IF the DEATH PENALTY wasn't on the table would the the Anthonys still try to save her

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If the DEATH PENALTY wasn't on the table would the Anthonys still try to save ICA?

  • Yes "absolutely"

    Votes: 269 73.5%
  • No not a chance

    Votes: 31 8.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 66 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes I think the As would protect ICA even if the DP weren't on the table. Heck, I think they would fight a speeding ticket if they had it on video with ICA flashing the camera the bird.

Whenever I hear the TH's say that the Anthony's don't want Casey to receive the DP, but they do want the "truth", I feel nauseated. They DO NOT want the truth, they not only don't want the DP, they also don't want Casey to be convicted. They want her to walk. The "we don't want the DP" talk was (IMO) ALL for show, just like the Bibles they carry to court.
you know, the Anthonys could have put a screeching halt to this debacle years ago had they simply refused to lie, to mislead, to deliberately omit or miscontstrue information. Had these people forced her hand, told her when she was out on bond if they had o wait to get her alone that they were through with her crap and they were going to spill their guts to the cops and be forthright with them for the first time, that they still loved her and would support her, but only if she told the truth and allowed them to have a decent burial for little Caylee, it would have been a game-changer. It's one thing to be at home with your family, out on bond, enjoying their love and support and the comforts of home, and quite another to be sitting in a jail cell with nobody to put money on your books or accept your collect calls. She basked in the devotion of her family while they died inside. But I will always blame them for their enabling. I empathize, but there's always that.
Whenever I hear the TH's say that the Anthony's don't want Casey to receive the DP, but they do want the "truth", I feel nauseated. They DO NOT want the truth, they not only don't want the DP, they also don't want Casey to be convicted. They want her to walk. The "we don't want the DP" talk was (IMO) ALL for show, just like the Bibles they carry to court.

You mean the Bibles they were carrying. Those burst into flames yesterday. They need to pick up new ones every morning.
OK peeps. Disagree with the post and never with the poster. If you need a refresher on the TOS, it is right here for you:


The topic of this thread is: If the DP were NOT on the table, would ICA's family lie for her.

Get on back to that topic pronto please.
i tend toward "probably not"

i just have to say one thing. how many of the people on this board have experienced what the anthony's are going through? i'm a survivor of the homicide of my daughter and soon after her death found that the only people who understood me had also suffered the loss of a child by homicide. i can't judge these people. i cannot pretend to know what they have endured and are enduring.

3. her parents have suffered enough.

snipped for space

Let me first say I'm so terribly sorry for your loss.

The Original Topic of this thread is if the DP was off the table would they still try to save her. Of course we all have our opinions and I always enjoy what others are, even if they aren't the same as mine.

You are right, I do not know what it's like to be in the Anthony's shoes. I couldn't imagine losing my grandchild at the hands of my child. Honestly, I can't. I also can't fathom lying to each and every person and now a jury about the events of that time in order to protect the person accused. If I honestly believed this person was innocent, the lies wouldn't be necessary!

Casey lied about the kidnapping and pretty much everything Casey/Caylee related however, I think, had that been my child that lied to me for years about a job, lied for 31 days about the child being fine, I would've had a clue that the nanny story was also a lie. I think after all the nanny stories didn't add up I would've suspected that something sinister happened to my grandchild. I would've demanded answers, I wouldn't have intentionally misled anyone that was trying to help.

With that being said, I also can't imagine how my family would ever find ourselves in that position in the first place.
Question: I know it's gruesome, but does anyone know if Caylee's body was placed in the bags head first or feet fiirst?

Comment: how dare Casey complain that LE and the media were misconstuing everything she said. Her whole life was misconstrued!:banghead:
CA and ICA don't think the law has any bearing on them, they are way above that kind of stuff.

If ICA gets off she will write a book, make GOBS of money, and make Lindsay Lohan look like a girl scout.

...Ahhhh..you nailed it. ICA idolizes LL. I bet she keeps up on her via her TV at night. She even copied her tattoo. My opinion is that she visualizes herself as Linday Lohan. She believes she is as good looking as LL and should be treated legally the same way.

As for her parents wanting to save her? They have saved her her entire life. If she was arrested for jay walking, they would plead for her not to get ticketed. They adore her beauty and that is their problem. They have told her how beautiful she is at all times and have excused her behavior due to it. Looks are very important in George and Cindy's world.
I voted "I don't know". I feel as though I'm a broken record on these polls, because the Anthony's baffle me so much. Just when I think I've figured them out, something even more bizarre comes up.

I just feel so very sorry for little Caylee. She truly deserved so much more. Cindy & George showered her with material objects, toys, clothes, and the like. She was always dressed beautifully and her hair all done up cute. Sadly, I think that was all for show. I think that was the Anthony's idea of what "love" is. It was as if to say "Look how much we love Caylee -- look at all the things she has!!"

But.... when it came down to the times that Caylee REALLY needed to be shown love by her grandparents -- GENUINE love... they let her down, terribly. They still tarnish her memory and let her down, to this day... all in the name of their murderous, psychopathic, evil daughter. JMO.

Cindy loves a fight.

She sure does, Emma. She thrives on it!! Her new cause...saving casey.
Question: I know it's gruesome, but does anyone know if Caylee's body was placed in the bags head first or feet fiirst?

Comment: how dare Casey complain that LE and the media were misconstuing everything she said. Her whole life was misconstrued!:banghead:

My guess would be feet first.
As a brand-newb here perhaps I don't have the right to say this, but thank you for your courage in voicing your opinion
which appears to be against the majority here, based upon my brief readings on Websleuths. (great site!)

Wow, each post of mine here is quite long -- I do apologize, don't mean to go on & on, nor ramble. I'll try to be more concise in future.
But I'm going to write another post regarding your anti-death penalty points after this...

Thanks all, for putting up with a verbose newbie :)


I agree with pretty much everything you said! I haven't had to deal with a death of a close relative yet. I lost my grandmother and two cousin in a tragic car accident, but I was too young to remember it. So the only thing I've mourned is my dog. It was during exams, I came home and found him poisoned. He used to get out at night and go after the neighbours sheep. We locked him up, but he somehow found a way out. I cried on and off the whole week. I even started crying durig an exam and had to go to the principal! I never got another dog. I buried him and for the next couple of months went and visited him sometimes and mourned him. I gave my dog more dignity and respect in death, than Casey did her own daughter.

You will never be able to convince me a mother threw away her daughter like trash, if there was nothing criminal to hide. Never.
OK peeps. Disagree with the post and never with the poster. If you need a refresher on the TOS, it is right here for you:


The topic of this thread is: If the DP were NOT on the table, would ICA's family lie for her.

Get on back to that topic pronto please.

For my part I so regret & am sorry for going off on tangents within these threads -- I truly AM sorry, but rest assured I am learning

But please also understand that as a newbie, unable to start any top-level threads;
without thinking of the rules here, it is like cats to catnip to find something similar regarding CA & Caylee, indeed the entire trail,
and not jump in OT to mention other things that have caught one's attention & would desire answers to.

May I ask, what is the purpose of this rule regarding no top-level posts for a number of days or posts? On my behalf, at the minimum, I have to try to fit in some opinions/ideas regarding Caylee's death where they are certainly not the OP topic but are tangentially connected.

Is this because of trolls?
If so, wouldn't the moderators be able to quicklynip those rude, disrespectful, etc. below-bridge dwellers right in the bud

and ban them?

I agree with pretty much everything you said! I haven't had to deal with a death of a close relative yet. I lost my grandmother and two cousin in a tragic car accident, but I was too young to remember it. So the only thing I've mourned is my dog. It was during exams, I came home and found him poisoned. He used to get out at night and go after the neighbours sheep. We locked him up, but he somehow found a way out. I cried on and off the whole week. I even started crying durig an exam and had to go to the principal! I never got another dog. I buried him and for the next couple of months went and visited him sometimes and mourned him. I gave my dog more dignity and respect in death, than Casey did her own daughter.

You will never be able to convince me a mother threw away her daughter like trash, if there was nothing criminal to hide. Never.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog.
Although I am sure there is a huge difference between losing ones pet and losing a child, that is the closest we parents of non-human kids can get to how terrible it is for a mother &/or father losing one of their progeny :(

And I do agree 100%-to-infinity your last sentence.
And, as Dr. G said:
(paraphrased): 'there is no reason for duct tape to be put on any child's face'!

A very important statement!
I truly hope the jury remembers that, and remembers it well.
im gonna go out and limb and say that even if CA gets the death penatly her parents will still support her and go visit her while she is in jail
My guess would be feet first.

I'm only wondering because it seems like it would be much more difficult to do it feet first. Also, in my mind, she should want to have her daughter's face out of site as quickly as possible. She must truly be a monster.
im gonna go out and limb and say that even if CA gets the death penatly her parents will still support her and go visit her while she is in jail

I agree and I think no matter what the circustances are they will try to save her. The lies are remarkable if you take into account that they can be proven to be lies.

CA has to know that the SAO has proof she's lying yet she still does it. WHY? Is it just to save face with ICA? Does she think she'll get a visit or two? I just don't get it.
anything that says "-snipped-" is respectfully snipped by me for length!

Thank YOU for responding, not only informatively but so kindly! :)

Well, y'know, that freakazoid family could indeed be like the Simpsons and only have a total of 4 digits on each hand
...but still, my math skillz puts somebody out of the house and out of the pie-in-the-sky Happy Anthony Family Reunion (TM)

and the only one who could be omitted would be poor, lost Caylee. :cry:

you're very welcome! and i don't remember if it was a poster on here or valhall at the hinky meter, but someone else mentioned this conversation and how idealistic it is considering that the ring finger amputated the pinky!!!! :banghead: i LOL'd at the simpsons hand... too funny!!! :floorlaugh:

on a more serious note was so sad to read about your little kitty... :( poor little thing, poor you. i once had a very traumatic experience with driving a cat to an emergency vet - he died in my friend's arms on the way there... it was my fault, he was a stray cat and he ran into the road and i tried to avoid him and i DID successfully avoid him... only to have him run back under my car and get hit by the back tire. i still think about it even though it was maybe 8 years ago now, and i don't think i shall ever get over it. i rescued 2 strays in his honor, and i am so happy to share a home with these two quirky but deserving cats, but it did not dissolve the feelings of guilt AT ALL that i hit a poor cat and ended his life. TOTALLY OT, apologies for that, but i think we can really see from this board that many WSers show more care and compassion to animals than ICA showed her own daughter, and that is utterly tragic.

i tend toward "probably not"

i just have to say one thing. how many of the people on this board have experienced what the anthony's are going through? i'm a survivor of the homicide of my daughter and soon after her death found that the only people who understood me had also suffered the loss of a child by homicide. i can't judge these people. i cannot pretend to know what they have endured and are enduring. -snipped-

i am terribly sorry for your loss. i cannot imagine. thank you so much for your perspective. i am not entirely sure how i feel about the DP (i am anti-war, vegetarian because i can't bear the thought of eating a dead animal, and the type of person who literally feels guilty about killing ANTS). theoretically i "should" be opposed to this given my other beliefs, but... i waver on this. your perspective has given me great food for thought, so many thanks.

Thank you for the welcome!
As I've mentioned a few times, I unfortunately tend to write long posts,
and I DO know that the longer the post the less it is likely to be read :(

This should be short: You mentioned that Casey A had mentioned (how many times, I wonder?) Caylee in the past tense:

Would you have any links or quotes for that?
That is something I'd love to examine!

Thanks again! :hi:


i must say, i do enjoy your posts and am happy to read them, long or not! i am a verbose newb myself though, who knows how the veterans feel about us :innocent:

here are links of the two places i have read about this:

recent interview with tracy conroy (originally mclaughlin?), who spent time w/casey while she was out on bond:

For nine days and nights in August 2008, Conroy lived inside the Anthony home and saw firsthand what she described as the “completely narcissistic world” in which Casey operated. “It was always all about her... and when she spoke of Caylee she talked about her in the past tense,” says Conroy. “It was clear to me she knew her daughter was already dead and [the search for Caylee] was all a big game to her.”​

statement analysis by mark mcclish, first place i read the past tense info:

Q. Favorite places to go? I guess Universal is one of them.
A. As a theatrical thing of course but she liked J. Blanchard Park going to
Lake Underhill and walk around the lake.
Q. Where about in the park did she like the best?
A. The playgrounds. She liked to just attempt to run around Lake Underhill.
She liked to go and walk the big trail at J. Blanchard Park.
Q. That’s a big trail.
A. She loved that.

I had mentioned that when telling a story the person should be using past tense language. An exception to that rule is when talking about a missing person. Family members want to believe their missing loved one is alive and well. Therefore, they will always talk about them using present tense language. When a family member talks about the missing person using past tense language, they are revealing to us that they know the person is dead. Four times Casey refers to Caylee in the past tense. Many missing child cases are solved by listening to the verb tenses.​

now, so that i am not totally off topic, i must say am very curious to see what the anthonys have in store for us in the coming trial days. i do wholeheartedly believe they will do what they can to save her, even if this motion that the DP is unconstitutional goes through and her max sentence is LWOP. i still believe even in that case the anthonys would try to get her off. i do not know what that family would do if they became whole again (okay they will never be whole w/o caylee, but as whole as they can get i suppose), how they would even begin to move past something like this, but i am pretty sure they would want to be able to try. i am curious to see what they come up with! i think in this phase they will grasp at straws, whatever they can do to get her off. in the penalty phase i think we might see some more believable emotion from them as they literally beg for her life - which i think the jury will be more sympathetic to than lies (IMO) to get her acquitted.
i tend toward "probably not"

i just have to say one thing. how many of the people on this board have experienced what the anthony's are going through? i'm a survivor of the homicide of my daughter and soon after her death found that the only people who understood me had also suffered the loss of a child by homicide. i can't judge these people. i cannot pretend to know what they have endured and are enduring.
i am up to day 26 on wftv, watching the trial. i have read and listened extensively from wftv's resource page. my belief at this time is that CA was essentially unable to address the possibility that Caylee was dead before the bones were found. consequently she HAD to go by what Casey told her even as the proof of the lying grew and grew and grew. LE had no such investment; they knew from the get that Caylee was dead and that Casey had killed her.
i believe there was a dynamic in place, from listening to the phone call from jail and watching the video visits, in which Casey just pulled her parents' strings unmercifully, and they just did not have the strength, or confidence, or what-have-you, to respond in kind. at least not when somebody else was listening...
still haven't gotten to the recent testimony. those are long days in court and i have a job. it's june 10th here and that's where i'm at.
as i recall the DP poll was closed before i could vote, or comment, and i want to weigh in on that as well. i am against it for a number of reasons.
1. i am philosophically opposed to the death penalty because i do not believe that people should kill people. i stand against all war for the same reason, though i can recognize that some war is inevitable from one side's perspective.
2. nobody saw Caylee get killed. there is no video, no audio, no witness. consequently there will always be doubt as to how she died. this is not the same as reasonable doubt as to whether her mother murdered her, which i believe there is none and casey should be convicted for 1st degree.
3. her parents have suffered enough.
4. casey is very young. in prison she can still potentially achieve something good in her life. see number 1.

I'm so sorry for your loss

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