological tie to one of the children and reason to be upset since JULY. If she has been talking trash, out of grief, to any and everyone since then it would bring in a lot of the weirdness that seems to have everyone sidetracked.
When I was a kid, every LDS member had to have one year of food on hand. I don't know if this is still true. Unless you are LDS, you won't understand their beliefs. If you take all that out, what is left?
Adoptive vs birthparent family dispute with plenty of hurt feelings. The last siteing is just the last time the boy was at school. And there are so many reasons that school may not have been a good fit for a special needs child. The school would have reported anything amiss, as so many have pointed out, and it seems they have not.
Maybe their judgement was lacking, but they both tragically lost spouces, they were long time friends, heck maybe they thought by getting married Lori had a better chance of keeping custody of JJ if that is in fact something that is on the line. No one has heard their side, or even much from LE. Sure, they could be huge jerks. But, you can be a jerk and not be a murderer.
Like I said, moo.

Well Chad and Lori could clear things up anytime they want. And lying to LE about where the children are, makes them more than jerks. MOO.
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