IF They Are Cleared..

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Sorry if posting in the wrong place.. but I do want to state my general opinion.. please dont be angry.

The Mccanns are both late parents, they are mammals, they have at least enough money to take vacations that include their children..

Child mortality in Europe is not higher than anywhere else..maybe I am wrong?

How many mammals leave their young unattended to go "relax"

As a parent and grandparent..when the kids are with me I can barely go to the bathroom without worry, when I do not hear them.. even though they are playing near me.. I have to go check.. a good % of the time they are getting into a NO-NO..

If loaded the car and suddenly I realize I forgot something at home.. we all go back to get it..

How can any human leave their kids for hours to be with friends and drink even if it was the room next door and be so relaxed about it?

their kids never have to pee at night?
never toss and turn?
never cry?
If in Europe it was normal to neglect children, would they not have a higher mortality rate?
kids put anything in their mouth, they are not aware of handling dangerous items ..is not that the main reasons we pay people to care for them and we go out of our way to protect them when young?
If nothing else, they need to go to jail for neglect!

hope its not in the wrong thread,, if it is.. sorry to all
If in Europe it was normal to neglect children, would they not have a higher mortality rate?

It isn't normal for people in Europe to neglect their kids, this is one case in a country full of millions of people, I don't quite know how you came to the conclusion that it is normal in Europe just because one couple actually did neglect their kids.
anyone that neglectful that after the consequences still has no remorse but puts his/her vanity first.. you have to wonder what else they are capable of?
The reason I did say that in Europe if it was common practice to neglect children they would have a higher mortality rate was just to prove the point that this is not normal behavior.
So this couple showed themselves abnormally selfish even with their small children.
I bet they would protect their medical degree with more care than they did those kids.
That in their pursue for fan and relaxation they gave sedatives to this children seeing their abnormally high desire for self gratification and vanity, is not farfetched at all.
If in Europe it was normal to neglect children, would they not have a higher mortality rate?

Not sure if I understand you, are you saying a child must die or get hurt in order for the parents to be neglectful?
Not sure if I understand you, are you saying a child must die or get hurt in order for the parents to be neglectful?

Since Desertpea does not use quotes you could not tell that that post was from mlefey.

I read it as:

If everyone was neglectul of their children in the UK, it would stand to reason that the mortality rate would be higher. Since their mortality rate is not higher, it stands to reason that not everyone is neglectful of their children.

At least that's how I read it....I could be wrong.
Not sure if I understand you, are you saying a child must die or get hurt in order for the parents to be neglectful?


I am saying it's not normal for people in the UK to neglect their kids.
Thanks Colomom for explaining that! I still finding odd the connection between mortality rate and negligence. How many parents as we speak are being neglectful? Just because their kids are not dead or the parents haven't being caught does not mean they are not neglectful. IMO.
Thanks Colomom for explaining that! I still finding odd the connection between mortality rate and negligence. How many parents as we speak are being neglectful? Just because their kids are not dead or the parents haven't being caught does not mean they are not neglectful. IMO.

Kids getting neglected is not something that is exclusive to the UK.
That’s exactly what I meant Colomon..thanks

An uncared child is at higher risk of accidents or death than one cared for,
It does not mean every neglected child will die or every cared for child will not get in an accident. But the odds lessen.
Let me be more clear and show this: Fatal child abuse may involve repeated abuse over a period of time (e.g., battered child syndrome), or it may involve a single, impulsive incident (e.g., drowning, suffocating, or shaking a baby). In cases of fatal neglect, the child's death results not from anything the caregiver does, but from a caregiver's failure to act.

The neglect may be chronic (e.g., extended malnourishment) or acute (e.g., an infant who drowns after being left unsupervised in the bathtub).
The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) reported an estimated 1,490 child fatalities in 2004. This translates to a rate of 2.03 children per 100,000 children in the general population. NCANDS defines "child fatality" as the death of a child caused by an injury resulting from abuse or neglect, or where abuse or neglect was a contributing factor.
That’s my point! Not what country does it more or who less, just that if it was common practice anywhere in the world.. It would reflect in the mortality rate of children in that particular place.

If the parents where not involved in the disappearance of Madeleine, they surely are responsible for “failure to act”

And one couple does not represent a country or a continent. I was just making the point clear as to the fact this people at the age of 39, when the urgency to go out and party has long gone away, acted like irresponsible teenagers regarding their small children and bear the blame whether they did it or not.

sorry to be so long winded, will keep it short from now on out.
That’s exactly what I meant Colomon..thanks


BTW mlefey, I do not believe you have been properly welcomed to the forum.

No, it isn't. But it is interesting that Portugal has drawn such criticism about the Madeleine case but has such a good recovery rate for it's missing children.


Thanks for the link Cali.

And that's all it says, no more information, we don't know what the circumstances are surrounding all the other missing children.

From link:

We can also reveal that DNA evidence police hoped to use against the McCanns in court is flawed - and does NOT put Gerry and Kate in the frame.
The source said: "There is quite simply no evidence strong enough to use against the McCanns. Unless a new piece of evidence falls out of the sky - some good forensics which will tie everything together - the case will be closed in a few weeks without conclusion."​

A bungling forensic officer continued vital checks on Gerry and Kate's Renault Scenic hire car despite his latex glove splitting half way through.​

A footprint found on the car - initially regarded as important new evidence - has now been discovered to belong to a Portuguese cop.

There might be a reason there is not enough strong evidence against the McCanns and that reason could be that they didnt actually kill their daughter.
The investigation was flawed from the start.
Keystone cops live on every continent.​
Mistakes in the investigation do not necessarily mean the McCanns are innocent of any involvement in their child's disappearance.

The two events/reality can exist independently of each other, logically speaking.

Think of O.J.'s trial if you must.
Absolutely Texana!

& welcome mlefey, nice to have you here!
IMO, The only way the McCann's will ever be cleared is if Maddie's body is found with someone else and that person confesses.
IMO, The only way the McCann's will ever be cleared is if Maddie's body is found with someone else and that person confesses.

Or if her body is found with evidence that points away from the parents or in a place they could not possibly have put it.
The McCanns will forever be innocent until proven guilty, which isn't going to happen. Convicting the McCanns w/o a body would be impossible, and even if a body is found now, it would be in such a terrible condition that it would be difficult to determine how Madeline died.

If Madeline is found, many people owe the McCanns an apology, but statistics do not favor her being found alive.

I predict we'll all be saying the same things for years to come - another unsolved mystery, another Jon Benet Ramsey case. But, cleared? No.
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